Rejected By My Mate

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Demonise’s POV

I grinned when I saw how baffled Sabrina was. She notices right away that I am not the real Alex. Will

she expose me? I doubt that. Mama and Papa looked at me while smiling. But I guess they notice the

change of my aura.

“What happened, Alexa?” Mama asked. Tsk. I wanted her to call me by my name. I am not Alexandria,

I am Demonise!

I fake a frown and said, “Azrael betrayed me, Mama. He locked me up in a cell. Alone in the darkness

surrounded by rusty metal made of silver.”

“What?!” Papa shot up in his chair while clenching his jaw. “How could he? We trusted him to take care

of you and yet, he betrayed you? What a dumbass! I’ll make sure he’ll pay for what he did. I don’t care

if he is your mate!” Papa said in anger while clenching his fist into a ball.

Mama looked at me with a frown and asked, “How did you escape?”

“When they came to visit me, I hide my aura and made myself invisible, and when they get inside the

cell, I get out and locked them inside the cell.”

They both sighed in relief. “How could your mate betray you? Why would he do that?” Mama said,


“He fooled me, Mama. I thought he truly loved me but it turns out that Liza, Alpha Rick’s daughter, is

alive and they are together now. Azrael is also part of the alliance. He is with Lucian.” I said.

“That bastard! Don’t worry, my child. We will avenge you in the upcoming war. I’ll make sure they will

pay for what they did.” Papa said, adamantly.

A smile crept on my lips. Blood. Oh, how I loved blood. “Of course, Papa. I’ll kill them with my own

hands. I will not let them slide so easily.”

“That’s my girl!” I smile widely. Thinking about blood excites me. My hands itching for some blood.

Afterwards, I excuse myself to go to my room because I stink. Tsk. Alex didn’t take a shower for two

days straight. When I got to my room, I quickly made my way to the bathroom and grinned when the

bathtub was ready, full of rose petals. I stepped inside the tub and moaned when my body was in

contact with the water. It's so nice. I closed my eyes and unblocked them.

‘Demonise! Please, let us get out of here!’

A demon begging? Hahaha Damona, Damona, Damona, I thought we could relate to each other? I told

you, accept me and I will release all of you then we will conquer the world together. Is it so hard to


‘We are not like you, Demonise! Our hearts are pure while your heart is full of hatred.’

And who's fault is that? You are the one who made me into this. All your hatred went to me, so now

you're going to have to face the consequences.

‘We will get out of here soon, we can control you Demonise.’

Hahaha haha, I doubt you can!

I blocked them out and sang a song happily. A grin plastered on my lips when an idea popped up in my

head. I can’t wait to execute it. This will be so much fun!

After taking a bath, I went to the walk-in closet and picked-out some clothes to wear. I wore a black t-

shirt and tight black skinny jeans; opening the wardrobe cabinet, I took out the black feathery coat and

a black combat boots. I look at the full body mirror and grinned when I’m satisfied with my outfit. Two

things I don’t like in my appearance are the color of my eyes and hair. Oh well, like I have a choice.

One last look in the mirror, I finally darted out of my room and closed it. There’s no one in the hallway,

and it’s the perfect time to execute my plan. I grinned evilly and made my way into the helper’s room.

Can’t wait to see their reactions! I’m ready to make a show.


Sabrina’s POV

I was pacing back and forth, still thinking of a plan of how am I going to tell what I have found to Auntie

Leia and Uncle Alexander because I know they won’t believe me. It’s their child, after all, and seeing

how fake Alex clinging to them, it will be hard to convince them.

I have to find out the name of the beast and in order to know it is by talking to the fake Alex. The beast

was controlling Alex’s body. And it’s not a good thing. But how come Auntie Leia didn’t notice

something strange with Alex? Is the beast manipulating them? Is she trying to play with everyone? I

have to be careful then. I can tell she’s too powerful. Her aura became more dangerous than it was

before. The beast is too powerful and I’m afraid we couldn’t defeat her.

I have to talk to Alex; I know she’s still in there, probably trapped inside her and controlled by the beast.

I sighed and groaned, then trotted out my room. Layla might believe me, and I have to talk to her.


Layla’s POV

I’m looking for Alex but I couldn’t find her in her room. I’d try looking for her everywhere, but I still

couldn’t find her.


I looked at my back when I heard Sabrina’s voice calling my name.

“Hey, Sabrina, you’re back!” I said while smiling. The look on Sabrina’s face told me something was

bothering her.

“We need to talk, Layla, but not in here.” my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion when she

scanned the hallway like making sure no one was around? I gulped when she grabbed my wrist and

walked towards her room. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“What’s wrong, Sabrina?” I asked. I have never seen Sabrina act like this. She didn’t answer, instead,

she heaved a sigh repeatedly. Something’s going on and I can tell it’s not good. I rarely see Sabrina act

this way unless we are in danger. My heart raced at the thought. Did the enemies find our hidden


When we reached Sabrina’s room, she locked the door and started pacing back and forth while biting

her nails anxiously, and lost in her thoughts. I waited for her to talk and sat on the sofa while staring at

her looks so tense. Finally, she stopped and stared at me.

“Did you notice something off with Alex?” I blinked my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“How should I say this?” she mumbled to herself and then looked at me and said, “Listen, she is not

Alex. She is fake.”

I crease my forehead in confusion, “What?”

“Believe me, Layla. That Alex who returned is not her, or maybe her, but someone else is controlling

her body and I am convince that it is her beast. It must have woken up when Azrael betrayed her. Her

emotions provoked when Azrael betrayed her.”

My jaw dropped while staring at Sabrina unbelievably. I swallowed my saliva and memory of Alex

earlier flashed in my head. Those eyes that were void of emotion and didn’t talk back at us when we

asked her. She didn’t even listen when I called her, and worst of all, she ignored Angelo.

I looked back at Sabrina, dumbfounded and mumbled, “I-If it was the beast then we are all screwed?”

She nodded, “But, we have to let the King and Queen know and convince them it is not Alex.”

I nodded. But it is difficult to convince the King and Queen, especially if it is about Alex. But what the

heck? Azrael betrays Alex? What did he do? I swear, I will kill the jerk if I see him!

A loud scream startled us, and I quickly shot up from my seat. “What was that?” we both uttered in


Sabrina immediately darted out her room, and I followed. We both ran where the sound was. Some

knights were also running behind us, going to the helpers’ area.

When we arrived, the first thing I saw was the blood that scattered on the floor. I gasped and my eyes

widened in shock.

“What happened?!” Sabrina asked.

I looked around and two bodies were lying on the bloody floor lifeless and their throats were slit. Their

faces had ‘X’ marked in it. My lips trembled at the sight and I gripped at Sabrina while panting. There

was a murder inside the castle and yet no one noticed.

“W-We found them bathing with blood and lifeless…” an old woman uttered while crying and shaking.

All of them were howling at the loss of their two friends.

I stared at the two dead bodies while still panting.

“What’s going on in here?” King Alexander’s voice echoed in the room. A gasped let out from the

Queen while looking at the dead bodies.

“Someone killed them.” one helper said while still sobbing.

I’m just there, standing while looking at the dead bodies in horror. Who could have done this?

“Sabrina, what are you doing? Get away from the dead bodies!” King Alexander said.

“Wait, Uncle. Look at them…”

I immediately looked at the dead body’s but my eyes widened when the dead bodies’ skin changed in

color to a darker shade and veins were now visible all over their bodies. My breathing hitch in my throat

when their eyes suddenly darkened, and the bodies floated in the air while staring dagger at us. I


“What the??!”

The screams of the other helpers resonated in the room when the dead bodies looked at us deadly and

the wind blew furiously. Their laughter echoed in the room and all the things floated in the air. They

controlled it.

“Everyone, get out!” King Alexander yelled, but the door slammed closed. My jaw dropped. The knights

tried to open it, but to no avail. Laughter echoed again, and I looked at the two bodies in horror. I

looked at Sabrina when she gripped my hand and hid me in her back. “Stay behind my back.” I nodded

hastily in fear.

‘Breath, Layla.’ Ada said, and I hummed while doing what she said. It helps, though.

I looked back at the two monsters. Someone evil possessed them. Their eyes were black and hollow

and their auras screamed death. But who controls them? Did someone enter the castle?

I gasped when one helper screamed while holding her neck like it suffocated her and gasping for air.

King Alexander used his power to protect everyone, and he tried to dodge the attack of the two


Sabrina and Mama Leia use their power to trap the two monsters. I creased my forehead and furrowed

my eyebrows when I saw two shadows that came out from the two bodies and they tangled together.

My eyes widened when the shadow knotted together and then vanished. A gasp left my mouth when

the shadow came out through the windows. I just stood frozen at the sight.

“The shadows!” I mumbled.

Sabrina cursed under her breath when she saw the shadows too. I looked back at the two bodies that

the demons possessed. Their bodies slowly fall down like paper onto the floor. Screams resonated the

entire room and my eyes widened in horror upon seeing the two dead bodies slowly disappearing and

seconds later it became dust. Everyone fell silent in shock.

What just happened? I slowly approached the window where I saw the shadows slip earlier and when I

looked outside, I saw Alex’s silhouette walking away and my breathing hitch in my throat when she

stopped and looked at me while grinning devilishly and her eyes darkened. Immediately, I walked away

from the windows while breathing heavily. Sabrina is right. Alex is not Alex.

My hands were shaking, and my entire body was trembling. Tears streaking down my face when I

realize what happened to Alex.


I looked at Sabrina and motioned my hand through the windows while my lips trembled as I sobbed.

She hurriedly walked towards the window and looked outside. Mama Leia walked towards me while

frowning. “What’s wrong?” She asked, a bit anxious and hugged me as I continued crying.

“Alex… she’s not Alex.” I muster in a low tone that only she can hear me. She quickly released the hug

and looked at me, puzzled.

“What do you mean?” King Alexander asked with furrowed eyebrows.

“Auntie, Uncle,” we all looked at Sabrina when she talked and took a deep breath.

“Layla is right.” Sabrina paused and looked at the other helper and knights that are still in shock at what

they witnessed a while ago. “Let’s talk in your office, Uncle.”

King Alexander nodded and sensed that what Sabrina was about to say is important. This time, the

door finally opened, and we hurriedly got out the room and walked towards King Alexander’s office.

We both sat on the sofa while facing each other. Sabrina cleared her throat and broke the silence.

“Uncle, Auntie,” she paused and made eye contact with the King and Queen. “Alex’s beast is now the

one who is controlling Alex’s body.”

Confusion is visible on the face of the King and Queen. “I saw her outside when I looked at the window,

she was holding the two shadows of the helpers and her eyes darkened while grinning at me

devilishly.“ I said, I can feel my body shivering upon remembering the scene earlier.


“Layla said the truth. But, she already left. I saw her disappeared but before that, her hair changed to

long black hair that almost reached her feet and was wearing all black clothes.” Sabrina said.

“We have to save, Alex.” I said.

The King and Queen uttered nothing back, and they were in silence. Probably wondering if we were

telling the truth.

“We have to stop the beast, I think she killed the two helpers and took their shadow and soul.” Sabrina

mumbled, very determined.

The King and Queen both looked at us. “Now, I know why Alex’s aura changed when she entered the

Kingdom.” Mama Leia said and looked at King Alexander.

The King nodded. “We have to find her now before she will find another victim.”

Sabrina and I both sighed in relief. We have to save Alex in any way we can. I can’t lose her. I’ll do

everything to get her back, not even the beast can stop me. Alex can still hear us, I know that. I hope

she can fight the beast and defeat it. We can’t stop the beast, but only Alex can because it is her body

that the beast controls. What about her spirits? They can help her, right?

I pray for them to defeat the beast.

We all looked when the double door busted open, revealing two knights who were gasping for air and

sweating profusely. They bowed their heads as a sign of respect and one of them spoke, “Your Majesty,

Your Highness, something happened to the town. They found four of the council members dead in the

carriage. The healers reported that bodies drained of blood. It looks like a vampire sucked their blood.”

“And they found another three women lifeless in the barn and their throats were slit. But, also drained

of blood.” the knight said.

My eyes widened at what I have heard. This can’t be...

King Alexander sighed and rubbed his temple caused by stress, “It’s the first time in 18 years that

something like this happened. Vampires drink animals’ blood and I doubt they are the culprit. Knights,

gather everyone and make rounds around the town and look for the Princess.” The King ordered and

the two knights nodded, puzzled.

“Yes, Your Majesty...” the two knights left immediately in a hurry.

“We will go look for Alex---I mean the beast.” Sabrina said, and King Alexander and Mama Leia


“Be careful and bring her back.” Mama Leia said with a sigh. She cast a spell in front of us and a

glowing rope appeared in her hands. Suddenly, I felt weak, and I growled at the rope. Mama Leia

looked at me apologetically.

“Use this rope to tie, Alex. It is a silver rope that’s why it affects you, Layla. But, this rope is the only

way to capture the beast. She will only feel weak upon contact with the silver. Remember, this silver

rope can’t kill her.” Sabrina nodded and took the rope, then slid it inside her jeans pocket.

Sabrina looked at me, and I nodded. We bid goodbye to King Alexander and Mama Leia, and left the

room. We both went to our room to change clothes and get weapons.

Ada, I need you. Please come back... we have to save Alex.

‘I’m here. I’m sorry if I didn’t talk to you. Layla, I’m still healing, but I think I am a bit okay now.’

I smile, knowing that Ada finally talked to me.

And now we have to find Alex. The Alex that controls the real Alex. I hope she’s fine.

The door busted open revealing Sabrina, “Let’s go.” she said, and I nodded while letting out a deep


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