Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Chapter 121 Wilson‘s request was by no means unreasonable to Trevor. After all, he could easily hire any A–list screenwriter such as Eleanor. However, the first person that came to his mind when Wilson made the request was nonc other than Emma, who was a huge fan of Wilson‘s works and knew them inside out. More importantly, her overwhelming respect for the man meant she would give the writing her all just to make it perfect. That aside, she had shown a remarkable talent for screenwriting, and while she was considered a rookie in the industry, Trevor had faith that she could deliver. For some reason, he was convinced that she could take Wilson‘s test and impress him. As such, he wasted no time in saying to the bigshot screenwriter before him, “I think we can work something out. We’ll gather a few of our best screenwriters for your evaluation.” Pleased by this arrangement, Wilson said, “In that case, we‘ll dive into the details about copyrights after I‘ve seen the screenwriters‘ works for myself.” He paused for a moment, then added, “I‘ve got to be honest with you here–the investors have their minds made up on different screenwriters for the film, and I have no interest in pivoting the fate of the film on a game of screenwriter roulette, so I‘d much rather evaluate these writers for myself before I sign anything with any of the investors.” He gave Trevor a shrug as he pointed out casually, “I‘m not too bothered about the price either.” Trevor was well aware of this. Word had it that Wilson came from a prominent family in Kingsford and grew up in a mansion with sprawling estates. It was unlikely that money would be of any priority to a man like him. Besides, even without the mansion and old money, he would have already made a fortune out of his storied career as a famous screenwriter. The ludicrous offer he had made for the deal was none other than his way of showing his appreciation, Trevor presumed. With the informal business meeting concluded, the two men walked out of the cafe and into Gray‘s Bookstore where Wilson‘s signing event was being held. Trevor would be attending the event as well, but his target had switched from Wilson to Emma, whom he knew was going to be there as well.

The event was going to start soon, and Wilson left to find his team while Trevor surveyed the entire atrium only to realize that Emma was nowhere in sight. He glanced at his watch and frowned. Wilson‘s about to go on any minute now, so why isn‘t she here yet? From what he had gathered about her, he knew it was not like her to be late. When he found Cerys at the other end of the event space, he asked, “Why isn‘t Emma here yet?” Cerys frowned as she replied anxiously, “I don‘t know. I texted her a while ago and heard nothing back.” Trevor instructed gravely, “Call her.” Cerys did as she was told and quickly made the call, only to find that Emma‘s phone was turned off. She thereafter gave Trevor a bewildered look. “Her phone‘s been turned off.” His brows furrowed. Something was definitely wrong here. Logically speaking, Emma ought to be here at the signing event by now, and she would not have switched off her phone. She liked to be prepared, and knowing her, she would have her phone fully charged for the signing event so that she could take photos with Wilson. Presently, Cerys tried calling Emma again, and she even sent her a voice note. The icy feeling that crept through Trevor intensified when none of the calls were getting through He fished out his own phone and called Zachary, then said somberly, “Have someone check the security footage taken around Emma‘s place and find out where she is.” Zachary was baffled on the other line as he demanded, “Excuse me? What in the world is going on right now?” “She‘s gone, and she isn‘t picking up her phone. I think something may have happened to her,” Trevor explained briefly, “Have someone track her whereabouts. Hurry!” Having emphasized the last part, he hung up. After that, Zachary immediately made the necessary calls while Trevor phoned up Cyrus at the company. “I need you to find out if Arianna has already boarded her flight today.” Arianna was supposed to make her way abroad today, and if he remembered correctly, her flight should be right about now.

It didn‘t take long for Cyrus to get back to him. “Mr. Bateson, the airport staff said she has not boarded any flight and the system has no record of her.” Unaware of the gravity of the situation, he added exasperatedly, “She missed the boarding time; her ticket will go to waste.” He could have booked her on a different flight if she had just told him that she intended to postpone her travels. Mr. Bateson might have money, but it‘s not like he‘s made of it! Meanwhile, Trevor was incensed when he heard Zachary‘s reply. He was almost certain that Arianna had everything to do with Emma‘s sudden disappearance. He knew Arianna resented Emma for being the reason why she would be sent abroad, but he didn‘t think she would go to such extremes. They were in a civilized society, and what Arianna did was tantamount to kidnapping, which was a severe offense under the law! Trever quickly hung up on his call with Cyrus and dialed Arianna‘s number. She did not pick up at first, but she probably decided it was best to not ignore her own brother and finally put him through. “What is it, Trevor?” she asked innocently, He was already in the car and strapping on his seatbelt when he bit out frigidly, “Let Emma go right now, Arianna.” Playing dumb, Arianna snapped, “I–I don‘t know what you‘re talking about! Emma isn‘t with me.” Trevor growled, “I‘ll say this one more time. Let Emma go, or you‘ll have hell to pay.” He meant it. He would personally strangle Arianna and commit sororicide if anything happened to Emma. Outraged by his threat, Arianna shouted hysterically on the other line, confessing to her crime in the process, “So I kidnapped her, boo–hoo! Why should I let her go? If you‘re so great, why don‘t you come and get her, brother dearest?” A crazed laugh escaped her as she went on to say playfully “Though I should warn you that she would have been well–worn out by the time you come to rescue. Oh, that‘s right, I forgot to tell you that I‘ve set her up with a few genuemen. Think that‘s enough to satisfy her?” “Arianna!” Trevor thundered. “Are you out of your goddamn mind?!” || He couldn‘t picture the horrible things Arianna was about to put Emma through without wanting to tear down a building out of rage, and his hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly that his knucklesContentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!

turned white. Arianna was unfazed as she asked, “Don‘t get all worked up. I just don‘t want you to get the short end of the stick here. Besides, all she ever does is sleep with men to get what she wants anyway, so I‘m basically doing her favor!” She added venomously, “If it weren‘t for her, Grandpa would still love me, and you wouldn‘t send me abroad!” While she was throwing a fit on the other line, Trevor got a call from Zachary on his other phone. He put him through and heard him say, “I had someone retrieve the footage. Emma left early this morning and was taken away in a van bound for an abandoned warehouse up north.” “Got it. Trevor said curtly, then swerved the car into another lane before speeding toward the abandoned warehouse.

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