Running After my Secret Billionaire Ex-Wife by Yoonworks

Chapter 1


“You are pregnant, Mrs. Haynes. Seven weeks. We would need to have some more tests but I will refer you to our specialist to move forward. Congratulations, Mrs. Haynes,” the doctor told her earlier before she came out of the room. 

Her ears felt like it was about to explode with the loud ringing she was hearing but she was able to manage to go outside of the doctor’s room, despite the nurse looking worried for her, 

Ciara stumbled out of the doctor’s room, her hands trembling as she clutched the result of the test in her hand. 

Her heart was beating so fast that it felt like it might burst out of her chest. She tried so hard to appear composed in front of the doctor earlier, but inside, 

ghe was a mess. 

She had gone in for what she thought was just a simple headache and some mild sickness symptoms, but the news she received was the shocker of her life. She was pregnant with her and Callum’s child. 

The weight of the situation hit her like a truck, and she felt like she was on the verge of a breakdown. 

Hermind raced as she walked down the hospital comidor, her vision blurry with tears. 

How am I supposed to handle this? What am I going to do now? 

It was just one moment of weakness, a brief lapse in judgment, and now she was carrying a child. 

The thought of Callum filled her with a sense of worry 

Her husband despised her so much that she didn’t know how he would react to the news. 

Fuck. Would he even want this child? Would he blame me for ruining their already fragile marriage

As she leaned against the wall for support, Ciara felt like her world was falling apart. The weight of the situation was too much to bear, and she didn’t know how she was going to get through this. 

Ciara and Callum were married. But she knows it was never because he loves her. It was all because he needed someone to be by his side. Back then, he was starting and the biggest investor that he had didn’t trust a single man. 

And them being acquainted since their university years was all it took for Callum to take her

They have since married but their marriage w 

was far different from a normal one. It was loveless, or perhaps she’d say a one–sided one. 

Ciara thought that it was only because of what she did for him that he was keeping her. And it hurts Ciara so much. 

As she was trying to keep her composure, her phone rang Callum’s name flashed on the screen. 

She answered the call and tried to sound normal, but Callum was his usual cold selt. “Where are you?” he asked her. “I have some documents that you need to sign. It’s urgent,” 

Ciara gulps. 

It’s quite ironic that despite their marriage, Callum treats her as if she was a mere employee and he was simply her boss. 

She’s just like any other employee in the company and he gives a salary. She took a deep breath before answering, “I was out somewhere,” 

“Well, might as well run back here at the office, I don’t have all day, Ciara,” he hisses. 


That broke Ciara’s heart. The heaviness in her heart was already starting to build up. 

Clara was hesitant to tell him about the pregnancy. She didn’t know how he would react, and she was afraid of his indifference. 

What if he gets mad? What if he tells me that he doesn’t want it, that what happened between them at that time was just a mistake just like their marriage? What will she do if this makes things even harder for the two of them? 

There were so many things that were running on her mind. And the fact that the thought of being pregnant was already an overwhelming thought for her was making it harder for her. 

She starts to overthink, and spiral into that darkness she knows she couldn’t afford to be into at this point 

Ciara was trying to form the right words in her head. She didn’t speak, and that was something unusual for her, Callum knows that. 

He could sense that something was wrong. “is everything okay?” he asked, his voice uncharacteristically soft. 

That startled her a bit. There was a new spark of hope looming inside of her chest, 

Maybe she could try? 

Should I? Can I tell him? 

She wasn’t sure how to proceed. Should she tell him? She knows that Callum doesn’t feel anything for her. There was a long pause on the other end of the line. Ciara held her breath, still hesitating. 

If she tells him about the baby, will he accept it? Will something change between them? 

She wanted to curse herself. She was too careless! She should have been careful with her actions and she shouldn’t have let this happen. She already knew how miserable her life had become and now having a child is not something that would help her situation. 

“C’mon, Ciara. I don’t have all the time in the world, I am a busy man and I can’t wait for you all day,” he sounded so pissed that Ciara could actually picture how he look while telling those words. 

She bit her lower lip and prayed a little, hoping she could gain the courage to tell him what she needed to say. 

But before she could say anything, Ciara heard another woman’s voice on the line. “Callum, darling, who are you talking to?” The woman’s voice was honey sweet, and Ciara knew instantly who it was–Shane, Callum’s favorite, 

Her heart stopped at the realization. 

What did you even expect, Clara? 

Of course, Shane, the woman who had been there before she came into Callum’s life. It was when she came back to Callum’s life that things turned differently once again. 

Ciara’s heart sank as Callum forgot about her and just ended the call, leaving her with a dial tone. 


She felt foolish for thinking that Callum would care about her. It was like he had completely forgotten that they were married 

A burst of fake laughter escaped her lips. She looked at the ceiling and smiled bitterly. “You are so stupid, Ciara. Look what you have gotten yourself into.” abe told to herself 

Just then, she noticed a few people looking in her direction, and that made her stand property and calm herself. She needs to get her shit together 

Chapter 1 

As Ciara walked towards her car, her heart felt heavy and tears threatened to spill from her eyes. The weight of the secret she was carrying inside her was almost too much to bear. It was her own little bundle of joy growing inside her, but Callum, the father, seemed to be indifferent to it. She didn’t know 

how to handle the situation. 

Should she tell him about the baby? Or should she knep it to herself? The uncertainty and fear were eating her up from the inside. 

She didn’t know how long she stayed inside the car just so she could calm herself. She knows Callum needs her for something but she thinks it could at least wait for a few minutes because if she forces hersell, she wasn’t sure it would be safe for her. 

As she arrived at the office, her eyes scanned for Callum, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. But he was nowhere to be found. 

Instead, his secretary handed her a stack of papers and gave her some instructions. 

“Here are the papers that need your signature, ma’am. Sir Callum specifically instructed you to make sure that you are able to sign them today because 

he needs them,” 

Ciara’s throat felt like it had a lump, and she could feel the weight of her emotions bearing down on her. She accepted the papers with a forced smile, not daring to look up and let someone see the tears that had welled up in her eyes. 

Of course, he and Shane must be together. He didn’t even bother waiting for me. 

Once she was alone at her desk, Clara let out a deep, shuddering breath. 

She could feel her chest tightening and her heart racing. The reality of her situation had hit her like a ton of bricks, and she could no longer hold back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. She hung her head low, hoping that no one would see her vulnerability. 

She knew that she was about to break down any minute, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. 

Aher reading all the documents that Callum wanted her to sign, she decided it would be best for her not to go home to their house tonight. With all the thoughts that were going on in her mind, she wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do. She didn’t want to make a bad judgment and do something she would regret in the long run. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Tired and with her thoughts clouded, she decided to go to the apartment that Callum had given her when they got married, 

Ciara wasn’t sure if that was compensation that Callum had given her for agreeing to marry him. But all in all, Ciara rarely stays in here, only when she feels like things are too much. 

But to her surprise, she got the shocker of her life when she saw Callum and Shane inside her apartment, eating whatever and laughing over something. They seemed to be enjoying each other’s company, which made Clára feel even worse. 

“What’s going on?” Clara asked, trying to mask the hurt in her voice. “What is she doing here? No. Scratch that. What are the two of you doing in here?” 

Callum stood up, a little surprised by her sudden arrival. Ciara wanted to laugh at the reaction on his face. Why would he be confused as to why she was here? 

Clara’s heart felt like it was about to explode. 

Why is he surprised? Was he not expecting me to go to my own apartment? Or was this not the first time he brought her here? 

Just thinking about that thought made her blood boll. 

“Oh, Clara, I thought you were going to be home late,” he said, trying to hide the awkwardness in his voice. “I didn’t expect you to be here in the apartment. I thought you would go to our house, 

Clara looked at Shane, who was still eating, but then her eyes quickly shot back to Callum. “Why is she here, Callum?” she asked, her voice shaking 


13:25 weo, zy May 

Chapter 1 


This apartment was his gift to her. It was hers and not Callin’s. Yes, it was his gift but the moment he had given it to her, it was already her property, something she wasn’t ready to share with anyone. 

This is mine. This is my safe space. She shouldn’t have been here. 

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