My Fake Lover


#Lexi’s POV:

“I hate myself!” I yelled after I pressed a pillow against my face so my yelling could turn out quieter than it would have turned out.

“Stop saying that.” Emily said, trying to contain her smile by plastering a fake sad smile.

“I know you find this amusing. Don’t try to hide it.” I put the pillow back down on her bed.

Yesterday, after I yelled at Tyler that I like him, I went straight to Emily’s house even though I knew she was at the Carnival. No one was home at her house and since I’ve know her since grade school, I know that her family never locks the back door. It isn’t weird for me to just walk into her house when no one is home because I’ve done it plenty of times since I was younger. But I texted Emily to let her know that I was going to be here and stay overnight.

I didn’t want to be at my house in case Tyler showed up. And I even told my mom to tell him that I went for a long walk.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

I’m just way to embarrassed to face him right now. I’m scared he doesn’t like me.

Oh, he better at least like me if I’m gonna be in love with him.

“You just need to talk to him, you can’t hide forever.” Emily showed that big smile that’s been hiding. And I bet half that smile was because she had a great time with Caleb last night. I wish I had fun at the carnival too. I stayed there for like barely twenty minutes before Tyler showed up and had to ruin my mood.

“Why not? I could maybe live in your basement.” I joked.

Emily laughed lightly as she nudged me on the shoulder. “Yeah, okay.” She rolled her eyes and stood up from her bed to walk to her closet.

“Oh, I forgot to mention. Caleb called me last night like right before you got here.” At that, Emily froze, and her smile formed into a frown.

“Uh, what did he tell you?” Emily asked nervously, I could literally see her body shaking in nervousness.

I gave her an odd look. “Don’t worry, he just told me that you looked really upset about something, but he doesn’t know why. And he taught that maybe I knew. But I think he was wrong, cause looking at how your smiling, you look like you had a great time.”

Emily looked like she calmed down a bit but she still didn’t look comfortable. She looked scared. “Whatever happens, you’ll always be my best friend, right?” She asked softly, turning around completely to face me.

I looked at her, confused as to why she would have to ask me that. “Of course, Courtney was just the devil from the start, we just didn’t see it with her angle mask on.”

Emily shook her head, “I mean it Lexi, you’d never leave our friendship?” She asked once again.

“Of course not, I love you as the sister I never had.” I got up from her bed and walked up to her. I embraced her into a warm hug so maybe she could calm her nerves. I don’t know why she was thinking about this but I need to be there for her, always.

When I pulled away from her, I looked at her face and noticed tears rolling down her cheek slowly. “What wrong?” I asked has my lips forming into a frown.

“Nothing.” Emily said in a soft voice and turned around to face the closet again. She took out a pair of dark jeans and a dark blue tank top. “Here, you probably want to change since you slept in those.” She gestured to my outfit and handed me the cloths she picked out.

Still confused, I nodded and grabbed the outfit she picked out for me. “Thanks.”

“Your lucky we’re the same size.” Emily smiled but I still seen the sadness in her eyes. She walked out of the room to give me some private so I could change into the cloths she gave me.

I wanted to convince her to tell me why she looked so upset, but knowing Emily, know one who tried could get it out of her that easily. But I’m her best friend, she should be able to trust me and tell me everything.

Emily’s usually never so glum. She’s a happy go lucky girl who always manages to have a bright smile on her face.

If she was faking that happy mood earlier, then she should be an actress. Cause she really did look happy.


Emily’s POV:

The day before (At the carnival):

I looked around the carnival, feeling exhausted. It looks like Tyler and Lexi didn’t bother to join us. Maybe they finally confessed they’re love for each other. At least I hope they did.

I sat down on an empty bench, waiting for Caleb to get our drinks already. Just as I sat down, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled my phone out and saw that I received a text from Lexi.

Lexi: I’ll be at your house. And I’m staying over.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but shrugged to myself.

I let the thought slide and focused on the people walking in front of me until my vision began to blur. I stood up slowly and shook my head, holding the bench handle to steady myself. Soon, my stomach began to twist. I tried to rub it to calm it down, but I felt something moving up my chest. I ran to the portables near me and barged in. When the door slammed shut behind me, that’s when everything that I ate today left my body.

I let out a whine when it was all done and stood up, still feeling sick.

“Ugh!” I stomped my foot to the ground and pulled out a long piece of toilet paper and wiped my mouth. I don’t care how disgusting it is, but I’d rather do that than have puke all over my mouth.

Just as I finished, another round of puke started running down my throat and into the toilet.

I let out another whine and repeated the process of wiping my mouth with toilet paper again.

Why the hell was I throwing up? I’ve never puked since I was in the sixth grade. I’m not just going to throw up after going on the Farris wheels and those small rides. I have a strong stomach. I didn’t even puke after I went on the biggest roller coaster I’ve ever been on. And that was right after I ate four sandwiches.

I walked out the portable and sat back down, hoping I wouldn’t do it again.

What the hell is wrong with me?

When I taught about everything that I ate today, it was barely anything. Suddenly, realization kicked in. I’ve missed my monthly visit and now I was puking my guts out. And all day I was craving food, but I hadn’t actually eaten much, and I was being bossy and rude for no reason. Is it really possible? Could I possibly be pregnant?

“Oh my god.” I stood up and uncontrollably, I began to shake. “No you’re not pregnant Emily. Your not. You can’t be.” I told myself in a hushed tone. “Your not. Your not.”

“Not what?” In a second, I spun around and was greeted by very handsome Caleb holding two drinks in each hand. As much as I tried, I couldn’t bring myself to smile at him. Heck, I couldn’t even talk to him.

In an instant, I ran to the bathroom and puked again, leaving a very confused Caleb behind.

When I got out, Caleb was waiting for me with a worried look. “Are you okay?” He asked.

I nodded. “I just needed to pee really bad.” I lied, keeping my voice quiet.

I’m not pregnant. Sure I slept with Caleb when we’re both drunk, but he had to have used protection, right? I don’t need to worry. I’ll be okay. I just need to do a pregnancy test and see that I’m not pregnant.

“Are you sure, you look pretty upset?” Caleb asked.

“I said yes!” I snapped and snatched the drink away from him, knowing that I’m not going to drink it.

Calm down Emily!

I breathed to control myself and stop myself from crying.

Everything is going to turn out fine and I’m going to think about this moment ad laugh. Or at least I hope so.


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