Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 84 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 84 Devil’s Advocate

Mallory’s POV

“No! My pups!” I woke with a start, frantic and disoriented.

My hands flew to my stomach as if to shield my babies from imminent attack. But a heavy hand covered my heart, pushing me back and holding me down. My legs kicked out and my arms thrashed, trying to throw off my assailant.

“Shh! Calm down, little Omega. I’ve got you. You’re safe.” A deep masculine voice murmured.

I blinked once, twice, trying to make sense of what I heard, searching for visual confirmation. A brief examination of my surroundings revealed I was in the back of an SUV, my body stretched out across three sets of muscular thighs. I followed the length of the arm on my chest to its owner.

“Colton?” I blinked again, willing my vision to clear. It was a cruel trick for my brain to make me think he was holding me when I knew he would never do that.

“I’m here, love. We’re all here.” His voice was so reassuring, so real.

I lifted a shaky arm to run my fingers over the stubble on his chin. It felt scratchy under my fingers. He leaned into my touch and I could’ve sworn I heard him purr. Then someone’s leg shifted under me, catching my attention. My gaze shifted to the other two men staring at me with blatant concern.

“Clay? Cary?” Seeing them was the permission I needed to let my guard down. To let all the hurt and horror of the last few days spill out. “You-, you f -, found me!”

The tears fell fast and furious. Like an oncoming train, there was no stopping them. I wiped my nose with the back of my hand but only managed to smear mucus across my cheek. It was a snot fest of epic proportions but the three men surrounding me didn’t seem to mind. Three pairs of strong arms held me tight while I fell apart.

By the time the tears ran dry, my brain had rebooted enough for worry to creep back in.

“Quade? Is he-” Still out there somewhere? Still a threat to me? I wasn’t sure what I wanted to ask but my mates seemed to know what I needed to hear.

“Alive, but barely. And in custody.”

Clay informed me.

“He threatened to kill our pups. I don’t remember much after that. You must have come in time to stop him, I guess.” I racked my brain for the memory but came up empty.

“Darling, we didn’t do anything but scoop up his half-dead corpse and toss his sorry ass in the trunk. He was hanging on by a thread when we got there, mauled within an inch of his life.” Cary looked at me like one would regard a mental patient on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

“You were locked in the room alone with him when we found you, half- shifted with his flesh in your claws and covered in his blood. You took him down all by yourself, little wolf.” Clay elaborated.

“But that’s not-, I mean, Raven must have-” I shook my head and lifted my blood smeared hand to my face, seeing it but not believing it.

“You said he threatened the pups. She- wolves are known for savage attacks to protect their pups from harm. There are textbooks full of accounts where men twice their size and strength were ripped to shreds by a pregnant wolf or mother of young pups. It’s not unheard of, Mal.” Colton added placatingly.

“Oh, okay.” I replied stupidly.

I would have to unpack that information later. It was all too fresh right now. Clay said I was alone in the room but that didn’t make sense to me. What about.

“Darcy!” I blurted out. “She was there! Some men came and took her! Did you find her?”

Colton stiffened behind me. And for the first time since waking up, I was left to wonder what he was doing here.

“She’s in another car. We’ll make sure she gets the help she needs.” Colton assured me.

“Not that she deserves it.” Cary muttered.

“But why aren’t you with her?” I kept my expression blank, refusing to let Colton’s answer break me, or at least to let him see the aftermath when it did.

“Mallory, we have a lot to talk about. I have a lot to say to you, anyway. And I hope you’ll give me a chance to explain. I’ll understand if you don’t want to hear a word from me, but regardless, now isn’t the time. You need to rest.”

He said, settling me back on his lap and tucking me into the crook of his arm.

Part of me knew it was a bad idea but still I allowed myself to find comfort in his warmth. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the feel of their soothing caresses. Cary massaged my feet while Clay ran his fingers up and down my thigh. Colton pressed gentle kisses on top of my head then buried his nose in my hair.

I pretended his tenderness reflected a true desire for me and not just an instinct driven by his wolf. It would break me in two all over again when I had to face reality but for now, I needed the comfort he offered.

When I awoke again, it was to Colton’s arms banding around my waist, holding me in place as the car lurched to a stop. Cary dropped a heavy arm on my legs to keep them from slipping off and Clay let a few expletives fly at the rough landing.

“Sorry Alphas,” The driver apologized. “That idiot just stepped out in front of me.”

“That idiot is the Winter Woods Alpha so maybe don’t say that to his face. Clay snorted.

“Nathan’s here?” I struggled free of Colton’s arms but he pinned me to his side. “Wait, where are we?”

What little I could see out the backseat window was completely unfamiliar. I’d assumed we were returning home to Black Moon but we definitely weren’t there. This place looked desolate and bare compared to the lush forestry surrounding Black Moon.

“We’re in Hazelwood, darling.” Cary enlightened. “And before you speak to Nathan, there is something you should know.”Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“What about Nathan? Is he okay?”

Nathan was my friend and I’d never not worry about him.

“Oh, I’d say he’s more than okay.” Clay answered cryptically, a wicked smirk on his handsome face.

I listened with rapt attention as my mates explained all that happened when they arrived in Hazelwood, hoping to find me here, their disappointment when I wasn’t and how they’d come to learn where I might be.

“He met his mate!” I shrieked in excitement. “I can’t wait to meet her! Let me out!”

“Slow down, little wolf! You’ll scare the poor girl. I have a feeling she’s been through some shit.” Clay warned.

“And so have you, for that matter. You’re pregnant, love. You need to take it easy, let your body recover.” Colton added.

My brain cells stuttered to a halt for a moment. It wasn’t the first time my pregnancy was mentioned in the course of this car ride but to hear Colton mention it so casually, like he’d known all along, left me dumbfounded.

“When did you find out?” I managed to mutter the question.

“The day you were taken. I was there, at the hospital. I followed you.” He answered sheepishly.

“But… why?” It was a question I desperately wanted an answer to but the car door opened and everyone shuffled out, completely ignorant of my burning curiosity.

As we exited the car, I took a moment to survey my surroundings. It felt oddly surreal to know I’d probably walked this same path many times as a pup but had no memory of it whatsoever. Maybe I should have felt the ghosts of my parents haunting the grounds. But the place seemed utterly devoid of anything remotely familiar.

I felt no sense of belonging, no sense of homecoming I’d imagined I’d feel during those weeks we plotted to liberate my parents’ pack. I’d hoped, no longed for, some connection to the people who gave me life, who’d loved me enough to send me to safety all those years ago. Somehow it felt wrong not to remember them.

“Welcome home, Alpha.” Nathan greeted me as we approached the packhouse.

He was waiting for me to notice him, a huge grin on his face. I schooled my features, not wanting to ruin his happy mood with my melancholy. Instead of the scowl that matched my current attitude, I flashed him my brightest grin.

“Fuck, it’s good to see you in one piece, Mal. I was so worried.” He wrapped me in a crushing bear hug.

A threatening snarl rose from somewhere behind him and he released me immediately.

“Um, Mallory,” He dipped his head, running one hand over the back of his neck, a contrite expression on his face. “This is Charlotte, my-”

“Your mate!” I finished for him, shoving him aside to pull her into a hug. “I’m Mallory. It’s so nice to meet you!”

She flinched a little at my enthusiastic greeting but offered me a soft smile.

“Um, I prefer Charlie. And it’s nice to meet you too. Sorry about the growl. My wolf…” Her voice was small, shy, but I could understand why.

Living under Quade’s rule would beat the confidence out of anyone. I hoped Nathan would be patient with her as she worked through her trauma.

“Don’t be sorry. You just found your mate. Nathan and I both should have been more sensitive to your feelings. I’m the one who should apologize.” I told her.

“Let’s all go inside. We have a lot to discuss.” Nathan reminded us.

He and Colton and Clay headed inside while Cary hung back, unwilling to take his eyes off me. Giving him a pointed look that said I wanted a minute alone with her, he took a few steps ahead but turned abruptly, thinking twice about leaving me outside alone.

“Why don’t the two of you relax in the living room while we make something to eat. It will probably take all four of us to manage something edible.” He chuckled.

Filling the others in on his plan, they quickly shuffled off to the kitchen, leaving Charlie and I to our conversation. I had so many questions about the pack, about her life here in Hazelwood. But I decided to start with something less likely to trigger her.

“How are things going with you and Nathan so far? I hope he’s behaving like the gentleman I know he can be.”

“Um, he seems nice so far.” It was a bland, superficial response and I got the feeling she was uncomfortable with the subject.

Silence fell between us and I racked my brain for something else to talk about. Something safe. Something less awkward.

“Are you in love with my mate?” She blurted out, shocking me speechless for a moment.

“Uh, No. I mean, I love Nathan but only as a friend. Those men I came here with are my mates and I love them. I’m in love with them.” So much for avoiding . embarrassing topics.

“I know who they are. But I also noticed you’re not marked. And Nathan told me he still loves you, so trailed off. .” She

I was going to fucking kill him. Who tells their fated mate they love someone else. Oh right, one of my own mates, that’s who. Maybe that’s why I want to murder Nathan. I know how it feels and hate the thought of anyone suffering what I have.

“Charlie, I’m so sorry he said that to you. Please give him time. I know he’s happy he found you.” I squeezed her hand, a silent plea to consider my words. “As for me not being marked, well, life has been… complicated. But believe me when I tell you it has nothing to do with Nathan.”

She just nodded but didn’t look terribly convinced. Fortunately, the guys * returned with platters of cured meats and cheeses, some fruit and every expecting woman’s friend, lots and lots of pickles. A perfect meal, no cooking required. And no more awkward conversation between Charlie and me.

Unfortunately, I took one whiff of the stinky cheese and wrinkled my nose, a wave of nausea tumbling through my stomach. I pushed the plate Colton handed me away with scowl as though it personally offended me.

“Come on, little Omega. You’re pregnant. You need to eat something.” He urged.

“Wait! You’re pregnant? And I thought you were an Alpha. I’m so confused.” Charlie noted.

“Yes, I’m pregnant with triplets.” I beamed at the announcement. “And my wolf is an Alpha. It’s a long story.”

“One for another time.” Nathan appeared annoyed with the conversation, a problem I would need to address at some point. “We have more pressing things to discuss. Like the fact that Mallory is now the de facto Hazelwood Alpha, at least until Quade is fit to stand trial. And it’s worth mentioning we should have a back-up plan in case he gets off.”

“That’s not going to happen! That can’t happen!” I protested. “Besides, I beat him in combat. The title falls to me.”

“I hate to play devil’s advocate, darling, but you were the only two people in that room when we found you. Aside from your three mates, there were no witnesses. And unfortunately, given our potential for bias, our word doesn’t count.”

My world tilted on its axis as I listened to Cary’s account. A ripple of fear spread through me at the thought that a monster like Quade could escape punishment. Sensing my distress, Clay pulled me into his lap and held me tight to his chest, dousing me with calming vibes.

Colton and Cary took turns feeding me small bites of food here and there. I chewed and swallowed but didn’t taste any of it. My mind was too occupied with the horrifying thought that this fight might not be over. That the man who abused and prostituted his mate, who threatened me with the same, might still walk free.

I couldn’t let that happen. I had to make sure that vile piece of trash ended up in hell where he belonged.

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