Now and Forever

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

What really happened...

"Well then deal with it." I then glared at him one more time and turned on my heel, ready to walk away

but guess what? This idiot had something else in mind.

He held by my shoulder and spun me around to look at him. For one second I thought he was going to

crash his lips down on mine but instead he twitched his right eye, implying that he was irritated.

I must say, I know I'm acting like a bitch but since I've gotten his attention since last week I might as

well take advantage of it.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it immediately and walked out of the room, probably

to his study and just left me dumbfounded.

I shook my head to get rid of the disgusting thoughts that had clouded my mind and climbed into bed,

the tiredness catching up to me.


I woke up to the blazing sound of my phone ringing loudly on the bedside table.

"Hello?" I groggily said into the phone, my body still half asleep.

"Amelia! What are you still doing in bed?" The sound of Audrey's voice came through the speaker.

"I'm sleeping." I replied and yawned at the end.

"But it's like 11:00 pm, you're usually up by 9:00!" Alexis' voice came through the phone.

"I know I know, I slept late." I sat up, almost awake.

"Why? We're you and Alexander-"

"Oh shut up, would you?! And no, I went out with Bella last night." I replied to Audrey's question and

leaned against the headboard, now fully awake.

"Oh, we were just about to ask you if you would go out with us to a club but since you already went,

how about... a slumber party!" They both said -screamed- the last part at the same time.

"Aren't we a little old to be having slumber parties?" I giggled at the end.

"What?! What do you mean 'aren't we a little to old to be having slumber parties'?! No we're not and

we're having it at your house! So good day, we'll be there by seven, bye!" And like that, they hanged up This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

the phone.

I looked at the phone, flabbergasted at what just happened.

"Ok then, looks like we're having a slumber party." I sighed and whispered under my breath.

"Hello?" Bella slurred into the phone when I decided to call her.

"Hi Bella!-"

"Jesus Amelia!" She cut me off.

"Oops, I'm so sorry,. Anyways, I'm apparently having a slumber party tonight, so you're coming." I said

and left no room for argument.

"What do you mean 'you're coming' you didn't even ask if I wanted to come." She said, her voice better


"Exactly." I then stood up from the bed and made my way to the closet.

"Okay fine, I'm coming, is that all?" There was some shuffling in the background and I assumed she

had sat up.

"No..." and then I told her about everything that happened last night or this morning? Whatever.

"So I was thinking that I should go apologize for acting like a bitch." I explained while choosing out an

outfit from my wardrobe.

"What?! No way! You shouldn't have to apologize for what you did! It's what you wanted and that's


I mean, she's right, I shouldn't have to be apologizing just because I wore what I wore or just because I

went out with Bella yesterday, I must be delusional... or not?

"Unless..." she trailed off like she was thinking about what to say next.

"Unless...?" I got impatient when she wasn't spitting it out.

"Unless you just want a reason to see him! Oh my god Amelia! I mean, who goes all the way to

someone's office just to 'apologize' for something they haven't done wrong and also if they're going to

see them at home later on? I'm a genius!" She exhaled deeply after her ranting.

Now that I think about it, she's right. I do just want a reason to see him. I mean, I knew I had feelings

for him but to the extent of wanting a reason to drive for 40 minutes just to 'apologize'? is just BS.

"You know what? You're right." I stopped what I was doing and sighed in defeat.

"But you know..." She trailed off. Again.

"What?" I snapped into the phone when she didn't say anything.

"I mean, doesn't mean you still can't go see him, right? What are you doing today?"

"I don't have anything to do. I really need to get a job." I walked out of the closet and threw myself

down on the bed in exasperation.

"That could be another reason to go see him today, you could ask for a job." She suggested.

"I don't know Bella, won't it be like cheating or something? Because I'm his 'wife'?" I sat up and rubbed

my forehead in irritation.

"That's the whole point! You're his wife and so he can't say no to you." She said, excitement lacing her


"I sometimes think you forget who you're talking about. I mean, have you met Alexander Knight? And

I'm not his actual wife and you k is that."

"Could you at least try? Just give it a shot and tell me how it goes okay? Love you, bye." She blew a

kiss into the phone and only hung up after I said it back.


"Ok, here we go." I whispered to myself when the elevator dinged and the doors slid open and

displayed the lobby for the very top floor.

My eyes widened when I saw Charlotte still sitting behind the receptionist's desk, typing something on

the desktop.

I walked over to her and cleared my throat when she didn't notice me.

She closed her eyes and took in deep breaths as if she was trying to calm down and looked up, her

eyes narrowed. When she saw it was me, her eyes widened and her mouth slightly parted.

"Amelia? Oh my gosh, it really is you!" She immediately stood up and before I could process what was

going on, she had circled the desk and gave me a huge hug and it surprisingly felt comforting. I know,


"I know you're not going to believe this but I really really missed you so much!" She whispered, still

hugging me.

"Really? I thought you hated me." I said and patted her back awkwardly.

"No, I never hated you, I was just acting like a bitch to you because I was jealous of your spot and for

that, I'm really sorry." She pulled away from the hug and gave me a huge smile which I returned.

"If you came to see Alexander, yes he's in." She circled the desk and went back to her chair.

"Thank you." I gave her another smile and walked over to the door.

I knocked on the door and only opened it when I heard a 'come in' but wanna know what the weird part

is? It was a female's voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as to why there was a woman answering when it was Alexander's


I walked in and looked over to the couches when I didn't see him sitting behind his desk.

My eyebrows shot up when I saw Alexander and some other woman reading files that were overflowing

the coffee table and they looked too close for comfort with their knees almost touching.

He had taken off his jacket and tie and was now only in his white crisp shirt with the sleeves rolled up to

his elbows and had undone the first two buttons.

She was wearing a purple button up with the top three buttons undone which was highly inappropriate

considering whatever wasn't supposed to show was showing and a grey skirt that stopped mid thigh

when she sat down with a pair of matching purple 5 inch heels.

I mean, who wears 5 inch heels to work?!

I cleared my throat to get their attention and when they looked up, they both seemed surprised but

Alexander quickly covered his surprise with a blank face.

She stood up and pulled down her skirt with a huge smile plastered across her face and walked over to

me like she and I had been best friends since childhood.

"Oh my god, you must be Amelia! Nice to meet you." She pulled me into a huge hug like we are best


"Yes, that's me." I chuckled nervously and awkwardly patted her back.

She really was pretty though, with a heart shaped face, fiery red hair that was pulled back into a neat

low bun, beautiful green eyes, a button like nose (which was cute) and pink full lips that made mine

come to shame.

She pulled away, still smiling and dropped her hands to her sides.

"Anyways, I'll leave you two alone for..." she checked the time on her watch and looked back up "... 38

minutes because you have a meeting then in the conference hall." She said, that directed towards


"Thank you Leila." Alexander said and continued reading his papers.

God, she even has a beautiful name!

She looked back at me and smiled, to which I returned and made her way out of the office.

"Who was that?" I asked when the door had closed behind her.

"Leila." He replied without even sparing a glance at me.

"I know her name- I mean, who is she?" I walked over to him.

"She's my P.A. Do you have a problem with that?" I looked up and raised an eyebrow at me.

I narrowed my eyes at him and just as I was about to reply with a snappy comeback I decided against


"No, I do not have a problem with that." I replied and took a step back when he stood up.

He raised an eyebrow at my movement and this idiot stepped closer, making me take a step back.

"What are you doing here Amelia?" He closed his eyes and rubbed the side of his face like he was

irritated or something.

"I came here to apologize." At this, he opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

"You mean to tell me, you drove all the way here just to, 'apologize'?" He stepped closer and I stepped


"No, not only that, I also came to ask for a job. You don't have to pay me or whatever I just want

something to occupy me while I look for other jobs." This time, he didn't take a step closer and I was

grateful for that I must say.

"A job?" He looked at me like I was making a joke or something.

"Yes, a job." I crossed my arms and pursed my lips.

"Why in the world would you want a job?" He walked around me and towards his chair, probably to

grab his jacket before little miss perfect came back.

"I just told you, I want to occupy myself while looking for another job." I turned around to face him.

"No." He said, without hesitation.

"What?! Why not?!" I threw my hands up to add emphasis to what I was saying.

"Because I do not mix up my personal life up with my work life."


"Knock knock." Leila waltzed into the room without even waiting for a response, cutting me off in the


"Alexander, your meeting has been moved up a couple minutes and is starting in like..." she looked

down at her wrist "... 10 minutes so we should be headed down now." And like that, she left the room

without even apologizing for interrupting our conversation.

What is with her and looking down at her watch all the time?! And oh, Alexander?! Since when does

she get to call him by his first name?!

I looked back at Alexander with my eyes widened and he just looked back at me with a blank face.

I opened my mouth to say something but decided against it.

"You should really think about my question." And with that said, I walked out of his office and straight to

the elevator, not forgetting to say bye to Charlotte even though I knew she only wanted to be my friend

because I got married to Alexander.

Even the thought of people wanting to be in my friends group just because of who I'm married to makes

me gag.


"What? No way!" I gasped and covered my mouth, trying to hide my smile.

"That did not happen." Bella snorted, not bothering to hide her amusement.

"Yep! That's actually what happened! And guess what?" Audrey grabbed a cushion and started playing

with the frilly sides.

"What-" I was cutoff by the sound of someone clearing their throat from the entrance of the living room

and even an idiot could guess who it was.

"What the hell is going on?" Alexander walked over to where we were sitting on the floor of the living

room, surrounded by snacks and drinks.

"A slumber party!" Alexis exclaimed and grinned widely up at him.

"A slumber party?" He looked at all of us in turn like we were the craziest people on earth.

"Yes, a slumber party." Audrey drew out like she was talking to a child.

"Amelia, a word please." He looked me dead in the eye, leaving no room for argument and turned

around and walked away.

I dusted off the Cheetos dumbs of my front and followed him out of the living room and into the foyer.

"What do you want to talk about?" I pressed my lips together and crossed my arms, looking anywhere

but him.

"What do I want- what do you mean 'what do I want to talk about'?!" He whisper shouted.

"Ok fine, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the slumber party that I'm having with your two sisters and my

best friend and not some random 3 girls on a Friday night." I looked up at him, feigning innocence.

"Amelia, now's not the time to be sarca-"

Ding dong.

Whew, saved by the bell!

I jumped at the first opportunity to get out of the conversation that was goin to turn into an argument to

open the door.

You've got to be kidding me.

"Hi Amelia!" The last person I wanted to see on earth was on the porch, soaking wet from heavy

drizzles I hadn't even noticed had started.

"Leila? What are you doing here? And you're soaking wet! Come in!" I pulled her into the house before

she could get sick.

Perks of being nice, am I right? Even though I just wanted her to stay in the porch and freeze to death.

Is that so wrong?

"Sorry to just barge in like this but there was some paper work Alexander needed to look at and when I

was on my way over it started to drizzle really heavy." She explained, all the while looking at an

astounded Alexander.

"Come on, we have to change you out of those clothes. Couldn't the paperwork wait till tomorrow?" I

took ahold of her and led her up the stairs, Alexander walking silently behind us.

"I'm afraid it couldn't, I forgot to ask him before he left the office." She clarified while looking down at

the steps.

Ok, this girl is officially the worst liar ever.

"You can have a shower in here while I go grab you some clothes, okay?" I opened the door to one of

the guest rooms on the second floor.

"Thank you so much." She said with a tight smile stretched across her face.

"Sure, no problem." I mumbled to the door after she closed without even letting me respond.

"Who is that?" Bella asked when she found me walking up to the third floor on the stairs.

"Alexander's new P.A." I sighed and kissed my teeth.

"What the hell is she doing here?" She furrowed her eyebrows as if trying to fix the puzzle pieces


"What do you think? She said she needed Alexander to 'look through' some papers but I didn't see any

and it's obvious she has a crush on him. And now I have to go get her clothes from my closet when she

obviously got wet in the rain intentionally." I snorted and rolled my eyes.

"Ok first of all: wow and second of all: how dare she?!" She burst out unexpectedly.

"Bella! Shush! Now, you go back down and I'll be there in a minute, okay?" I pointed in the direction we

had just come from and she nodded her head.

I walked into the room to see no sign of Alexander and no sound of the shower on in the bathroom and

that could only mean one thing: he's in the closet.

Or he could be downstairs you idiot! I don't even know why you're avoiding him!

Me neither. Now shut up and go back to your- wherever you came from!

Ok now I know I'm crazy, I mean, talking to myself? Focus, Amelia!

I walked into the closet and saw Alexander looking through his pajama section, his shirt unbuttoned.

Oh my goodness! If I could just- Focus Amelia!

Right! I mentally shook my head to shake away the thoughts that had made their way into my mind and

decided to pretend like he wasn't there by humming a song to myself.

"You still haven't told me why you didn't tell me that you were having a slumber party." He said, spoiling

my plan.

"I was going to tell you but." I got a pair of grey sweatpants.

"But...?" He trailed off.

"You were very busy and it slipped my mind." I grabbed a v neck and a new pair of underwear and bra I

keep just in case situations like this occur.

I turned around to look at him but got taken aback when I saw him leaning against the dresser, arms

crossed, one ankle crossed over the other and eyes narrowed, like he was trying to read me.

"Are you sure that's the reason?" He stood up straight and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?" I furrowed my eyebrows, praying so hard he wouldn't see through my facade.

Ok, I've gotten so used to lying that I don't even know why I'm lying right now. I've seriously got to stop.

"Okay." He said like he was still skeptical but let it go and walked out of the closet.

"Here you go." I said and handed over the clothes to Leila.

"Thank you." She said and closed the door shut in my face like before, not waiting for my response.

I mentally rolled my eyes and walked back down the stairs.

This is going to be a long night.

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