Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Chapter 91


Something was very wrong. I felt it in the core of my being and I cried out at the sudden pain that

stabbed through my heart. Angle rushed to my side and gripped my face between her hands as I

struggled to think clearly through the ache.

I had felt this ache before. It couldn’t be, it had to be something else. I was babbling, speaking in

tongues, and shaking my head as I tried to deny the inevitable.

“Ignatius, what is it?” Angie’s voice was stricken as she clung to me and tried to pull me to my feet from

where I had suddenly fallen to my knees. “What happened?”

“Dorothy,” I gasped her name like it was the air that I needed to breathe. “Something’s happened to


“What? Where is she?!” Angie looked left and right amidst the surrounding chaos. Plato’s backup was

making light work of the remaining Tally soldiers and the odds had been significantly tipped in the

Bielke’s favor. However, Dorothy was nowhere To be seen.

I had burst out of the forest with the rest of our newfound backup and immediately went on the hunt to

find my mate. It was only after catching up with Angie to ask her to help that I became aware of the

growing feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Tor was sensing something that I couldn’t and it

scared me to my core.

1 looked around frantically, but I knew she wasn’t out there in the scramble of shifters. She was

somewhere else. Her presence was deep within the woods, her energy radiated from the darkness of

the trees, louder than and more powerful than I had ever felt it before. But it was dwindling fast. I felt

my mate’s life force flickering and fading with every second that passed

Something was very very wrong.

“It’s Johan,” I rasped, clambering to my feet and looking around me in an attempt to get my bearings.

Johan is here. Dorothy is hurt. We need to find her,” I spoke in short bursts.

It was all I could manage with the hump in my chest and the sickening knot in my stomach. Angie

looked from me to the tangle of shifters colliding around us. Fae was among them, fighting tooth and

nail to avenge the death of their friend.

Angie looked torn, caught between her need to protect Dorothy and her urge to have Fae’s back. It was

a bond that I don’t think even she was aware of at the time. I couldn’t ask Angie to abandon her

teammate. Not so soon after losing the other

“Go,” I said to lier, and Angie opened her mouth to protest. I cut her off and pulled her into a quick

embrace. “It’s alright,” I said close to her ear. “I’ll be back soon. With Dorothy”

I pulled away and Angie teared up, thanking me with her eyes. It seemned it was the thrill of battle that

had finally awakened her to just how strong the depths of the relationship between her and Fae really


“Go help her. I’ll be back,” I said and then turned quickly, shifting to a half-wolf state and sprinting into

the darkness of the forest beyond.

I called out for Dorothy with my mind, searching for her amongst the chaos and noise that clouded my

head. She had to be okay. I promised her I would come back alive and I did. She had to hold up her

end of the bargain.

When I got no response to my desperate cries and Dorothy’s mind stayed closed to my begging, I let

out a loud howl that echoed through the trees and d amn near shook the tallest branches as I ran. I

hoped with all of my heart that she was able to hear it. She had to know that I was on my way. That she

wasn’t alone. She just had to hold on a little bit longer.

I felt my mate’s energy waning as I followed her scent through the trees. Along with Dorothy’s sweet

summer scent, there was also the putrid odor that could only belong to Johan. The thought sickened

me as I pressed on. Praying to the moon goddess, with every glimpse I could get of that shimmering or

through the treetops, that my mate would be okay.

“Please,” I pleaded silently as the dappled moonlight waned with the thickening of the brush, leaving

me to tread a dark

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Chapter 91


world that those shimmering beams could not follow. “Please. Protect my mate. Protect my children.

I’ve lost too much already.”


I let out a scream that burned my throat as Johan’s claws slashed across my stomach. My back hit the

ground with a loud thud and the wind was knocked from my chest. My head spun and the world around

me dipped and swayed like I was caught in a whirlpool that was threatening to pull me under.

Pain exploded through my b*dy as sharp claws dug into my flesh I could only hope that the energy

around my children. held fast and protected them from those claws that mowed into me.

Blood poured from the slash in my stomach as I wailed like a banshee in the dark. Johan stood above

me, victory contorting his features into a cruel look of pride. He raised his claws to strike again, claws

that were tipped with red liquid.

My blood dripped down his forearm and sprayed crimson droplets in the air as he swiped down at me

again. I rolled away at the last second and scrambled away from him, attempting to get to my feel

My efforts were futile, however, and I watched the soil turn red as blood poured from my new wound.

Already, my b*dy was working to heal itself but the injury was a deep one and I was struggling to stay

conscious. Johan’s claws glanced off the iron on my back and knocked me to the ground again.

I tried again to stand up but Johan pulled at my back leg, sending my face into the dirt as I wailed and

growled, turning to thrash at him with my own sharp claws. Without my blade, there was no hope of

taking him down

All I could do was fight as best as I could to protect my stomach. Johan stepped back, toying with me

when he realized that I was unable to get up. I curled up on my side as he laughed maniacally,

standing over me and casting a shadow that blocked out the moonlight.

With my last remaining energy. I set my glowing palms to my stomach, healing the four claw marks that

had cut into my skin and feeling out desperately for any movement from my children.

Thankfully, I felt two strong kicks from under my skin and was relieved to find that the shield had

worked its magic. They were alright, for now. But my situation was dire and help was nowhere to be


“Did you really think you could fight me alone?” Johan’s voice boomed as he stepped back, examining

his cruel work. “You’re a fool. Dorothy. Or maybe you just have a death wish. Think of the life we could

have had.

“You could have carried my children. We could have been a family. You’ve brought ruin to these people

with your selfish actions. You sealed your own fate the day you chose him over me

I didn’t respond. I wouldn’t give him the gratification of sering me cry, hearing the shiver in my voice. I

concentrated instead on locating exactly where the iron blade had fallen when he knocked it out of my

hand. If I could keep him gloating, 1 may be able to find it.

I got to my knees and crawled in the direction where the knife had fallen. Johan wasn’t having this

though and he aimed at kick at my healing stomach

1 curled up again just in time and his kick landed on the iron guards on my forearms and knees and

send me skidding backward into the dirt. Dust and dead leaves swirled around me as I struggled to

think my way out of the situation.

The iron gauntlets were still attached to my hands. Useless as they may be, compared to the beefy

shifter, it was a weapon nonetheless and better than nothing. I waited as Johan circled me again,

spewing insults and irritations.

He sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than me, though. His speech become

something of a sermon as he spouted lines about defying nature and putting an end to those that had

wronged him.

“You were supposed to love me!” he shouted again and he leaned over to bring his claws down again.

That was my moment to strike. I waited until the very last second before his claws were upon me,

spitting blood from my mouth and staring at


I summoned all the energy and power I could muster and brought my iron-clad fist up like a

jackhammer. It collides with


Chapter 1

the bottom of his paw and supped his teeth shut swer his lolling tongue, snapping it clean off.

Jehan bowlest in Tory as blond poured from his mouth and the vered tongue dropped onto my lap

followed by a waterfall of black, zing blood. I wasted no time in pushing myself to my feet and taking off

into the trees towards where the knife lay hikden somewher

Johan was distracted momentarily by his severed tongue and he inability to speak. His voice was

garbled and choked when he hondled and his growls sounded gurgled as his throat was flooded with


I struggled to pick up the pace and darted through the forest, scanning the ground desperately for the

tiny iron lalade that matched the color of the d

Finally, as Johan began to follow me, I saw a small glint of something refra ting the single beam of

moonlight hidden among the leaves on the ground and love for the kite just as Johan rampaged

towards me, battering down smaller trees and roaring in hury.

I gripped the knife and attempted to chili to my feet only to be knocked to the side by Johan’s lumbering

b*dy. I hissed and saarled as he put a clawed haml around my that, squeezing tightly and cutting off my


His yellow eyes were deranged and frenzied as he squeezed his hand tighter. Hifted the blade and

sliced at his forearm. meking the skin and deawing a line of dark blood across his flesh).

Johan screamed as he pulled his hand away, gripping his forearm as the poison began to spread. I

dropped to the floor, gasping and gagging as my bangs fought for air.

I looked up just in time to see Johan’s knee swinging towards my head. It glanced against the side of

my face and I was thrown backward against the bark of the thick tree that stood behind me. Johan lifted

his claws to go for the killing blow, aiming straight for my heart like he intended to rip it out..

It was at that momen when our battle was interrupted by a furious bowl and a large gray wolf latched

angry fangs on Johan’s shoulder. He was wrenched away from me, throw to the ground by Ignatius

who stood over me like a guard angel, silhouetted in the silver moonlight.

His eyes were wrathful as he took in my injuries and he turned to face Johan with a b*dy poised to

strike. Johan his old friend immediately and his eyes widened. I noticed a flash of fear in his dark pupils

before Johan’s face co rage and he bowled a gargled warning at the gray woll

Ignatius didn’t even flinch and he attacked the shilier head-on, laiting and tearing like a man gone mad,

overcome wi at the inan who was attempting to take that which was most precious to him.

I had seen Ignatius angry before but never to this extent. He was livid, powerful, his wolf looked larger

in size as if the powe of the Alpha was finally coming into full effect. He tore at johan’s b*dy. NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

Johan in turn attempted to swipe and bite at the attacking wolf but he was beaten to the ground over

and over again. Ignatius latched his teeth into Johan’s arm and ripped with all of his might, tearing

Jolian’s hand clean from his b*dy. It fell away with a trail of bl oody tendrils and a spray of murky blood.

Johan was weakening, the poison from the blade taking effect and spreading through his veins as he

continued to fight the vicious gray woll. I watched from the trees, willing my b*dy to heal and mustering

all the strength I could find in an attempt to keep my children and myself alive.

“Please. I looked up at the silver moon that winked at me through the trees as the two shifters

continued to revenge each other in a flash of teeth and nails. “Take as many years off my life as

necessary. Take it all if you have to. Please just keep

them safe.


The glow in my belly was dulling as I quickly ran out of energy. had used everything up in my attempts

to heal myself and the protective layer was faltering, exposing my children to the vicious wound that

was still opened on my stomach.

I could see no way out of the problem. By healing myself, I would drain myself of life and my children

would die regardless. The energy would need to come from someone else. The only hope was to

siphon the life of another person. The moon had given me everything she could but still, it was not

enough to save DC HOW..


Chapter 91

Whose life was I willing to risk for the sake of my children?

Ignatius’ howl of pain had me glancing back at the two fighting shifters. Johan had managed to deal a

devastating injury to my mate. His vicious teeth had sunk into Ignatius’ chest and Johan wrenched his

head away, tearing a large chunk from the gray wolf’s b*dy in the process.

I screamed as I watched my mate fall to the floor and Johan descended upon him, ripping and tearing

the already exposed chest of Ignatius. I had to do something. I had to act immediately. I looked down at

the iron blade in my hand and pulled myself to my feet, leaning against the tree for support.

Johan was too distracted by the thrashing gray wolf to notice my approach. I st aggered towards them,

my wounds streaming blood down my legs and my vision was clotted with black spots as I fought to

keep my eyes open, to keep myself from dropping to the floor next to my mate. I forced my legs to

move faster, breaking out into a sprint and raising the knife in my right hand.

It was only at the very last second, when it was far too late, that Johan noticed my approach.

With one final howl of defiance, I leaped at him, propelling myself into the air high enough to reach the

empty cavern where his heart resided. Johan’s jaws opened to meet me but that did not stop my


With a sickening thad and a final cry from the depths of my being, I plunged the blade into Johan’s

undead heart. His teeth latched onto the skin of my neck and bit down hard. He jerked his head to the

side and sent me flying.

I was thrown through the air and crumpled to the ground a few feet away, bleeding and barely

conscious. But the blade had found its mark and sat buried down to the hilt in Johan’s large chest.

He looked down at it for a moment in bewilderment as if he failed to understand what had just

happened. He looked up at me and I stared back at him from where I lay on the stained soil.

Then the iron spread through his b*dy, faster than fire and ten times hotter it burned Johan alive from

the inside. He howled in agony as his b*dy revolted against him, thrashing and swiping at the air.

He stumbled into trees and collided with the branches as he grew more and more disorientated. The

pain in my own chest threatened to stop my heart. Despite the broken bond between us, Johan and I

were still connected somehow and my wolf was in agony at the murder of my old true mate by my own


Eventually, Johan fell to his knees and then toppled over onto his back, clutching at the knife in his

chest and wheezing in agony. I tried my best to crawl to my feet and Ignatius did the same, edging

towards me across the dirt.

We both resorted to our human forms as were reached for each other across the blood-soaked earth.

His fingers laced with mine and I stared into the piercing blue eyes of the man I thought I would never

see again.

His chest was ripped open and bleeding profusely. Anyone aside from the Alpha would be dead at an

injury like that, Johan had torn a bl oody cavern into his chest, barely missing his still beating heart.

I pulled myself towards Ignathus and he pulled me into his arms. We didn’t speak a single word,

everything we needed to say was said in that bloodied, n*ked embrace in the small moonlight clearing

in the forest,

We both looked down at Johan who lay twitching beside us. His b*dy had blackened and his eyes were

wild and darting all over the place as he entered his final moments. As I looked down at him, his eyes

focused on me and I was once again able to glimpse the boy that I used to know.

The gentle Beta who had once been my destined soul mate. Time had done a number on both of us

and I was baffled at the way both of our short lives had unfolded

Looking down at Johan, I felt the bittersweet twist of a knife in my own chest. We had managed to take

down the monster that had threatened to tear us apart. But killing Jolan was no victory. I watched as he

fought to keep his eyes open, pain courting his features.

His eyes revealed his fear of death. Of time itself Johan was dying for a final time and this time there

would be no coming bark. In a moment of mercy, I lay a hand on his check, looking down at him as his

eyes focused on me and he struggled to speak with a missing tongue and a dying breath.


Chapter 91

No words made it out of his mouth, although his lips moved with words I could not hear, Finally, Johan

lay still and I stared down at his yellow eyes as his dark pupils expanded and emptied of life.

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