My Stone-Hearted Billionaire Husband

Chapter 16: “My Wife”

As the day went on, the gossip intensified, with everyone eager to find out about this mysterious woman who had captured the heart of their handsome big boss. But then they knew the Woods family had always been mysterious in their ways, and Sebastian was no exception.

Rumors and wild theories spread like wildfire, adding an air of excitement to the usually serious and dull workplace environment of Woods Corporation. They were all eager to see their boss in love, hoping it would bring a positive change to the company.

Back in his office on the 80th floor of the building, Sebastian couldn’t help but smile as he overheard bits of the gossip floating in from every corner. His employees, of over eight thousand people, worked tirelessly to meet his high standards, knowing that failure was not an option.

He expected nothing short of excellence and rewarded those who delivered results. Competence was valued above all else, and those who fell short, faced the consequences.

So, on a typical day, he would definitely have thrown a fit and commanded everyone to go back to work soon as he saw them slacking for a second.

But today, the joy he felt being married had somehow softened his cold and aloof demeanor. He found himself grinning from ear to ear as he watched his workers chatter around openly in groups.

He knew the news would cause a stir, but he hadn’t anticipated this much. On his social media, congratulatory messages flooded in from clients, business partners, well-wishes, and employees alike.

Meanwhile, Jamie carefully followed instructions, updating the company website with the news of the marriage but leaving everyone intrigued by withholding any details about Kourtney.

Sebastian’s grandfather, the Almighty Elliot Woods, had called him over eight times about an hour ago, probably wanting an explanation, but he’d ignored it. It was also because he was in a meeting which he considered to be more important as he took his work seriously. Besides, he already knew why the annoying old man was disturbing his line.

As the patriarch of the prominent Woods family, Grandpa Elliot was a traditional man who took family ties way too seriously and firmly believed in following age-old customs and traditions. He was known to be the glue that held the Woods family together, and his approval was considered of utmost importance for any major decision.

Sebastian knew that he would be furious about him getting married without following the necessary family traditions.

However, he remained defiant, unyielding to the family pressure. He had always been independent and unapologetically in control of his life, unwilling to bow down to anyone’s expectations, including his authoritarian grandfather’s.

He leaned back in his chair, contemplating ways to handle his stubborn grandfather’s fury. He knew it wouldn’t be an easy conversation, but he was ready to defend his decision. He pondered about the inevitable confrontation as he dialed the number and took a deep breath. His grandfather’s grumpy old voice thundered through the phone line almost immediately.

“Bastian, I demand an explanation. How could you marry without first consulting the family or even introducing the said woman to us? This… is not how we do things!”

Sebastian remained composed, his voice laced with a chilly calmness, “Grandfather, I appreciate our family traditions, but this was my decision, and I couldn’t wait for any useless consultations or formalities.”

His grandfather’s voice grew louder with frustration, “Useless?? You are the future of the Woods family, Bastian. Your actions reflect on all of us. How could you act so recklessly? You need to…”

“I don’t need anyone’s approval to get married.” Sebastian interrupted coldly. His voice filled with an air of authority even while speaking with his grandfather.

There was a moment of tense silence before his grandfather spoke again, his voice more restrained this time, “This woman… She must be someone of stature and background. You cannot simply marry whoever you please!”

“I assure you, my wife comes from a good family,” Sebastian replied icily. His tone was cold and reeked of indifference.

His relationship with his grandfather had been strained over the years, ever since his mother’s disappearance and eventual death thirteen years ago. Back then, he was a powerless 16-year-old teenager who could do nothing but be pushed around by everyone in the Woods Family.

Right now, he was a grown-ass man who had taken charge of his life and choices. He was no longer that timid boy; he was ready to face the challenges and consequences of his choices. He had worked hard to build his own success and make his own mark in the world, and he wasn’t about to let anyone, even his grandfather, dictate his life.

The tension between the two generations hung in the air, a battle of wills that had been building for years. Grandpa Elliot let out a heavy sigh on the other end of the line.

“Very well. But, bring her to the Woods Estate to meet me soon. I want to see for myself if she’s indeed worthy of joining our family.”

“Whether you consider her worthy or not won’t change anything. She’s already my wife,” Sebastian sneered before hanging up. He didn’t want to waste any more time on the old guy.

He knew that his decision to marry a strange woman met with resistance not only because of those annoying family traditions. It’s quite obvious that his grandfather was more distressed about the shocking news because he had not married any of the women the family had been forcing on him over the years. Or rather, his grandfather’s friends or business partners’ granddaughters.

Despite his rare ailment, the elders of the Woods family were so keen on him getting married and carrying on the family legacy. It was even because of their continuous pestering that he had spent a fortune trying to get treatment, but nothing worked. At least, until he met her!

Thinking of his pretty and troublesome little wife, Sebastian couldn’t help but smile. He had the sudden urge to give her a call for the first time. Thankfully, Jamie had provided him with her number and social media accounts.

Just when he was about to dial her number, he heard a gentle knock on the door. He looked up to find his assistant Jamie.

“Sir, you have a visitor.”

“Who is it?” Sebastian said impatiently.

“It’s Director Lind.”

“Lind? Do I have a scheduled meeting with her?” Sebastian’s gaze hardened as he inquired, starting to feel his irritation building up.

“No, Sir. But she said it was an urgent matter that needed your attention,” Jamie replied, scratching his sunny blonde hair.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Sebastian sighed, trying to mask his annoyance. “Can’t it wait, Jamie? I was just about to call my wife,” he said, trying hard not to reveal the eagerness in his voice.

Jamie hesitated for a moment before responding, “I understand, sir, but she seemed quite insistent. It might be something important.”

Sebastian frowned. He couldn’t understand why Rachael wanted to see him without making an appointment, as he was the kind of CEO who was ever so busy. Even the most significant staff had to adhere to a strict schedule to meet with him. He valued his time and preferred everything to be well-organized and planned. He hated it when someone interrupted his carefully crafted routine.

However, knowing Director Lind’s reputation for being one of his best employees who handles crucial matters perfectly, Sebastian couldn’t dismiss her visit entirely. He knew she was not the type to barge into his office without a good reason.

“Alright, I’ll see her. But please, tell her to make it quick because I need to talk to my wife,” he instructed, finally putting his phone down.

As Jamie turned to leave, he couldn’t help but grin at Sebastian’s response. He could swear that he had heard Sebastian saying the words “My wife” a dozen times today, and it was not even noon yet.

He had been by Sebastian’s side for years, witnessing his dedication to work, his unwavering professionalism, and his unfeeling demeanor. Who would have thought his stone-hearted and overbearing boss would turn into a giddy newlywed overnight?

The man who used to be all business, all the time, was now showing a softer, more vulnerable side. He just met the woman yesterday, and they married almost immediately, yet Sebastian seemed to be floating on air, acting as if he had known her for a lifetime. It was a remarkable change, and Jamie found it both amusing and heartwarming.

He had never seen Sebastian so smitten or show a hint of affection to anyone, let alone call someone his “wife” with such fondness. It was a side of his boss that no one had anticipated. Jamie found himself genuinely happy for Sebastian as his guarded exterior was finally cracking in the most unexpected way possible.

The sudden whirlwind accident, the unexpected marriage, and now, his boss’s delightful and obvious infatuation with his new wife it was all so surreal.

Isn’t it wonderful? The arrogant and lordly Sebastian Woods was now a man who eagerly anticipated talking to his wife, and Jamie was more than okay with that transformation. He was glad his boss finally found someone who brought out this side of him.

After all, he had witnessed years of Sebastian’s loneliness and isolation. He had seen Sebastian struggle with his allergy, which was more of an emotional one than a physical condition. Years of watching others in love and forming connections while he remained distant must have been agonizing. Jamie had seen his boss bury his emotions under layers of hard work and ambition.

But now, it seemed that Mrs. Woods had broken through those barriers. He only hoped that she would make his boss happy and not break his heart like that person had done in the past. Or would she?

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