My Stone-Hearted Billionaire Husband

Chapter 54: Sharing His Room 1

After finishing their meal, Kourtney excused herself and suggested taking a stroll around the villa to explore her new surroundings. Some of the female servants, sensing her curiosity, offered to show her around and answer any questions she might have.

Sebastian, however, was not having it.

He trailed behind them like a lost puppy, unable to take his eyes off her.

“You don’t have to follow us everywhere, you know. Why don’t you go have a rest? You’ve just eaten,” Kourtney said, playing the dutiful wife.

She glanced back at him with a teasing smile as he hovered around her like a bee on a flower.

Sebastian chuckled, his eyes filled with adoration. “I can’t help it. I want to be near you, just to make sure you’re safe!”

Kourtney rolled her eyes playfully. The man was starting to be clingy. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself, you know. Besides, I think the servants are more than capable of showing me around.”

Sebastian refused to budge, his eyes fixed on her with an unnerving intensity.

He pouted, feigning hurt, his lower lip jutting out in a cute, childlike manner.

“But this is my villa, not the servants’. So I want to be the one to show you everything.”

Kourtney couldn’t help but melt at his words. Despite his billionaire status and the way he carried himself, this side of Sebastian always made her heart flutter.

The way this big, bulky, and cold man threw a tantrum, crossing his arms and pouting like a child who didn’t get his way, was always hilarious.

“Alright, you can come with us. But don’t blame me if you get tired. I really want to explore the whole estate,” Kourtney agreed, trying not to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

After all, a little bit of clinginess never hurt anyone, especially when it came from a charming man like Sebastian.

Sebastian nodded, a wide grin spreading across his face and determination flashing in his eyes. “I would follow you to explore the ends of the earth if I had to.”

The servants exchanged curious glances at each other, wondering what had gotten into their boss’s system. They seemed to be enjoying the entertainment.

Apart from this being the first time they saw their boss standing so close to a lady, it was also the first time they had ever seen him act so possessive or… emotional.

They had never seen him behave like this before, and he also lacked the usual cold and lifeless look in his eyes, as if he was a different person…..

Sebastian showed Kourtney the fountain, the lake, his luxury car pack, his stable full of horses, and most importantly, Serenity Gardens filled with different breeds of flowers.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Kourtney couldn’t help but admire the beauty of it all. The gardens were meticulously maintained, with vibrant flowers and lush greenery. The sound of a nearby fountain added a soothing ambiance to the atmosphere.

After about an hour and a half of exploration, Sebastian excused himself, saying he had small work to do in his study.

And so, Kourtney continued her stroll with the servants through the villa, feeling like a princess being shown around her kingdom. She loved everything about the place! It wasn’t even an understatement!

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the estate, Kourtney turned to one of the servants who had been guiding her. “Excuse me, could you please show me where my luggage is kept? I would like to freshen up and change.”

“Yes, Madame.”

The servant nodded and led Kourtney to a room on the third floor. As they entered, Kourtney’s eyes widened in wonder. The room was spacious and elegantly decorated, with a large king-sized bed and masculine furnishings.

At first glance, she could tell that this was Sebastian’s master’s bedroom. It was all grey and black everything a reflection of his dark and unfeeling personality.

‘What a weirdo,’ she muttered.

She couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. “Am… Am I going to stay in his room?” she asked herself silently.

Before she could ponder further, the servant excused herself, leaving Kourtney alone in the room. She stood there, taking in the surroundings, her mind racing with thoughts and emotions.

The idea of sharing a bedroom with Sebastian both thrilled and scared her. It was a clear indication of their growing intimacy, but it also meant that their marriage was becoming more real. She wondered what this meant for their relationship and if she was ready to take the next step.

Lost in her thoughts, Kourtney heard the sound of big footsteps approaching the room. She turned around, her heart racing, only to find Sebastian standing in the doorway, his eyes fixed on her.

Her heart pounded in her chest as Sebastian took large strides towards her, their gazes locked.

The air between them felt so electric, with a good amount of sexual tension.

Kourtney’s breath caught in her throat as she continued to meet the man’s intense gaze. “I… I thought you said you’d be busy in your study?”

“Well… there wasn’t much work to do there,” Sebastian lied through his teeth.

As usual, he had a truckload of work waiting for him to attend to as the ever-busy CEO of Woods Corp. However, he just couldn’t bring himself to concentrate on the needed task. His whole thoughts back there were consumed by the woman standing in front of him. And just like that, he found his way back to her.

“I can’t possibly leave my lovely wife to be all alone on her first day here, can I?” he teased.

His eyes gleamed with hunger and lust as he reached out to brush a strand of hair behind Kourtney’s ear. It seemed like he had found a new hobby, as that’s the 3rd time he did that today!

She managed to find her way into the darkest corners of his soul!

She was the only person who made him feel alive!

Kourtney’s face flushed red as usual. She couldn’t deny the fact that she enjoyed the excess attention Sebastian always showered on her. It was flattering to have someone so captivated by her presence, and she found herself drawn to him more and more in ways she couldn’t explain.

Now, they were just inches apart, and the sexual tension between them hung heavy in the air, causing her to feel breathless under his intense scrutiny. She tried to regain her composure, reminding herself that their marriage was still new, barely a week old.

“So…. Um… will we be… uh, sharing this room?” she asked out of the blue, her voice wobbling slightly.

Sebastian looked at her as if she had just cracked a joke, making her feel like the biggest clown!

“Aren’t couples meant to share a bedroom? Or what did you think was gonna happen?” His voice dripped with dominance, unyielding and overpowering, leaving no room for sympathy.

Kourtney was rendered speechless…

She wanted to object, but what use would that be off? The man always gets what he wants in the end!

Meanwhile, Sebastian smiled softly, his eyes shining with affection, seeing that she did not protest at all. Great!

“Anyways, I wanted to give you this,” he said, handing her a jaded bracelet he brought from his pocket.

Kourtney’s eyes widened in surprise.

The piece was unlike anything she had ever seen before, simple yet elegant, with a subtle charm that captivated her.

Sebastian watched her with amusement, pleased by her fascination. “That bracelet,” he said, his voice laced with pride, “is an heirloom that has been handed down from generations in the Woods family. It’s yours now.”

“OMG! It’s beautiful!” Kourtney exclaimed as she touched the bracelet delicately, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns on the bracelet.

She couldn’t help but be enchanted by its understated beauty as she admired the bracelet, the weight of its significance sinking in. Sebastian had trusted her with a family heirloom, a symbol of his trust in their relationship.

And… it touched her deeply!

Without hesitation, she placed the bracelet around her wrist, surprised by how perfectly it fit. It wasn’t flashy and extravagant at all…. Just the way she likes it.

“Thank you,” she said happily. Her voice was filled with genuine appreciation.

Her gesture caught Sebastian off guard, a flicker of surprise crossing his features.

Once again, he had expected her usual protest, believing she would refuse to put it on as she did with the others.

Knowing Kourtney, he guessed she might think it to be a worthless trinket, hence, the reason why she was so eager to wear it. Little did she know, the bracelet was even more expensive than the diamond necklace he had given her previously. He chuckled to himself, just thinking about it.

This bracelet had a hidden message and significance that Kourtney was unaware of. It was more than just any piece of jewelry!

A treasure worth almost a billion dollars yet looked so simple!

It once belonged to his mother, and she always wore it with pride. Now, he wanted his wife to have it.

He also knew his mother would have loved and adored Kourtney!

A touch of sadness lingered in his eyes just thinking about how they’d never meet, but he quickly shrugged it off.

“Um… I’d like to go take a shower now. It’s getting late,” Kourtney spoke awkwardly as she attempted to walk past Sebastian.

However, he blocked her way with one swift movement.

“Wait! Why don’t we?.. Have our first shower TOGETHER?”

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