Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 160 Fifty-Eight

chapter 160 Fifty-Eight

Evelyn’s POV

The next week went by quickly, I was starting to feel more like myself. The herbs Amara gave me

helped but so did drinking both Orion’s and Ryland’s blood. Though Ryland’s I craved, and I sometimes

needed help to stop. Ryland didn’t seem to mind but I could tell everyone was worried about what

would happen when the baby was to arrive. Honestly, I was petrified of dying too, yet more petrified of

coming back, coming back as a Lycan. They have explained numerous times what would happen if I

did and each time it scared me more, to the point I have now stopped asking.

Amara seems to think I don’t have long left, so today Thaddeus and Orion were heading into the

city to get some things. Ryland made the baby a crib by hand took him three days before he would

even allow me in the shed to see it. Imogen brought over some of Amara’s and Thaddeus’s old baby

stuff that she hung onto and we had made a baby room up next to our room, though we all agreed, the

baby will remain in her basinet in our room till she slept through the night. We still hadn’t come up with

any baby girl names yet even though every night they scoured over baby name books trying to find one

they liked. I didn’t care what they named her, I was dreading the time I actually went into labour, I was

quite content with her remaining in my belly, too scared for her to come out though, I was so big now I

was also uncomfortable.

Walking downstairs I go into the kitchen where Thaddeus was making lunch. He puts a plate on

the bench for me with a salad sandwich on it.

“Mayo?” I ask and he nods.

“Yes, and barbeque sauce” he says knowing my strange salad craving. I take a bite, and he hands

Ryland one without the barbeque sauce as he takes a seat beside me.

“Orion and I will head into the city soon; you will be right here with Ryland?” he asks. I nod

chewing my sandwich. Thaddeus kisses my head and Orion walks into the kitchen leaning on the door.

“Ring us if you need us,” he says to Ryland and Ryland salutes him. I laugh but Orion rolls his

eyes before walking in and kissing my head and Ryland’s.

“We better leave. I don’t like her being here of a night with only one of us,” Thaddeus says

grabbing a bag and tossing it over his shoulder.

“She will be fine, just go,” Ryland says waving them off. They both leave but not before sending

me nervous glances, I felt good, yet I had this nagging feeling in the back of my head, like they

shouldn’t go, that something bad was going to happen. Ignoring it, I finished my sandwich.

“What’s wrong?” Ryland asks after they leave. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nothing think I am just getting nervous,” I tell him.

“That’s understandable,” he says grabbing my empty plate.

“Come on, we will watch a movie” he says holding his hand out to me. I let him lead me to

loungeroom and we watch a movie. After the second movie, I hear the pitter patter of rain on the roof

and jump up, running for the laundry.

Ryland jumps up alarmed. “What is it?” he asks following me.

“The washing is on the line.”

“Leave it, we will get later” He argues but I ignore him, grabbing the basket and rushing out the

door to the clothesline. I start pulling the clothes off the line, looking nervously to the sky that was

darkening as night begun to fall, storm clouds moving across the sky when I see lightning.

“Just leave it Evelyn, you and your nesting is driving me nuts” he says but helps to drag the clothes

off. We end leaving half of them as they became too wet and Ryland runs the baskets back inside while

I waddle toward the house, my clothes damp and sticking to me as I shiver from the rain.

Ryland walks out when I hear a loud alarm noise suddenly go off, making me look toward the

house when suddenly Ryland runs at me.

I stood there shocked for a second wondering what he was doing when his body suddenly lands

on me, knocking me to the ground on the wet grass. He makes a gurgled noise before I feel something

hit him, knocking the air out his lungs. Ryland rolls off me, and a sharp pain radiates through my

stomach making me scream. Ryland tries to get up when I realise, he is covered in little red dots. My

eyes snapping to our surroundings but not able to see anything. When Ryland voice chokes out.

“Run” He chokes coughing up blood, he pulls on my arm sitting me up and I could hear people

running through the trees and the dirt driveway. He stands up, and I see his shirt is soaked with blood,

his pain radiating into me through the bond, and I don’t understand how he is able to force himself up.

“Ryland!” I squeal pressing my hand on his wound trying to stem the bleeding.

“Run, now Evelyn” He screams just as I hear guns start going off everywhere. Ryland shoves me

and I hear the bullets whiz past me as I stumble before I get up and run, running for the tree line of the

forest. I hear Ryland groan loudly before hearing a ferocious growl ring out, echoing off the trees. I

don’t dare look back instead concentrate on running without falling. My hand trying to hold my belly as I

moved, pain running through my stomach and groin with each step.

I see the tree line getting closer, can hear people yelling and screaming when I feel it. Feel like I

have been punched in the shoulder. Ignoring the pain, I keep running when I feel my muscles go funny,

my body becoming weaker and I feel something hit me again this time in the lower back making me

gasp, as I clutch at it. My hand coming in contact with something, and I pull it out looking at it. I could

feel my surrounding becoming a blur of green, as I stare at the dart I just pulled out of my back. The

dart slipping from my fingers and I see the ground rush toward my face.

My entire body going numb, and I felt my limbs become heavy before I hear voices, the voices

getting closer and closer until they sound like they are right on top of me.

“Got her, bring the other one” I hear a deep male voice call out. I try to open my eyes, yet they feel

too heavy, even breathing felt hard as I fought to take each breath. I feel movement, my head rolling

back as someone grabs me.

“Ryland,” I breathe. Trying to talk but the words come out slurred and muffled.

“Hurry we need to get back before their mates get back here.”

I feel the darkness creeping in, black swallowing my consciousness as I slip into oblivion.

Waking up, I find myself on the ground. The cold concrete floor making my limbs ache. Sitting up,

my eyes were blurry, and I could smell a strong smell that reminded me of chlorine. Looking around, I

gasp when I see Ryland braced to a wall by cuffs holding his arms to the wall. His body slumped over,

and I could see blood pooling around him. I roll onto all fours trying to crawl my way over to him. Each

movement sending searing pain across my stomach that takes my breath.

“Ryland” I stammer trying to breathe through the overwhelming pain. I was weak, so weak, I had to

lay down on the cold ground. My limbs unwilling to do what I needed them to do.

“Ryland” I ask again, my voice cracking and sore as I try to speak. I hear him groan and I turn my

head to see him move, his head before he suddenly starts jerking his arms trying to free himself, the

braces not budging. I notice his wrists bleeding and I can’t help the sob that leaves my lips at seeing

him so badly injured.

“Silver” he mutters, his eyes going to me.

“Don’t cry, I am fine” he says though I could clearly feel he wasn’t fine through the bond. His pain

radiating into me with my own. He looks around the room before coughing. Blood spraying out of his

mouth onto the floor and his breathing wheezes when I notice the wound on his chest pouring with


“You’re not healing” I tell him, and he coughs.

“Don’t worry about me, can you get over to me” He sputters out, blood dribbling down his chin. I try

to get up, falling face first into the concrete, my limbs feeling like jelly but I after a few attempts I

managed to crawl over to him putting my head on his lap, when I felt it. My legs becoming saturated,

and I feel like I wet myself.

“No, no not now” I cry. Ryland looks down at me before he gasps.

“Shit your waters have broken” He coughs out before trying to get his arms free but failing.

He starts screaming out for someone. Screaming trying to get their attention when I hear footsteps

on the ground behind the steel door. Pain moving across my abdomen, so sharp my body jerks when I

feel my insides tearing and I let out a bloodcurdling scream of agony. Ryland screaming out when the

door suddenly opens.

“Help her, she in labour. You need to let me out or she will die.”

“Nice try, Lycan,” says a voice but I was lost to the pain, not able to concentrate on anything but

the agony I was in. I feel someone grabbing my arms and legs. I writhe in pain as the pain rushes

throughout my body when I hear a sickening crack, my ribs breaking, and I scream as I feel her move

within me.

“Get her to the infirmary now,” I hear an unfamiliar female voice call out before I am placed on

something cold and hard.

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