Tale Of A Cursed Alpha


Just a few steps more, and he’d rest. Indrik decided. If he walked longer, he’d arrive at the village and make his way from there.

He stepped foot off the dusty path that wound its way to the lush greenery and found himself in the quaint village. Unlike the tenseness of his pack, the air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers, and the sun bathed the scenery with a warm glow.

As he strolled further into the village, ignoring their piercing gazes and questioning looks. Indrik expected that much since he was dressed like a foreigner- what he wasn’t sure of was if they welcomed people like him.

He didn’t plan to reveal his identity. It was more like there wasn’t anything to reveal anyway, he was no different from them, and that was what led him there.

The place looked perfect. He slipped by colorful houses with thatched roofs that lined the streets. There was a sense of harmony- like all was fine with them.

Tired and panting, it was noon already, and he’d exhausted every iota of strength that he had, so he decided to rest for a while. His curiosity led him to a small, rustic restaurant nestled between the oak trees.

The uniqueness was what made it catch his eyes, and Indrik felt a strange pull to go in there. The wooden sign above gently creaked in the breeze, and Indrik read the name of it. “The haven” – it read. The inciting aroma of freshly baked bread and herbs pulled him to venture inside.

Also, he wanted to satisfy that voice in his head that led him there. Upon entering, all eyes shot in his direction, and they lingered in judgment, watching his every move as he settled at a corner and fiddled with the cutlery.

“Why am I even here?” He sighed, muttering under his breath as he looked around him for anything that could look exciting at the very least.

Nothing was. The restaurant was cozy, the flickering candles casting an eerie glow on it. Men and women chatted away- their loud voices and laughter angering him as seconds passed.

The inviting aroma had faded, perhaps because Indrik hadn’t found anything worthy of his attention. It seemed like a hive of drunkards and lowlives, which must be why it’s called the haven. It accommodated every class of people.

It bored him. Right before Indrik decided to get on with his journey, an argument ensued from a room behind the restaurant. The noise of yelling and cries filled the air. Like clockwork, the patrons adopted quietude, as they were curious about what was going on, too.

The argument went on for minutes. It seemed heated. Indrik didn’t feel concerned, but there seemed to be a lady involved with a man. After a few minutes, it was over, and the ones involved weren’t seen.

Another man settled next to Indrik and ordered a beer. Indrik saw it as the perfect time to leave since he couldn’t seem to stomach any social interactions. He was stopped in his tracks when a lady came out of the same room where the argument had gone on earlier.

He settled back into his seat and observed her as she served some of the patrons hanging around. Her presence seemed to radiate an ethereal aura, almost as though she possessed magical powers.

Something about her awed him a lot. Indrik sat back, taking in her entire appearance. He watched her tuck her auburn waves behind her ears as she carried a tray off the table, a trained fake smile plastered on her face. She did not look happy at all.

Even from the distance at which he sat, her ocean eyes were impossible to ignore. Her eyes were mesmerizing blue that sparkled with an otherworldly glimmer. There was something about her…

Indrik couldn’t place a finger on it. It wasn’t just her striking figure. It was the vibe that surrounded her, like she was light and stepped into a room, illumining it.

Indrik’s heart raced for no apparent reason, the sensation of satisfaction washing over him like he’d found what he was looking for. He felt a light tap on his shoulders that jarred him out of whatever trance he’d danced into.

“You like that one?” The unkempt-looking man next to him questioned, motioning towards the girl. “She doesn’t come every day. The Shadowmaws would surely be willing to let her go.”

What was he rambling about? Indrik thought but decided to play along since he intended to get information about her. “The Shadowmaws?”

“You new here? The Shadowmaws rule this town…and own the restaurant, you see? That one who’s caught your eyes is a maid that belongs to them, and she works more in their manor than the restaurant….”

“Oh, that’s….”

“Yeah, man!” The man tapped his shoulder again. “If you want her, talk with them, and maybe they’d have you lined up. All these men are probably here for the same reason you are, me included.”

Those brutes. Indrik did not bother to explain that his attraction toward her was different. It was far beyond the physical. It felt more like an altering in his brain, something clicked the moment she walked in, and he could see the fire within her.

Although she tried to suppress it, it was there. Perhaps because he’s from the lineage of wolves, he could tell that there was something more to her than meets the eye. She wielded power, maybe enough to make her his new master. He didn’t travel this far for nothing.

Indrik turned to the man who had begun to gawk like he had no life prospect. “What’s her name?”

The man snickered, “You wouldn’t believe this. Her name is….”

Right before he could complete his words. “Luna!!” One of the men in the restaurant yelled harshly, and the lady turned abruptly.

Luna. She answered that name. But why was it called so harshly? His head shot back to the angry-looking man Luna walked towards.

“This wasn’t what I ordered!” He angrily banged the table, startling her and everyone around. “Take care of this.” With a swift move, he hit the tray of food off that table, and it splattered across the room.

Without argument, Luna knelt and began to pack up the mess. “I’d take care of it, ” she responded softly, her voice carrying as much grace as her appearance did.

Indrik seethed. But there wasn’t much to be done. He watched her pick up the broken plates. Just as she was about to head in, the same man called her again and pulled her towards him by wrapping his fingers around her hair and yanking it.

Indrik had promised himself not to make trouble. If he did, there was no way out of it. He wasn’t powerful enough to help anyone. Still, the way she was being treated cursed anger to surge through his veins.

He was filled with contempt. Luna cried out in pain, trying to wriggle free from the grip of the man with his arms around her hair. From the way her face reddened, he could tell the intensity of his grasp.

“You answer to me!” He barked at her. Could he be one of the Shadowmaws? That must be why he treated her so unfairly. Most masters always had it out for their mates.

To stop any interference on his part, Indrik clutched the table and tried to tear his gaze away. Her refusal to protest just proved that she had something to hide.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Even the most quiet of people would react if they were being treated that way.

“Poor thing…” the man next to him muttered again, bringing his cup closer to his mouth slowly.

“Is that her Master?” Indrik asked, trying to hide the urgency in his voice. He was one step away from sprinting across the room and initiating the most useless fight ever.

The man shook his head. “What? No… That’s just Bane. He always tries to shake the girls to their limits. This wouldn’t be the first time, and Luna has always been a target for quite some time.”

Had she constantly been bullied like that? “And her master does nothing about it?”

He shrugged. “Customers are always right. Bane had quite the reputation. He’s respected and has to be pleased everywhere. That’s just how-”

The stranger’s voice was caught off by another yell from Luna’s direction. Fuck this. Indrik couldn’t stand it anymore.

Before he could weigh his options and calculate how dumb of a decision venturing into such a pointless battle was- especially one that he could not fight- he was already halfway across the room, right before them, staring blankly.

“Lost something?” The brute barked. His hand still wrapped in her hair, holding her still. “Scurry out of here, child.”

Indrik was at a loss for words but one glance at Luna, and he felt an overwhelming assurance that he was doing the right thing. However, she looked absolutely disconcerted to see him.

“Let her go, she did nothing wrong.”

The man’s interest seemed piqued as he now focused on Indrik. He detangled his grip from Luna’s hair and rose to his feet.

God, damn. He was huge. Chills traveled down Indrik’s spine as he looked up at the man. There and then, he realized he’d made the most terrible mistake of making things worse.

“What did you say?” The man barked at Indrik. He was easily twice Indrik’s size with a height that should not be considered humane.

Should he do the wise thing and run or hold it out before the lady who was going to become his master by all means possible?

What was he thinking? He couldn’t even save himself not to talk of someone else!

“I- I,” he stuttered as he backed away. Every statement he wanted to make died on his tongue. “She didn’t do anything wrong, so just- let her go sicko, pick on someone your size.”


Luna shoved him out of the way before he completed the nonsense he was fearfully spewing. She took the initiative. “I apologize, Bane. He must be new here! I’d remake your order immediately, and please don’t be mad!”

Bane looked like he’d been dipped in a furnace. His bald head was a hint of red as he clenched his fist while sizing up Indrik. Indrik was still confused as to how easily she’d apologized even though she’d been treated so badly.

“It’d take no more than a breath to crush him. He mustn’t be aware of how things are done here!”

“But, he just-”

“You should really learn to mind your own business, stranger!” Luna retorted, then turned to Bane. “I’d remake your order in five minutes.”

Indrik was confused. “Didn’t he just maltreat you!? I mean…how could she be so okay with that? Acting like nothing happened?”

Luna shot him a glare. “Mind your business, dweeb. Get your order and walk out.”

He was persistent enough to follow her, despite her harsh font. “You could have gotten mad at him, you know? Rather than transfer it to me.” He paused and looked around. “Where’s your Master?”

Luna turned and placed her hand over his mouth urgently as if to silence him, after which she pulled him outside that restaurant for a conversation, just like he wanted.

He found his master. There was no going back.

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