My Bully’s Love

Chapter 33

Chapter 33



I had to get away from her. Ella is my drug, the kind that burns through your whole body when you’re needing another fix. I had just had her, and already I was needing to be inside of her again, but I shouldn’t have taken her this last time because she was still healing from the first time; she’s so pretty when she begs, though. I had wanted to stay and hold her for a while, but my willpower is non-existent when it comes to my Ella addiction, and so I left.

I’m just walking into my house when I get a text from Jude telling me that he and Beth had just picked up their new toy. According to my friend, when I had talked to him earlier, his sub/girlfriend was over the moon with excitement when he told her about their plans for the night. She’s been looking for something new that they could both use, and so she climbed on board, fully knowing what would be at stake, and what they would be doing is a felony if they were found out. I know Jude, though, he’s a pro-at any job he does.

Igrin and reply back, telling him to call if any issues arise. If I know Jude as well as I think I do, I know Madison is in good hands, regardless of whether or not she deserves it. All I want is information, and I

know Jude will get it out of her. You see, Jude has a way when it comes to pleasing women. He likes to work them up and tease them until they are at their breaking point. If there ends up being sex involved tonight, I can guarantee that Madison will be a very willing participant. Jude can find the biggest prude on earth and by the time he is done with them, they will be begging for him to fuck them like a greedy whore.

I know Ethan had told me to inform him of issues as they arise and for me to stay out of trouble, but as long as there are threats to Ella, I will have them taken care of. Everything that has happened to that girl has been all my fault and I will take responsibility for all of my actions. Of course, I will try not to get caught when I have to do the shady shit, I will still do it regardless, because I owe Ella a lot. –

Speaking of Ethan, when I had met with him earlier, it was to go over everything that I had seen and heard the night of the attack. I wasn’t there, so I can’t testify that it was for sure Toby, Brandon, Mason, and Kaylee. I can only say what Ella had repeated to me and even then, that isn’t a sure thing in getting them convicted. Ethan had also asked me about my relationship with Ella. I was completely honest with him when I told him that I was in love with his daughter, but that was all I was going to say about the matter until I’ve talked to Ella. I know that I keep telling her that she’s mine, and I will always consider her as mine, but we haven’t really discussed what we will say to our friends and family, and that is one of the topics that we need to talk about when she comes over for lunch.

My mom is waiting up for me at the island in the kitchen when I come in to grab me a water before going to my room, “Jace, we need to talk.” She has her stern mom voice in place, but I can see concern in her facial expression.

“What is it mom?” My own voice is now laced with concern, thinking something bad has happened.

“What have you been up to, Jace? Are you in some kind of trouble?” I’m taken aback by her questions,

“Why would you think that I’m in some kind of trouble?”

She hesitates for just a moment, “The school called me at work, and told me that you haven’t been there for the last two days,” she glances down as she stirs her chamomile tea that she drinks every night before bed, “When you do go to school, you go straight to work and come back late at night. We don’t even know where you work, Jace!” Her eyes shine bright with unshed tears, and it tears me up to see her upset, so I go over and wrap my arms around her.

“I’m perfectly fine, Mom, and no, I’m not in any kind of trouble, I promise.” I kiss the top of her head.

“Why are you not going to class? You’re supposed to graduate in just under two months!” She brings her head back to look up at me.

I sigh, not really wanting to tell her because I know her reaction, but I don’t like directly lying to my parents. Keeping things from them is one thing, but the moment they ask, I won’t lie, “I wanted to spend time with Ella while she is in town. I stayed home the first day, so I could surprise her when she got home from the airport, and then we had lunch today, well now, yesterday and hung out before I had to go to work.”

I can already see the grin forming on my mother’s face at the mention of me and Ella hanging out. For as long as I can remember, both of our mothers have been wanting us together. They never really interfered, but we both have heard them talking to one another about what it would be like if we ended up together and so forth. Sometimes I wonder if

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that is why my feelings had changed for my best friend, but then I look at her and I know that our mothers had nothing to do with my feelings for Ella.

“Awe, honey, why didn’t you say something? I could have just called you in sick.” She reaches up to push a piece of my hair off of my forehead.


“Mom, I’m almost nineteen. I don’t need my mom calling me in sick, and besides, why are they calling you when you already signed the stupid paper giving me permission to call in myself since I’m of age?” I let her go and grab my bottle of water from where I had left it on the counter

“I don’t know, honey. Maybe because you didn’t call yourself in, so they thought you were incapacitated…who knows.” She shrugs and takes a sip of her tea, “What about your job? Are you ever going to tell me where you work?”

“Seriously, Mom? Do I really have to share everything with my parents?” I muse and lift my water for a drink,

“Oh my God, are you a male stripper, Jace?!” Iehoke on my water and go into a coughing fit. Mom comes over and rubs my back, “I won’t judge you, honey, but there are other jobs out there. You don’t have to get naked for horny cougars.”

I hold my hand up for her to stop talking. My coughing fit has changed, and I am now silently laughing at the words coming out of my mother’s mouth.

“What? I am your mother, Jace, and I’m sorry that I don’t want other women my age, who might have even been classmates of mine, to sit there, shoving money down my son’s thong!” If you could only see my mother’s expression…

“Mom, stop,” I’m laughing my ass off at this point, “You don’t have to worry about your classmates talking about the color of my thongs at your next class reunion! I’m not a stripper!”

She grabs her chest, “Oh, thank God!”

“I mean,” I flex my bicep, “I’ve definitely got the body for it.


Chuckling, I hug my mom once more, “I’m kidding, Mother.” “Well, what else am I supposed to think when you are secretive about your work and then there are the deposits that you make into your bank account…”

“Woah, how do you know what I deposit?”

She rolls her eyes, “You forget that your father is the President of our bank.”

“Isn’t that illegal? I mean, going into people’s accounts without their knowledge?” I lift a brow.

She shrugs, I would think so. I don’t know, ask your dad. The point is, we have seen what you are making at wherever you are working, and we are concerned is all.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh, “Mom, you really don’t want to know what I do for work.”

“Why not? Are you ashamed of it?”


“What? No…”

“Then what?”

“I’m not ashamed of it, but you and Dad may be,” I run my hand through my hair as I try to put into the right words, but I’ m coming up empty-handed on how you tell your parents that you are a Dom that trains other Dominants and submissives on how to please their partner, “I work at a training facility, can we leave it at that?”

My mom sits back on the stool that she was occupying when I first walked in, “Oh, well, that’s not so bad. What, you train dogs or other animals? I didn’t realize that kind of job pays so well.”

Well, technically, if I were to say yes, it wouldn’t be lying. We do have couples that come in to learn pet play. I have trained puppies, kitties, a horse, and even a cow, which I don’t really want to talk about the last two; I might be a bit scarred on those trainings. Instead of answering her, I kiss her forehead and wish her goodnight.

I stop just as I get to the basement stairwell, “You can call me out of school for the rest of the week. I’ll be spending time with Ella today and then we have to be in court tomorrow.” It’s a little after one in the morning and I’m fucking exhausted. I want to be in tip top shape when I have the talk with Ella over lunch.

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“Okay, honey. I will figure out an excuse to give the school, but you better get all of your work in on time.” My mom calls out as I jog down the stairs.

My parents must not pay too much attention to my grades anymore or else they would see that I’m an A- B student. I could have graduated early as well if I had worked ahead like Ella had. I would have done

just that had I known she was graduating early, but no, I did just enough to keep on track to graduate with everyone else. Now, I don’t give a damn about any of my classmates.

Grabbing a pair of boxer briefs, I jump in and take a quick shower, hating that I’m having to wash Ella’s scent off me. When I climb into my bed, though, I realize that my cover still has the smell of sex on it, and I smile, remembering what

Ella looked like bent over my bed and cuffed. Fuck me, I’m getting myself hard just thinking about it. I grab my phone to check my notifications and try and get my mind on something non-sexual. I notice a text from Jude, letting me know that things are going well…

JUDE: Didn’t know our new toy would be so pretty when it leaks. It’s holding up well, and Beth is in love! Will talk to you in the morning, I still have a bit of tuning that I need to do but should be good as new in no time.

| send him a quick response.

ME: You’re the man, and give Beth a big kiss for me, thanking her.

JUDE: I’m sure she would rather you do it in person.

ME: You know me, my girl is the only one that gets to taste these lips!

JUDE: Yeah, yeah, whatever… TTYL

ME: Later…

I make a quick run to Jude’s this morning for an update on Madison and whether or not she has talked. I’m feeling anxious for some reason, and I can’t seem to shake it. When I get to his townhouse, I park out front and go to the front door. I don’t see his vehicle, but I assume it’s in the garage, the only way to get

the package into the house without being seen. After a few minutes, Jude answers the door, yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“Jesus, how much sleep did you get?” I ask, feeling a bit guilty for his loss of sleep.

He looks at the watch on his wrist, “About three hours.” NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“Damn! It’s nine thirty, you were up that long playing?”

He ushers me inside and closes the door, “Come with me.” He says and turns toward the back of the house.

I know exactly where he’s taking me, and I stop in my tracks, “Are you crazy? I can’t go in there and let her see me!”

Jude rolls his eyes at me, “How dumb do you think I am? She’s been blindfolded the whole time, and I even threw on noise canceling headphones before I came to open the door. I knew you would be coming over, so I had them ready. I figured you would want to see our proud work.”

“I’m not really interested in your work, just whether or not you were successful. I already know that you do awesome work.”

“Well, it’s so much easier when the woman is a little slut that hates to be edged.” He laughs and then opens the door to his playroom

“What the fuck?” I ask shocked, because there on the bed lay Beth and Madison, well, I think it’s Madison because she’s wearing a full-face mask with openings for the nose and mouth only. She’s in wrist restraints attached to a belt on her waist, which gives her limited arm movement. What has me surprised is the fact that she’s cuddled up to Beth, as though they are lovers, “What did you do to her?” | chuckle.

“Nothing really. She was petrified at first and refused to give anything up, until we started edging her. She’s so pretty when she cries, by the way. Come to find out, the little bitch swings both ways and started enjoying herself. We ended up having to get creative and ended up putting this mask on her, hoping to scare her a little as well. We edged her and then we would back away and fuck around with each other right beside her. It took a few hours, but I did get some information for you.”

| perk up and give him my full attention. Nothing else matters at the moment except learning which fucker is trying to mess with my girl. I don’t think it is all of them, because I’m pretty sure, Brandon has been pissing his pants every day

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while waiting for this court trial. He’s not like Toby or Mason, he’s more of a follower. If Ella wasn’t my girl, I’d almost feel sorry for him; I’ve always liked him more than Toby.

“I’m not sure how much this will help, but apparently, someone is spying on your girl, trying to dig up dirt that will hurt the case in the Defense’s favor. She still won’t give up a name though.” Jude says, annoyed.

“If she’s not giving up the name, then I can only assume that it’s her brother. She would never give her twin up.” is that all there is to it? Just trying to get dirt on Ella? Ha, good luck there, because Ella is practically a Saint!!

“Well, thanks for doing what you could. How are you planning on getting her back?” I ask my friend.

His smile is sadistic, “Who says I need to return her?”

My eyes go wide, “You can’t be serious, Jude!”

“Calm down, Lil D,” he squeezes my shoulder, “It will be her decision, I promise. You should have seen her, man, once we had her, she was perfect! She makes an amazing slave, and she has already asked if

Beth and I would be her Master and Mistress once she graduates..she wants to serve us!”

I scratch the back of my neck, “Wow, I didn’t see that coming.”

“Man, you don’t owe me any favors, that girl right there is your payment to me. Beth loves her already. She coddles her, but in bed, she is a true Domme to our new little slave. Me, on the other hand, I will be her Master twenty-four-seven. Fuck, having a sub and a slave is my dream come true!”

Thave never seen my friend like this; it’s like he’s won the lottery or something. All I can do is wish him good luck, because if I were to see Madison in this lifestyle, I would have taken her as being a brat, but maybe being a slave will humble her a little bit.

“Well, I guess I will leave you alone with your women, and I will go home to see mine. Let me know how you decide to proceed with her.” I nod toward Madison, still not believing everything Jude has told me. Before I can leave, though, she wakes up.

“Master,” she calls out, “I need to go to the bathroom.

I watch Jude walk over and help her to stand. When he turns her toward the bathroom, he stops to show me the markings on her backside. She gasps and then moans as he squeezes her ass cheeks, “Don’t they look lovely?”

“Master?” Madison seems confused.

He lifts the soundproof headphones up from one ear, “I have a friend here, admiring your marks, nothing that concerns you, pet.”

“Are you wanting me to please your friend, Master?”

“No, he doesn’t like the dirty whores like your Mistress, and I do.” He winks at me. Talk about degrading, at least I don’t call anyone a dirty whore unless they ask me to. But then again, she may have done just

that, nothing surprises me with her anymore.

“Stop talking now, I did not give you permission.”

Madison nods her head in understanding and waits for him to take her to the restroom. I don’t speak until the headphones are back in place.

“Whatever you decide to do with her, do not trust her until you know for sure that she is one hundred percent yours.” | warn my friend.

“Thanks for the advice, but I was already steps ahead of you,” he grins, “I better get her to the bathroom before she pisses on my floor. I don’t know if her ass can take anymore punishment today.”

| shake my head and chuckle, “I will see you at work.” I wave and then leave him to help his new slave piss.

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