REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 106 She is here

Two years later

Victoria’s POV

”Don’t tell me you are still sleeping.” I heard Catherine’s voice in my sleep, which made me groan tiredly and turned to the other side of the bed.

”Wake up, you promised to go to practice with me.” she murmured while roughly shaking my legs. I groaned tiredly, slowly opened my eyes and met eyes with Catherine, who has a big frown on her face.

”We will be late Annabel, if you don’t hurry up.” she murmured angrily with her two hands on her waist like a mother ordering her daughter out from the bed.

I chuckled at her attitude and slowly sat on the bed as I rubbed my hands on my face.

”Please take your bath.” she muttered those words like an old woman and stormed out of my room.

I chuckled softly at her behavior and slowly stood up from the bed. I walked to my closet, took out a towel and stepped into my bathroom.

I took off my clothes and stood at the mirror as I stared at the mark on my left neck. The mark that reminds me of my past life, a life I wish to forget. I released a heavy sigh before stepping into the shower, I took a quick bath, wrapped the towel round my chest and walked back into my room.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

I took out simple blue jeans and purple turtle-neck long sleeves. I kept them on the bed, rubbed a lotion on my body and did light makeup before putting on my clothes.

I left the room, went downstairs and saw everyone already at the dining table having breakfast.

”Finally you are here.” Catherine murmured while she playfully rolled her eyes at me.

I smiled at her and took the seat beside her, while I sat opposite Jennifer, Elliot’s mate.

”You look tired, you didn’t get enough sleep last night.” Elliot muttered in a worried tone, while I rolled my eyes and began eating.

The plan was for Elliot to help me leave California and run away from Eric and I thought I would come into this country and look out for myself, but I was surprised when Elliot took me to his home here in Australia and asked me to stay with him and his daughter.

At first, I tried rejecting his offer because it was awkward, but he assured me that it would be better if I stayed there until I’m able to work out things on my own. It’s been two years now, but I can’t leave this house because I see Catherine as my younger little sister and Elliot and Jennifer as close friends.

”I have asked you to quit that job, but you are just too stubborn.” Elliot mumbled to himself and took a spoon of food into his mouth.

”Here we go again.” I murmured and continued eating.

I worked as a bartender in a small club in Australia, a place I knew Eric would never come to, and mostly I was on night shift.

Elliot had warned and begged me several times to quit the job that it was too stressful and risky for me, but I wouldn’t agree to it. I needed money for my aunt’s hospital bills. She woke up a year ago but still can’t talk or move her body according to the report I got. ”Ani.” Jennifer’s voice brought me back from my thoughts.

I stared at her, confused, because I did not get what she said.

”What are you thinking.” she asked,

”Nothing.” I flickered her a big smile and continued eating.

We ate quietly for a while until Catherine stood up and tapped her feet on the floor with her two hands folded, as she stared at me, indicating we had to leave.

I sighed and took a sip of the water before getting up from the chair.

”Bye Dad.” Catherine kissed Elliot on the cheek and walked away with me. I stared at Catherine and shook my head at her behavior.

She was twelve, yet she acts older than her age.

”Can you please walk faster, we are getting late. She murmured and opened the passenger’s seat of the car. I shook my head at her behavior and sat on the driver’s seat, started up the car and drove off.

”Next time, please don’t ask me to go anywhere with you.” I muttered to her hearing and kept driving.

She kept silent for a while before she started murmuring words I didn’t pay attention to.

”Ani.” she called out my name.

”I can hear you.” I murmured with my eyes fixed on the road.

”I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have talked to you in that way.” she apologized.

I nodded my head and kept driving because she was the least of my problems right now.

I drove for a while until we got to the table tennis court where she would be practicing with girls her age.

We both got out of the car, while she hurriedly walked into the changing room to change her clothes and I took a seat with other parents and friends.

Few minutes later, the girls all arrived and began practicing with each other. Excitedly, I took out the camera and started taking pictures of Catherine while I cheered her up. After a while, I was pressed and decided to use the bathroom. I left my phone, bag, and camera on my seat and went to the restroom. I relieved myself, washed my hands and left the restroom. Just when I was about to get to my seat, I noticed a familiar figure’s back at me.

His hair was thick black and gelded together, his broad shoulders and skin tone reminded me of one person and I knew I wasn’t mistaken.

”Shit.” I turned around and ran away. I went to the car and, luckily, the car keys were in my pocket. With panic, I got into the car and drove off as fast as I could.

It’s just two years, two fucking years, and our paths have begun crossing with each other. ”Shit!” I groaned in anger as I drove as fast as I could.

I got home, parked the car and rushed into the house, only to see Elliot in the sitting room walking around.

”Where have you been, where did you keep your phone?” Elliot asked in panic as he moved closer to me.

”I went to the restroom, but I think I saw someone who looked just like Eric.” I spoke in fear.

Hearing those words from me, Eliot shook his head and roughly ran his fingers through his hair, ”Eric is here.” he grumbled worriedly.

Alpha Eric’s POV

I took a sip of my drink as I relaxed on the couch to hear all he had to say.

”Sir, according to our examination, we think alpha Micheal is under the influence of a spell.”

”I know that.” I murmured angrily.

I knew he wasn’t himself a few months ago, but I still can’t tell who did this to him and why.

After he told us Victoria died and that he had thrown her at the bridge, I sent my men to dive into the water searching for her body, but they found nothing, not even a clue. Ever since then, I have had doubts about what Mike told us, yet, I couldn’t get anything from him. All he kept saying was that Victoria lost her pregnancy.

”Sir, we’ve checked all the records, and there have been no transactions with the name Victoria Williams, it seems she doesn’t exist anymore.”

”Shut up.” I yelled angrily. ”Until I see her dead body, then will I believe she is dead, but until then, I have nothing in mind.” those were the words I have been saying to myself for the past two years.

For the past two years, I have refused to accept her death, although my wolf has been silent for a while, but deep down in me, I had a feeling Victoria was somewhere.

I stood up from the couch, picked up my keys, and left my sitting room. I went to the garage, opened one of my cars and drove off.

In few minutes, I was parked in Mike’s house, which was silent like a graveyard.

I got out of the car and walked into the sitting room, only to see him sitting on the couch, lost in thought.

I stood by the door and took a better look at Mike. He was indeed different, different from the Mike I knew.

I left the door and walked towards him. I took the seat beside him and called out his name before he noticed my presence.

”I swear I never thought of killing her, I just wanted to pay you back for what you did to me.”he mumbled with fear, and it was indeed strange to me.

”I won’t hurt you, if only you will tell me where she is.” I spoke calmly, hoping it would work on him, but He shook his head and moved his gaze away from me. ”She is not here, I swear she is not here.” he mumbled.

”Then where the hell is she?” I yelled at the top of my voice. I was getting frustrated and running out of patience.

He gulped nervously and shook his head, but did not say a word.

I sighed and roughly ran my fingers through my hair in anger and frustration. This was all Mike had been saying to me for the past two years, and it annoyed me.

I groaned when I noticed my phone was ringing. I went for the phone and saw it was my secretary calling.

I sighed when I remembered I had to be in Australia for a business meeting. I picked up the call and told him I was on my way to the airport.

I kept the phone back in my pocket, took a good look at Mike, who was still murmuring something I couldn’t hear.

I grumbled in anger and walked away. I got into my car and drove to the airport. In a few minutes, I was at the airport.

I got out of the car and met my secretary by the private jet, waiting for me.

”How long are we staying there.” I asked as I climbed on the jet.

”Maximum of three days, sir.” he replied.

I nodded my head and relaxed on the seat as I closed my eyes.

With my eyes closed, all I could see was Victoria, the memories of her were still fresh in my head. Not a day passed without me thinking of her and wishing all this was just a dream.

I remember the first time I met her. She was so pure and innocent that I wondered how the moon goddess could give such a mate to me.

At first, I thought I hated her, but now I know what I had for her back then wasn’t hate, but fear.

I feared knowing her, I was scared of making her my second half, and above all, I feared falling in love with her.

I felt a teardrop on my cheek and quickly wiped it off. It had been two years now, and I still couldn’t get her out of my head, it felt like I lost her just yesterday.

I avoided women and have nothing to do with women for the past two years. A year ago, I tried having sex with a submissive, so I could get her out of my head because she was making me go insane, but I realized I couldn’t have sex because all the organs in me were completely dead.

I sighed and forced myself to sleep, since I realized I had twelve hours before getting to Australia.

”Sir.” I heard my secretary’s voice in my sleep.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and met eyes with him.

”We just landed.” he announced while staring at me with a curious look.

With stunned eyes, I checked the time and confirmed he was right, and I wondered how I was able to sleep for a good twelve hours.

Inhaling deeply, I stood up from the chair and got out of the jet. I walked to the car already waiting for us, and got in with my secretary.

”How many hours do we have before the first meeting.” I asked.

”Two hours sir.” He replied.

I nodded my head and relaxed on the chair before speaking up, ”Take me somewhere, somewhere I can relax and receive some fresh air.” I murmured with my eyes closed.

”Yes sir.” The driver responded.

He drove for a few minutes until I noticed the car stopped. Curiously, I opened my eyes and saw we were in a big field.

I got out of the car and wandered around for a while before I noticed a table tennis practice going on.

I sighed softly and wanted to walk away, but for a strange reason, I was drawn to the tennis court and I found it strange.

I walked towards the tennis court and stood a bit far from the tennis court while I watched the little girls playing against each other.

I sighed softly and sucked in a deep breath, only to perceive a familiar scent. Quickly, I shook my head in disbelief and closed my eyes while I took another deep sniff, and again I perceived the familiar scent of fresh honey.

”Mate.” my silent Wolf howled in joy,

”Victoria.” I muttered and stared around, but couldn’t see her.

”Mine.” my wolf howled in possession.

I stared around, but still couldn’t find her. I turned around and kept walking around, but she was nowhere.

”Victoria.” I screamed at the top of my voice.

My wolf was never wrong, he couldn’t mistake someone else for Victoria.

And that scent, that was Victoria’s scent, and I wasn’t wrong about it, Victoria was right here, but how was this possible.

I took another deep sniffle and realized her scent was fading away, meaning she was gone. ”Shit.” I groaned, frustrated, and ran around the field while looking for anyone who looked like Victoria.

I groaned in pain as I realized her scent was gone, meaning she had left.

”Shit.” I screamed in anger and rushed to my car.

”Get me my phone.” I muttered those words to my secretary, who rushed to me and handed my phone to me.

I took my phone from him and quickly dialed a number. It rang a few times before it was picked.

”Greetings alpha…” I did not let those words finish from his lips before I cut him off. ”I want you to check all the record of flights taken from California to Australia for the past two years and check if anyone bares the name Victoria Williams.”

”Yes sir, I will do that immediately.”he muttered and ended the call.

I released a heavy sigh and roughly ran my fingers through my hair as an uncomfortable feeling bloomed in my chest.

Victoria was here or something related to her was here, and I could feel it in my bones.

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