My Husband's Secret Affairs With My Step Sister



The crowd has a life of its own, the vibrant clothes shine in the morning light and the people move like

enchanting shoals of fish. There is chatter between sellers and buyers, old friends catching up, and

new friends made. It's busy for sure, but the hustle and bustle brings life to this city one wouldn't want

to be without.

Each person in the crowd moves as if unseeing hands drag them this way and that, pulling their eyes to

one thing and then another. They respond in predictable ways, each of them with a goal to achieve for

the day. But underneath that is free will, the ability to truly choose their own path. Sometimes one

engages them in a conversation just to wake up the part of themselves that is capable of taking charge,

making choices. Then they're off, back on auto-pilot, the most dangerous mode a human being can slip


In that place one could be anyone, or perhaps no-one at all. The people flowed like rivers, never

stopping for obstacles but swirling around them. On those wide avenues with wilted trees, their leaves

curled and blackened in the August heat, the buildings towered on each side. A hundred years ago it

was pretty, the golden light on the sandstone architecture, built in the days when curves and design

weren't considered superfluous. Even the street-lamps were dreamt of by an artist, and built by an

engineer following the teachings of a scientist.

From early morning, traffic starts building up. Crowds of pedestrians, shoppers, and others can be seen

walking along the pavements outside the shops or trying to cross the road.

The noise of cars and taxis hooting, or of scooters, flying past is deafening. Anyone who stops by to

watch the scene is amazed at the number of vehicles zooming past or crawling along when caught at

the traffic lights.

The people, mainly lady shoppers with children, line the street as they await an opportunity to cross the

road. It is a bright and gay scene.

In the afternoon, the crowds grow bigger as office workers join the throngs of people.

A lady walks out of a well-lit, peaceful, cool air-conditioned comfort of a book shop to be hit immediately

by a blast of hot air from the street.

Wow, the difference was so great. Out on the five-foot way she breaks into a sweat.

She strolls down the five-foot path.

Next to the book shop are two sundry shops. The smell emanating from these shops tingles her nose.

The mixture of onion, garlic, dried fish, pepper, and spices makes a potent variety. She held her breath

for a moment as she saunters quickly past the sundry shops.

She wondered how the people working inside those shops could stand the smell. Perhaps they were

used to it.

There are many people walking along the five-foot ways on both sides of the street. It is about one

o’clock in the afternoon and many office workers are out for their lunch break.

Smartly dressed men and women hurried towards the eating places further down the street.

As it was lunchtime.

The street had been made one-way some time ago to cater to the ever increasing traffic volume.

Lunch hour leads the street to an uncrossable hour.

The cars and motorcycles are moving at considerable speeds and they do not seem to be in the mood

to make way for any pedestrian.

The lady decides to cross the street via the lights-controls.

She sights the Cafe she had a meeting a few blocks away.

On her way towards crossing the bustling road, she passes many other shops. They were mainly

shops selling clothes, shoes, and watches.

Near the crossing is a supermarket. Throngs of people can be seen at the entrance. A beggar sits on

the steps, arms outstretched, eyes leading for alms. She drops 20 cents into his unwashed palm out of

sympathy, he also stinks of cheap liquor.

Finally, she reaches the crossing

The lights are red, so she waits with a group of people. Cars speed by sending their obnoxious fumes

into the waiting people. However, no one flinches. A bit of smoke is not going to prevent anyone from

crossing the street.

Presently the cars screech to a halt behind the white lines across the road except for one that makes a

dash past even though the lights have changed to red for him. Some pedestrians shake their fists, but

no one is hit. The pedestrians are too seasoned to trust the traffic lights completely.

She crosses briskly with her group to the other side. The group from the other side crosses over to her

previous side.

Once across she makes a bee-line for the Cafe, she was damn late.

The smell of food wafts over her nostrils, as she approached the café.

The doorbell dinged as another customer walked into the cafe.

Sitting by the window side of the cafe was Amelia and her new helper, likewise friend, Lucas.

"Thank you so much for all the help you've given me, I can't believe you helped me get an apartment

and also an admission I'm really so grateful" Amelia said very thankful.

"You don't really have to thank me, you looked stranded and I offered to help you" Lucas Net said,

holding her hand as he rubbed her palm softly.


" No Buts Lia"

"The nickname sounds cheeky" Amelia said with a blush on her face.

He lets out a loud hearty laugh, the deep chuckle a melody to her ears.

She blushes harder and looks down on her table suddenly finding it interesting.

"C'mon let's eat before the food gets cold" He says gesturing to the food on their table.

As Lucas and Amelia were deep into there food, they couldn't see or notice the burning glare they were

getting from the corner of the cafe.

At the corner of the cafe a man dressed in black—a black shirt paired with a plane black trouser and

dress suit.

He stared at Lucas and Amelia his hand folded into fists, his knuckles as white as snow.

He grinds his teeth in anger as he gave them both a murderous glare.



In a dark murky room, the stench of mold and rot filled the room.

The room was bleak, cold and completely dark. It was quiet and somber, the darkness engulfing

everything in it, It was the most piercing darkness ever-it was not merely the darkness that came out of

absence of light, it was much more sinister.

The darkness felt heavy, oppressive, almost supernatural. It was darker than vanta black, if that's even


The cold air, pricky and striking to the skin, numbing it of any feeling, the toxic pungent smell in the air

was toxic to the lungs, it cuts of the air giving tingles to the lungs that leads the victim to a coughing fit.

Roaches had come out to play, likewise rats, the dark room a perfect opportunity to get due with their


Crickets chirped loudly in groups, pausing every few minutes, outside this dark room was absolute

darkness, no sight of anything of existence, not even the wind made a sound outside this dark room.

Everything seemed like it had ceased to exist, outside the room.

Heavy breathings and loud gasps break the eerie silence in the room, it's loud gasps giving the idea

the victim was either traumatized or it's breathing was affected by the pungent smell of the room.

A squeaking sound is heard as the victim struggled against its bounds, trying to get out, its lungs

squeezing tights, it's head pounded fast and hard, it's sight blurred and black dots came to its vision

before it was blinked away.

This victim shoke its head, tiny drops of sweat dripping down its forehead, it's whole body sweaty and


This victims loud gasp the only means of knowing it was human, and alive.

Suddenly, the lights flickered on, twitching severally, sparks coming out of it's circuit before it stabilized.

Though dim one could see their way around.

It shown directly to the victim, sitting on a crooked worn out chair, it's feet and hands bounded to the

chairs by a large strong rope.

It's stature and build gave of the vibes of a man, but his face could be seen.

He coughed loudly his head hung low, hairs sticking to his face.

Suddenly, a loud cackle of a lady filled the room, frightening the man, he grunted and whispered

muttering a "please"...

Suddenly, food is placed on his laps, how it happened could not be explained nor narrated.

He pulls the food close, his hand already packing food when a loud young feminine voice yelled"

No!!!..." © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

But the food had already entered his mouth, he chewed and swallowed, finishing the remaining in his


Suddenly his stomach growled and his face turned plate, his skin a kin to snow.

His face connoted to a grimace as his breaths turned extremely shallow...

Pain and panic shoots into the veins of the viewer, the need to save him in it's blood, like a shot of

electricity she cried, wanting to save the man turning pale.

Who was he to her? One couldn't tell.

And as soon as she tried to reach towards him, the whole picture folds like a piece of paper into her

eyes, and turns bleak black....

"A trance......."

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