Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 78

chapter 78

Theo’s POV

Getting up this morning I could tell Tobias wouldn’t cope with working today. I felt him slip out of

bed sitting upright, his hands running through his hair as he tries waking himself up. One of the plus

sides of being a vampire, is I don’t feel tired and don’t require sleep. Tobias however does. Even

though I do the night feeds and get up to Thaddeus, he still wakes every time he cries. Being a light

sleeper was really exhausting him. Imogen however refuses to sleep, forcing herself to stay awake. I

hear her of a night walking around the house always so restless, her mind always racing, and if she

isn’t walking, she is staring off vacantly.

I wish she would just let herself go to sleep. She may be a vampire, but the witch part of her needs

rest. The darkness that I feel through the bond might lessen if she just gets some sleep, but instead

she fights against us on the matter, so paranoid someone is going to take him from us. I didn’t realise

the paranoia that comes with magic, yet watching her is like watching someone slowly lose their grip on

reality, slipping ever so slow into madness. Putting my book down, I turn toward Tobias.

“Go back to sleep, I can go in,” I tell him.

“You went yesterday,” he mumbles and yawns. I know part of the reason he struggles to sleep is

that Imogen isn’t sandwiched between us anymore. We both find comfort knowing she is within arm’s

reach. I know that is the primary reason he can’t seem to find rest.

“Lay back down, it is fine I don’t need sleep,” I tell him watching him flop back down on the bed. He

rolls, throwing his arm over my lap, pulling me closer. I run my fingers through his hair.

“We need to do something about Imogen” I whisper, not wanting her to overhear, though I can tell

through the bond her mind is preoccupied. Tobias yawns and I feel him nod.

“What do you want to do?” He yawns, rubbing his eyes, looking up at me.

“I don’t know she needs to sleep; she is getting worse always pacing she never stops” I tell him. I

can feel his worry through the bond.

“We can put her to sleep,” he says, and I hear the thoughts running through his head. Imogen

won’t like that but if we can distract her enough, and we can get her to slip her guard down it might


“The only problem would be Thaddeus. She won’t let him remain unwatched while we distract her”

I tell him.

“Maybe ring mum and see if she will take him for the night, I will convince Imogen to let her. She

knows they won’t let anything happen to him” I nod it could work.

“I will ring her today and ask. You can work on Imogen; she doesn’t like him away from us” Trying

to convince her will be the hardest part.

“What if she says no?” I ask, not liking the idea of forcing her. We might just have to, though. I

have noticed the longer she stays awake, the stronger the darkness gets through the bond, cocooning

her. I didn’t like the way she was becoming comfortably familiar with it, almost like she depends on it,

making her feed into it, allowing it to slowly take over her. I don’t know everything about witches but I

have read enough over the years to know that with it comes a slight craze, especially when it comes to

the dark magic I can feel is enveloping her.

“You know we have to do it, even if I have to hold her down, she will forgive us once she feels

better,” Tobias says, his hard exterior slipping back into place. One of the many things I love about him.

He knows I struggle with being hard on her, yet he is willing to be the bad guy and force her down, so I

don’t have to. Even if I am the one that will actually be doing the task of knocking her out, he will be the

one to hold her down. Willing to take the blame for me.

“Just ring mum and tell her to come grab Thaddeus after you finish work” I nod, getting up and

heading for the walk-in. It doesn’t take long before I walk out dressed in a suit. Tobias’s eyes watching

me as I move about the room getting ready.

“Tobias stop or I will just want to crawl back in bed with you,” I tell him turning to look at him. He

smirks and I can tell he would prefer that than me leave. I quickly place my shoes on.

“Where is she?” he asks.

“Downstairs at the kitchen window” I sigh. Thaddeus stirs in the bassinet and Tobias picks him up.

I watch him scrunch his face up before I can smell that he has soiled himself.

“Scissors, paper, rock?” Tobias suggests not wanting to change him. I chuckle at him before

putting my hand out. Tobias groans when he chose paper and I scissors.

“I feel like you snoop into my mind every time, surely I can’t be this unlucky to lose every time.”

“It would help if you stopped choosing paper.” I chuckle throwing a diaper at him before walking

downstairs. Imogen is standing at the window, staring off vacantly at the scenery. She jumps when I

place my hands on her hips, coming up behind her. I kiss her neck and feel her relax into me. I love

how her body reacts to us. I just hope tonight she reacts this way, the idea of forcing her down has me

on edge.

“You going in to today?” she asks, her voice soft. I nod, running my hands down her body, before

slipping one underneath the thin fabric of her top, my hands caressing over her stomach before moving

to her breasts. Feeling her nipples harden and a moan escapes her lips, making my dick twitch in my

pants. I could get lost in the feel of her body under my hands, loving every inch of her. Loving the

sounds that spill from her lips.

I hear Tobias step into the room, Thaddeus cooing and eating his little hands, making her attention

go to him. She turns in my arms looking over my shoulder at Tobias who I know is watching us.

“You want to feed him?” he asks, and I feel her nod and excitement floods through the bond,

before it dies slowly as fear sets in. She hasn’t fed and newborn vampires require a lot more blood. I

can go days sometimes a week but Imogen she needs to feed daily sometimes twice depending on her

mood. Anger and fear, even arousal, make it hard to control the bloodlust.

Tobias moves awkwardly, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. It makes him nervous when

he feels her hesitation and none of us like handing him over to her. We know it only takes one slip up

and she could hurt him, but she is his mother and we can’t keep her from him we aren’t that cruel.

Turning my head, I kiss her temple before removing my shirt. It is unheard of for vampires to feed off

each other; I have never craved my own kind’s blood yet she does and I am pretty sure it is because it

feeds into her to magic, strengthening her like a never ending power source. Undoing the buttons, she

watches me, and her eyes glow brighter as uncontrollable hunger takes over her.

She seems to have more control feeding off Tobias, but me, she knows she doesn’t have to be so

gentle, and I can endure more blood loss than him. Although it makes me want to feed. I know I can

wait till I get to work and retrieve a blood bag. As soon as my shirt is off her hands run over my chest

before she leans in inhaling my scent, her nose running across my collarbone, making me shiver.

Gripping her hips I lift her, placing her on the edge of the sink so she can reach my neck better. She

wraps her legs around my waist pulling me closer, her hand going to my face and I feel her fangs sink

into me.

She moans loudly as my blood rushes into her mouth. I feel her tongue lapping at my skin, making

me want her mouth somewhere else, as I feel my pants become a little too tight as I press myself into

her. Bloodlust and arousal tend to go hand in hand with us. She bites down again as hunger takes over

her, so insatiable and addictive. When I know she is struggling to pull away, I slip my hand into the

waistband of her tights, my fingers slipping between her folds that wet with her arousal. She moans,

her head going back liking the feel of my fingers inside her and I kiss her. Her fangs scratching my lip. I

then pull away from her. She feels annoyed yet doesn’t try to stop me.

“When I get home” I tell her, kissing the side of her face. She huffs, annoyed at being riled up only

for me to stop. A pout slipping onto her face.

Chuckling, I see Tobias step closer, kissing my cheek as he passes Thaddeus to Imogen. Her face

lighting up at being able to hold him as she takes the bottle from Tobias’s hand.

Buttoning up my shirt and walking out to the car, Tobias follows me.

“I will ring her when I get to work, convince her Tobias I really don’t want to force her” I tell him

climbing in the car and starting the car, the engines roars to life and I drive down the driveway heading

to work. Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

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