Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 58

chapter 58

“What?” I asked. Grabbing the photo and looking down at it. I didn’t see anything wrong with the

photo at all, it was just a photo of my mother with me, and some man whom I didn’t recognise. I must

admit the resemblance between him, and I was uncanny, with his blonde hair and blue eyes we even

had the same nose and lips. Josiah shook his head.

“Do you know this man?” he asked, pointing at the photo. I shook my head and Tobias walked over

peering over my shoulder and looking at the photo. I heard him growl and I looked over my shoulder at

him. His eyes were narrowed and had turned to pitch black orbs. Caroline walked over and took the

photo from my hand wanting to see what they were so bothered by. She dropped the photo her hands

going to her mouth.

“It can’t be him” She whispered. I was completely baffled, obviously they recognised the man in the

photo. But I had no recollection of this photo even being taken and I was around ten-year-old in it. I

know if I had seen this man before I would have recognised him.

“Can’t be who? Who is he?” I asked. They didn’t answer just stared. Josiah picked up the photo

and put it in his pocket. Tobias ushered me out of the shed, his father had my birth certificate not that it

was going to do any good with the lack of my father’s name. He also took the floral notebook.

“Who is the man, Tobias?” I asked annoyed no one was answering my question. Tobias moved

closer putting his arm over my shoulder before turning to his parents ignoring my question.

His mother Caroline looked nervous, and Josiah patted Tobias on the back. Before walking

towards their car, grabbing Caroline’s hand, and tugging her along with him. Tobias walked me up the

front veranda and we climbed the stairs, as soon as his parents were out of view, I turned to him.

“What the fuck is going on Tobias, who is he?”

Tobias growled at my tone of voice, but I was sick of no one telling me what was going on.

“He was a member of the council. He is also the same man that turned Theo and his parents.”

“But Caroline said she never seen the crazy vampire doctor again.” Did she lie or was there more

to this story then she told me?

“Look that’s all you need to know right now, my mother didn’t lie we haven’t seen him since, he left

the council before we even knew about it. We only found out he was council member, upon visiting the

council for the first time. His photo was hung in their gallery. He went missing the year he changed

them. We thought he had been killed by hunter’s because no one, including the council has seen him

since. But that photo proves he is still alive.”

“If he is alive, why is he in a photo with me and my mother than and why don’t I remember meeting

him?” This was all becoming too much and so god damn confusing.

“I’m not sure who he is to you, but my parents will find out. Shit they forgot to take your blood”

Tobias walked inside and went to the wine rack, he pressed down on the wooden top and it sprang

open, the lid opening up to reveal a hidden compartment. He grabbed something out. It was a bulky

phone he turned the screen on and dialled a number. I stared dumbfounded. I thought they didn’t have

a way of contacting anyone out here. Clearly, I was wrong.

Someone must have answered because Tobias started talking.

“You forgot to take a blood sample.”

I couldn’t hear the other half of the conversation, but I knew he was talking to his parents. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“Okay I will bring her over on Thursday.” And he hung up the phone.

“You have cell service out here?” I asked annoyed.

“It’s a sat phone, on Thursday you are coming to meet the council so they can run some tests” I

suddenly felt nauseas. I didn’t want to go to the council to meet the same people that would decide my


Tobias seeing how nervous I became, placed the phone back in the cupboard before closing the lid

and wrapping his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. I relaxed against him and he rested his chin

on top of my head. “Don’t be scared I won’t let them hurt you, Imogen.”

“No, you will just let them kill me” I said stepping back and away from him. I heard him sigh and I

turned and walked off towards the lounge room. Theo was still in the exact same position on the

armchair by the fireplace. A perfect statue.

“How long will he remain like that?” I asked worried. Tobias walked over and placed a hand on

Theo’s shoulder. Theo didn’t even blink just stared off vacantly.

“I’m not sure, hopefully not long,” he said. I turned the TV on and put a movie on. I was suddenly

feeling mentally drained. I tried to watch the movie, but it was hard seeing Theo out of the corner of my

eye sitting so still. It was starting to give me the creeps. Tobias obviously used to Theo going into this

state just watched the movie, his big warm hand resting on my thigh.

I rolled onto my back. “When we go to the council, will they decide then, how much time I have

left?” Tobias turned looking at me before climbing between my legs, his arms resting on either side of

my head. As he held the weight of his body off mine.

“I’m not sure, but Theo and I will be with you, so will my parents, so don’t be worried. You may

think they don’t like you, but they do. They just aren’t used to dealing with humans. They won’t let

anyone hurt you either Imogen, not even my father,” he said kissing my forehead.

When he pulled back, I kissed him. I felt him smile against my lips before he thrust his hips into

me. He was already hard underneath his pants, I moaned his lips moving to my neck as he sucked on

the skin, then I caught sight of Theo over his shoulder, still staring off blankly. I shivered not really

comfortable with him staring even though I knew he wasn’t watching.

“What is it?” Tobias asked when he felt me shiver.

“Nothing Theo, is creeping me out staring off like that” Tobias looked over his shoulder before

sitting up. “I can try and wake him.”

“How did you wake him last time?” He had silly smirk on his face.

“By touching him,” he said his lips turning up slightly, obviously remembering the last time he was

in this state. I laughed, of course he would wake up. I stood up and Tobias watched me. “What are you

going to do?” he asked.

I know it was childish but he right now, I was bored.

“You got a sharpie” I asked a silly smile on my face, lighting up at my idea.

Tobias eyebrows furrowed wondering why I wanted a sharpie for.

He stood up and walked off before coming back with a permanent marker.

“What do you want that for?”

“Well, the pair of you still aren’t forgiven so while he like that I plan on giving him a make-over.”

I walked over to Theo suddenly excited about doodling on his face. I took the lid off standing in

front of him. He was the perfect canvas still as a statue.

“Imogen he will kill you?” Tobias snorted but didn’t stop me. I had to stop myself from laughing not

that he could hear or see me, but that didn’t make it any less funny. Tobias walked out before coming

back with another marker.

“You ever do this to me, and I will spank you so hard, you won’t be able to walk for a week,” he

said a silly smile on his face as bent down in front of him.

I coloured in his eyebrows before joining the together, I was impressed at Tobias drawing skills as

he drew a huge cock on Theo’s face that went from the bottom of his ear to Theo’s mouth. It was

unbelievably detailed and veiny. I also drew a huge curly moustache. By the time we were done, we

both stood back and admired our artwork.

“Done now? You had your fun.”

“Don’t make out you didn’t enjoy doing that Tobias, I can feel you through the bond” I said nudging

him with my elbow. He chuckled slightly.

“Maybe a little, but he is going to be so pissed off when he wakes up.”

I chuckled and Tobias wrapped his arms around my waist tugging me to him. I turned in his arms.

Wrapping my own around his neck.

Tobias’s lips moving to mine he kissed the side of my lips, to my chin. I lifted my legs wrapping

them around his waist, his hands going to my ass holding me against him. I ran my fingers through his

hair at the back of his neck.

“Not here, with Picasso over there” Tobias chuckled and turned carrying me up the stairs while I

sucked on his neck. He groaned liking the feeling of me kissing and sucking on him. I heard him open

the bedroom door before depositing me on the bed. Tobias leant over the top of me, and I tugged his

shirt up. He removed it when he realised, I wanted it off. I ran my hands up his chest. Loving the feel of

each muscle moving under my fingertips. Tobias moved his face closer, kissing me softly his hand

going under my shirt, as he grabbed my breast squeezing it. I wrapped my legs around his waist trying

to pull him closer.

Hips lips moving to my neck as he pushed my shirt up higher before removing it. His lips kissing

the top of my breast before biting down. I hissed slightly at the pain before his tongue soothed it. I could

feel his erection through his pants. Reaching down, I tugged on his belt trying to loosen it. Seeing I

wanted his pants off, he quickly stood and took them off, while I pulled my tights down removing them

and tossing them at him. They hit him in the face, and he smiled before climbing on the bed between

my legs. I could feel his erection on the inside of my thigh.

Reaching between us, I wrapped my hand around his shaft squeezing slightly. Tobias groaned and

thrust into my hand. I stroked his shaft up and down his teeth now grazing my collarbone as he nipped

at my skin. I could feel my thighs slick with my juices. Tobias moved closer forcing me to let go of his

cock as he positioned himself and pushed inside me. His lips moving to mine as he sucked on my

bottom lip. It felt strange without Theo being with us but Tobias for once was almost gentle. Tobias cock

filled me, and I instantly moved my hips taking him in deeper loving the way his cock stretched me to

accommodate his large size.

Tobias moved his hips, gently pulling in and out. I wrapped my legs around his hips, my hands

going to his hips as I tugged him to me needing him to go faster.

“So impatient,” he whispered against my lips. He thrust in hard and deep, and I moaned out, my

walls clamping down on his cock. I heard him groan before picking up his pace and ramming his cock

into me continuously, faster, and harder each time giving me no rest. I moved my hips to meet his

thrusts, my moans, and our heavy breathing the only noises in the house. I was sitting right on the

edge of my orgasm and a few more thrusts shoved me completely over. I felt my walls tighten around

Tobias, he groaned finding his own release before stilling inside me. He kissed my lips then we heard

someone clear their throat.

We both looked over Tobias shoulder, and Theo was standing in the doorway as silly smirk on his

face, which only made him look more ridiculous. The dick on his face crinkling as his lips moved

upward into a lazy smile. Both Tobias and I burst out laughing. Theo laughed to till he realised we were

laughing at him not at the fact he caught us.

“What?” he said confused.

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