Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2


Jasmine Pov

We’re currently on a plane headed to the island of Netilan. According to Samael, Netilan is a huge island, located in the Caribbean Sea.

“Are you okay?” Samael asked as we all sat on the plane engaged in our own conversations. He looked super-hot in his black shirt and dark blue jeans with a leather jacket and concentrating on him it was a bit hard to understand what he was saying until Lunar repeated it back to me. I simply nodded. I know he is asking me about yesterday and, to be honest, I don’t know how I saw what I saw, or why it felt so real to me. My brother is dead. Yes, I never grieved him with everything going on, so I told myself it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

With everything, I haven’t been feeling like myself either. The stress of fearing for everyone’s safety, dealing with Xavier, and my terrifying dreams that have been coming more frequently now, I feel like I’m going to lose my mind. Thankfully, I have Samael and Lunar to hold me together.

Samael could tell I was lost in my own head as I looked out the window and put his arm around me, which was very soothing. Our mate bond is strong, though I still feel mine with Xavier. Why is that?

“He is still our mate”, Lunar said, and I could feel so many emotions flowing through her.

” Whether we want to or not, we still long for him. Because we have mated, we are not able to break the mate bond”.

I sighed.

“Whether we are mated or not, I do not want to be tied to that monster.

The bond to Xavier was turned off on my end, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t feel him prodding at the bond each day trying to speak to me. This also brought the idea to my mind.

Why couldn’t I feel Samael as my mate?

I recall when I felt something inside me snap as Samael took me though his memories. As if a spell was put on me. But who would not want me to know Samael was my mate? I wanted to think it was Xavier, but something tells me it was much more than that.

“Please buckle your seat belts “, the flight attendant said, to which I gave a small chuckle. As a werewolf, we have no need for seat belts since we heal quicker and have better senses than humans. Samael looked outside quickly and started putting on his seatbelt, followed by everyone else. He looked at me cautiously.

” Put your seatbelt on,” he demanded in a sweet but firm voice.

” Why? We don’t need it”, I told him. He nodded to look out the window. We were headed straight into what looked like a huge dark cloud that kept glowing with what looked like lightning strikes.

Was that…. A freaking hurricane?

Samael smirked as he saw my eyes widen and reached to grab my seatbelt and snap it on. I was thankful for the timing because as soon as he did, the plane started diving into the storm and we were surrounded by the sound of thunder and lightning. As we went through the storm, a white-hot pain started searing its way into my body, and I felt it trying to pierce my heart.

I closed my eyes and screamed like I was sure I was about to die. Samael was holding onto me, most likely thinking I was screaming in fear of the hurricane we were in. He was strangely calm.

“Odoo” I heard him say, and the rocking stopped immediately. As the rocking stopped, the pain inside me stopped too. As I came to my senses, I realized that not just me, but Lunar had been rolling around in pain too. Samael was rubbing me in a soothing way and Lunar was panting in my head. I could see her body in the darkness of my mind trying to come back too. I looked around at some of the others who seemed a little shaken but were nonetheless okay.

Was I the only one that happened too?


I’m okay

What was that?

I don’t know, but I feel strange.

What do you mean?

I don’t know

Lunar then retreated into the back of my mind before I could ask her more. What is wrong with my wolf? What was that?

“Open your eyes, beauty, and look” he said, taking my hand, and at once I opened my eyes. We were no longer in the storm, but the storm still surrounded us. As I looked outside, I was not prepared for what I was about to see, and I was truly taken aback, temporarily forgetting the pain I was just in. The ocean was no longer blue, but a deep purple that followed effortlessly.

There was a huge island that looked tropical and pinkish purple sand was surrounding it. It all looked very magical. The skies were a deep golden color. The hurricane we flew through was getting further and further away, as if it was something not allowing it to touch the island.

“This place is so beautiful. What is this place?” I asked, which was followed by a grump from dad. Before I could ask about it, Samael spoke.

” This is the island of Netilan, where the Amethyst jewel resides. It was placed here many years ago by Rynyxon”, Samael said as the plane landed on some sort of path.

Everyone started unloading the plane and we were met by a strange man. I say strange because this man was clearly a wolf but was mixed with something else as well. I just couldn’t tell.

The man was over 6 ft tall and buff, which let me know he was most likely a warrior. He was also very tanned considering the sun was out. He has the most gorgeous golden eyes and I feel some sort of strange connection to him. As if he sensed it too, he looked into my eyes and smiled as if he knew I was trying to figure him out somehow.

Dad stepped in front of me protectively and the man looked at him in annoyance, looking as if he was about to say something, then smirked and decided against it. He looked at Samael and stepped forward with his hand out.

” Samael, King of England’s wolves, welcome back to our island. We’ve been expecting you” he said in the thickest of Caribbean accents. Samael stepped forward and shook his hand.

” Expecting me enough, Dalian, that you have kept your defenses up, even sensing I was close” Samael asked, shaking his hand with one eyebrow raised.

Dalian waved off his remark as he stepped back.

” You are one of the few with the gift to come and go as you please, Samael. You know the code of our island. The barrier must always remain closed ” Dalian says, before turning his attention to Ava.

“Princess, it is good to see you” he said, holding out his arms to which Ava ran up to him and hugged him. Clearly, they were not strangers, but did he just call her princess?

Dad growled but did nothing as Ava and Dalian had their little reunion. I looked to Samuel for an explanation, but his look said he would explain later.

“If you would all follow me, I will show you where you will be staying for the day” he said. Thankfully, all of us packed extra clothes just in case, but I didn’t think we were staying. We all started to follow Dalian through the forest on a green-bricked path.

“I didn’t think we would be staying here”, I linked Samael.

” We weren’t, and usually they would be glad for us to leave, so be on your guard. I don’t trust the intentions of anyone here other than who your father left the Amethyst stone with.

I nodded and stood close to Samael, keeping an open eye and being cautious.

Samael was right to feel weird because as we were walking, I could swear I felt eyes watching me through the trees somehow. The trees also seemed to be moving side to side, but maybe that was just my imagination. I held his hand tight and kept moving. Everyone other than me was lost in conversation about the beauty of the island. I saw something move from the corner of my eye. I snapped my head in that direction but found nothing. Just the moving trees.

As we walked up a bit further, I saw movement again. I tried to ignore it, but I heard a little girl’s voice in my head.

” The more you ignore me, the more the forest ignores you, the bringer of all life and all death” the voice said in my head. I kept walking, trying to keep my cool until someone stepped into my path right in front of me, causing me to look. It was a small child, no more than 5 or 6. She had golden brown hair that traveled in waves down her shoulders and golden eyes. Her skin was too tanned, and a bright light showed all around her. She was wearing a white dress with no shoes on.

“What’s wrong”? Samael asked and everyone stopped walking to turn around to look at us. I was still staring at the little girl, whose eyes seemed to turn into a golden brick-type rock as I watched her. She was completely breathtaking and powerful.

” You don’t see her?” I asked as I broke focus to look at Samael. He looked at the area in front of me in confusion. When I looked back, she was gone, and a giggle could be heard in my head.

“See who?” Samael asked me, pulling me to him, feeling my curiosity. I looked at the group. Ava’s eyes were narrowed. Harmon, Brandon and Katie looked confused. Dad looked suspicious and Dalian. Well, Dalian looked like he knew exactly what I was talking about and preferred not to say anything about it.

“Shall we?” Dalian said and I nodded, prepared to consider talking about it to Dalian without angering dad. That was the last thing I wanted, as he seemed to have some sort of hostility towards Dalian.

Dalian led us through the forest, and I no longer saw the girl, though I felt as if her eyes were watching me somehow. The path led to an area of nothing but forest. Dalian walked forward and raised his hands.

“Reveal Amirian” he yelled, causing lighting from the far away hurricane to strike in the center from 4 corners and I stumbled back from the shock of it.

When I came forward, the invisibility shield started to show itself and slowly uncovered what seemed to be a great and tall stone kingdom. The kingdom was circled with vines as if the forest was staking its claim on the castle somehow and, in a way, I felt it was.

“Welcome all to the city of Netilan” Dalian said as we walked behind him, and a long crossing road of bricks appeared as a path to walk towards the castle. I looked around, taking in its awe as Samael looked at me and smiled.

” I’m happy that you enjoy its beauty as I did when I first came here”, he said, holding me as we walked in a group towards the gates. As we got closer, the gates started to slowly open, and Dalian came to a sudden halt. He turned around and we saw it looked like he was linking up with someone. Suddenly, a small smile played on his face as he looked at dad.

” Watch your words carefully, Rynyxon. They will not be as forgiving as the last time” he said to dad, who looked like he was ready to blow a fuse.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Who were we about to meet that had dad almost unhinged?

As we got closer to the castle, men and women, whom I could only guess were soldiers, came running through to stand in a formation as a man and a woman came out of the castle. By their aura, I could sense at once they were royalty and it buzzed my wolf, who stood alert at them, unsure of the power we were feeling from them. I could tell though it was more than power. This was something else. Something deeper.

The man who came out stood at 6 and a half feet, with long-raven hair and honey-colored eyes. He was very masculine, and though he looked as if he was in his 60’s, somehow, I knew he was much older.

The woman looked about the same age as him although she was rather short. She stood at almost 5 and a half feet tall with a body so curvy it would make any woman jealous for her age. She had long dark brown hair that curled slightly and also hazel eyes that looked like they saw right into your soul and ripped it out of you. She definitely gave off a I’m not here to play vibe and her first actions proved me right. The second, her and what I assume is her mate, came out. She went straight to dad and punched him, drawing blood. Dad growled but didn’t hit her back as he stood his ground, not even moving a muscle.

” That was for making our lives hell you bastard” She growled with her wolf merging with her. I didn’t know who she was, though she looked familiar. I didn’t like the connection Lunar was feeling towards her, but royalty or not, NO ONE will hit my father like that.

In the blink of an eye, I pushed my father out the way, preparing to defend him before anyone could stop me. The man and lady both growled at me and got in a defense position looking at me. They were old but they were out of my league and my wolf knew it, so she took over and growled her dynamic growl that made the hairs on everyone’s skin stand up and soon they were down on their knees, bearing their necks in defeat as Lunar released her aura. I could feel something different with this aura release. Something much more powerful than I normally feel and I was a bit scared. I never felt this powerful before. Lunar, however, was reveling in it. What did this place do to us?

Lunar smirked, satisfied, until Samael came to us and grabbed her hand.

“Release them” he said gently and lovingly, to which she did so at once. I laughed a bit at how lovestruck she is around Samael, but we couldn’t get off track.

” How dare you strike him, when we have come to your home in peace ” I said with every bit of conviction in my voice as Lunar gave me back control, releasing them from the pressure of our aura. I hadn’t realized it, but by releasing my aura, every guard and person walking the grounds was on the ground kneeling and was being crushed by the aura Lunar and I gave up so Lunar gave me back full control, letting them up.

“What is this thing you have brought here that is strong enough to command us, Wolf boy? ” the man said, looking at me with a mixture of annoyance, curiosity, and most likely anger that I just made him submit.

” Look with your wolf and not your eyes, old man. Have you both been shackled in this place so long; you cannot see who has come before you” dad said.

” You watch your fucking mouth” the woman said, going up to hit him again, but the man’s eyes were on me as he merged with his wolf, and I narrowed my eyes with Samael still holding onto me as I was about to interfere once more. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he grabbed her hand before she could punch dad again.

” What the fuck?” She growled at him, pointing in his face. Boy, this woman sure had a temper.

“My mate, you must merge with your wolf and see her, ” he acknowledged, with his eyes on mine. She did as he asked but I was already getting angry, so I let Lunar’s powers flow through me and I know my eyes turned purple, but this time, I was in control and not Lunar, which is weird, because whenever I use her powers, she is always merged with me, but I didn’t have time to ponder on it. I no longer felt like I couldn’t take them, and I was ready for them to die. I don’t know where the pent-up anger was coming from, but I was feeling a deep rage. Something was wrong, but I didn’t care.

Samael must have felt my bloodlust through our bond because he released his scent on me and it started to calm me down slowly but surely until I was focused enough to come back to myself. What started me was Ava…. Ava was in front of them in a defense position. That broke me out of whatever spell I was under completely. I was not going to attack my own sister.

“It can’t be. We thought she was dead… Her…. Her eyes”. The lady stuttered and I looked at her in annoyance, trying to disregard Ava, who was clearly ready to attack me if I attacked them.

“They are purple”, I know I seethe. I looked at dad, who was looking at me cautiously.

“Nc. They were not. What is happening to you, my light?” He said, kneeling in front of me. Somehow, I knew what he was talking about, but I didn’t want to tell him.

” I don’t know what happened to me but tell your other daughter to move. I’m not going to attack her”, I told him, glaring up at Ava.

“That’s bullshit. The second I move, you attack them, and over my dead body will I let you hurt someone I love? ” She growled with her wolf, slowly coming to the surface, challenging me. Okay, maybe I won’t kill her, but I could hurt her, right? I thought to myself.

“Make this bitch pay” Lunar growled at the defiance as I took a defensive stance. Ava was clearly about to attack me.

“What the fuck is your problem?” I growled at her.

“You. You’re my problem” She growled back and charged at me, but before either of us could get a blow, dad, Harmon, Samael, and Brandon were holding us away from each other.

“Whoa there, calm down” Dad growled to Avas Wolf, making her submit.

“Beauty. What is happening? This isn’t you” Samael said to me, holding me by the shoulders. He gripped my face and made me stare into his eyes as I started to come down from the sudden adrenaline rush, I was feeling. Where did it come from?

“I….. I don’t know what’s happening to me” I panted, and I looked up into Ava’s now hate-filled eyes at me. The shame that I almost attacked my only sister sunk in and it drove away the rush completely.

” I think I might”, the man said, causing everyone to turn to him.

” Well,” dad said to him after a few seconds had gone by. Dad came over to me after talking to Ava.

“What is happening to my daughter?” He demanded to know.

” She is turning,” he said simply, and walked towards the castle with his wife, who was still looking at me dumbfounded, as if lost for words. It was irking my wolf, but we were more curious about what he meant. I was turning. Turning into what?

We followed him in silence to what appeared to be a library. A member grabbed the book from him, and he opened it, going to the page and handing it to dad, whose eyes widened before handing it to Samael, whose eyes did the same. Samael wouldn’t give me the book or even look at me after reading it. His eyes were on the man.

“What can I do? It will not happen” he asked, looking very upset.

“It happened to my father. I should have known it would have passed down. It tends to skip a few generations” he said, looking at me.

“Skip a generation?” I asked out loud though I knew the answer. If I’m being honest, I knew the answer the second I laid eyes on them. I just needed to confirm it.

“The answer to your question, child, is yes, we are. I am called Isaac. She is called Josie. We are Jessica’s parents. Your mother’s parents.

Your grandparents”

Motherfucker! And if that was not a shock enough, he continued.

“What is happening to you is what happened to my grandfather. He fell in love with a demon and mated with her, causing his blood to slowly change until he was no longer just a wolf, but half a demon as well.” he explained, causing me to suck in a breath.

“S…. So you’re saying that I…..” I panted. There is no way in hell this was happening to me.

“Yes. One week from today will be the night of the blood moon. It is on this night that you will transform into a halfling.

“H… halfling ” I panted inwardly but I knew he heard me.

“Half wolf. Half Demon, and there is nothing you can do to stop it”.

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