Supreme Harem God System

Chapter 1621 I will be there with you.

Chapter 1621  I will be there with you.

"I will never lie to you, Master." Then, a big smile appeared on Nux's face and, "Or would you like to use the Truthblood Amulet? That artifact helped us quite a lot when we used it inside the Illusion." "We used the Truthblood Amulet?" "Well, we were forced to. *Essence* comes from another world, so you were worried about my origins and since I couldn't tell you that everything around you was simply an illusion, I had to come up with another way." "Oh? So what did you do? I highly doubt I would let a being who uses energy from another world get close to me." "Well, I have my ways." Nux smiled playfully. "So you managed to fool me." Aeliana commented as she glanced at Nux. "That is no-" "You are sharper than I thought, Nux." "I didn't fool you." "But you still managed to hide the fact that we were all living inside the Illusion despite me using the Truthblood Amulet, No matter how I see it, That is my Illusion self's loss." "…" Nux didn't know what to say and seeing that, Aeliana's smile widened. "What is it?" She questioned. "Nothing. Now I am having a difficult time talking to you." Nux chuckled. Aeliana laughed out loud as well. "I will admit it, I am doing it intentionally."

She then glanced at Nux and, "I do not like the fact that you have so much advantage over me." "This is not an advantage, Aeliana." Nux replied with a heavy smile on his face. Aeliana frowned, Nux then looked into her eyes and, "Only I remember what happened between the two of us, it is now my responsibility to continue the same journey again and ensure the two of us reach the same destination again.

It is not as easy as you think." "…" Aeliana stared at Nux in silence. "Once again, it doesn't feel like our relationship was that of a normal master and disciple." "I never said it was a normal one." Nux laughed. Aeliana narrowed her eyes and Nux continued, "We were two broken beings living in a ridiculous world they both hate, Aeliana. We couldn't possibly have a normal relationship. Just thinking about it is a foolish thought." "Two broken beings…?" Aeliana frowned. Nux continued to explain, "I was living in a ridiculous world where I couldn't get close to my wives. Aeliana, I exist because my wives do. They are the sole reason I do what I do, they are why I feel most of my emotions, in a world where I cannot get close to my wives…

I would hate that world with the core of my being, Heck, the only reason I even lived in that world was because I wanted to leave and meet my wives again." Aeliana stared at Nux, listening to him talking about his wives was… She didn't know how to explain this feeling. At the same time, she saw that overwhelming emotion that overpowered her before, this time, it was directed somewhere else, only that this time, that emotion was… much, much stronger. "What about me?" Suddenly, Aeliana questioned. "What?" "Two broken beings living in a world they hate, I understand your case, you knew the world was illusionary and you hated it because you couldn't be with your wives, But what about me? My illusionary self didn't know that the world was an Illusion, so why would she hate the world?" Aeliana questioned and hearing that question, Nux couldn't help but smile, "So I guess the old man is doing a good job, eh?" Nux looked above and nodded. He didn't know if Azriel was watching or not, no, he was sure that he was watching, very intensely at that. He just nodded at the old man and then glanced at the confused Aeliana again, "The Aeliana I met hadn't met her father. So she was different from the current you." Nux spoke and Aeliana's expression changed. In an instant, her mind went back to where it all began. The time when, in her eyes, Nux became much more than just a disciple of her friend, or husband of her disciple, the time when Nux stood in front of the strongest being in the world and confronted him directly. 'Primordial Stage? Absolute Law? Leader of the Ancestral Order? Eternal Life? Bullshit! What is the point of all this when you hate every second of this!? You! You, Azriel Ruinous, made your daughter's life a living hell! And then you are bold enough to come out and call her your daughter!? How ridiculous!'

Aeliana remembered everything Nux said word for word. Others present there were all horrified, yes, they were also surprised, Progenitors treated Aeliana like their own daughter, after their children who died a long time ago, Aeliana was the only child they had all worked together to raise and they all pampered her a lot. The group practically adored her and the little Aeliana had the power to do almost anything she wanted because all the bigwigs moved around her like her legs and tails. But to be told that the child they doted on hated everything around her and felt like she was living in hell, obviously, the Progenitors were shocked, If it was any other time, their faces would have fallen and their eyes would have turned moist, but at that moment, nothing like that happened. Why? Because Azriel was silent. It wasn't just the Progenitors, even Nux's wives were looking at Azriel with wary looks on their faces, that was simply how deafening Aeliana's father's silence was, However, Nux didn't care, he continued to glare at Azriel with his eyes burning with rage, his anger was so strong that even Azriel, the strongest being in the world was taken aback. His rage, hatred, frustration, and… affection, Aeliana felt it all. Nux's words affected her, in an instant, she felt a strange connection with this man standing in front of her and all this while, that was the only thing she had been thinking about. She wanted to find out what this feeling was. She wanted to understand why her heart felt heavy every time she recalled Nux's eyes burning with rage when he glared at her father. And at the same time…

She wanted to understand what emotion she was feeling when Nux was looking at her with a relieved smile on his face right now.

"I changed quite a lot in the last few years huh…" Aeliana muttered with a light smile on her face. "You did, you look a lot brighter and your smile now looks a lot less fake." Nux was brutally honest. Aeliana raised her eyebrows.

"What?" Nux just smiled, trying to change the topic but, "Did you just call me fake?" "Don't bother, Lady Aeliana. Even you yourself would call yourself fake if you met you. It is glaringly obvious, especially when someone knows more about you than he or she should. Even right now, you haven't changed, yes, you are much better than before and your smile seems a lot more natural, but… You still seem to be thinking about quite a lot of things." Aeliana stared at Nux for a while, then, "Everything in my life fixed itself a little too quickly, which makes me wonder if the only thing I had to do instead of taking it all in was to step out and speak. Who knows? I could have solved everything on my own and if that is true, Then all the years I spent feeling stuck, would be a waste. It would turn out to be a comical situation." Nux nodded in understanding. Despite her being vague, he could understand what Aeliana was going through, a child who was barely a thousand years old 'solved' the problem that had been haunting her entire life, how could she possibly take it well? Even if she was truly thankful with all her heart, somewhere in her mind, she felt… insignificant. However, "Who said everything's solved?" Suddenly, Nux glanced at Aeliana and questioned with a light smile on his face. Aeliana frowned and Nux continued, "I only mended the relationship between you and your father, Lady Aeliana. Yes, this impacted your life significantly, yes, this was the reason everything happened the way it happened, but…

Your relationship with your father wasn't the only thing wrong in this entire scenario. Yrniel's Mana is a Mess, almost all the people in our world are in panic, more and more people are dying, if all of this continues, Yrniel will eventually become lifeless. You, as the Leader of the Ancestral Order, couldn't just forget about this, especially when this problem originates because your problem was solved." Aeliana glanced at Nux when he said those words, Nux however, ignored her expression and continued, "Because of what I said, Lord Azriel realized his mistake and abandoned everything for your sake. Yes, it was a good decision, I would have done the same if I were in his position, but… Everything still isn't solved yet, Lady Aeliana. Your people are dying, People you have protected as the Leader of the Ancestral Order, The People who would readily give up their lives for your sake, If your father stays for your sake, then those people will die, So either your father goes back to sleep and we go back to zero, This is from NôvelDrama.Org.


You let those people die. And in no way, is this choice simple. No, according to what I know about you, the current you is unable to make a decision, and trust me, Lady Aeliana, I know you better than anyone does. You cannot make a decision, This is the reason why you have so many questions, This is why your emotions are in a mess. This is why, everything still isn't solved yet. And this is why, a thousand-year-old anomaly was needed to get you out of this situation." Nux spoke as a wide smile appeared on his face. "…" Aeliana was silent. Once again, she couldn't find any error in Nux's words. Yes, she didn't create the Ancestral Order because she wanted to, she created it out of a sense of responsibility, however, right now, the reason behind its creation doesn't matter. The only thing that mattered was that Aeliana had managed to gather exceptional people under her, people who were not only strong and insanely talented, but were also willing to give their lives for her sake. And Nux knew perfectly well that Aeliana couldn't abandon them.

This didn't go with her character, yes, the woman wanted to stay with her father, but the thing was, Aeliana Ruinous had the blood of a Ruler. Aeliana Ruinous was probably the only existence in the entirety of Yrniel who was born from 3 parents, she was the result of Azriel and his wives' love. Yes, Aeliana had two Blood mothers, And what's more surprising? Both her mothers were exceptional beings. Thousands of years ago, when the Progenitors left their children and stopped meddling with Yrniel's affairs, the seven races in Yrniel started fighting against each other, in one of these fights, the Humans, along with other five races, Demons, Elves, Beastmen, Dwarves, and the Dragons, attacked the Vampires. The Vampires fell and were turned into slaves, weakened to the point where they had no chance to stand against even the Humans, the once weakest race out of all seven races. And during these times, Aeliana's first mother, Luminia Ruinous, was the strongest surviving Vampires, a woman so strong that she alone stood like a ray of hope for the weakened Vampires. Aeliana's Second Mother, Ithania Ruinous, although she started as a mere Slave, she, even as a Slave, was much smarter than anyone around her, fooling cultivators far above her stage. Both these women later became nightmares for other races, before they finally established the Vampire Kingdom, bringing the Vampires, who had fallen from their grace to a level they had never reached before. And of course, last but not the least, Aeliana's father, the strongest being in the entire universe, This was Aeliana Ruinous's background, two mothers who raised a Kingdom far stronger than anything Yrniel had ever seen before, and a father who was revered as the strongest being in the world. How could the daughter of such beings be normal? Aeliana was a born ruler, and right now, the entire Yrniel was her Kingdom. Aeliana wasn't like Lyriana or Eisheth, she couldn't just gather a few people who would receive Nux's help, become stronger, and manage her 'Kingdom' in her place while she went and explored the world. Aeliana would only leave after she ensured that Yrniel and its people were safe. This was her responsibility as the Queen and she took it very seriously. She couldn't abandon what she has created and she will fight for it till her final moments. And Nux knew this well. Sure, Aeliana may not have awakened even now, the current her may act selfishly and spend more time with her father, living the life she had never lived before, a life where she is truly happy. However, as more time would pass, Nux was sure that she would change. She would once again become the Queen she always was because that was who she was and if there was one thing Nux had learned from the million years he had spent inside the Illusion, it was that no matter how much one tries to avoid it, He or she would never be able to avoid his or her real self. Aeliana Ruinous would soon have to make a decision, she would need to choose, A choice between her happiness and her people's lives. And Nux was 100% sure that this woman would sacrifice herself for her people's sake, that was the sort of fool her master was. But the thing was, All of this would have happened if he, the anomaly, didn't exist.

"An anomaly who not only has the galls to stand in front of the strongest being in the world and call him out, but can also stand firm as he faces the consequences of his action." Nux spoke as he glanced at his 'master'. "Aeliana Ruinous, I promise you, You will not have to choose. I have always been greedy, choosing one out of the two things I desire was never my thing, And I won't let you go through this either. I will stand together with you till every single thing is truly solved, I will be there with you until you genuinely start loving this world, I will be there with you until your smiles won't be fake anymore.

I will be there with you until you have the option to live together with your father while bringing your people and Yrniel to prosperity. Till then, Every time you feel tired or burdened, Call me, She nodded. I'll help you relax with my massage, trust me, I am very good at it." Nux spoke and a small, beautiful smile appeared on Aeliana's face, "I can see that." She nodded. Nux then passed a white coloured ball to Aeliana. "What is this?" Aeliana questioned with a curious look on her face. "It is the entry pass to my own personal dimension. It doesn't matter where you are, just inject your energy into it, and it will allow you to create a portal that will directly connect you to my dimension, allowing me to come you or you to me.

We need something like this so I can massage you whenever you want, no?" "Are we only going to use this for a massage?" Aeliana questioned and Nux just smirked, "Oh trust me, we will be using it a lot more than just a massage,

Just that I cannot say a few things here right now," Nux spoke as he secretly pointed towards the sky. Aeliana smiled as she understood what he meant, she knew her father could hear them and just to tease her father further, she glanced at Nux and, "Let's talk more about this in private." "Sure."

Nux's smile widened. He did feel slight shivers in his spine for a moment, he, however, ignored it for now. "Nux…" Suddenly, Aeliana called out. He turned towards her, and Aeliana questioned, "You do have a way to save Yrniel, don't you?" Nux paused. Then, a surprised look appeared on his face. Aeliana smiled, "I guess I do have some advantage over you, huh? You lower your guard when you are with me." "Oh, you have a lot of advantages over me, Lady Aeliana, You just do not know of it yet." Nux shook his head as he sighed in defeat. "Well, I do have a way." 

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