Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Resisting the Alpha Triplets Chapter 32 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 32 The Chase

Mallory’s POV

I gave Raven control as soon as we made it outside. The shift was effortless this time, completely free of the restrictions the mage had placed on us. I could feel the Alpha aura vibrating in my bones, seeking release after being tamped down for so long. It was tempting to unleash it.

But accepting that part of me meant facing the lies I’d been fed my whole life and right now that was the exact opposite of what I wanted to do. I didn’t want to think. I just wanted to feel the breeze blowing through our fur, hear the whistle of the wind blowing past and the thud of our paws in the dirt.

Raven was quiet as we ran. I could feel the effort it cost her to run away from her mates. The bond was like a rubber band, stretching with every step she took, working to pull her right back to them. But she knew I couldn’t face any of that yet so she just kept running.

We ran without stopping until my wolf’s powerful muscles succumbed to fatigue, the sinew loose and pliable but slack. Raven dropped the clothes she’d carried in her massive jaw and flopped to the ground unceremoniously. The moon was bright in the clearing so she rolled on her side to soak it in.

“They’ll come after us.” She said, more hopeful than certain.

“Maybe not.” I answered with a hope of my own. “Colton has Darcy. He already made it pretty clear he doesn’t want us.”

“His wolf does.” She interjected. “And so do his brothers.”

“Raven,” I sighed her name, hating that what I had to say would hurt her, ” You haven’t known them as long as I have. Cary and Clay like a challenge. They were only pursuing me because they knew I didn’t want them. They may have reacted to the bond but once the newness wears off, they won’t want us anymore.”

“Then we give them a challenge.” She offered conspiratorially.

“I don’t think so. There’s too much history between us and none of it’s good. I’m not sure I could ever trust them, believe they were being sincere about their desire for us.” I told her gently. “Besides I have… oh shit! Nathan!”

“Who’s Nathan?” She queried, her silver eyes narrowing on me.

“He’s my boyfriend.” I confessed, earning a snarl from my wolf.

“Not for long!” She vowed.

I was prepared to argue with her but before I could get a word out, the sound of leaves crackling and twigs snapping alerted me that we wouldn’t be alone much longer. Raven stuck her snout in the air, inhaling deeply.

“Mates!” She announced smugly, just as the rich, luscious scents of tobacco and leather, and bergamot and cinnamon stole my breath and filled my head with a myriad of impure thoughts.

Clay and Cary had found us.

“Hey little wolf.” Clay pushed the words into my mind as Gunner’s huge muzzle pressed into my neck, breathing me in.

“I’m so sorry you’re hurting, darling.” Cary said, his huge wolf, Roan laying down along the length of Raven’s slightly smaller frame. “Please don’t run from us. Let us be there for you.”

Raven whimpered, snuggling deeper into her mates. Gunner and Roan pressed closer, letting the weight of their hulking bodies provide us comfort, a safeguard, a strength we lacked at the moment.

“How is m-, um, Maeve?” I ventured, no longer sure what to call the woman who raised me.

“It’s okay to call her mom, love. You may disagree with her choices, but she made them to keep you safe. Isn’t that what mother’s do?” Cary offered, surprisingly philosophical for the youngest triplet.

“He’s right, Mal.” Clay added, in a tone that suggested it pained him to admit it. “But to answer your question, she’s distraught. Seeing her child in pain is breaking her as it would any loving parent. Especially knowing she contributed to your suffering. But none of that diminishes your own grief or makes you any less entitled to it.”

“I never wanted this. Even when the three of you ridiculed me for being an Omega, I never wished to be otherwise.” I confided, both of them inhaling sharply like I’d physically punched them with my reminder. “I don’t want to be an Alpha.”

“You can’t change what you are, little wolf.” Clay sympathized. “But who you are is entirely up to you. The Mal we know has always been fierce, an Alpha through and through. But you don’t have to be the Hazelwood Alpha.”

“In fact, we’d prefer it if you weren’t. Just stay here and be our Luna.” Cary supplemented. “But whatever you decide to do, we’ll support you.”

“Thank you.” I told him awkwardly. Genuine gratitude towards any of the Collins triplets just wasn’t part of my repertoire.

“You need to talk to Maeve, little wolf.” Clay stated decisively. “I know you. You’ll be miserable until you settle things between the two of you.”

I sighed at that. But in Raven’s form, it came out as more of a purr. A sound both my mates responded to by shuffling even closer. Which only led to Raven purring for real in my head.

Resigned to what I had to do, I pushed Raven to stand. She wasn’t thrilled, enjoying the proximity of Clay and Cary’s wolves a little too much. But when I flashed her a glimpse of my idea, her chest rumbled in agreement.

Gunner and Roan watched with interest as Raven wiggled her way out from between them. But when she stopped, showing them her rear, then swishing her tail across their muzzles, the challenge had been offered and they were all too willing to accept.

Raven bounded away just as her two mates rose drunkenly to their feet, having gotten much too comfortable lazing next to her. I sat back and watched as she expertly navigated the trees and brambles of the forest as if she’d been doing so for years. But despite her head start, it wasn’t long before the intoxicating scents of Gunner and Roan grew thicker as they closed in on us.

“Run all you want, little wolf. There’s nowhere we won’t chase you.” Clay’s taunt slipped into my head.

“We’ll enjoy every minute of the chase.” Cary added. “But it’s you who will enjoy it the most when we catch you.”

His words sent a sensual shiver down my spine while Raven made a wanton sound, something between a purr and a moan. Hearing her only seemed to push their wolves harder and soon they were nipping at our heels.

My wily wolf darted right, so close to an old oak, she skimmed it with her fur. Having failed to anticipate the move, Gunner and Roan skidded off in the opposite direction. Raven chuckled, congratulating herself on the small victory, But she celebrated too soon.

Cary’s huge sandy-colored wolf came out of nowhere, barreling into us from the side and bowling us over. We rolled across the ground, a flourish of twigs and dry leaves floating in our wake. And when we rolled to a stop, Raven was on her back, trapped within Roan’s huge paws as he stood over her.

“Caught you, darling. Now the real fun begins.” Cary panted boastfully.

“Did you really think you could evade us, little wolf?” Clay’s mocking voice joined Cary’s as Gunner sauntered up behind Roan.

But Raven wasn’t ready to surrender. She tucked her hind legs in close to her belly and kicked out with all her strength. Roan flew backwards, taking his brother down with him. But she didn’t even wait to see where they’d land before taking off again.

Raven ran like the wind, determined to show her mates she was worthy. And by the time they caught up again, I had shifted back and was pulling on my clothes.

“You definitely have the speed of an Alpha.” Clay acknowledged as he and his brother sauntered across the yard, both in human form.

Both of them were naked. Gloriously and deliciously naked. I fought the urge to rake my eyes over every drool- worthy inch of them. But between the pull of the mate bond between us, the mouthwatering scents invading my senses, and all that hard, masculine muscle on display, it was a losing battle.

Slick ran down my thighs as my eyes trailed down their rigid abs then traced along their well-defined v-lines, finally coming to rest on the long, thick rods between their legs. Both currently rock-hard and straining towards me. I wanted to face-palm myself when an involuntary moan escaped my lips, but it was too late.

“Like what you see, darling?” Cary smirked knowingly.

“Look all you want, little wolf. It all belongs to you.” Clay practically purred at me.

But I couldn’t. I shouldn’t. So I didn’t.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Pfft.” I scoffed. “Put some clothes on. No one wants to see that.”

Clay and Cary both chuckled at my obvious falsehood. I knew I wasn’t fooling anyone. Wolves had keen senses. They could smell my arousal. Probably even saw the slick between my legs. But admitting the truth was just something I couldn’t do.

“Come on, love.” Cary took my hand and began leading me around the house toward the front door. “Go talk to your mother. And we’ll be waiting for you when you’re done.”

The first part of his statement was something I knew I had to do. The last part I was less sure about. But at that moment, I was thankful for the strength they shared with me as they both squeezed my hands, for the calming energy they sent through the bond. So I let it stand.

When we reached my front door, I hesitated. My mind raced with all the questions I had, all the things I wanted to say as I drew in one shuddering breath after another. But they were there.

“You’ve got this, little wolf.” Clay assured me.

“You’ll be okay, my darling.” Cary confirmed.

And somehow, I knew I would be.

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