Shouldn't Have Kissed You

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

The light from the thin curtains at the window woke Maya up. It took her a few minutes before she could

load why she was on the couch. She remembered her talk with Chris and her giving him the seven

months to do right by her side.

Maya got up from the couch and looked at the time from her phone. It seven thirty, meaning she was

late to go to the hospital. She rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower before walking out with

a towel since she had even forgotten to take her clothes with her. Maya settled on a official suit along

with black flat shoes. She run back in the bathroom to dress up since she didn't want to risk Chris

walking in and finding her nude or half way dressed.

Thinking of Chris, she hadn't seen him in the room since she walk up. But again, there is no day she

ever walk up to find him there. It was his routine and she had gotten used to it. But that helped her think

that he was avoiding her before. The morning jogging?

Maya hoped that after that talk everything will be normal. Normal in a way that they wouldn't need to

avoid each other each time they're in the same roof. She wanted their marriage to be like the normal


Where one can make a comment about their partner and no hard feelings for each other. Where you

can say whatever you wish in which ever way you want to say it. And most of them all, their should be

no secret between the two of them. She had none.

Maya had told Chris everything about her life. Everything that he needed to know. He knew about her

father's relationship. Her brother whom she hadn't seen since highschool. Her messed up life. All of it

and her friends too. He knew about Kyle and he also knows about Leonel. She might have told him in

different circumstances before but he knew everything that there was to tell about her life.

Maya moved to take her toothbrush. Her mind was way too far as she did her morning routine. Yes,

she knew everything about marriage or she thought she knew because that's what she wanted from

her marriage. A faithful husband, a friend to could tell all her problem, a partner in crime, someone that

she would be able to call first when there was need to do that. That is what she wanted.

She might have grown up in a single parent environment, but she knew what she wanted in her

marriage. And that was everyone's happiness. Maya walked out of the bathroom all dressed up and

everything. She took the handbag that she didn't remember bring up stairs and put what she needed to


Maya looked at her watch again and it was quarter passed eight. She was about to open the door when

it dawned on her that her car was in the parking lot of the hospital. Yesterday Leonel brought her home

and promised to pick her up in the morning.

She dialed his number thing of how she won't have her morning coffee as she listen to it while ringing.

Just at the third ring, Leonel answered.

"I just knew you're in love with me."

What was she expecting again? A good morning greetings? That was Leonel. The guy who doesn't let

his ego go to waste. She smiled even though she knew he couldn't see her. She didn't want to get

started with him. At least not when her patients were waiting for her.

"Very good morning to you too, Leo and my night was great that's why I'm late," she looked away from

the door. "Now in case you forgot, can you please pick me up from the mansion?"

"Just take another car Maya, I mean from your husband, he has allot."

"Haha... Very funny. Then what? I'll fill the hospital parking lot with cars?"

She knew he was smirking when he said what he said next.

"Even the hospital needs decoration from time to time."

"Can please come and pick me up?"

"Sorry love, I'm at photoshoot right now." She felt his seriousness from the other end. "It was a last

minute job."

"You promised, Leo," she sounded desperate but she didn't care. "How I'm I supposed to get to the


"I know Maya and sorry about that. It was a last minute job. Tell you what?"

"What?" Her voice was full of annoyances.

"Just use your uber app to ask for uber and lunch is on me."

"By the time it gets here I'll be more than late Leonel."

"Then swallow your pride and ask your darling husband to take you to the hospital. It won't hurt,will it?"

Maya excelled the air she had no idea she was holding.

"I really hate you. You know very well that my dear darling his husband is very busy and I'm sure he

won't agree."

Just then the bedroom door flew open. Maya turned to look at her husband who walked in with nothing

but sweatpants. This made her wonder if he went jogging like that. Shirtless where everyone and by

everyone she meant woman would see him. She has never seen him when he is from jog or when he

is going. For the past five months, he walk before her and she left before he could return. She didn't

know why but she found herself licking her bottom lip.

Maybe because it was dry? Her gaze were all over his packs again and his biceps. He looked

handsome, like a model. To be honest, he was the most handsome man she had ever met and that's

why she had a crush on him since high school. Yes, she had a crush on him but she wasn't about to

admit that to him.

Maybe that is the secret she was going to keep from him. Her having a crush on him since the day she

could remember. But there was another secret which wasn't partially a secret. Because she had given

him some details. About her mother.

Chris smiled at her and she didn't know why, but she blushed way too much. He walked passed her to

walk to the bathroom and she could help but stare at the muscles from his back. She wanted to run her

hands on his back and feel those muscles.

"Are you still listening, Maya?"

Maya was cut out of her spell. She remembered that she was still talking to Leonel on the other side of

the phone. She didn't hear anything that he said her thoughts were running wild this time.

"Yes." She answered when she saw Chris open the door. "I've to go and don't worry, I'll ask my darling


With that, she hug up her call and went to the apps. She was just about to ask for Uber when Chris

walked out with a towel. He hadn't showered yet and to be honest, it didn't make things easier for her.

"Sorry but I couldn't help but hear your conversation earlier," he looked a little ashamed. "But I was

walking into the room when I heard you, so, I'll give you a ride to the hospital."

Maya looked away from him. She didn't want her thoughts out of the conversation they're having.

"No need, I'll call Uber."

"Don't be ridiculous, Maya." He took a step towards her. "I mean, just as you said, you'll be more late

and you don't want that."

Maya looked at him, "How long have you been out there?"

'Long enough to hear that you have no car with you at the moment. Now, I made breakfast, so just go

and have some as I take a quick shower."


"I thought we talked about this, Maya."

"Fine, but hurry up. I'm late."

"I'll be out in a jiffy."

Maya took her handbag and carried it down stairs. She placed it on the couch and walked to the

dinning table. True to his word, Chris had made breakfast which was a pot of coffee. At least, she

wasn't missing her cup of coffee anymore. She poured herself a mug and took the bread that was at

the middle of the table. She was no fun of spreading anything on her bread. So she took the eggs that

were on a hotpot and began to eat her breakfast.

By the time she was getting finished, Chris walked into the dinning room all dressed up. He wore

ranked jeans which was blue in color and a white tee shirt which showed all his modeling body

perfectly. As if that wasn't enough, he wore white sneakers make it the second time for Maya to see

him in them. The first time was last night.

"Are you done?"

"Yeah," Maya pulled her seat backwards. "You're going to office dressed like that?"

"Do I look bad?"

"No, it's just that it's not on a weekend and you're dressed that way."

Chris smiled at her.

"We better be moving since we don't want you to be more late than you're. And I'm not going to office

today. I've some errands to take care off."

"Ooh! Give me a minute to clean this up."

"It's okay, Alma will be here any minute from now. So, let's go."

Maya walked in front of him. She stood at the door step to wait for Chris to pull out of parking area. She Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

didn't know why, but it felt like this was going to be a long journey. Once Chris came to a stop, Maya

walked inside the car and he drove up.

The silence in the car made Maya move awkward in her seat. She didn't know what to say to him and

neither did he seem to know. She was so going to kill Leonel when she saw him again. It was his fault

that she was sharing a vehicle with her husband since the day of their honeymoon' and he was going

to pay for it.

"So,"Chris began, "I'm your darling husband?"

Maya looked at him as if he had grown horns. Of course, he had to her that. She looked for words to

say to him. With Leonel, everything seems easy. She can say whatever she wants to say to him and

he, he would take them whichever way he wished because by the end of they day, they all would be


But with Chris, it seemed like she had to chose her words carefully. She had to think before anything

came out of her mouth. Or she just thought so. She didn't want for them to take one step forward then

three backwards. But how was she going to know that if she didn't say or she was afraid to say

anything to him.

"Is something wrong with darling?"

Chris looked at her for a second before focusing on the road.

"Yes, it's old fashioned."

Maya smiled at him, "is it?"

"Yes, I mean it sounds that way and we're too young for darling. That is a name for old couples."

"Then how about dear husband?"

"Way out of fashion, worse than darling."

"Then what do you suggest?"

Chris gave her a wicked smile and she knew better than to listen to him. So before he could say

anything, she turned the radio on. Her eyes got wide when she heard Chris Brown's song Take You

Down play. Things would be worse than they're already. She was about to change the channel when

Chris pulled her hand away.

"That is my favorite musician." He said and began to sing along.

Maya watched him sing the chorus of the song along with the bridge. He knew all the song when she

knew the chorus herself. Her eyes looked no where but him. He sung well and she loved to listen to

him. Just when she thought he was done, he took her hand and placed on his thigh. She wanted to pull

away but he held it as he sung the last part of the song.

Maya couldn't help but think of Leonel. Chris was way too different from him. If it was her and Leonel,

they would be singing their made up lyrics of the song. That was the fun part when it came to singing a

song on the radio with Leonel. They would laugh at each other when one said something more

humorous than the other. But Chris, he was sing the real lyrics of the song.

"We're here," Chris announced pulling into a parking lot and pulling her out of her thoughts.

Maya unfasten her seat belt and took her handbag before turning to thank Chris. She then opened the

passenger door and stepped out. Just when she was about to walk inside the building, Chris stepped

behind her.

"Did I forget something?"

"Actually, it was me who forgot to be real gentleman as my momma brought me up to be, I'll walk you


"There is no need, Chris."

"I insist and we'll work on name calling. For now, may I?"

Maya laughed at him as she took his offered arm.

The moment the walked inside, everyone moved their eyes to them. The women looked at Chris with

lustful eyes and that didn't help. It made Maya move even closer to him that there was no space left

between them. She didn't know why but Chris was smirking all this time. Thankful, they got to her office

and walked in closing the door behind them.

"Someone was a little possessive and jealous out there."

"Haha... Look who is talking. You think I was all that? I'm not the one who pulled myself to you to an

extent I couldn't walk."

"At least I'll be true to myself, I didn't like the way men were looking at you."

"They're my colleagues and they are used to see me everyday."

Chris walked towards her, "But now that they've seen you with me, they know your a forbidden fruit and

forbidden fruits are the sweetest."

"Ooh! Is it?"

"Yes," Chris was now standing on her personal space, "and you're mine for the seven months and no

one else," he was rubbing her lips as he said those words.

Maya didn't know why but she felt her breath getting lost. She wanted to tell him so much. So much as

to remind him that he still had a girlfriend that she had allowed him to see. But when he was that close

and rubbing her lips like that, she couldn't.

Chris leaned in and she didn't try to move away. She didn't know why but she was frozen to where she

stood. He was going to take her lips and she was going to allow him.

"Cupcake, I brought you some coff.." Leonel stopped mid way at the site before him.

That made Chris pull away from Maya. He rubbed his hand behind his head something that Maya has

noticed its out of habit.

"Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything," Leonel apologized.

Maya sensed hurt from his voice and she didn't know why. He was the one telling her to forgive her

husband and now that she has, he sounds hurt? What's happening?

"Mr. Ambrose," Chris offered his hand to Leonel.

"Mr. Rollins." Leonel shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you once again."

"Pleasure is all mine."

"Leonel, I thought you had a photoshoot to be in?"

"Yes, just around the corner and we had a thirty minutes break, so I thought to bring you a cup of coffee

since you can't do without one and you walk up late."

"That's so sweet of you," Maya said taking the cup away from him. "I'm guessing it's from Java."

"Of course, only best for you."

"I guess I'll be going," Chris said.

Maya turned her attention to him, "Thanks for the ride."

"Anytime, cupcake."

Maya smiled at him. She didn't know why but she loved it when he called her that. Leonel had called

her that so many time but it coming out of Chris, it was like a music in her ears.

What? Maya.

Chris walked to her and pecked her cheek before he left. But not before he heard Leonel.

"Cupcake?" Leonel asked. "Did he call you that because I called you that?"

"I think so."

"You've allot to tell me, Maya. So I'll be here to take you for lunch as I had promised."

Maya smiled at him. He kissed her forehead and walked out of her office. Now it was time she went to

check up on her patients. She didn't know why but she felt it was going to a long day.

A really long one.

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