Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Chapter 45


I hastily clambered to my feet and jumped out of the way as both Angie and Ignatius fell to the floor.

Ignatius snarled at the shifter who pinned him down. He threw Angie off of him and she rolled to her

feet with a grace I could only dream of possessing

Ignatius himself stood up and extended his claws. His eyes focused on me where I was frozen to the

spot and he stalked towards me, swiping at Angie who tried to stop him.

“Get out of the way,” he growled at her. “Come between me and my mate and I won’t hesitate to kill


“Ignatius,” I squeaked, stumbling backward as I tried to back away from him. “Please, just calm down a

little. You’re not thinking straight.”

Blood was trickling from where his tear had torn at my throat and pooled in the small dip in my

collarbone. I held my Is out in front of me in defense and he walked until his chest was against my

palms before grabbing my wrists.


He pulled my arms up above my head and pulled me into a rough k*ss. My toes barely touched the

ground as I dangled in front of him, my shoulders popping at the strain. I moaned into his mouth as his

tongue parted my lips and Ignatius hungrily k*ssed me.


His grip on my wrists was painful and his extended claws broke the skin, blood trickled down my arms

as I squirmed against him. Every time I brushed his pulsing member that was straining against his

jeans I grew a little more excited and a more afraid

I couldn’t help but push my hips against his, my soaking core only pushed him further into his S**ual

frenzy and I could tell he was just about ready to rip my clothes off right then and there. I was ready for

it so close to coming untethered myself.

Angie once again tried to restrain my lustful mate and Ignatius growled in irritation. He let go of my

wrists and I dropped to the floor, rubbing at my shoulders and trying to calm the fire that was highting

between my legs.

I pressed a fist to my aching entrance and arched my back on the floor. A part of me, the primal part of

me, wanted him to force me to my knees right there in the open and rail me until I couldn’t walk.

I knew that’s what Ignatius wanted too. But I was also aware that in this state, without my fully-fledged

shifting abilities to help me, he might very well accidentally kill me in the process.

I me ntally chastised myself for the little pang of excitement that thought brought to me. It wasn’t so

much that I was particularly stoked on dying that day, but rather I was completely captivated by the

sheer dominating strength of my mate and the thought of being in his control entirely.

I wanted to let go of my burdens and my responsibilities and get lost in the animalistic and primal act of

mating. I knocked these thoughts from my head and reminded myself that it was his scent that was

driving me to these needy, aroused thoughts.

Evey shifter releases a particularly pleasant and enticing scent when in heat. Ignatius had been lured

by mine back when we were in the clinic together just as I was now being whipped into a S**ual frenzy

by his own delicious blend.

Ignatius managed to throw Angie off of his back and came for me one last time. He crouched over my

arching form and 1 reached for him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He growled his pleasure into

my ear as he pressed his throbbing erection against me.

1whined in response. My whine turned into a loud wail when Ignatius bit down on my shoulder with

teeth sharper than they should have been.

Angie wrenched Ignatius off of me, his teeth tearing through my flesh as I cried out and reached for my

mate. My own skin pri ckled with electricity and my b*dy was wrecked with a lustful need.

Ignatius and Angie were brawling it out, looking more wolf than human as they wrestled. Eventually,

Angie shifted to her


Chapter 13

wolf form entirely and Ignatius followed suit.

This battle was even more terrifying as I watched fur sprout from their bodies and their bones

rearranged themselves as they fought. I hadn’t even managed to shift into my wolf form yer and these

two were making it happen in a split second in the middle of an all out brawl.

Igaped at them in awe for a moment before getting up again. I wasn’t sure if there was much I could do

to come between two angry wolves in the middle of snapping at each other but I didn’t want to see

either of them get hurt.

The sound of their vicious banter was shrill and sickening, whines and growls, howls and snarls. I stood

on the sideline, looking around for Geranium or anyone else really to come and put a stop to their

fighting. But there was no one in sight.

I screamed for them to stop but all that did was attract Ignatius’s attention to me once again and Angie

quickly snipped at his neck when he looked like he was going to bolt for me. In his wolf form, I wouldn’t

stand a chance against Ignatius.

I had only seen Tor, Ignatius’s inner wolf’s true form once and it had been briefly. I watched a silvery

gray wolf dart past me where I lay crumpled on the ground while Ignatius and Geranium gave chase to

the first Tally attacker.

Now I was able to witness him in all of his true glory and in the dear evening light rather than at night

with my eyes clouded with blood. He was gorgeous. His sleek gray fur was tipped with silver and white, Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

an echo of the shade of his hair.

He stood much taller than me, a giant wolf with rippling muscles and a potent looking jaw that was

currently snapping aggressively at Angie’s brown wolf. I wanted to gaze for longer, I wanted to stand

there and admire the glorious form of my

But there would have to be time for that later. At the rate they were going, someone was going to be

terribly injured if I didn’t step in somehow and stop them. I had no choice. I ran across the gravel and

threw myself at the writhing mass of Eur

and muscle.

“Stop!” I growled

Surprising even myself at the ferociousness with which I said it. I felt my nails grow longer and my teeth

protrude from my mouth. Fur broke through the skin in places and I wrapped my now clawed hand

around Ignatius and heaved him away from Angie.

I didn’t manage to do more than irritate him a little but my sudden semi-transformation was enough to

startle the both of them into pausing for a moment

“Dorothy!” Ignatius exclaimed as he shifted back to his human form. “You’re shifting!

I fell away from hian and looked down at my own b*dy. My injuries were healing but the transformation

had already begun

to subside. The small hairs folded back into my skin and my nails and teeth returned to normal.

I hadn’t felt it happening, nor had 1 willed it to. But the evidence was right there in front of me and I was

suddenly overjoyed at what I had just achieved.

Ignatius grabbed my shoulder, his heat not entirely worn off yet and pressed his now n*ked b*dy to

mine. “That was amazing!”

“I just wanted you guys to stop fighting,” I mumbled against his skin and rolled my hips to meet his

when his scent glazed over me like the sweetest honey

“Well, mission accomplished,” Angie said as she too shifted back to human form. She didn’t bother

covering her b*dy but instead walked to Ignatius’s car and pulled out one of his jackets from the back

seat to cover herself with. “Tll be borrowing this. I think that should be okay considering all the trouble.”

“F uck, Dorothy I’m so sorry. The heat, that sensation, it just came on so suddenly”

Ignatius held me close to him and buried his face in my neck, his tongue still licking like he wasn’t quite

done. He at least seemed more in control of himself though which was a relief. Although I’d be lying if I

said I hadn’t sort of enjoyed his primal antics.

10:48 Fri, Jan 26

Chapter 45

“It’s alright. I was just worried you might go too far. You bit me again.”

Ignatius inspected my shoulder and the claw marks he had left in my wrists. He frowned as he checked

my whole b*dy. making sure he hadn’t caused any serious injury.

“Go dda mn. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to come onto you so strong there, Dorothy.”

“I’m fine,” I insisted, standing on tiptoe to k*ss him and his downturned lips. “Really it’s okay. And

besides, it’s Angie you should be apologizing to. You did almost kill her again.”

“Bu ll sh it!” Angie protested, walking over to us with Ignatius’s jacket just long enough to cover her

bare groin. “I had him and he knew it. It’ll take more than that to take me down.”

“Angie,” Ignatius said quietly, turning to face her. “Thank you. Thank you for protecting my mate. I didn’t

think you’d ever have to protect her from me but I appreciate it all the same. You’ve proven yourself as

a true ally,”

Angie shrugged under the weather-beaten jacket. “Anytime. Dorothy is an important person to all of us.

It’s an honor to offer her my protection when I can,”

I had never before heard Ignatius give anyone a sincere thank you like that. The last person I expected

it to be aimed at was Angie but it was fitting and she did deserve it.

“Yeah,” I said, clinging to Ignatius now that he was over trying to mate with me like a wild animal. My

prior excitement was returning and I was so happy to be with my mate again, even if he had just tried to

nail me in the dirt.

“Thank you, Angie, for saving my butt twice now,” I laughed. “I appreciate the effort”

“You’re very welcome, carrot top. It’s only a pleasu-Angie stopped mid-sentence and stared off vacantly

as if she was listening to something that only she could hear. Her eyes widened in disbelief and Angie

took a few steps back.

1. I have to go. Something’s happened.” She turned on her heel and took off running down the pathway

at full speed. “T catch up with you later! Don’t tear the house down!” she shouted over her shoulder as

she ran.

I wondered what she could have possibly heard that had her changing her attitude that quickly. She

looked genuinely shocked at whatever it was. 1 looked at Ignatius, questioning with my eyes.

Ignatius stared after her in confusion. “That was odd.”

Does Angie have a mind-link with anyone in particular! By the looks of it, she seemed to have heard

some kind of information via a mind-link. She got the same faraway look in her eyes that I got when

Ignatius spoke to me from afar.

Ignatius scratched at his head, still standing next to me completely n*ked. The cuts and tears he got

from his skirmish with Angie were already beginning to heal, blending with the other thousands of small

white scars that littered his b*dy.

“She has a mind-link with most of her family members. It’s not common but they’ve always been a tight

bunch and their bloodline has some powerful quirks to it.”

I didn’t know it was possible for some shifters to link their mind with their families. Of course it made

sense though, and was probably pretty useful. I was made aware all over again of just how lonely I had

been before Ignatius stepped into my life.

“What do you think she heard?” I asked. Although I wasn’t watching Angie’s retreating figure anymore. I

was gazing at my mate and his semi-erect member. Ignatius noticed my ogling and smirked at me.

“And what is it that you’re looking at over there, Dorothy dearest?”

I blushed, locking my arms around his waist and smiling up at him sheepishly. “Shush. I’ve missed you.

That’s all.”

Ignatius grinned and scooped me up, rubbing the tip of his head against my pants as I wrapped my

legs around him. “I’ve missed you too,” he said, before carrying me into the house and kicking the door

shut behind him.

He made a big deal of proving just how much he had missed me then and after a particularly

passionate reunion, we had to use books to prop up the leg of the bed that got broken in the process.

Chapter 45

1 had gotten so used to my nightmares that I knew exactly what was to come as soon as I found myself

in the dark forest once. I would hear cr ackling and snapping of dead leaves and dry brush in the

darkness around me.

I would try and fail to peer through the inky black, only for the creature to launch at me from a direction

I couldn’t predict, And then I would wake up screaming and thrashing while Ignatis struggled to calm


Daly this time, the forest was silent. The scent of decay and unrest was gone. I thought maybe this time

I could be safe. The moonlight shone through the trees above my head as I walked aimlessly through

the night.

Time was inconceivable in these dreams. I could have been walling for hours or minutes and never

known the difference. I couldn’t see any stars in the sky, only the bright t winkling of the almost full


Out of the corner of my eye I noticed movement. I whirled around to face the threat, expecting to see

the creature lunging towards me with wide jaws waiting to stap hut. Instead I saw nothing

The trees stared back at me in silence. I walked the rest of my way through the woods unharmed and

unbothered. Everything was peaceful and quiet but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being


I woke up in silence. My eyes tickel open but I wasn’t screaming or failing this time around. I listened to

Ignatius’s deep breathing as he slept beside me in the dark. I looked over at my luate.

Our limbs were entwined and tangled together. We had fallen arep in a n*ked heap. Somewhere along

the line, Ignatius. had kicked off the blankets and the cool air blew in though the window and coaxed

goosebumps from my skin.

It should have been a relict, waking up calm rather than in a deranged panic. But the unsettling feeling

of foreboding was heavy in my chest. Something had was coming. I didn’t know what it was but I knew

I would have to be ready for it.

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