Rise of the Billionaire actress

DDD 22

Aaron stood with a smirk, waiting for the fire cracker to return, knowing he was her only hope of navigating the school grounds. He was surprised when he found out she actually left.

Without him.

Mr Austin and Daniel watched their interaction and couldn’t help but smile at the duo. Mr Austin was pressing to have Aaron let out of the production, yet refusing to cite a solid reason.

” They already hate each other, let’s make it easier and find some other male lead.” Mr Austin said, pressing on the notion to have Aaron dismissed.

” Matter of fact, if I hadn’t seen that, I would have accepted to replace him. But now, he doesn’t seem like he wants to lose the role.” Daniel Greenwood said, motioning to Aaron who stood with an odd smile, looking at the door in bewilderment.

” You don’t know that.” Mr Austin said with a smile.

” Let’s find out then,” Daniel said, and without further Ado, called out to Aaron with an excited glint in his eyes. ” Hey boy! Still want to drop your role?” He asked, drawing the attention of Aaron.

Aaron felt caught, seeing the material they were working with, he felt challenged and didn’t want to drop out anymore. He needed to see more of the firecracker and her acting.

The original reason why he wanted to drop the role returned with a vengeance and he felt conflicted. He wanted it but at the same time didn’t.

Daniel could see the conflict in his eyes and his lips curved into a smile. He was looking forward to producing him alongside Deloise, they had some chemistry, waiting to be unearthed by the right words in the right scene.

Aaron reminded Daniel of his younger self – talented, determined and conflicted. He was also ambitious seeing his reluctance to drop the role after seeing the chosen female lead.

Deciding to put the young man out of his misery, Daniel spoke up. ” Take your time, think it through. I’ll be here next week, same time for your answer.” He said, and Aaron nodded in reply before stepping out.

Meanwhile, Deloise walked around the school compound, admiring the new environment while also trying to find her way to the student affairs. Judging from her previous college, it should be close to the administrative building.

She trudged around the not-so-busy school environment, passing various halls where lectures took place. She even saw a shed where some acting and filming was ongoing. Deloise felt excited, her exhaustion vanished as she watched in awe.

As she watched the people recite their lines, each adding a touch of passion and style to their delivery while the others watched, she knew for certain that she was home.

” Beautiful isn’t it?” A feminine voice jolted Deloise out of her reverie.

She turned to the source of the voice and was surprised to find a brunette who looked around her age standing beside her.

” Um.. Hello?” She said in reply, suddenly feeling out of place, not to mention, watched.

” Isn’t it beautiful seeing such beautiful lines come to life? You know one thing that never ceases to get me? The fact that it all started with an idea, some words, a book , then finally a film.” The slender lady said in awe,” the most fulfilling yet unsatisfying part of the process.”

Deloise couldn’t for the life of her understand what this person was getting at but she didn’t feel like leaving either. Her earlier fatigue evaporated the moment she saw first hand what a movie set should look like. It was a school after all.

In seconds, a loud voice in the crowd cried the word – ‘cut!’ signaling the end of filming. Noise was restored as the involved people spoke between themselves, oblivious to the extra audience they had.

” I’m Layla. Who are you?” The girl asked outrightly, her eyes scrunched up as she observed the general appearance of the acclaimed Layla.

” I’m Deloise and I’m new.” She informed her.

” I knew it! I just arrived some weeks ago myself, what’s your major?” She asked excitedly, her gap tooth evident from the broadness of her smile.

” Major? This is an acting school.” Deloise said, confused as to what she meant.

” Yes, silly! You didn’t expect the Royal Arts Academy to be all about acting, did you? ” She asked incredulously, surprised at Deloise’ confused look.

” Okay. If you’re going to survive here, you need me to tell you things like this. First, it’s an arts school, not an acting school. ” She corrected with a tut. ” There are writers, musicians, artists, dancers and the rest who study here. Everyone to his niche.”

Deloise was stunned. Royal Arts had once again managed to bring her to a whole new level of admiration.” So… I get to study other things too?” She asked, trying to assimilate the new information.

” Well yes, but the sweet thing is, it’s totally optional. The idea is to enable creatives to get in touch with all their creative sides, not just one. That’s what makes our art different, outstanding and noble.” Layla said in a recital tone, her head tilted and nose upturned, as she attempted a real life imitation of Mr Austin.

Deloise smiled at her antics, she seemed like a nice person. ” You act like you’ve heard that a billion times.” She said earning an affirmative from Layla.

” We have! Soon you’ll see. So.. when did you get in and where’s your room, Dee? ” She asked, taking note of her deer in headlights look.

” Dee? ” A full blown smile was pitched on Deloise’s lips. It’s been a long time since she’d been addressed so fondly, not to talk from a stranger.

” Oops, you don’t like it? I’m sorry, Deloise is a mouthful for me.” She muttered sheepishly.

” It’s okay, I actually like it. I’m sorry I don’t have one for you yet, Layla. ” Deloise affirmed, putting it at the back of her mind to find a suitable and natural nickname for Layla.

” It’s okay. Where are you off to? ” She asked with a beautiful smile, not the least bit offended.

” Yeah! Students affairs for my accommodation.” Deloise rattled off, finally remembering her situation.

” You met just the right person. Come on! ” Layla said, tugging Deloise along.

The girls walked together and soon enough they were done, and Deloise settled in. Surprisingly, Layla was one of her roommates and together they arranged her things while chatting like long lost reunited friends.


Daniel was on his way home from Royal Arts Academy. Inside his car, he kept smiling, only stopping himself when he felt like he may appear a tad bit crazy in the eyes of his driver.

He couldn’t help himself. He finally found his little angel! At the mention of the natural nickname he had managed to give her, Daniel burst out laughing. This time around, startling the poor driver who kept his face forward but stole glances at him.

He noticed his driver’s discomfort but couldn’t bring himself to care. He was in a good mood and he couldn’t hide it. Something was finally going his way after a long row of never-ending bad news.

Content, he relaxed in his car, Daniel got on his phone, and checked his schedule. He was supposed to be in Chicago in a few days for a business meeting.

A cocky smirk clouded his face when he remembered his friend Elvis. He was going to his turf once again and decided it was best to announce his coming this time around.

With a tap to his phone, Daniel dialed Elvis, and waited for the line to connect. On the other hand, Elvis was in his office, busy with some work when the call came in. Surprised, he swiped to the green icon.

” Am I safe? ” The friendly voice of Elvis said immediately the call connected, his tone depicted an aura of wonder.

” It depends… ” Daniel said, playing along. ” Confess your crimes and maybe l get you a light sentence.”

” Ha, ha.. boring! I expected something even more creative from a world renowned actor.” Elvis called out, patronizingly.

” Whatever. I’m in a great mood and there’s nothing your ass could do to ruin it.” He ascertained.

” Easy, pretty man. Don’t get all snarky with me. Tell me, what’s up?” Elvis dropped his pen on the desk and laid back in his chair.

” I’m ecstatic. I just got the lead female for my project, I couldn’t be more satisfied with her.” Daniel chatted excitedly.

” She must be very good if you are this satisfied with her. Congratulations!” He remarked.

” You make it seem like I’m insatiable. It’s not a crime to have an impeccable good taste in everything.”Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

” Yeah right. Whatever makes you sleep at night.” Elvis’ tone dripped sarcasm.

” You know what? I’m not about to humor you. I’ll be coming to your City in a few days. ” Daniel said, finally getting on track.

” That’s good news, Maybe this time around you will get to meet the family.” Elvis suggested, already creating plans in his head for the moment his family met Daniel.

Especially his wife who made it a point of action to tease him about what she described as an imaginary friendship with Daniel Greenwood.

Not that she didn’t believe he was telling the truth about his friendship with Daniel, but she decided to consistently tease him about the situation until she got to meet him for herself.

” Yeah, I look forward to seeing them, and getting a front row seat to analyze the joys of marriage. ” Daniel teased, expertly referring to their last conversation and how he had so beautifully described his marriage.

” You are in for a surprise then.” Elvis’ office door opened and his secretary walked in, holding up some files he demanded for. ” Um, we’ll discuss the details later, congrats once again. I have to go.” Elvis said, and ended the conversation.

Deciding to get some work in, Daniel took out his laptop while the car sped past the road. While clearing his emails, he met an offer to invest in a company in Chicago. Immediately, he fired a reply and added it to his schedule for the trip.

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