Chapter 13:



All the palace maids gathered in a large hall. Ortega and Priscilla were also among the maids. Ortega glanced around, wondering why they were all asked to gather in the hall.

“Why are we here, Priscilla?” She asked Priscilla who was standing beside her. “Aren’t we supposed to be in the palace by now?”

“We gather here every morning and the head maid splits everyone into different groups. Each group will be given two or three chores and that’s the chores we’re gonna do when we get to the palace.” Priscilla replied.

“Wow! The head maid must be really organised.” Ortega said.

“Yeah, she is.” Priscilla nodded in agreement.

“I hope the head maid groups me and you together.” Ortega muttered.

The hall suddenly fell silent as an elderly woman walked in. She walked straight to the front and stood in front of the maids. She had a serious look on her face.

“Form two queues.” She ordered, and the maids formed two long queues.

Pamela, the head maid, started grouping the maids and she assigned different groups with different chores.

She continued grouping them till she got to Ortega. She eyed Ortega from head to toe. Ortega felt intimidated by those cold eyes that stared at her in disgust.

“Who are you?” She asked.

“Good morning, ma’am,” Ortega replied, uneasily. “I’m Ortega.”

Pamela gave Ortega a searching look. For about three to four seconds, she studied Ortega and Ortega could feel suspicion and questions growing in Pamela’s eyes as she took in every detail of her face.

“You’re a human.” She said.

This got Ortega really nervous but she composed herself with an effort. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Who brought you here?” Pamela asked.

“Me.” Priscilla answered, and Pamela moved her gaze to Priscilla.

“You brought her here, Priscilla?” Pamela asked with a surprised expression on her face.

“Yes madam Pamela.” Priscilla nodded affirmatively. “We’re sisters but from different mothers.” She added.

“Alright.” Pamela nodded. “You,” she pointed at Ortega, “And you” she pointed at Priscilla. “And the three of you.” She pointed at three maids behind Priscilla. “The five of you will work with me in the kitchen.”

Ortega was so happy that she got grouped with Priscila, and she was also happy that Priscilla supported her.

“Listen up everyone.” Pamela said after grouping all the maids. “Lord Fredrick and Lady Aurora just arrived back to the palace this morning, so I want you all to do your chores perfectly and cordially. I don’t want to see anyone of you slacking off or working lazily. Understood?”

“Yes ma’am.” They all echoed.

“Good. Let’s move.” Pamela ordered.

They all walked out of the maids’ building and moved inside the palace in a orderly manner.

“Each group should start doing their chores now.” Pamela ordered, and the maids dispersed in groups.

“The five of you should follow me.” she added, and began walking towards a broad stairway. Ortega, Priscilla and three other maids followed Pamela from behind as she walked towards the broad stairs that led to many rooms.

One of these rooms ran down the corridor into the kitchen.

The kitchen was big and luxurious just like that of a French kitchen. Ortega marveled at the beautiful setting of the kitchen.

Behind the kitchen table was a Chinese man. He was cutting a beef into many different slices with razor sharp knives.

He stopped when he saw Pamela approaching and he bowed slightly.

“Good morning, madam Pamela?” He greeted, bowing his head in respect.

“Morning, Xi Louis.” Pamela replied with a smile.

“Is the Chinese man also a werewolf?” Ortega whispered to Priscilla, but Xi heard her loud and clear.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, I’m a werewolf.” Xi replied, and Ortega smiled nervously at him. “Why did you ask?”

“No offence, but I never knew a Chinese man could be a werewolf.” Ortega replied, and Xi chuckled.

“Xi,” Pamela announced, waving over to Ortega. “This is Ortega. She is a new maid.”

“Nice meeting you, Ortega.” Xi stretched forth his hand for an handshake.

Ortega was surprised. She wasn’t expecting Xi to act friendly towards her.

“Nice meeting you too, Xi.” Ortega shook hands with him.

“Girls.” Pamela turned to the maids beside Pamela. “I want you to treat Ortega with respect and love.”

“Yes ma’am.” The maids nodded, looking at Ortega as if she were a strange alien. Ortega realised she was the only human woman amongst these girls. It made her stand out which she rarely felt comfortable with.

“Now, you girls should start washing the dishes while Xi and I will prepare breakfast for the royal family.” Pamela said, and the girls nodded, then they started their duties.


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