Strings of Fate

Chapter 277


Strings of Fate

Cam 34- Faking and fretting

Cora and I are just cleaning up for the evening while Harry hovers around to walk me home. He excuses himself to the bathroom and Cora immediately grabs my arm and pulls me aside.

“Did I hear right earlier? Did you finally agree to go out with the Incubus?” She whispers excitedly. I should have known she would ask. She’s probably been waiting all evening to get

me alone.

“I honestly can’t believe it. I thought you would keep him waiting way longer. Like at least another three months. You seemed so determined to reject him. I can’t quite work out when things changed, but you have definitely softened towards him.” She smiles at me conspiratorially.

“I have not!” I automatically argue. Cora raises an eyebrow.

“You used to barely react to him, but now you talk to him and engage with him. He doesn’t say nearly as many outrageous things either. Which confirms another suspicion I had.” She nods, satisfied.

“Huh? What suspicion?” I query.

“Well, I always kind of thought that he liked to say ridiculous things because he wanted your attention. You never reacted to anything he said so he kept escalating. He was never nearly as… vocal… with me. I haven’t noticed him speaking that way to any of the other customers either. He’s actually usually quite polite, particularly for an Incubus. I’ve just noticed that since you’ve started talking to him more

he’s been a lot more relaxed. Like he isn’t. desperately trying to get attention and show off.” She explains..

“Oh, I guess maybe that’s true. He doesn’t take being ignored well… does he?” I observe. Coral giggles.

“No he doesn’t.” She agrees.

“But you didn’t answer me. Are you actually dating him?” She pushes on. I shrug.

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Cam 34- Faking and fretting

“Sort of, I guess?” I say noncommittally. She claps delightedly.

“I KNEW it! I knew you secretly liked him! You guys make such a cute couple!” She

practically squeals.

“It’s not like that!” I argue. Cora tilts her head.

“Isn’t it? Why would you date him if you didn’t like him?” She asks, confused.

“Uh… well… I thought it might get this creep who won’t stop harassing me to back off. My family too, they’re all obsessed with the idea of me marrying this guy and I want absolutely nothing to do with him. I’ve noticed that the only thing that seems to make him back off is when he sees me with Harry.” I explain. I DO like Harry, but in my embarrassment I decide not to mention that. Although Cora seems a little disappointed.

“Oh… So it’s like you’re fake dating him then.” She says slowly. I nod.

“Kinda? He helped me out by pretending to be my boyfriend once and now I can’t exactly ask

someone else or my family are going to know it’s fake. I’m not exactly the type to jump from

relationship to relationship.” I reason, although I know I’m just trying to justify it. Cora nods. her understanding.

“I suppose that makes sense. It is a shame though, I thought that you guys were a real couple. I suppose Harry is hoping it will turn out to be real. He is pretty desperate to win you over.” She smiles. I roll my eyes.

“I’ve agreed to one date. It’s not like it’ll ever really go anywhere.” I point out. A thought

occurs to me.

“You won’t tell anyone about this will you? If word gets around then it will all be a wasted

effort and Simon will keep harassing me.” I sigh. Cora holds out her hands to placate me.

“I won’t say a word. Your secret is safe with me.” She promises.

Walking home with Harry feels awkward. It usually doesn’t, but I can’t stop thinking about how weird I made things earlier. I know we both agreed to move on, but I can’t quite forget it. This is the first time I’ve been alone with him since then. Maybe Harry feels weird too,


Cam 34- Faking and fretting

because he is being unusually quiet.

“What, no interrogation tonight?” I joke.

“Huh?” he seems a little dazed, like he was thinking about something else and I interrupted.

“I was just wondering why you’re so quiet. You don’t have any random questions for met

tonight?” I ask. I should just shut up and stop pressuring him to talk to me, but it feels so unnatural. He usually talks so much that I can barely keep up.

“Oh, that. Well… it’s not that I don’t have questions. More that I was thinking about a specific question and trying to decide if it was worth asking.” He grins at me and somehow I feel relieved. I don’t know how to deal with quiet Harry, except maybe for when he’s sitting in the corner of my work room doing his own work. But even then he usually chatters away or sometimes hums to himself. He’s really just not a quiet person.


“When have you ever cared if a question is worth asking? I didn’t realise that you actually THOUGHT about the questions you ask.” I tease him and he smiles even brighter.

“Good point. In that case…” He holds out a hand to me like I’m a stray cat he’s trying not to frighten away. I have no idea what he wants and I just stare at him dumbly.

“My question is, can I hold your hand?” He asks, enunciating each word carefully.

“What? Why?” I question without thinking. Harry raises an eyebrow.

“Because I want to? I enjoy the contact and I’m feeling a little… I don’t know. I just want physical contact. With you specifically I mean. Although if you keep turning me down I might have to go visit Ryann and at least get a hug. I don’t even know the last time I got a proper hug.” He frowns as if trying to figure it out.

“Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Can I hold your hand?” He repeats his question. He might not know why he’s feeling bothered but it seems pretty obvious to me. Harry is an Incubus and like most Incubi he is a pretty physically affectionate person. But since he’s been so focussed on me, and I’ve been keeping him at a distance for the most part, he’s probably a bit touch starved. Still, I don’t think I can do it. There’s been entirely too much touching lately and I still don’t feel like I’ve totally shaken off his magic from earlier. I mean I can feel it pretty


Cam 34- Faking and fretting

much every time he’s around me, but it’s so much more powerful when he’s touching me. I

don’t want to make things weird again.

“No. I don’t think so.” I respond. Harry’s hand drops back to his side and he sighs.

“All right.” he responds. He doesn’t sound annoyed or anything. Just accepting and disappointed. I feel a little bad so I try to cheer him up.

“Are you ever going to tell me where we’re going tomorrow?” I ask. Harry immediately perks.

1. up.

“Of course I am.” He agrees easily.

“Tomorrow.” He finishes. I roll my eyes.

“That’s just mean!‘ I complain but Harry is unmoved.

“I refuse to ruin the surprise. You surprise me all the time, it’s my turn.” He insists. I sigh.

“Ugh, fine.” We arrive at my front door and I stop up the steps.

“Keep your surprise, I’ll know soon enough anyway. Good night Harry.”

“Good night Cam. Sweet dreams, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

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