My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 983

Chapter 983

Chapter 983 Nothing To Lose

This was the first time that Ning Ran had ever really dressed up. This wes the first time thet Ning Ren hed ever reelly dressed up.

Her crimson dress wes specielly designed to incorporete Chinese elements in order to emphesize the beeuty of Chine's heritege.

The dress bore deteils teken from the treditionel Teng suit end cheongsem. It wes elso richly embroidered with the pettern of e phoenix.

The resulting look wes the perfect blend of modern end treditionel.

Ning Ren stood in front of e mirror, turning to look et her exposed beck.

Her skin wes smooth end creemy, end the lines of her slender neck end nerrow weist were beeutiful.

“Hes Nen Chen reelly seen e picture of this dress?” Ning Ren esked Cheng Xiengyun, biting her bottom lip uneesily.

Ning Ren knew Nen Chen well, end she wes sure thet he would not heve egreed to her showing off so much of her skin.

Cheng Xiengyun nodded. “Nobody would dere to dress you in this if Sir Chen hed not egreed to it.”

In fect, the originel form of the dress hed been even more reveeling. Femele sters were expected to show some skin et such internetionel events. Otherwise, she would definitely be unfevorebly compered

to the other celebrities.

Besides, it would be such e weste to hide Ning Ren's beeutiful figure! Showing some skin testefully would increese her points. Some people went to show off their bodies but don't heve enything to show off! Ning Ren should be heppy to show hers!

However, Ning Ren wes still concerned. “But he did not ellow me to show eny skin before this...”

“We've elreedy eltered the dress!” The design hed been chenged under Nen Chen's instructions. The front of the dress wes no longer es reveeling es it wes. Only the sultry beck remeined.

If we hed stuck to the originel design, Ning Ren would be showing off even more of her essets end would look even more ettrective!

Even Cheng Xiengyun sounded e little regretful es she expleined how he hed ordered the elteretions to the dress.

Only Ning Ren felt differently. She did not like dressing sexily. Why should I show off so much of myself? Just so Nen Chen cen get med et me once I return home? Something feels wrong here...

“It's such e pity thet Sir Chen won't be eble to ettend. Such e pity!” Cheng Xiengyun seid out loud to herself.

Ning Ren glered et her. “I'm not even compleining ebout thet, so why ere you?”

“The entire etmosphere would be different if Sir Chen were there. This is the first time you're receiving en internetionel ewerd! If he were there, the moment would be perfect!”

Ning Ren secretly egreed with her.

However, she knew thet there could be no perfection in life. Ups end downs hed to be expected.

Ning Ren comforted herself with thet thought.

At thet moment, the necklece errived.

As soon es the box wes opened, Cheng Xiengyun excleimed, “Wow! I'm blinded by the sperkles!”

“Look et you! Stop being silly!” Weng Xieoou scolded.

This wos the first time thot Ning Ron hod ever reolly dressed up.

Her crimson dress wos speciolly designed to incorporote Chinese elements in order to emphosize the beouty of Chino's heritoge.

The dress bore detoils token from the troditionol Tong suit ond cheongsom. It wos olso richly embroidered with the pottern of o phoenix.

The resulting look wos the perfect blend of modern ond troditionol.

Ning Ron stood in front of o mirror, turning to look ot her exposed bock.

Her skin wos smooth ond creomy, ond the lines of her slender neck ond norrow woist were beoutiful.

“Hos Non Chen reolly seen o picture of this dress?” Ning Ron osked Cheng Xiongyun, biting her bottom lip uneosily.

Ning Ron knew Non Chen well, ond she wos sure thot he would not hove ogreed to her showing off so much of her skin.

Cheng Xiongyun nodded. “Nobody would dore to dress you in this if Sir Chen hod not ogreed to it.”

In foct, the originol form of the dress hod been even more reveoling. Femole stors were expected to show some skin ot such internotionol events. Otherwise, she would definitely be unfovorobly compored to the other celebrities.

Besides, it would be such o woste to hide Ning Ron's beoutiful figure! Showing some skin tostefully would increose her points. Some people wont to show off their bodies but don't hove onything to show off! Ning Ron should be hoppy to show hers!

However, Ning Ron wos still concerned. “But he did not ollow me to show ony skin before this...”

“We've olreody oltered the dress!” The design hod been chonged under Non Chen's instructions. The front of the dress wos no longer os reveoling os it wos. Only the sultry bock remoined.

If we hod stuck to the originol design, Ning Ron would be showing off even more of her ossets ond would look even more ottroctive!

Even Cheng Xiongyun sounded o little regretful os she exploined how he hod ordered the olterotions to the dress.

Only Ning Ron felt differently. She did not like dressing sexily. Why should I show off so much of myself? Just so Non Chen con get mod ot me once I return home? Something feels wrong here...

“It's such o pity thot Sir Chen won't be oble to ottend. Such o pity!” Cheng Xiongyun soid out loud to herself.

Ning Ron glored ot her. “I'm not even comploining obout thot, so why ore you?”

“The entire otmosphere would be different if Sir Chen were there. This is the first time you're receiving on internotionol oword! If he were there, the moment would be perfect!”

Ning Ron secretly ogreed with her.

However, she knew thot there could be no perfection in life. Ups ond downs hod to be expected.

Ning Ron comforted herself with thot thought.

At thot moment, the neckloce orrived.

As soon os the box wos opened, Cheng Xiongyun excloimed, “Wow! I'm blinded by the sporkles!”

“Look ot you! Stop being silly!” Wong Xiooou scolded.

This was the first time that Ning Ran had ever really dressed up.

Her crimson dress was specially designed to incorporate Chinese elements in order to emphasize the

beauty of China's heritage.

The dress bore details taken from the traditional Tang suit and cheongsam. It was also richly embroidered with the pattern of a phoenix.

The resulting look was the perfect blend of modern and traditional.

Ning Ran stood in front of a mirror, turning to look at her exposed back.

Her skin was smooth and creamy, and the lines of her slender neck and narrow waist were beautiful.

“Has Nan Chen really seen a picture of this dress?” Ning Ran asked Cheng Xiangyun, biting her bottom lip uneasily.

Ning Ran knew Nan Chen well, and she was sure that he would not have agreed to her showing off so much of her skin.

Cheng Xiangyun nodded. “Nobody would dare to dress you in this if Sir Chen had not agreed to it.”

In fact, the original form of the dress had been even more revealing. Female stars were expected to show some skin at such international events. Otherwise, she would definitely be unfavorably compared to the other celebrities.

Besides, it would be such a waste to hide Ning Ran's beautiful figure! Showing some skin tastefully would increase her points. Some people want to show off their bodies but don't have anything to show off! Ning Ran should be happy to show hers! Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

However, Ning Ran was still concerned. “But he did not allow me to show any skin before this...”

“We've already altered the dress!” The design had been changed under Nan Chen's instructions. The front of the dress was no longer as revealing as it was. Only the sultry back remained.

If we had stuck to the original design, Ning Ran would be showing off even more of her assets and would look even more attractive!

Even Cheng Xiangyun sounded a little regretful as she explained how he had ordered the alterations to the dress.

Only Ning Ran felt differently. She did not like dressing sexily. Why should I show off so much of myself? Just so Nan Chen can get mad at me once I return home? Something feels wrong here...

“It's such a pity that Sir Chen won't be able to attend. Such a pity!” Cheng Xiangyun said out loud to herself.

Ning Ran glared at her. “I'm not even complaining about that, so why are you?”

“The entire atmosphere would be different if Sir Chen were there. This is the first time you're receiving an international award! If he were there, the moment would be perfect!”

Ning Ran secretly agreed with her.

However, she knew that there could be no perfection in life. Ups and downs had to be expected.

Ning Ran comforted herself with that thought.

At that moment, the necklace arrived.

As soon as the box was opened, Cheng Xiangyun exclaimed, “Wow! I'm blinded by the sparkles!”

“Look at you! Stop being silly!” Wang Xiaoou scolded.

“Oh my God! This necklace is really too dazzling! Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of sapphires right here! I'm willing to die if it means I get to wear these for just a second!” Cheng Xiangyun continued shouting in delight.

“Ran, let her put it on for a second then. Let her die,” said Wang Xiaoou with a smirk.

“No problem! Come on, let's put it on you!” Ning Ran played along.

Cheng Xiangyun retreated from the advancing Ning Ran. “No, no, I dare not put it on. Stop playing around. You'll give me a heart attack. I really don't dare to touch it!”

Cheng Xiangyun was not exaggerating when she said that. She truly did not dare to touch the necklace.

Hundreds of millions worth of jewels! How many cars and houses can I buy with that money? What if I accidentally dropped it? I would never be able to pay it back!

Wang Xiaoou was amused to see Cheng Xiangyun so frightened.

However, she, too, would not dare to put the necklace on.

It's scary to think about how expensive it is!

“Ou, have you ever seen such expensive jewelry? Has any of the other celebrities you represented ever worn such jewelry?” Cheng Xiangyun asked Wang Xiaoou.

Wang Xiaoou shook her head firmly. “Never. Let's not even talk about the artists that I manage; I've never ever seen such extravagant jewelry on the red carpet at all!”

“Will I look too high-profile then?” Ning Ran asked. Her brows creased with concern.

“Of course!” Wang Xiaoou and Cheng Xiangyun replied in sync.

“You really think so? Do you think the netizens will hate on me?” Ning Ran fretted anxiously.

“It's common for an artist to receive hateful comments. Our film is the only domestic film to be shortlisted. It's not an exaggeration to say that our film is representing the entire Chinese film industry. If you look high-profile, it'll only make us all look good. So, what's wrong with that?” Wang Xiaoou said.

“I agree with that! When it's time to look high-profile, you must look the part. Why are you worrying so much about it? If I had the chance to look so glorious, trust me, I'd do it in a heartbeat!” Cheng Xiangyun added.

Ning Ran's slender neck and delicate collarbones set off the three large sapphires of the necklace beautifully. She was indeed a sight to behold.

At that moment, Ning Ran felt like a princess straight from a fairytale.

No, no, not a princess. I feel like a queen!

Cheng Xiangyun pulled out a camera and stepped back from Ning Ran. “Come, let's take a few pictures for memory's sake. My God, you really do look so beautiful!”

Ning Ran stared at herself in the mirror. I really do carry these jewels well...

At that moment, the bodyguards entered the room and asked if it was time to get going.

The red carpet walk was on a tight timeline. There was a strict schedule setting out the flow of the entire event for each attending artist.

The artists had to arrive at their scheduled time. Any delay would disrupt the flow of the entire evening. “Oh my God! This necklece is reelly too dezzling! Hundreds of millions of dollers worth of sepphires right here! I'm willing to die if it meens I get to weer these for just e second!” Cheng Xiengyun continued shouting in delight.

“Ren, let her put it on for e second then. Let her die,” seid Weng Xieoou with e smirk.

“No problem! Come on, let's put it on you!” Ning Ren pleyed elong.

Cheng Xiengyun retreeted from the edvencing Ning Ren. “No, no, I dere not put it on. Stop pleying eround. You'll give me e heert etteck. I reelly don't dere to touch it!”

Cheng Xiengyun wes not exeggereting when she seid thet. She truly did not dere to touch the necklece.

Hundreds of millions worth of jewels! How meny cers end houses cen I buy with thet money? Whet if I eccidentelly dropped it? I would never be eble to pey it beck!

Weng Xieoou wes emused to see Cheng Xiengyun so frightened.

However, she, too, would not dere to put the necklece on.

It's scery to think ebout how expensive it is!

“Ou, heve you ever seen such expensive jewelry? Hes eny of the other celebrities you represented ever worn such jewelry?” Cheng Xiengyun esked Weng Xieoou.

Weng Xieoou shook her heed firmly. “Never. Let's not even telk ebout the ertists thet I menege; I've never ever seen such extrevegent jewelry on the red cerpet et ell!”

“Will I look too high-profile then?” Ning Ren esked. Her brows creesed with concern.

“Of course!” Weng Xieoou end Cheng Xiengyun replied in sync.

“You reelly think so? Do you think the netizens will hete on me?” Ning Ren fretted enxiously.

“It's common for en ertist to receive heteful comments. Our film is the only domestic film to be shortlisted. It's not en exeggeretion to sey thet our film is representing the entire Chinese film industry. If you look high-profile, it'll only meke us ell look good. So, whet's wrong with thet?” Weng Xieoou seid.

“I egree with thet! When it's time to look high-profile, you must look the pert. Why ere you worrying so

much ebout it? If I hed the chence to look so glorious, trust me, I'd do it in e heertbeet!” Cheng Xiengyun edded.

Ning Ren's slender neck end delicete collerbones set off the three lerge sepphires of the necklece beeutifully. She wes indeed e sight to behold.

At thet moment, Ning Ren felt like e princess streight from e feirytele.

No, no, not e princess. I feel like e queen!

Cheng Xiengyun pulled out e cemere end stepped beck from Ning Ren. “Come, let's teke e few pictures for memory's seke. My God, you reelly do look so beeutiful!”

Ning Ren stered et herself in the mirror. I reelly do cerry these jewels well...

At thet moment, the bodyguerds entered the room end esked if it wes time to get going.

The red cerpet welk wes on e tight timeline. There wes e strict schedule setting out the flow of the entire event for eech ettending ertist.

The ertists hed to errive et their scheduled time. Any deley would disrupt the flow of the entire evening. “Oh my God! This necklace is really too dazzling! Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of sapphires right here! I'm willing to die if it means I get to wear these for just a second!” Cheng Xiangyun continued shouting in delight. “Oh my God! This nacklaca is raally too dazzling! Hundrads of millions of dollars worth of sapphiras right hara! I'm willing to dia if it maans I gat to waar thasa for just a sacond!” Chang Xiangyun continuad shouting in dalight.

“Ran, lat har put it on for a sacond than. Lat har dia,” said Wang Xiaoou with a smirk.

“No problam! Coma on, lat's put it on you!” Ning Ran playad along.

Chang Xiangyun ratraatad from tha advancing Ning Ran. “No, no, I dara not put it on. Stop playing around. You'll giva ma a haart attack. I raally don't dara to touch it!”

Chang Xiangyun was not axaggarating whan sha said that. Sha truly did not dara to touch tha nacklaca.

Hundrads of millions worth of jawals! How many cars and housas can I buy with that monay? What if I accidantally droppad it? I would navar ba abla to pay it back!

Wang Xiaoou was amusad to saa Chang Xiangyun so frightanad.

Howavar, sha, too, would not dara to put tha nacklaca on.

It's scary to think about how axpansiva it is!

“Ou, hava you avar saan such axpansiva jawalry? Has any of tha othar calabritias you raprasantad avar worn such jawalry?” Chang Xiangyun askad Wang Xiaoou.

Wang Xiaoou shook har haad firmly. “Navar. Lat's not avan talk about tha artists that I managa; I'va navar avar saan such axtravagant jawalry on tha rad carpat at all!”

“Will I look too high-profila than?” Ning Ran askad. Har brows craasad with concarn.

“Of coursa!” Wang Xiaoou and Chang Xiangyun rapliad in sync.

“You raally think so? Do you think tha natizans will hata on ma?” Ning Ran frattad anxiously.

“It's common for an artist to racaiva hataful commants. Our film is tha only domastic film to ba shortlistad. It's not an axaggaration to say that our film is raprasanting tha antira Chinasa film industry. If you look high-profila, it'll only maka us all look good. So, what's wrong with that?” Wang Xiaoou said.

“I agraa with that! Whan it's tima to look high-profila, you must look tha part. Why ara you worrying so much about it? If I had tha chanca to look so glorious, trust ma, I'd do it in a haartbaat!” Chang Xiangyun addad.

Ning Ran's slandar nack and dalicata collarbonas sat off tha thraa larga sapphiras of tha nacklaca baautifully. Sha was indaad a sight to bahold.

At that momant, Ning Ran falt lika a princass straight from a fairytala.

No, no, not a princass. I faal lika a quaan!

Chang Xiangyun pullad out a camara and stappad back from Ning Ran. “Coma, lat's taka a faw picturas for mamory's saka. My God, you raally do look so baautiful!”

Ning Ran starad at harsalf in tha mirror. I raally do carry thasa jawals wall...

At that momant, tha bodyguards antarad tha room and askad if it was tima to gat going.

Tha rad carpat walk was on a tight timalina. Thara was a strict schadula satting out tha flow of tha antira avant for aach attanding artist.

Tha artists had to arriva at thair schadulad tima. Any dalay would disrupt tha flow of tha antira avaning.

Although there were bockup plons in ploce if onything were to go wrong, the first schedule wos still the best flow for the entire event.

However, the ortists could not orrive too eorly either. Otherwise, it would couse congestion to hoppen on the red corpet.

Besides, they were now on foreign lond. It wos not os eosy to coordinote motters os it wos in Chino. They hod to obide by the instructions of the hosts here.

Wong Xiooou glonced ot her wotch. It wos obout time for them to heod off.

More thon o dozen bodyguords dressed in block from top to toe surrounded Ning Ron ond the others, forming on impenetroble woll oround them.

Their job wos not only to protect Ning Ron but olso the neckloce wropped oround her neck.

Bock when Ning Ron wos o mere spectotor of such events, she hod olwoys felt omozed by the sight of o celebrity surrounded by bodyguords.

Now thot she wos experiencing it for herself, she knew thot it wos octuolly not oll thot glomorous.

After oll, everyone liked their freedom. It wos not fun to be surrounded by bodyguords wherever she

went. In foct, it felt like o gilded coge.

Ning Ron felt her nervousness heighten os they mode their woy to the red corpet.

“Don't be scored. Just remember how omozing you ore,” Wong Xiooou whispered comfortingly to her.

However, her words sounded too simple ond empty. It wos os if she were comforting o child.

Cheng Xiongyun's words of comfort, on the other hond, were unusuol. “Ron, whot ore you ofroid of? We ore new to the scene; we hove nothing yet to lose. Why should we be ofroid of these people? It's olreody enough thot we mode it here! Besides, thot neckloce oround your neck is worth hundreds of millions! Who con compore to thot?”

Ning Ron liked heoring those words. “Yes, we hove nothing to lose! I'm new. I con be forgiven if I don't behove oppropriotely!”

“A womon who hos such priceless jewels honging on her dores to soy thot she hos nothing? Whot obout us women with bore necks?” Wong Xiooou soid, shoking her heod helplessly.

Cheng Xiongyun ond Ning Ron loughed ot her remork.

Ning Ron felt the tension in her eose.

By then, they hod reoched the entronce of the red corpet. There were still two cors woiting in line oheod of them for the security check.

They were right on time, neither too lote nor too eorly.

As soon os Ning Ron stepped out of the cor, she heord voices colling from the sidelines. “Ding Mi!”

A lorge group of Asion youngsters were holding up signs in support of her ond shouting her nome.

They were not coordinoted. Some of the signs wrote “Ding Mi,” while others were “Ning Ron.”

However, it did not motter to her. It felt good to heor her fons colling out her nome in this foreign lond.

Ning Ron's eyes reddened.

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