Pregnant For The Royal Prince


RAGHAV sighed as he splayed his left hand on his face, then glanced towards the wall clock hanging on the wall, he snorted.

She gonna be here soon. He’s arrived Rina’s like an hour ago, and began working on his laptop as usual, now waiting for her to return from school.

He shut down the laptop and picked up the small jewelry box lying beside him on the couch, and he opened the box and examined its content.

Well, it’s been like four days he got this necklace for Rina, just that he had wanted to put a tracker in it, hence the delay. Vidya wouldn’t have seen it even when she had broke into his room.

After examining, he put it back into the box and dropped it.

Then he picked up his phone, and just then, the door opened and Rina barged in.

She hadn’t seen him yet nor was she expecting him. She locked up the door and when she turned, she freezed.

Seeing Raghav comfortably sitted on the couch and fiddling with his phone was startling.

He winked at her and she smiled, bouncing out of her shock.

“Hey… you startled me”, she said and walked up to him.

“You chose to be startled”, he replied her.

“My gee…”, she got to him and stooped low to plant an alluring kiss on his lips.

“Hey baby… enough now before you bite off my lips”, he said.

She laughed and stood upright.

“With all due respect my prince, you are disrespecting my privacy”, she said and rolled her eyes.

He scoffed.

“Oh really?”.

“Yeah. Coming into my house without my permission is a breach to my privacy”, she said and looked away, preventing herself from bursting into laughter.

“And I think I’m the only one who actually has the right to do that”.

“Huh?”, she turned to look at him.

“Yeah, I only have the right to disrespect your privacy my lady”, he said nodding.

She couldn’t hold herself anymore and she bursted out laughing.

“You are such a kill joy you know”, she said and dropped her bag on the couch beside him, then began removing the hair pins from her hair.

“Really?”, he made to pick up the bag and she rushed forward and snatched it from him.

“Goodness!”, he exclaimed.

“What? My privacy again you know?”, she rolled her eyes and strapped the bag on her right shoulder, then resumed removing her hair pins.

He stiffened a laugh.

“Seriously? I got that for you you know?”.

“Oh please, and I didn’t forget thanking you with a passionate hug and an alluring kiss huh”, she said rolling her eyes and waving her left hand.

Raghav watched her do all these and bursted out laughing.

“My drama queen”, he said.

“Ugh, I had said maybe we might see today, why must you make it a yes?”, she asked pointing her right index finger at him.

His mouth fell wide open in astonishment as he watched her talk and demonstrate, twisting here and there.

My gee, was this his baby really?

“Seriously, I love the woman you are becoming”, he said.

“Ugh ugh”, she rolled her eyes and finally removed all the hair pins letting her hair drop down to her waist.

“You said you had thanked me with a hug and a kiss right?”.

“Of course yes”, she replied, stroking her hair.

“I think I need more than that”, he relaxed more into the seat.

“Huh?”, she looked at him and he winked.

“You think wrong”, she said, then began walking out. He watched her leave, saying nothing to her.

“Gosh I’m so hungry”, she said splaying her right hand on her tummy and twisting her lips.

“I expected that, I ordered for lunch”, he said and she stopped in her tracks.

“You what?”, she turned to him.

“It’s on the dining, go serve us”, he replied and turned to his phone.

She rolled her eyes.

“Let me freshen up first”, she said and walked into her room.

She had taken off her gown and was now putting on something loose, standing in front of her mirror and admiring the bracelet on her wrist.

She felt a hand on her waist and jeez, she felt the impact as it sent down tingling sensations going down her spines.

“Bae”, the owner of the hand said and the second hand joined.

He kissed her neck and she reacted, tilting her head.

“Gosh Raghav I’m not ready for this”, she muttered that he could barely hear her.

“Got something for you”, he said and their eyes met in the mirror, she smiled.

“Again? You just got me a bracelet”, she said pouting.

“Alright, so is there a crime if I intend to spoil my princess with gifts?”, he rhetorically asked and her smile deepened.

“Close your eyes”, he said.


“Just close it”, he said and she shrugged then closed her eyes.

He brought out the jewelry box from his pocket and took out the necklace, then wore it on her neck.

“Fine, you are good to go”, he said and slowly, she opened her eyes.

Her eyes widened and she saw the gold glittering on her neck in the mirror.

“Wow!”, she exclaimed and touched it, feeling it.

“Ba… babe, this is so sweet”, she said and turned to him.

“Thank you so so much”, they wrapped their arms around each other and she rested her head on his right shoulder.

He smiled.

“Anything for you”, he said.

She was so pleased to have been gifted such a gold necklace by him, like what exactly has she done to deserve this love? What?

“You only captured my cold heart, and melted it”, he said.

She pouted and planted a kiss on his lips.

“I’m honoured”, she said breaking from the kiss.

He smiled.

“I’m happy you are, so I had gotten this for you since, but just wanted to do somethings to it, before presenting it to you”, he said, avoiding to tell her the actual reason.

She smiled and buried her face into his chest.

“Can you serve us now?”, he asked.

“Sure”, she nodded and he carried her up.

“Oh no please, drop me down, I’ve got my two legs perfectly functioning”, she said laughing.

“Oh, alright. As my lady pleases”, he said and dropped her down.

Then they walked out the room holding hands, and Rina falling on him every now and then.



Rina sat on one of the long seats at the parking lot of her school, patiently waiting for her chauffeur, she busied herself with her phone as she waited.

She glanced around the parking lot and found out there were just a few people around.

Well, she could actually drive but wanted a chauffeur because she was scared to drive alone in that car.

She checked out the time and winced, it’s been about twenty minutes since the dismissing time, what the hell could be keeping him?

She shrugged and continued surfing when a lady walked up to her.

“Hi”, the lady greeted and she snapped her head up, to behold one of the GI girls, what’s this one name again? …Gigi, yes Gigi.

“Oh hi”, she said and tucked her hair behind her ear.

Gigi smiled.

“You are here”, she said and Rina wondered if it was rather a question or a statement.

She nodded anyway.

“Yeah, anything?”, her eyes flickered.

Gigi smiled.

“Oh not really…”, her eyes caught something on her neck, cutting her short.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“Aww, I love that, it’s so beautiful”, she complimented, pointing at the necklace on her neck.

“Oh, thank you”, she snorted.

“You are welcome”.

“So, why were you looking for me?”.

“Ugh, it seems you forgot something at the washroom”, she said blinking her eyelids.

“Huh”, she mouthed and looked at her left wrist, true to her thoughts, her bracelet was gone.

She got up instantly.

“Oh my gee, you would have brought it for me”, she said and began walking out, she followed her.

“Well I didn’t know if it was yours or not, I was only guessing”, she said and they continued walking into the building, towards the washroom.

She got to the washroom in a haste and yes, there was the bracelet lying on the sink. She heaved a sigh of relief and picked up the bracelet, then wore it back on her wrist.

“Thank you so much”, she said and turned to the door, then freezed.

What! Now, she saw the three girls and Sukhi at the door, staring daggers at her.

“Wh… what the hell is going on?”, she stuttered.

Gigi walked up to her smiling.

“I had actually slid the bracelet out of your wrist in the morning, so sorry”, she smiled and shook her head.

What! Her mouth fell wide open, jeez! Now she remembered, she had brushed her left hand against her while coming in, in the morning. God! She must have taken it then, but how?

She turned to Sukhi.

“What do you think you are trying to do you jerk?”, she asked.

Sukhi laughed.

“No need for talks now”, he said and took out a white handkerchief and advanced towards her.

“He…”, before she could scream out for help, he covered her face with the handkerchief and she passed out instantly.


Raghav walked into his office in a haste, he was putting on a lab coat and gloves, a stethoscope hung around his neck.

He closed the door behind him and removed the gloves, them disposed it off in the waste basket.

He took off the lab coat and stethoscope and flopped into his seat.

A knock came on the door instantly.

“Yeah?”, he replied and the door opened, revealing a lady dressed as a nurse.

She was the nurse whom he had just left the operation room with. She entered and walked up to him, there were some files in her hands.

“What?”, he asked, looking at her.

“Sir, I just brought his files, it needs to be filled by you”, she said.

“Drop it”, he said and she dropped the files on his desk.

“Can I return later for them?”, she asked.

“Yes please, I will send for you”, he said and she genuflected and walked out of the office.

He was about taking up the files when his phone rang out. He looked into the phone, it was Larry, Rina’s chauffeur. Why the hell is he calling?

He answered the call.

“Yes?” he spoke first.

“Maharana, I can’t find Rina, is… is she there with you?”, he asked.

He snorted, what the hell? When did she start visiting him at his office? He sat up.

“What do you mean you can’t find her?”, he asked.

He heard him gasp.

“I came to pick her up, infact I’m in her school presently, but I can’t find her”, he said.

“Have you tried calling her?”, he asked, looking every inch agitated.

“Yeah, but it’s switched off. My prince, I… I guess she’s been kidnapped”, he said.

“What!”, he exclaimed and got up.

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