Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2

The Possessed

Samael Pov

As I entered this wolf’s mind, I felt resistance. A very dark one. Someone didn’t want me there. Before I could push through the defenses, I heard a gasp and pulled out his mind, only to find Jasmine on the floor slightly convulsing and her eyes closed. Rynyxon and I reached her at the same time, and we shook her, but she wouldn’t answer.

‘I’m taking her to the hospital wing. Her pulse is steady and I’m sure she just fainted. Reach into his mind and find out what the wolf knows”, Rynyxon commanded. I would usually growl for the authoritative voice he is using but dealing with his unconscious daughter and trying not to kill the man that killed our beloved Jessica, I’m sure is taking a toll on him. I nod to him, and he picks Jasmine up, taking her out of there.

When I turned around, I saw the killer’s eyes trained on mine with a slight smile on his face. His eyes were pitched black. Signs of possession. Signs of the demon. I should have realized he was faking being subdued. A demon would counter the drug and heal it out of its host. Anything to survive. While we were checking on Jasmine, he jumped up, and broke out of his jacket just as Rynyxon was taking Jasmine out and tore out his straitjacket. He raced to pin me against the wall. Had I not heard him in the split second before I turned around, he would have probably ripped my heart out, but even if he was a demon wolf, I was still twice as fast. I turned around and punched him, sending him flying to the back of the cell. He wiped the blood off his mouth and hopped back up prepared to strike again, but he couldn’t move.

One thing about Demons is: they are powerful when controlling hosts, but that same power is also their greatest weakness. I used my powers to hold him against the wall while I spelled his body to freeze itself so the demon would not escape and would be confined in a frozen state until I released him. I only allowed his head to be free.

” Fucking dogs” the demon spat. I smirked and leaned against the door.

” Demon. Your name”, I commanded. Another note: Learning a lesser demon’s true name makes it easier to send their souls back to hell. He just smirked, but I could see fear in his eyes. He already knew he was a lost cause.

“I don’t have to tell you shit god damn mutt”, It spat. I used my power to force it out of him. Unlike others, my powers come from the energies around me down to the last atom, and I can manipulate them to do whatever I want. Rynyxon believes it is something I inherited from a past life which I dismissed, until I saw myself as Stephan. I don’t believe in torture, but I do use it when it’s for the right reasons.

” My name is Reed” he says, which I know is a lie. The wolf he is commanding is named Reed. I was done with the games. I used my mind to make his body feel as if a million needles were piercing it and watched as he screamed in pain. It was revolting, but it was needed.This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

” Tell me your real name now, parasite”, I commanded with more authority as his screams died down. He tried to resist but there were few who were able to resist him. In the end, he had no choice but to tell me. He hung his head low in obvious defeat.

” My name is Mantis’. He says barley in a whisper, but I heard him clear as day.

” How long have you been in this body, Mantis?” I demand to know. Even though he was a demon, he was still in a wolf’s body, which made him vulnerable and unable to resist my command as well. He looks at me with hateful eyes, as he seems to realize this too.

” I have possessed this body for over 5 years. The foul one has risen me from the bowels of hell to be placed here in this body to do his bidding. Before this is all over, your heads will serve as dinner decor, as he dines in our hellish hall” he taunts with a smile gracing his face. The foul one? I have never heard of such a person, but the nickname sounds familiar.

” Who is this foul one?” I commanded, but he laughed.

” You may have control over my answers, mutt, but there are some things even I cannot answer as I am compelled by my master not to. There are limits even YOU are not able to cross.” he says, which I growl too.

” Tell me, did your master command you to kill beta Jessica of the Red Valley pack?” I asked and he just smirked as his raspy demon voice spoke.

” So many plans my master has. So many delicious hearts for us to devour, his loyal followers. Master will be victorious, especially when I tell him where the Luna Dynamis is. I made a mistake with my master when I ran away, but not before ripping the Luna Dynamis’s bitch of a mother with my own hands. You should have seen the way that bitch’s face looked as she realized I”…… He trailed off as his head was being torn clean from his body. I hadn’t realized Rynyxon had snuck back in here and heard him confess what he did to Jessica.

” Dammit Rynyxon I was getting information from him”, I growled at him after I pushed him against the wall. I was furious. Yes, I had his confession, but there was so much more I could have compelled from him. Rynyxon just looked furious.

” He was a demon” is all he said, keeping his eyes down. The weight of my power’s aura was heavy and though Rynyxon was one of the only ones to resist it for long, he couldn’t do it once it was fully out there. He lifted his head and all I saw were a range of emotions. I let him go, annoyed by the fact he just cost me information, but sympathetic to what he was feeling. After I calmed down, I also started feeling regret. I don’t use my authoritative voice on Rynyxon unless it’s necessary, especially since he is a somewhat father to me. I wait until his breathing is more relaxed before I speak to him.

” How is Jasmine?” I asked him and his eyes lit up with concern.

“She still has not woken up. I have the pack mage who has her in some sort of spelled coma. He says she is okay, but he needs to speak with you too. Something important”, he tells me. I nodded and we ran to the hospital. I command some warriors to burn the body of Mantis. There are many ways to remove the body of a demon. They can range from exorcism to holy water baths, and even fire. Fire will cleanse the body of the wolf he inhabited to send him back to hell and will send that wolf’s soul to the moon goddess. I will have some members find his family if he has any, since he has not been in control of his body for a long time.

Speaking of Mantis, it brings me back to his words. This person who brought him back to perform these evil deeds. The foul one. It sounds like it could be a high-ranking demon, as demons do not listen to just anyone. It is strange though. High-ranking demons usually stick to the Hell Lands. So, if one is here, then that means trouble. They are also much harder to expel for good, but not impossible. I linked Harmon and Ava to find out everything they know about this so-called Demon named The Foul One as I entered the hospital with Rynyxon and followed him to the room Jasmine was in.

“My king, Our palace healer and Mage Florida” he said with a small bow. She had Jasmine’s friends Lori and Adam beside her assisting her, teaching them her ways of healing.

“What is wrong with her”: I demand, and she gets straight to the point.

“Her body is fine. We have done all the protocols and there is nothing physically wrong with her, but” she slows off, waving her hands around a magical blue cocoon of energy she created.

“But” I asked, waiting for her to continue.

“But her soul is not here. I have scanned her body and her soul is not in this realm”, She states, and I look at Jasmine. The blue cocoon unwrapped itself, laying her down on the table gently. I grabbed her hand.

“So, what can we do?” I asked.

“You just need to go to her mind and bring her back. From my readings, it seems she has somehow lost her subconscious in the past. The longer she stays there, the longer she will start to forget who and what she is altogether”, Florida says. Adam and Lori glanced worriedly at each other.

” Send me there”, I tell her, and she nods.

” My king, I must warn you, if you can’t bring her soul back in time, both of your souls will cease to exist”, She tells me.

” I don’t care, just do it” I told her.

” No, you will send me,” Rynyxon says, and I narrow my eyes at him, but Florida is quick to come to his defense.

” My king, if I may, he is her blood father. He will be able to find her very easily through their blood. You increase the chances of her being brought back successfully. Rynyxon will be your best chance for success if you want her brought back,” she says. I ponder about it and look at Jasmine. I will always do what is best for her.

“Fine, but if neither of you are back in time, I am coming after you”: I tell Rynyxon, who nods.

” I will bring her back safe, I promise” he says, and I hug him. We can both be hotheads, but I still trust him with anything, especially my safety and hers.

“What do I need to do?” He asks. Lori grabs a bed from a nearby room as Adam creates an Iv needle in his arm.

After he laid down, he closed his eyes. Florida walked behind his bed and placed her hand on his head. Lori tied a red string to Jasmine’s wrist before tying the other end to Rynyxon’s wrists. It glowed blue, signifying Rynyxon’s connection to Jasmine.

” Rynyxon, once I send you through, you will land where she landed when she traveled to the past, but she may not be in the same spot. Trust your instincts. They already know where she is. All you need to do is grab her hand. Also be careful and stay hidden. The past is a tricky mistress. Anything you do there could affect the future as we know it”, Florida warns, before creating a blue lighting zap from both hands and zapping his head with it.

Rynyxon Pov

Finding Jasmine wasn’t hard once I retraced her steps using my tracking skills. I landed in a forest. Traveling by trees, I followed her imprint and time pushed forward as Florida helped lead me to her. Once I came to the time period she was in, I used my skills to follow her imprint in the forest. What I saw though took me completely by surprise. I saw my mate. My beautiful mate. Still as beautiful as the first day we met.

When I landed in Jasmine’s tree, one look in her eyes told me that Lunar was in control. When I looked down, it wasn’t hard to see why. She was struggling to go help her parents. It was a struggle for me as well and I nearly did, until I heard Florida’s voice in my head telling me to stay the course. I couldn’t speak to Jasmine until it was safe, so I watched in an incredible amount of pain as my wife was being pinned down by what looked like a demon’s smoke as the bastard I just killed not long ago ran away. This confused me, because that demon admitted to ripping out her heart, so just what the fuck is happening here?

Jasmine and I watched as a figure emerged from the smoke in white robes. It pushed his hood back and I couldn’t help the growl that came from both my wolf and me. It was fucking Xavier. I knew Samael thought he was possessed, but I don’t feel that’s the whole case here. At least, that’s what my gut tells me. I watch as my bold mate speaks against it when he says he will have our daughter. He used his weird smoke to suffocate her. A tear formed in my eye as I knew there was nothing I could do but watch. I decided to just fuck it. I was gonna go and save her, but somehow, through her choking, she saw Jasmine. I knew she recognized her easily. She then saw me. I saw her face go through multiple emotions. Love. Pain. Confusion. Somehow, I knew she knew we weren’t from this time as we locked eyes. Just as I was about to jump down and help her, a tear fell, and she shook her head no at me and looked back at Jasmine. As the smoke enveloped her, she gave Jasmine a smile. She knows I will protect our daughter at any cost. With that, the smoke takes her, and Xavier disappears out of sight. Jasmine and I jumped down from the tree we were in.

Jasmine is immediately wary of me.

“She is losing her memory. You must take her hand now”, Florida tells me. As I move closer, Jasmine moves backwards. Still wary of me.

“WHO ARE YOU?” Jasmine asked me. I heard wolves coming and told her a short version. I can only hope she will believe me before it is too late.

” This may be hard to believe, but I am your father. You are not from this time. You and I are from a future time. The prisoner that escaped. You somehow used his memories to travel back in time. Your body is sitting in a coma because it needs your body to return to it,” I explained. I could see she was turning it over in her head and searching my eyes to make sure I was telling the truth. I know she felt our connection, whether or not believe me.

I heard the footsteps getting closer and I saw she did too.

” We have to leave right now. Take my hand, my light”, I told her, holding out my hand. Her eyes widened as if she recognized my nickname for her and, with no hesitation, took my hand. Which was just in time as well, because the wolves of the Red Moon pack were about to approach the clearing. A white mist enveloped both Jasmine and me and I held on tight to her as we both went back to the present. I woke up in my body feeling incredibly weak, but I looked over waiting for Jasmine.

” Well, did it work?” Samael asked Florida, holding Jasmine’s hand. I could see the worry in his eyes and the love in his heart for her. Finding out they were mates was not as surprising to me as it should have been, as I guess a part of me has always known. They were a match made for the heavens, which I know she will see soon. Right as Samael asked his question Jasmine bolted up, panting. Samael held her as Florida, Adam, and Lori checked on her vitals and eyesight. It was finally time for her memory test. I sat up, taking the Iv out of my arm. Even though I was weak, my wolf was healing me faster by the second.

” Do you know me?” Lori asked her and she nodded.

“Do you know me?” Samael asked and she nodded and embraced him. Once they pulled apart, she locked eyes on me, and I could tell we were thinking the same thing as tears both welled up in our eyes. I hopped out of bed and embraced her, and our tears began to flow. Our shared pain. Samael, Lori, and Adam looked at us confusingly. Florida linked them, filling them in on what she saw through my eyes and soon they were all tearful. Not too long after we all calmed down, Jasmine was brought something to eat. We all semi-watched as Samael fed her some soup before she gasped, as if remembering something.

“What is it?” Samael asked as she looked at him.

“While I was there. I met someone. Some prophetess named Pythia. She told me she was a friend, and she had some prophecy, but she has a message for you, Samael”, She said, and we all waited. There was only one Pythia I have ever heard of, and she was pronounced dead almost a decade ago. Or so we thought.

” She said to find the Amethyst stone and bring it to the silver gate. Do you know what that means? ” She asked, and Samael and I shared a look. It was a coded message, that the last king of England passed to Samael, and Samael passed to me. It means war. A big one. One that will be told through the ages of time, and in this war, we will need allies. If this is truly what Pythia told her, then it only means one thing. We have a journey ahead of us to collect the Amethyst Stone. We had enough allies, but not the ones Pythia must have seen us fighting with. The stone was to be meant as an offering to only a certain kind of race. However, it won’t be easy. There is too much dark history, but it was time to put it aside. Darker times are now ahead of us. It was time to go and meet…. them.

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