On the Edge (The Grange Complex Book 1)

Chapter 35

Chapter 35


“I’m sorry, Jenny—what did you just say?” I asked, barely forming a coherent sentence.

“We didn’t have sex. I was embarrassed that you weren’t all that into it, but I knew that there was a

smartphone in the room, recording me,” she added, blushing.

I swallowed hard, wondering if this shit was happening for real, that I was being saved by some

supernatural force. Someone upstairs must really fucking like me. Victoria paled and I was looking

straight at Jenny, wanting and praying that her tale was real and I hadn’t gone ahead with fucking her.

“Tell us what happened exactly,” I said gently.

“You were dozing off, and your… you know, instrument wasn’t working, so I told you to pretend,” Jenny

said, dropping her gaze to the floor. I was ready to embrace her, but I knew that it wouldn’t look right,

so I forced myself to stay still. For the first time in my life, I was glad that my cock hadn’t worked the

way it was supposed to.

“Of course you slept with him, Jenny. What are you even talking about? The video is genuine, you

stupid little bitch!” Victoria screamed.

I stepped towards Victoria, euphoric. Sasha kept opening and closing her mouth in a state of a shock.

“Shut the fuck up, Vic, and don’t you dare speak to Jenny like that; otherwise I’ll unleash Sasha on you.

Every single word from this conversation is being recorded. You can go to hell for all I care, but from

now on you leave us alone,” I said with a smile, pointing at my Barbie. Sasha finally snapped out of it

and unbuttoned her blouse, showing Victoria the wire. “So I’ll tell you what is going to happen now.

First, you will get the hell out of my life forever and you’ll stay away from Jenny. If you won’t comply

with these conditions, I’ll destroy your reputation so badly that you won’t be able to do business

anywhere in Britain. You’ll be truly and utterly screwed.”

“You can’t –”

“Oh yes, I can and I will. Harry is on my side, and you know what kind of contacts he has, right?”

The colour drained from her face. We both knew that no one would want Harry as an enemy. He was


“This isn’t over, Dex,” she warned through gritted teeth, then picked up her bag and stormed out of the

door. I collapsed on the sofa, hiding my face in my hands, feeling like all of a sudden all my strength

was gone. The bitch was gone and we were finally free.

“Dexter, are you all right?” Sasha asked, walking up to me and touching my shoulder. I wanted to pull

her down to my lap and kiss her, but Jenny was still in the room. Sasha was the best thing that ever

happened to me and I was ready to fucking spend the rest of my life with that woman.

I cleared my throat and stood up. “I’m sorry it had to come to that, Jen, but you probably already realise

that I’m not the guy for you,” I said, looking straight into her eyes. What was I supposed to say to a

fifteen-year-old girl that wanted me to take away her virginity? She deserved someone better than me,

someone closer to her age.

“You could go on a date with me. I might be fifteen, but I’m not a child.”

Jesus Christ. These women are going to kill me.

“Yes, that’s right. You’re fifteen, but even if you were twenty that wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference,”

I said.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m in love with the woman that is standing next to you and I can’t imagine living my life

without her,” I said, darting my eyes towards Sasha. “I’m really, really sorry.”

Tears filled the girl’s eyes. There wasn’t any easier way of doing this. I couldn’t promise her anything;

she was only a child. Then the door opened up and Harry barged inside, looking like he had been


“Jenny! Come on, let’s get out of here. There is someone that I really need you to meet,” he said,

winking at me. Bastard, he had heard everything, even my admittance to undying love for Sasha.

Jenny looked devastated as she walked out with Harry. She shot Sasha a murderous glare before

Harry shut the door behind him.

“You broke that poor girl’s heart, Dex,” Sasha said with slight edge in her voice.

Damn, I knew I fucked up again, dropping that bomb on her in the most awkward moment. This wasn’t

how I wanted to tell Sasha that I was in love with her, but I had no idea about romantic shit at all.

I walked up to her, feeling nervous and like my abdomen was in knots. “She’ll get over it,” I muttered.

“So you love me, huh? Did you just realise it or have you known it for a while?” she asked, smiling.

I dragged my hand through my hair, knowing that she wanted the whole truth.

“Barbie, at the moment that’s irrelevant. All I want to know is if you’re going to say this shit back to me.”

She laughed. “This shit? Charming, Dex, and so romantic—you sweep me off my feet. You really know

how to be subtle,” she said, running her finger over my chest. “I don’t know. I think I might keep you in

the dark for a little while, at least until I’m sure that you’re serious.”

Fucking tease. I grabbed her and brought her close to my chest, narrowing my eyes. “I do love you,

Sasha, but I love fucking you more. As long as your pussy is wet for me I don’t care about anything


She chuckled. “That’s good, because that makes me love you a little.”

“Maybe you’ll love me more when you find out that I bought the apartment next door, just for you.” I

knew how much she enjoyed living in Joey’s place.

“What? That’s impossible. The sale has gone through. That old man—”

“You forget something: I’m the landowner. Everything has to pass through me,” I cut her off, kissing her

gently. “Besides, I couldn’t let just anyone live next to me. The apartment is yours. It always belonged

to you.”

“Okay. In that case, I love you too.”

“For fuck’s sake, I always knew you were after my money.”

“Shut up and kiss me like you mean it.”


“Where the hell are we going, Dex?” Sasha asked for the fifth time as we drove through the busy

streets of Glasgow. She'd tensed when we passed the sign outside the city half an hour earlier, and

shot me a questionable look.

I ignored her, trying not to think about her gorgeous lips wrapped around my cock. “To a special show.

It’s a surprise, Barbie, so quit asking,” I muttered, knowing that I was taking a huge risk, hiding this shit

from her, but I wanted her to gain her own personal closure. Ronny’s unexpected phone call at the

party had sounded promising, so I went to see him that evening when the thing with Victoria had finally

blown over. Hell, my trip to his place was fucking worth it. By the time I got back to the complex, my

brain was completely fired up.

Sasha folded her arms over her chest, pretending that she wasn’t uncomfortable with being in

Glasgow. Our trip had probably brought some unexpected memories back, stuff that pushed her out of

her comfort zone and wreaked havoc on her confidence. But she was strong and it was time to put her

past completely behind her.

We drove in silence for another fifteen minutes until we reached an industrial park filled with office

buildings and some retail stores. I bet she had no idea what was happening. Her ex’s company had

expanded in the past year and his office had moved to a new location. The thing that pissed me off the

most was that he was living it up, enjoying himself like he deserved everything he had. But he only had

a few more minutes of freedom left.

Once we arrived outside the stylish building, I sent Ronny a quick text message.

“Dexter, what is going on? What is this place?” she asked, chewing on her bottom lip.

“We are paying a final visit to your shameful ex,” I said gently. I knew she was going to freak, but that

prick needed to pay for what he had done.

The colour drained from Sasha’s face, and she stared at me like I’d lost my fucking mind. “No. Drive

off. I don’t want anything to do with him,” she insisted.

“Baby, trust me. It’s time. Come on,” I said and got out of the car. I glanced at the building, seeing that

someone was walking towards us. He was just in time; it looked like Ronny needed a pay rise.

“Dexter, please. Why are you doing this to me?” she asked.

“Because you need to get that eight grand back. He ruined your life and it’s your fucking money,” I


“We both know that he won’t do it. Come on, let’s go back—”


Finally the prick noticed us. Sasha shuddered next to me, glaring at him with bitter anger and fear. I

was ready to beat the shit out of him, but that wouldn’t really satisfy me. I wanted him to experience

real pain, the kind of pain that he would never forget. One lousy punch wouldn’t cut it.

“Right, that’s close enough, asshole,” I snapped at him, when he tried to approach her.

“What the fuck do you want?” the asshole asked, glaring at me with interest. He took a pack of

cigarettes out and lit one. He was taller than me, wearing some cheap suit with over-the-top shoes.

Pathetic. I glanced at Barbie, who looked frozen, and I nudged her with my elbow. She cleared her

throat, finally landing her eyes on that piece of shit.

“I want my money back, Kirk.”

The guy started laughing, so I joined him. This was only getting better and better. It took him another

thirty seconds to stop.

“Fuck, Sasha, do you think you can come up here with some asshole and that I’ll return the cash that

technically belongs to me? How stupid can you be?”

“I’d be careful if I were you, fuckface, or I’ll forget my manners and teach you how you’re supposed to

speak to ladies,” I warned him.

“Dexter, what are—”

“Crystal’s accounts, asshole. I know all about your dirty dealings, hidden transactions and transfers Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

from last year. You better get that checkbook out before I make some phone calls to your fucking boss

and put you in prison for at least five years,” I said, inhaling the cold air.

Sasha shifted next to me, but I didn’t look at her. I was watching that prick as what I said slowly

registered. His eyes narrowed, and that familiar smirk disappeared, quickly replaced by anger.

“Sasha, who the fuck is this guy?” the asshole asked with panic in his eyes.

My Barbie touched my arm, sending a twitch down to my cock. “You heard him. I want my money back,

Kirk. Now!”

“Hurry up, shitface. We haven’t got all day,” I rushed him. He hesitated, glancing around. I was enjoying

watching him as he nearly shit himself. Ronny had done well. This asshole thought that nobody knew

and he had gotten away with it. It took him fifteen seconds to write Sasha a check. I didn’t want Barbie

to touch him, so I walked up to him and grabbed it. A minute later we were strolling back to the car. I

didn’t let go of her until we were inside.

Her raspy breaths were bothering me, and I wanted to tell her that this wasn’t the only surprise that I'd

prepared for this evening.

“Watch this now,” I said to Barbie seconds later. A few cars passed us and sped up to the building.

Within moments a few guys went up to Kirk, surrounding him. We both watched as he got arrested on

the spot. He put up a fight, shouted, cursed Barbie off, but shortly after that he was handcuffed and led

to a police car.

“Dex, what the hell? What just happened?” Sasha finally asked. Her hands were shaking as she

witnessed the whole thing in stunned silence. I brought her closer to me, wanting to ease her


“Your ex has been fiddling with some accounts for years now. A few weeks ago I asked my good friend

Ronny to find out if he could get something on that piece of shit. At first everything looked fine. All his

accounts were clean, but he was living above his means, placing lots of money on bets, going to

casinos, buying stock that he couldn’t afford. It looked like the rat bastard had accrued quite a number

of debts over the last few years. He was earning a basic salary, so Ronny got suspicious. He started

investigating all the accounts in the company that Kirk worked in. It looked like his manager was also

greedy. They started with small sums, using his PA’s accounts to cover up the amounts that they were

transferring around the country.”

“Oh my God, but how—”

“I wanted him to give you the money first. With Harry’s contacts, he will be sent to one of the worst

prisons for a good few years. The shitface will pay for what he did to you, Sasha. By the time he’s

brought before the judge he will have a few more charges under his belt. He’s done, baby. Don’t worry,

he will never bother you again.”

Sasha was staring at the car as it started slowly driving away. Then she glanced down at her feet.

My heart was pounding with excitement. I'd really wanted to hit that prick, but I knew that prison was

going to teach him a much wiser lesson.

“Okay. In that case, the dinner is on me tonight,” she said, smiling through the tears in her eyes.

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