My Stone-Hearted Billionaire Husband

Chapter 27: What Went Wrong?

Kourtney tightened her grip on the bag of fruits as she recognized the couple Brandon, her ex-fiance, and her sister Kathlyn, the same people who had betrayed and cheated on her.

They seemed so happy together, and a bitter taste filled her mouth as she recalled the pain they had caused her. Her stomach churned, and she felt a headache, witnessing the life that was stolen from her. The universe seemed to conspire against her today.

Frozen in her steps, Kourtney debated whether to turn around and find an alternate route, but then, they were standing on the road leading back to Sebastian’s room, blocking any escape.

Brandon, with his keen eyes, spotted her first. “Kourtney???” he called out.

He had a somewhat surprised expression on his face as if he hadn’t expected to run into her here.

Kathlyn, on the other hand, wore a triumphant smirk, her eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief.

“Oh, look who’s here! Our dear Kourtney.”

“Oh, Hi,” Kourtney sneered with disgust evident on her face.

Brandon, ignoring the unmistakable tension in the air, was more interested in questioning her presence as he sighted the bag of fruits in her hand.

“What are you doing at the hospital, Kourtney? Are you visiting someone? Who?”

There was an eagerness in his voice that didn’t escape Kathlyn’s notice. His gaze lingered on Kourtney, causing an uneasy feeling to settle in her chest.

‘Is he still in love with this bitch?’ she snickered inwardly.

Kathlyn was a sharp-witted person, quick to detect and understand things. She couldn’t help but notice a flicker of something in Brandon’s eyes. It was a mix of curiosity and perhaps even a trace of regret!

Feeling her anger and envy rising, she interjected, “Yeah, Kourtney, why are you here? Visiting a friend? Or perhaps, stalking me and Brandon?”

“Don’t be delusional, Kathlyn. As you can see, I’m taking fruits to someone who actually matters. Besides, I have other important things to focus on rather than stalking you two. So it’s just a coincidence,” Kourtney’s voice reeked of spite and irritation.

Kathlyn, never one to miss an opportunity to needle Kourtney, decided to pour salt on the wound.

“Oh, you won’t believe the coincidence! We’re here for our baby’s scan,” she replied with a hint of smugness, her hand gently resting on her pregnant belly.

Kourtney’s eyes narrowed as Kathlyn continued, “Yes, it’s your nephew’s scan. Isn’t it exciting?”

She had a devilish smile on her face, seemingly enjoying Kourtney’s discomfort at the news.

Trying to maintain her composure, Kourtney replied with a forced smile.

“I’m sure it must be an exciting time for both of you,” she replied calmly but the bitterness in her tone couldn’t be hidden.

She knew Kathlyn was again deliberately trying to make her jealous and that infuriated her.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah, we wanted to share the news with you. It’s a big day for us,” Brandon chimed in.

His words felt like needles digging into Kourtney’s wounded pride. She tried to brush it off, feigning disinterest.

“Well, congratulations. I’m sure it’s a joyous occasion for you.”

Kathlyn, however, wasn’t content with just that. “Want to see a picture? It’s going to be your nephew, after all.”

She pulled out a slip from an envelope, displaying a sonogram image with exaggerated enthusiasm. “Look, Sis, here’s our little one. He’s so cute! Isn’t it heartwarming? We wanted to show you guys during our wedding day in two weeks, but it’s great that you get to see him first.”

Brandon hesitated for a moment, torn between his current relationship and his past with Kourtney. Kourtney could see it in his eyes, with the way he shifted awkwardly, and it only fueled her anger.

Kathlyn, on the other hand, kept flaunting the scan pictures and emphasizing the impending arrival of the “nephew.”

Kourtney couldn’t believe the audacity and shamelessness!!!

Kathlyn’s insensitivity struck her like a blow. She felt a mix of anger, sadness, and frustration. She couldn’t fathom how her sister, who had once been so close, could betray her in such a way and flaunt it right in her face. ‘What went wrong?’

“So, who’s the lucky guy you’re here for? You already found a new man so fast, or you’re just here for entertainment?” Brandon said out of the blue while Kathlyn’s smirk faltered.

He was acting like a jealous and possessive lover while also looking at Kourtney with a peculiar expression.

Kathlyn fought the urge to grit her teeth as Brandon kept staring at Kourtney with an intensity that made her uncomfortable.

“That’s none of your business who I came to visit. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have more important things to do than engage in meaningless conversation with the two of you,” Kourtney shot back rudely.

Brandon, however, persisted, “You said it’s someone who matters, huh? Must be a really close friend. Or perhaps a new flame?”

The remark seemed to strike a nerve with Kathlyn. Once again, she struggled to mask her discomfort.

Kourtney only glared at him, her patience wearing thin. “Mind your own business, Brandon Smith! My personal life is none of your concern anymore.”

“Oh Yeah, Brandon. Kourtney’s right! She always has more important things to deal with,” Kathlyn chipped in.

“Yes, we should get going,” Brandon said, finally acknowledging the awkwardness of the whole situation. “Enjoy your fruits Kourtney, or whatever you’re up to.”

“Oh, baby… I forgot, I wanna see the doctor one more time. I have so many questions on my mind so let’s not go home yet!” Kathlyn whined.

Brandon caressed her cheeks sweetly, a touch of warmth in his tone. “It’s okay, Honey… Whatever you say!”

“Oh, Brandon, you’re so sweet.”

Kourtney bit her lips, suppressing the urge to lash out at them. Brandon was never this sweet to her. ‘I’ve been such a fool.’

The stark contrast troubled her, leaving her bewildered and questioning the authenticity of her past relationship with him.

“Well… Goodbye! Have a great time at your baby’s scan.”

With that, Kourtney walked past them, her heart heavy with unresolved emotions. She didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of knowing how much their presence affected her.

Brandon, the man who had once kneeled before her on a romantic evening under a starlit sky to propose a forever union just months ago, had transformed into an unfamiliar figure overnight. His betrayal, worsened by impregnating her sister and intending to use her planned wedding date, left Kourtney grappling with a reality that seemed more like a cruel fiction.

‘He isn’t even ashamed to show his face to me.’

She couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of hatred, loss, and betrayal but she was determined to push aside the unsettling emotions. Finally, she reached Sebastian’s room, taking a deep breath to calm herself before entering.

As she entered the room, she found him engrossed in a conversation with his assistant, Jamie. The atmosphere in the room shifted for a moment, and Kourtney welcomed the distraction.

Sebastian noticed her arrival and flashed a small frown.

“What took you so long to come back?”

Kourtney, deciding not to share the details of her encounter, simply said, “I had a little distraction on the way.”

She quietly placed the bag of fruits on the bedside table while Sebastian’s eyes sparkled with amusement as he saw it.

“You’re taking care of me, huh? I must be growing on you.”

Kourtney rolled her eyes. “In your wildest dreams, perhaps, ’cause I bought them for myself.”

She picked up a small knife and started slicing the fruits into a bowl, ignoring the man who was watching her intently.

“Hmmmm…” came the winning groan from Sebastian.

He leaned back against the headboard, crossing his arms, and raised an eyebrow. He was frowning and visibly agitated that she said the fruits were not for him. Kourtney couldn’t help but find his reaction amusing. The man was acting like a spoilt child yet again.

“Oh, did I hurt your feelings, Mr Woods?” She teased him.

“Feelings are irrelevant,” he stated flatly.

“Yeah…. Right!”

After Kourtney finished slicing and arranging the fruits meticulously in a bowl, she settled next to him on the bed.

“Open your mouth, Big boy,” she cooed playfully, holding a slice of watermelon towards him.

“I thought you said these weren’t for me!” Sebastian’s tone dripped with mockery, and a condescending smile was plastered on his face.

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