Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 59 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 59 Hopeless

Clay’s POV

My eyes snapped open in the midnight black room but my wolf could see as if it were daylight. Mallory was still sleeping soundly in my arms, Cary snoring softly from where he laid curled up behind her.

His face was still buried in her hair just as mine had been nuzzled against her neck, our wolves craving her scent even in sleep. It was a heady fragrance made even more intoxicating now that it was combined with ours.

Without consistent mating, I knew our scent would fade from hers until she was marked but that was hardly a problem in my mind. Sex with Mallory was fucking incredible. I was already irrevocably addicted in a way I’d never been to anyone or anything else. She’d be lucky if I ever let her out of my bed again.

Still, there was something so surreal about lying in bed, wrapped up in our now fully mated Luna. After years of denying myself this pleasure and being denied by her, I could hardly believe it was finally real. Maybe that was why I was awake in the middle of the night, feeling unnerved and off balance.

My hold automatically tightened on my sleeping mate as my wolf chanted a chorus of Mine, Mine, Mine, in my head. I wasn’t sure what had woken me but something was gnawing at me to hold her close and never let go. Not that I ever intended to, but the feeling was unsettling nonetheless.

Mallory stirred in her sleep, her cheek seeking the firm cushion of my chest. The soft smile and peaceful expression on her face told me she found it as comfortable as the fluffiest pillow. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the gorgeous little wolf in my arms, a sense of pride overflowing from every pore that I could provide that for her.

“Mate is beautiful.” My wolf purred.

“Beautiful doesn’t even come close.” I returned.

Fuck! My cock was so rock solid it was bordering on painful. I didn’t want to wake her but I couldn’t stop myself from shifting beneath her so my hard length pressed against her belly, easing the ache somewhat. Mallory made the cutest little kittenish mewl, like she was letting me know she approved of the move.

But moments later, those adorable sounds went from mewls to whimpers to full on sobs. She writhed in my arms as if her body was trying to escape some unseen enemy. Was she in pain or just having a bad dream?

Cary pushed up on his elbow, his eyes still sleep-ridden as he peered down at the little she-wolf causing all the commotion. I saw the moment his brain came back online, realizing our tiny mate was in distress and he couldn’t find the cause. He looked around the room wildly, like the darkness surrounding us held the answer.

Suddenly, an overwhelming flood of emotions poured into our triplet bond. I glanced at Cary but he still wore a perplexed expression. Not the guilt, self -loathing, anger and determination that assaulted me from Colton’s side. Then all at once his features morphed to unchecked fury and I knew he felt it too.

The realization of what this was hit me seconds before Mallory woke up screaming. Colton was betraying the bond.

“Aaaagh!” Mallory sat bolt upright in bed, shrieking pitifully as she scratched at her chest right over her heart, a desperate attempt to remove the offending organ.

She scrambled out of bed, dropping to her knees on the floor as she continued to cry out. Her claws came out and Cary flew off the bed, kneeling beside her and trapping her in his arms to keep her from hurting herself.

“It hurts. Why-, what’s happening?” She sobbed through the pain.

Cary looked back at me with a crazed look in his eyes. It was tearing him apart that he couldn’t help her, couldn’t take away her suffering. knew I should be down there with him, comforting our mate the best we could. But my anger refused to release me, set me free from the blinding rage that had me rooted in place.

“I’m going to fucking kill him!” I snarled.

“His walls are up! I can’t get through to him.” Cary’s tone was wretched, broken.

“What? Who?” Mallory wailed louder, demanding answers neither of us wanted to give.

“Shh! It’s okay. It’s all going to be okay. I’ve got you, darling.” Cary cooed, rocking her in his arms, trying and failing to calm her as she struggled against him.

Then without warning, her cries cut off, replaced by breathless panting. Cary petted her, smoothing her hair back as one arm kept her locked in his embrace. Their bodies swayed together, the action seeming to lull Mallory into a tenuous peace.

“Brother or not, he’s fucking dead!” I growled, a thirst for violence finally spurring me to move as I pulled on my pants and shoved my feet into my shoes.

“Clay!” Cary called my name, looking pointedly at Mallory, freezing me in my tracks as my head snapped to her.

But it was too late. She’d caught my words and understanding had dawned.

“Colton? He . No, no, no, no. no!” Mallory pushed out of Cary’s arms, backing away from us as if we shared his guilt.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

She looked around the room frantically then sprung into action, collecting her pants and the remains of her tattered shirt. Her hands shook and she fumbled clumsily as she tried to dress herself. It shredded me inside to see her so distraught and the tormented look on Cary’s face told me he felt the same.

“Come back to bed, darling. Let me hold you.” Cary pleaded, reaching for her.

She just shrunk back like a cornered animal. Her eyes flitted back and forth between the two of us, brimming with distrust and anguish. Then she started shaking her head forcefully.

“I-, I want to go home.” She stated, her broken speech underscoring her mental anguish.

“You are home.” Cary spoke softly, tenderly.

“My home! I want to go back to my house and sleep in my room!” Mallory insisted.

It was the last straw. My wolf was already sprawling out of control, his outrage over Colton’s actions pushing him toward a violent rampage. The thought of our mate leaving us was more than he could tolerate.

Even as I stomped in her direction, literally a wolf stalking its prey, I knew it would only make things worse. I knew it would only send her running in the other direction but I was powerless to stop him, a feral beast defending what he considered to be his.

“No!” I barked, my body pinning hers to the wall and my hand squeezing her chin a little too tight. “You will stay here where you’re safe!”

“Clay, ease up man.” Cary tugged at my shoulder, trying to pull me away but I turned on him.

“She agreed! We told her what would happen if she let us mate her! We warned her she’d be ours forever and she agreed! She can’t take that back!” I yelled at him then turned back to my mate, my voice softening. “You agreed, remember?”

She just nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. I reached up to wipe them away and she flinched at the movement. In that moment, I hated myself just as much as I hated my brother for what he’d done. I never wanted her to fear me.

“I’m so sorry, little wolf.” I whispered, pulling her into my arms gently so she could push me away if she wanted to.

But she didn’t. Instead, she buried her face in my bare chest and let me hold her while she cried. Cary came up beside her and added his arms to mine, both of us offering nothing more than our presence while she gave herself over to the tears.

“Why? Why would he hurt me that way?” She asked, self-recrimination evident in her tone.

I could have been flayed alive then burned at the stake and it would have been less painful than hearing her blame herself for Colton’s despicable behavior.

“Because he’s a fucking idiot.” Cary answered her rhetorical question. ”

Why else would someone turn their back on such an amazing gift like you? Mom must’ve dropped him on his head as a baby or something.”

A small, water-logged giggle bubbled out at Cary’s pathetic attempt at humor and I could’ve kissed my younger brother for that small miracle.

“Don’t take this on yourself, little wolf.” I said, resting my forehead on hers and staring deep into her gorgeous hazel eyes. “As far as Cary and I are concerned, you hung the sun. moon and all the stars. Not even the Moon Goddess herself could tempt us when we’ve already got our very own goddess.

“Some people just aren’t capable of seeing what’s right in front of them, but that’s their failing. Not yours! Do you understand me?”

A barely perceptible nod was the only indication she gave that she’d heard my words but it was enough for now. I tipped her chin up to peck her lips with the softest kiss I could manage, despite my need to bury myself inside her and claim her all over again. Then I left her in Cary’s arms to rummage through my bathroom cabinets in search of something to help her sleep.

“Get back in bed with Cary, little wolf.” I instructed, waiting while my brother coaxed her along. “Now take these pills for me. They’ll help you sleep and ease any residual aches and pains.”

She swallowed the medication dutifully, not even questioning what it was. The thought that he’d left her so miserable she was desperate for relief had me fuming all over again but I swallowed it down.

“Where are you going?” Mallory question when I pulled the covers of my brother and her, tucking her in tight.

I stared back at her silently for a minute and the aggrieved look she returned told me she already knew the answer. I didn’t need to say it out loud.

“I’ll be back, love. I just have some business to take care of that can’t wait.” I said instead.

She didn’t respond, just turned her head and tucked it under Cary’s arm, shutting out the world. I waited until her breathing slowed and her features took on a placid calm. Then I threw on a shirt and grabbed my keys, heading for the door..

“She’ll feel it if you kill him.” Cary reminded in my head as I walked away.

My fists clenched, my keys digging into my palm as I tried to get my anger in check.

“Then let’s hope my wolf doesn’t rip him to fucking pieces before I can stop him.” I linked back without the slightest shred of hope.

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