Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

Her Burner Phone

Damien’s POV

I can’t believe that the address of the sorcerer is not in Sofia’s room. Stacy to me that she is going to frame Sofia for the deaths of those girls, she said that she had planted the evidence in Sofia’s room, I wasn’t dreaming, was I?


I wasn’t dreaming, She told me everything, I’m sure of that. She told me every damn thing. She told me how she killed her friends, she murdered them in cold blood and made it look like a rogue attack. She stole information about my companies, about our pack. And she gave them to my rival, Alfredo. She was so bold as she told me everything, I could remember how I started at her in shock as she spilled out everything to me. In her own words, she said,

“I do not want to remain a loser, I want to be mocked and neglected anymore. It’s either I get what I want or everyone suffers. I have evidence to prove that your precious little mate is a demon wolf and I have rigged up enough evidence to prove that she has been lurking around this pack, killing our friends. Once they find the evidence and the address to her sorcerer, I’m sure you can’t do anything to save her when they find out the truth. We are meant to be together, Damien. I can make you a very happy man, or I can make you very miserable and pathetic. It’s your choice Damien and I’m glad that you made the right choice.

Now screw me already!” she let out hastily, bucking her hips once more, trying to get me to give her an orgasm. I waited for hours, I played along and I acted the script perfectly. I did everything she wanted, buttering her up for the right moment, waiting for the right time to get on with my plans. I did not show my anger and disgust, I screwed that whore even when I didn’t want to. It was only when she told me about her plans that I mind linked Ralph and I told him to take some guys and go over to Sofia’s room and search for all the evidence that was planted there, while I tried to stall, and wait for their response. I was confident that they would find everything we need in Sofia’s room.

“Why didn’t you tell me on time, Joe could you be so stupid?” I growled at him in anger, making him take a step backward as he eyed me suspiciously.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You need to calm down Damien, your wolf is taking control, your eyes are glowing, man. You need to take a chill pill.” Ralph called out from a distance. He is keeping a safe distance from me, his hands, raised up in mock surrender. I did not even realize that I was losing control again, what the hell is wrong with me, why can’t I keep it together, why the fuck am I acting like an asshole?

“I’m sorry man, I can’t seem to control Scott anymore. Sofia is in danger, her wolf is engaged in a fierce battle with the demon wolf, and sad to say, she is losing the battle. If we don’t get to her on time, the demon wolf would kill her wolf, and even if we succeed in giving her the cure, it still won’t give her back her wolf, she will be forced to live without a wolf. Not to mention the fact that my sisters are there also, the demon wolf would kill them all if it succeeds in controlling Sofia. We need to get to her man, I need to get to her as soon as possible.

What went wrong, why didn’t you find the address of the sorcerer?

Did someone else beat you to it, did someone get there before you?” I let out in a panic, sounding so confused and frustrated.

“I don’t think so, the room looked okay when we got in, and then I stood there and supervised as the warriors searched for the things she hid in Sofia’s room. It wasn’t there, I promise. I wouldn’t joke with something as serious as this, Sofia is our Luna and I care about her as much as you do.” He let out in an angry tone, making me feel guilty for being so rude and arrogant to him. He is an important part of this pack, and I know that he must be feeling hurt as well. Everyone in this pack must be feeling the same way that I’m feeling, I am their Alpha, and we all share a special bond. They may not feel it as much as I do, but it’s there anyway. I’m sure that it is. From what he said, it is obvious that he was very careful when he went to search for all the evidence that was planted in Sofia’s room.

So the only explanation for all this mess up is that Stacy had lied to me. She did not keep the address of the sorcerer in Sofia’s room, she never meant to keep to her end of the deal. She hid it somewhere, that fucking bitch was playing me all along, she was never going to give me what I want, she only wanted me to screw her, and I did. I fucking did. I screened her

I searched all the rooms in this pack’s house, starting from the first floor to the last floor, I even went as far as searching the omega’s quarters, and when I couldn’t find anything that belongs to Stacy, I decided to go into her father’s house and search for it, I don’t care about the elders, I don’t care about their stupid rules, I would explain everything to them after I save my woman, but right now, I’m not going to stop searching as long as I’m sure that I would find what I’m looking for in this house. I can’t go through all this stress and then go back empty-handed, I have to succeed, I have to find the address of that evil sorcerer, no matter what. That is the only way that I can save my mate, my Luna. I’ve already taken the risk, so I have to see it through.

I searched everywhere, but I couldn’t find it. I was going insane with worry, I don’t know what to do again, Scott was beginning to get even more restless and I knew it was because Sofia is going through more than she can handle, she won’t survive for much longer. I was beginning to go crazy with anger. The only option I have now is to get the guard that I asked to keep watch over her and tell him to take me back to all the places she visited while I was away. I’m sure she had hidden it somewhere while I was away, she is so smart and devious, I don’t know how I managed to get entangled with this bitch, what the hell was I thinking, what the hell is wrong with me?

I searched for him everywhere, but I couldn’t find him. No one knows his whereabouts, we couldn’t find him anywhere. None of the other guards have seen or heard from him since I left this pack, he never left the pack house and yet no one has seen or heard from him. It wasn’t hard to realize that something is wrong with him, something was definitely wrong with him. I got the boys and went in search of him. We went into the woods, searching through every corner, combing the entire woods. It took several hours before we found the lifeless body of the guard. I guess he had been taken unaware because he had been stabbed in the back with a blade laced with wolf’s bane. But that was not the cause of death, Nah. Even after getting stabbed, he could have survived for a few more minutes and he could have gone back to call for help, but she had smashed his skull with a rock, knocking him unconscious while the wolfsbane poisoned him slowly.

“Spread out guys, search everywhere. She must have a hiding spot in these woods, and I need you to find it as soon as possible. She came in here for a reason, I want to know why, I want to know where she was heading to. Get the scouts, and get the hunters as well, I want to know why she came into this woods when I was away. I don’t care if you are going to take down all the trees and burn down this forest, I want to know where they went to, and I want it right now!” I ordered sternly.

They do not need to be told twice, they scampered off immediately, and they all went deeper into the woods, searching for clues that could lead us to Stacy’s secret hiding place. They did all they could to but they couldn’t find anything useful. They found clues, lots of clues to be precise, but none of them were verified, they couldn’t give me what I want no matter how they try. We caught her scent, but as we got deeper into the woods we lost it. Even though her tracks were hidden in the woods, she knows how to mask her tracks and throw us off her tracks. She even masked her scent along the way as she moved deeper into the woods. I have no idea how she had learned all this, it must have taken her so much time and determination. I guess she wasn’t ready to lose this war, she was prepared to win this war no matter what it took her. I guess she would have killed anyone that stood in her way and she would have kept killing until she gets the power and wealth that she desires. It’s a good thing that I put an end to her miserable life before she kills someone else.

I had to order them to stop the search because they were ruining all the evidence and they weren’t giving me anything useful. I asked them to stop while we waited for the hunters and Scouts. They are better trackers and they will be able to retrace her steps and take us to her secret hiding place. We waited for almost thirty minutes before they arrived, they had been assigned their duties in the pack, and they had to reassign their duties before coming to meet us in the woods. And just as I had always known, they were able to trace back her footsteps to a cave that I never knew about. It was so weird to know that something like this existed in this pack and I never knew about it. How the hell had Stacy found this place, and why didn’t I know about it? How daft have I been all this while, how could I have been so blind and careless?

This is obviously a spot that my enemies could have used against me. What the hell am I even talking about?

They are already using it against me, the weapons and potions in this cave can be used to arm an entire army. The cave is very deep and I couldn’t make out the potions and poisons on the shelf. It is very obvious that she has been patronizing these sorcerers for a very long time, it goes a long way to prove that Stacy had a much bigger plan, and if I had let her leave, she would have put us all in danger. She would have been the end of this pack. I would have to send some scouts to locate the other end of this cave, I need to know if this cave has another entrance, and if I find out that it does, I would have to seal it off before it is used against me a second time. For all I know, that bitch may have shared this secret with Lucas Blake or even Alfredo Black. If this is their plan all along, if they have been planning to come through this cave and slaughter us all, then I think that they have made a terrible mistake because they would meet a much greater surprise. I would make sure of that. Yeah, I would.

We scattered through everything in the cave, scanning every nook and cranny, digging every corner for anything that could be hidden underground. But I couldn’t find anything nothing at all. Apart from her stupid potions and dangerous weapons, I couldn’t find anything that could lead me to the sorcerer that Stacy patronizes whenever she goes into town.

The only thing I could find that seems like the only lead in this cave was a burner phone. It is an untraceable burner that could call out to anywhere in the city. It has no limitation and it could get through to anyone in the city. I regulate every incoming and outgoing call in this pack, and ever since I started receiving the threats on Sofia, I have increased my security measures and Dwain had installed a new technology that makes it practically impossible to get or receive calls without my knowledge. Yeah, I know it’s a bit extreme, but I don’t have a choice because our lives were at risk. It’s what I needed to do to keep us safe and I had to do everything possible to keep everyone safe. But with this burner, she can call out to anyone without my knowledge. This is how she has been communicating with Alfredo and Lucas all this while. I was too blind to see all this, I was too blond to see what was right in front of me. It must have taken a few years for Stacy to be able to set up this cave and start storing away her weapons and potions. Yet I never knew anything about it.

I handed the phone to Dwain to work his magic on it. She had used a password to lock the burner. If this were any other phone, I could have tried a few choice words that I know that she could use as her password, but I can’t try that with this burner. It would self-destruct in ten seconds if I try more than three passcodes. My only option was to hand it over to Dwain so he could decrepit the phone as soon as possible. Time was running out on us, Sofia is still in danger, the longer I get delayed here, the riskier it is for Sofia. All this would have been for nothing if Sofia doesn’t survive this attack, all our lives would be in danger if that demon wolf gets out alive. I know that to my warriors and pack, killing the demon wolf is the priority. But to me, saving Sofia’s life is my top priority. I can’t even bear the thought of losing her.

I mean,

What the hell will I do without her, how do I live my life without her? She is my life, she completes me and she compliments me. My life would be completely ruined without her, I would become a weak and pathetic king. And even if I find a way to get over her and find a new mate for myself, I still won’t be happy with myself. I still won’t be able to live the happy life that I have ever wished for. My life would be ruined forever and this pack would be left without an Alpha or an heir. I can’t let that happen, I have to save Sofia’s life, even if it means confronting the demon wolf.

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