Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Letitia couldn’t be bothered to communicate with him, so she just turned her head away.

He had a face sculpted like a Greek god but a mouth that wouldn’t let anyone off the hook!

“Come here, Elgin dropped the line.

She dragged her feet reluctantly to the master bedroom door. Just as Letitia was about to dive under the covers, she felt a tight grip around her waist, and he pinned her against the wall

“I’ve given you twenty grand,” he said hoarsely, “in exchange for fulfilling your wifely duties.”

“You… you can’t be serious?”

“What’s the matter? Took the money and now you’re chickening out, huh?”

Scratching her palm nervously, Letitia shot back, “Elgin, you’re not going to lay a finger on me.”

“Is that so? Let’s see about that. His hand began to wander.

“Elgin.. I am the daughter of your enemy, can you really go through with this?”

As soon as those words were out, the air turned heavy.

This was Letitia’s way to rile him up, just to secure her own safety!

“Yes, thanks for the reminder, Elgin said lowly as he grabbed the back of her head, “but don’t think you can get off that easily!

“I’ll pay you back the twenty grand… someday!”

“Pleasing me, and you won’t owe me a dime.”

Letitia’s eyes widened.

“You don’t have a choice, Elgin stated. “The moment you fell into my hands, you lost your right to choose, got it?”

Of course, Letitia knew what he meant by “pleasing” him.

“Well? Elgin raised an eyebrow impatiently. “You gonna start or what?”

Biting her lip, Letitia suggested, “You could always go to Shela.”

“How could I bear to touch her now, Elgin leaned in, nose to nose with her, “when I’m saving her for the wedding night As for you, I can have my fill whenever I please!”

See, the favored Shela was always confident, while she had no self respect to speak of!

When Elgin said something, he meant it. Tonight, it seemed inevitable for Letitia.

With a heavy heart, she closed her eyes, ready to give in.

Suddenly, she was flung away-

Elgin’s voice boiled with rage, “You actually would, Letitia? How low can you go!”

She hit her back hard against the corner of the bed, which hurt, but she felt a sense of relief.

Good! Elgin was finally fed up with her!

Watching her tremble and blush, Elgin felt his body heat up even more.

He couldn’t keep this up, if he kept playing with her, he’d end up playing himself into a corner!

After all, he was a normal man!

He got into his sports car and called William. “The meds you sent me, do they have side effects?”


Chapter 18

William answered, “Mr. Ramirez, those drugs might have a… stimulating effect.”

Elgin scowled, “Why didn’t you warn me earlier?”

“It’s a normal reaction, Mr. Ramirez, and you’re young, at your prime,” William sald. “I suggest you take some time for a check-up at the hospital. Your issue with low sperm count should have improved quite a bit by now.”

Elgin hung up and slammed the gas pedal down, the roar of the sports car as it left Ivory Towers.

At the bar, Elgin was downing one drink after another in the VIP section.

Samson yawned, “You’re a married man, yet you still out drinking this late? Aren’t you worried about your delicate wife getting mad?”

“Shut it”

“Marital spats are short-lived, right?”

Elgin coldly replied. There’s no love between us.”

“Blowing off steam, huh? Samson spread his hands, “I can tell, you can’t hide that look in your eyes. Gin, in this world, love is a thing you can’t hide.

Love? He loved Letitia? Ridiculous!

“You’re talking nonsense, Elgin slammed his glass down, “the divorce papers are signed, once the time comes, we’ll finalize it.

Samson offered a friendly reminder, “You can always tear them up, you know.”

“You think I’ll tear them up?”

Samson shrugged, Keep drowning your sorrows then, I’m off to hit the dance floor.”

He disappeared into the crowd, dancing up close with some hot girls.

Elgin, frustrated, adjusted his tie. He’d rather stay here than go find Shela.

He had a feeling… she wasn’t like the woman from that night.

The next day, Letitia got a call from the hospital.

“This is from AquaCity Hospital, the voice said, “your test results are in, please come and collect them.”


After giving her name at the nurse’s station, Letitia received her report.

She tore it open, and upon seeing the line of text, she was completely dumbfounded!

She read it over and over, still not believing her eyes-

“Four weeks pregnant”

She was pregnant! She had only been with that stranger for one night, so the baby had to be his!

She didn’t even know who that man was! What could she do now?

If Elgin found out… she couldn’t even imagine how furious he would be!

Should she get an abortion? It was harmful to her health, costly, and required bed rest.

Letitia didn’t have those luxuries right now.

Besides, she couldn’t bear to do it; this was a living being, soon there would be another person in the world with her blood NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Keep it? She could hardly take care of herself, how could she raise a child!

“On batry, you’ve come at such a wrong time…” Letitia’s eyes were fuil of worry as she gently covered her stomach,

That should I do?”

Chapter 16

She wandered aimlessly, bumping into several people.

“Sorry, sorry…” she mumbled apologies, head down

Nearby. Shela spotted her silhouette, “Hey, isn’t that Letitia?”

Something felt off. She approached the nurse’s station, “That woman, Letitia, is she sick?”

I’m sorry, I can’t disclose patient information,” the nurse replied.

Shela smiled. “I’m just concerned about her health, please help me out”

She slipped some cash discreetly.

The nurse whispered, She’s pregnant, four weeks.”

Shela’s face turned pale- Letitia was carrying Elgin’s child!

Just after Letitia left the hospital, her phone rang. It was Elgin, “Where are you? Get back here now!”


Elgin had been drinking until then and came home in a foul mood.

Just thinking that he got sloshed because of Letitia made him feel even more pissed.

So what if he had sex with her? So what if he didn’t? He always did things based on how he felt!

When Letitia walked into the living room, she caught a whiff of strong alcohol, “So, you went drinking last night?

Elgin motioned with his finger, “Come here.”

She obediently walked over, but as soon as she got close, he yanked her into his arms, “Yep, I got plastered, and I’m still not sobered up!”

“I’ll go make you some hangover tea.”

But Elgin pinned her down right then and there, “Why should I drown my sorrows over you? Suppress my manly instincts for you? Do you even deserve it? Letitia, I’m taking you now!”

He was surprisingly strong, and Letitia struggled with all her might.

She was pregnant, carrying a delicate life, she couldn’t let Elgin touch her!

“Elgin, stop it you are drunk!”

“Play nice, and you’ll suffer less!”

In the midst of the struggle, the pregnancy test report fell out of Letitia’s bag!

Letitia’s pupils dilated-

Crap! She forgot to tear it up!

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