One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 183

Chapter 183 Edwin

I had awoken with a start, the remnants of a half-dream fading quickly from my mind. The living room had been quiet, the fire still c**ling merrily in the hearth. Eliza had been lounging on the other end of the couch, her blonde hair spilling over

the armrest.

But Audrey was gone. So was Peter.

"Where's Audrey?" I had asked Eliza.

She had shrugged, still half-asleep, her eyes remaining closed. "I think she went outside with Peter a little while ago."

A surge of panic had shot through me as I stumbled to my feet, the effects of the alcohol still clouding my mind. The room. spun slightly, and I had to grip the back of the couch to steady myself.

I had made my way to the front door. Yanking it open, I was hit by a blast of cold night air that momentarily cleared my head.

That was when I saw them.

Peter had his arms wrapped around Audrey-around my mate and her head was resting against his chest. They stood in the moonlit snow, a picture of intimacy that sent a wave of jealousy crashing through me. My vision went red, and I felt a growl building in my chest as I stormed over to them.

"What are you doing with my mate?"

Audrey's eyes snapped open, and she jumped back from Peter as if she'd been burned.

"Edwin, I-I didn't mean to-

Her cheeks were flushed, whether from the cold or embarrassment, I couldn't tell. But I wasn't mad at her. I was angry with him. I put my arm out and ushered her behind me, as if shielding her from my brother. Who, for his part, looked annoyingly calm, his hands raised in a placating gesture.

"Whoa, easy there, big brother," he said, his voice infuriatingly casual. "It's not what it looks like,"

"He was trying to teach me how to shift," Audrey explained.

He nodded. "During her trance, her knees began to buckle. I was just holding her upright. I didn't mean anything by it, Edwin

But the alcohol in my system and the jealousy coursing through my veins wouldn't let me see reason.

"Is that so?" snarled, taking a step forward, snow crunching under my boots. "Because it seems to me like you've been flirting with my mate since you showed up. I can't even nod off for five minutes without you trying to swoop in?"

Peter's eyes widened, then narrowed, his easy demeanor slipping away. "Are you seriously still on that b**hit that happened in high school?" he asked. "We were kids, Edwin, Kids, How many times do I have to apologize?"

Audrey looked back and forth between the two of us, eyebrows raised. Down the bond, I sent her a brief image.



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Walking away from my-date at prom for five minutes and coming back to find my brother making out with her beneath the bleachers.

Our father ridiculing me, saying that I was pathetic and weak and not fit to be the Alpha if I let another man steal my girl.

It was an old memory, and I had moved on, but seeing him try to pull the same stunt now-with my mate, no less-stung like hell.

Peter, noticing my expression, shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Goddess, Edwin. You're a m**n sometimes, you know that?" he spat, his breath forming small clouds in the frigid air. "I'm not interested in your mate. I was just trying to help. Why do you always assume the worst of me?"

"Because you've never given me any reason not to, I growled, my hands clenching into fists at my sides. "I see right through that witty charm of yours. You're a womanizer and a schemer. I won't have you making excuses to put your hands on my


"Edwin, please," Audrey said, her voice small and worried. She stepped between us, her hand reaching out to touch my arm I could feel her trembling. "It's not like that. Peter was just helping me- But I was too far gone to listen. The feel of her touch, knowing that moments ago she had been in Peter's arms, only fueled

my anger.

"Go inside, Audrey," I said, not taking my eyes off Peter. "I'll handle this."

"Handle what?" Peter scoffed, running a hand through his hair in exasperation. "There's nothing to handle, you drunk idiot. You're making something out of nothing, as usual."

I heard the front door open again, and Eliza's voice drifted out. "Oh, Goddess. This again?"

But I hardly registered her words. All I could focus on was Peter, standing there with that infuriating smirk on his face.

"You want her for yourself," I hissed. "The second you heard I was mated to the Silver Star, you tried to swoop in. Is that why you came tonight? Why you ran to her in the forest the other day? To look like the hero and steal her away? Maybe get the pack for yourself? God, you're not any better than Axel and Malakai, are you?"

"Oh, Eddie," Eliza groaned. "Eddie, you've had too much to drink."

"It's true," I snarled "He's been eyeing Audrey like a rare steak for days now."

"You can't blame me for noticing beauty, brother," Peter said, shrugging. "But I'm not trying to steal your mate, and I don't give a rat's a** about the pack. Maybe if you hadn't let Dad make you feel so insecure your whole life, you'd see that

A growl rumbled in my chest, low and threatening. Peter's eyes flashed, and he growled back, his easy demeanor completely

gone now.

Without conscious thought, felt my body begin to shift. In moments, I stood before him in my wolf form, a silent challenge flashing in my yellow eyes.

"Edwin!" Audrey cried out.

"Eddie!" Eliza barked. "Peter! Stop it! You're just letting Dad wint

But Peter didn't hesitate. He shifted too, his brown fur rippling in the cold wind. We began to circle each other, teeth bared, hackles raised. The snow crunched beneath our paws, and our hot breath formed clouds in the cold air.




I could hear Audrey crying qut, begging me to stop, feel her tugging at our bond, but her presence faded into the background. All I could focus on was my brother, my rival, the threat to my mate and my position.

Peter lunged first, his teeth snapping at my throat. I dodged, the rush of air from his attack ruffling my fur. Spinning, I slashed at his flank with my claws, feeling a grim satisfaction as they connected. He yelped but recovered quickly, ramming into my side with his full weight.

We tumbled across the snow-covered lawn, a tangle of fur and fangs. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth, but I didn't know if it was his or mine. It didn't matter. All that mattered was winning, proving my dominance.

Peter was quick, darting in and out of my reach, landing nips and scratches. His teeth grazed my ear, sending a jolt of pain through me. But I was stronger, my blows landing with more force when they connected.

In a moment of distraction, Peter managed to get his jaws around my front leg. Pain shot through me as his teeth sank in, but it only fueled my rage. With a roar that was more beast than man, I threw my weight forward, knocking him off balance.

As he stumbled, I pounced.

My larger form bore him to the ground, pinning him beneath me. Snow flew up around us, and I could feel the cold seeping into my fur. My jaws hovered over his throat, a low growl rumbling through me. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Peter's eyes locked with mine..

Then, slowly, Peter tilted his head back, exposing his neck.

Do it, he seemed to say.

The gesture of submission broke through the haze of anger and alcohol. I blinked, suddenly aware of what I had just been about to do. And suddenly I was back in that boxing ring, that kid's shattered eye socket forming a puddle of blood around my feet.

With one last growl, I released Peter and stepped back, my form shifting back to human. I pinched the bridge of shaking my head. What have I done, what have I done- "Don't touch my mate again," I said, my voice h**se and ragged.

my nose.

Peter shifted back as well, wincing as he got to his feet. Blood trickled from a cut above his eye, and he held his side gingerly.

"I told you, I wasn't-" he started, but I wasn't listening anymore.

I turned, scanning the area for Audrey. But she was nowhere to be seen. The yard was empty save for the churned-up snow and spots of blood that marked our fight. "Where is she?" I asked, looking to Eliza, who was still standing in the doorway, face pale with


My sister gestured inside, shaking her head.

"She ran off because of your ridiculous little display

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