Strings of Fate

Chapter 173

173- Fulfillment and fantasies

The moment Alpha Kohen leaves, Bellamy releases me and spins my chair to face him. I barely have time to breathe before he presses his lips to mine. This k*ss is passionate and a little out of control. Bellamy doesn’t hesitate or hold anything back. He’s holding me so tight that I can’t even move to wrap my arms around him. I start getting lightheaded and he must be too because he finally pulls back, breathing heavily. I can feel him purring deep in his chest. Still squeezing me tight, he’s as breathless as I am when he breathes out his confession.


“I love you.” He sounds absolutely elated. I am probably so bright red that I could outshine a stop sign. Even Bellamy looks a little flushed for once. I somehow end up in a slightly hysterical giggle.

“I can’t believe I said it first.” I admit. Bellamy leans back to look me in the eye, his own eyes are practically glowing with pleasure.

To be honest… I can’t believe you said it first either. Although I might have thought about it a few times. I wasn’t sure how you would… well. I wasn’t sure it was the right time.” He says awkwardly.

“You thought I’d freak out and hide in a corner or run away.” I say bluntly. Bellamy winces a little.

“Maybe?” He says hesitantly. I roll my eyes.

“It’s fine. You’re probably not wrong. I have quite literally run away enough times to deserve a bit of doubt when it comes to this kind of thing.” I agree reluctantly. Bellamy shrugs but he doesn’t really seem bothered by it. In fact he looks very distracted. He leans down to press a k*ss against my n*ck. He moves to k*ss me properly again but my hesitation must show on my face or in my b*dy language because Bellamy stops and puts what I would have to

describe as the smallest possible amount of distance between us.

“What’s wrong?” He asks softly. My eyes dart to the kitchen doorway. He follows my gaze and understanding crosses

his face.

“Ah.” He says simply. I nod.

“Megan or Darrien could walk in and I’m just… this is just…” I trail off and hide my face against his chest.

“You’re shy, and this is a bit much for you.” He finishes for me. I nod without uncovering my face. I feel Bellamy press a k*ss to my hair then he releases me and steps away. I almost topple off of my seat without him to support me. I didn’t realise I was leaning on him so much. Bellamy catches me and steadies me. He then takes my hand and tugs me to my feet. Without a word he leads me to his office. Once we’re inside he turns, closes the door and locks it. I didn’t even know this door COULD lock. Bellamy immediately turns back to me and his hands drop to my waist.

“Better?” He asks, his tone hopeful. I can feel the burn on my cheeks as I give a jerky nod. Bellamy’s answering smile is devastating. He pulls me closer until my hands land against his chest. He leans in to k*ss me and I find my hands creeping up into his hair. Bellamy groans against my lips and his hands slide down my back. They brush down until they land where my butt and the back of my thighs meet causing me to let out a gasp. Bellamy laughs softly and uses his grip on me to lift me up. I let out a surprised squeal and hook my arms tighter behind his head, essentially crushing myself against him. Correction, essentially crushing my ch*st into his face. I automatically let go to give him some space and I immediately feel off balance and find myself clutching his shoulders.

“Shh, I’ve got you.” He takes a few steps forward and he lowers me onto his desk. With me sitting on the desk, we’re


173–Fulfillment and fantasies

almost the same height and I can see that he doesn’t have to bend as far to reach me. A fact he immediately takes advantage of.

I have no idea how long Bellamy and I have been k*ssing but I know that I feel like it’s about a million degrees in here. At some point, Bellamy’s hands have made their way up the back of my shirt and his hands are hot on my waist and my legs are twisted around his waist while I haven’t released my tight clutch on his shirt. He pauses so that we can breathe and presses his forehead against mine. He sits back and disentangles us enough that I can see his face properly. I unhook my legs from around him and his hands drop to sit on my thighs.

“I love you.” He says for the second time. I’d probably blush or look away or something but I might be a little hypnotised by his eyes because I can’t seem to look away or even care about anything else.

“I love you too.” I manage to get the words out without ducking my face and Bellamy looks like he’s just won the lottery. So I guess that makes it worth the embarrassment. Actually, I really hope that saying the words out loud gets less embarrassing over time because if it makes him that happy to hear it, I want to be able to say it without needing to hide under a rock afterwards.

“You know that telling Kohen today was a very definite method of fulfilling the Shifter courting rituals.” He grins at me

and I furrow my brow in confusion.

“What do you mean? I thought it was meant to be some public acknowledgement or whatever.” I point out. Bellamy


“Sure, but you told another Alpha. It might not be public, but between that and you agreeing to help the other Shifters… I’d say you’ve got it covered. I’m going to have to try harder. I’ve fallen behind.” He frowns and I roll my Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.


“You know I’m not worried about that. You’ll figure it out.” I reassure him.

“I’m finding it difficult to worry about anything much right this second.” He agrees as he strokes a hand up my leg then back down again. I shiver at the touch.

“You know, I’ve had a bit of a fantasy about this for a while.” He practically purrs the words. I tilt my head in


“This?” I ask. He just smiles at me.

This. You, on my desk, blushing and in my arms.” He leans in closer again and I can feel his warm breath on my n*ck as he brushes my hair back over my shoulders and continues to press his lips against my pulse which is racing again. Seriously, it cannot be healthy for my heart to be doing this so much. Can hearts explode from beating too hard? I suspect I’m going to just embarrass myself more, but I can’t help but ask

“Do you… do you have a lot of… fantasies?” I ask awkwardly. Bellamy moves to k*ss the other side of my n*ck and

mutters against my throat.

“Oh yes, definitely. Do you want to hear them?” He offers. I manage a half nod.

“Well, back when we were in the kitchen, I was thinking-” I cut him off.

“Stop!” I drop a hand to his ch*st and push him back a little. He sits back with a bit of a smirk on his face.



173- Fulfillment and fantasies

“Sorry. I think if you finish that sentence I probably won’t be able to go into the kitchen for a month without wanting to hide. So maybe… not now.” I tell him. Bellamy raises an eyebrow.

“Not now… So you do want to know?” He asks. He actually sounds a little shocked. I shrug.

“Well… yes. I mean, I want to know what you want, what you think about. Just maybe not now. The last few days, this morning… It’s been a lot.” My mind is a whirlwind of emotions. Everything happens so fast, I can’t seem to keep up with it all. Bellamy nods his understanding.

“I get it. Hmm, maybe I should write it down. I’m starting quite a list.” He winks at me and this time, I do duck my face. Bellamy just laughs and helps me to my feet. I’m not even a little bit surprised to find that my legs are a little wobbly.

Chapter Comments


I really wanna read that list please.




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