
Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Ella POV:

The world can change so instantly. Sometimes we’re so sure of where we’re heading and the goddess places her finger into our lives turning everything upside down.

I never would have assumed that night that Grayson defending me from that man would have brought us here. He had done his duty as my alpha and I was grateful I was ready to lay down my life for his wife in repayment and now here

we are.

The pack was cold after the lunas kidnapping. We had already been shocked by the events but we didn’t have her spirit to take us upward. She hadn’t been here long but she’d made an impact and was now our heart. Without her the Alpha was obsessive and calculating. He didn’t stop and smile for the children training and he didn’t joke with his council anymore. The elder Luna was not her usual sly self instead she was quite and and composed.

We should be prosperous at a time like this a strong alpha and a resilient Luna had given us an heir. We should be celebrating day and night.

Sometimes it was hard not to blame myself. To not ask if I should have just let it happen so none of this would have occurred. Another woman stolen all because I caught a Sigma’s eye. Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

And then there are other times when my heart catches in my throat and I swear I’d let it all happen again to be near him.

That only leaves me feeling more guilty.

After everything I had no right to fawn over a man far above me and after the pain I caused on his family. It doesn’t matter if he feels the same and it doesn’t matter that she would tell me it wasn’t my fault.

Even though I feel my whole body relax around him I can’t cross that line. It wasn’t my place. I had a duty to my pack as a warrior, I had a duty to my Luna to help bring her home and in her stead help watch over the heir. I would not cause anymore problems no matter what.

“G–good morning,” his voice hit my ear and I spun hitting my back firmly against the wall. “Sorry,” he held his hands up. “I didn’t, I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that,”

I smiled softly at his bumbling nature I didn’t know how an heir to such a noble pack became this way around me but

I had to admit I was just as bad as he was.

“It’s–I’m, that’s okay,” I chuckled my arms folding behind my back and I swung on my tip toes.

“I saw you sparring with Elizebeth yesterday you are a skilled warrior,” he complimented me his cheeks flushing.

“Your sister is to thank for that I rarely ever got vested before the Luna came and after I hardly ever ended a match standing,” i shrugged as I reminded him of his sister his eyes saddened.

“She’s unstoppable, I’m sure she hadn’t just given birth she’d have snapped him in two,” his features darkened further

and I held myself back from reaching out for him.


Chapter 111

“I’m certain of it,” I settled for agreeing with him and attempting to soothe him with my words.

“She was very fond of you, she would tell me how kind you were when she first got here and I have to admit it made me thankful for you before we ever truly had a chance to speak,”

“That means-* I stood towards him, feeling my heart flip flop in my chest.

“Charles!” His mother called to him and I sank back against the wall.

The living embodiment of why I could never admit my feelings for him stood there talk and prideful as ever. She was a regal looking woman who commanded presence. I didn’t have the highest of options for her given her behavior towards my alpha but I gave the benefit of the doubt considering her daughter had been tormented her whole pregnancy and then kidnapped. That woman was a mother first and foremost and it showed.

He went back and talked over training regimens with the alpha and I set off to do my rounds on the border pushing any thought of him out of my head.

“Ella,” Elizebeth gave me an acknowledgment as she followed after–me.

It was only due to my situation last year that I had been asked along on the trip to Georgia and only because of that

did I get to know Luna and now my position in the pack was that of a lead warrior.

Even Elizebeth took my council, a woman beyond reproach sought my advice. It was hard not feel like a complete fraud

I say we double check the outer walls today and look at any of the sensors to make sure they’re still working,”

“That sounds good,” I agreed but my mind still fought its way behind us wondering if he was having a hard time focusing too.

“There hasn’t been any sign of attack, surveillance, or encampment for a while and it’s leaving me restless,”

Before she never would have said two words to me, we weren’t friends, I was not of high rank, and she had no opinion

on me.

I think it was more to do with her husband’s death. It must have been horrifying to discover the man she loved was a traitor to every belief she had. Some people still questioned her but they were those that didn’t know her enough, she would die for the pack. It must be a lonely life after all of that, not knowing who to trust and the one of the people you do is gone.

Elizebeth and I now had an unspoken agreement between us like a small circle of women who had been close to the Luna all ready to do whatever it took to save her.

We hopped in a truck and went to the outer walls scanning and surveying for signs of weakness. I checked the scanners and replaced their data chips as we moved along. We found no issue along the walls as we went and headed out to border gate.

“Sometimes I think she’ll show up. Surprise us all by getting out there on her own,” I told the stone woman next to

1. me.

A soft smile tucked at her mouth and she nodded. “She’d be strong enough to do that, sadly it wouldn’t cost us a war.


Chapter 111

With the former alpha involved it’s become far worse than before,”

“I feel like this whole issue will never end,” I wrinkled my nose thinking of the mess that’s been made.

“It must be difficult,” she glanced over at me through the corners of her eyes. “I hope you’re not blaming yourself,”

“It’s hard not to,”

“That I understand,”

It dawned on me then that she too must feel responsible for the Lunas abduction. She had been living with a spy for months and hadn’t noticed. I felt foolish and self centered for not realizing I wasn’t the only struggling with guilt.

“Everyone made mistakes but it’s wise to accept that and move on. The only one I see absolved of guilt is you. You did nothing to attract that scum and you put yourself in harms way to end it,” she didn’t look at me as she spoke but I was grateful for her words.

“You’re not to blame either, the alpha and the Luna didn’t even suspect Aarron how were you to?” I dreminded her.

“I knew him best, but I let my heart blur reality, he hadn’t been himself since she’d gotten here. If I had paid attention I’d have turned him in myself,” she kept driving and I felt so sorry for her. The heartbreak

she must have felt at his


“It’s no ones fault who they love, and it’s no ones fault falling prey to that. That’s all in the goddess’s hands,” I leaned my head on my hand.

That was all to true. She had set us all on this path if only to take care of some monsters in the world but she also put us in each other’s worlds, what if there was a way for us to be together?

I shook the thought out of my head daydreaming and fantasizing about things that will never happen won’t keep everyone safe. It won’t bring the Luna back so I had to keep my head on my shoulders.

As the thought left my mind my eyes darted upwards towards the sky. Something buzzed overhead.

“Stop the car,” I blurted.

“I can hear it too,” Elizebeth stopped the truck and turned it off.

I grabbed my bow from the back seat and exited the car peering up at the sky.

I closed my eyes and held my breath honing in on the sound west 200 yards. I walked into the treelike off the road and sat down behind a bush and waited. It would come out again trying to see if we left.

Elizebeth read my mind and started the car again and kept driving. A moment later it started buzzing closer. A drone floated overhead in the trees coming closer to inspect our lands.

I drew back my thumb holding to the corner of my mouth. I breathed in and out waiting for it to get just close enough, one more breath in and out letting the arrow fly with my exhale straight, straight through the body of the tiny craft.

It thudded to the ground after a high pitched squealing drop. It seems someone was trying to look in on us.


Chapter 111

I waited a moment and then went and grabbed it, turning it over and shaking it to make sure there was no trap in it.

“This is too fancy for their money and not quiet enough for someone familiar with wolves,” I muttered as I walked toward the road.

Elizabeth reversed the car back to me and I hopped in.

“Agy markings? She asked as she headed on towards the gate.

“Nope, it’s long range so they aren’t close and it’s expensive but not wolf rated,” I raised an eyebrow.

Why is a human surveying us?” She grimaced at the thought.

“No due,”

Transmission sent 1455 hours

lackson to Deacon

Mission surcharge 1,500 dollars—new drone!

posting schedule tuesdays and fursdays, thanks for reading.

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