The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 140

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 140


After feeding Asher, I know that there can’t be anymore stalling. As much as I’m dying to feel our mate bond snap into place, I’m still a bit nervous about the change. When I drudgingly make the descent down the stairs, Declan is waiting for me with his devastatingly, handsome smile. He, along with others, think this is a good thing happening, but it’s not them that it’s happening to.

Cici, bless her heart, argued with me for twenty minutes before I went up to feed my son, wanting to be at the training field when the change takes place. Her exact words were, “I am your best friend, through thick and thin, good times and bad times, always and forever. I’m going to be there whether you want me to or not!” Even me threatening to use my Luna command on her didn’t deter her, so I reluctantly agreed. Of course, because we don’t know if it will be dangerous, Spencer insists on being there as well, you know, to protect his mate.

Only seeing Declan at the bottom of the steps, gets my hopes up in that maybe my best friend changed her mind, “Are you ready?” Declan asks as he holds out his hand for me to take.

“Does it really matter if I’m not?” I chuckle dryly.

“Hey, this may be a good thing. Yeah, there is going to be drama that comes with it, but we will handle it together.” He takes hold of my chin and lifts it, so he can brush his lips against mine.

“Hey, are we chopped liver? She has us as well!” Cici’s loudmouth comes from down the hallway.

When I turn to look at her, she’s carrying a huge bag of popcorn and a six-pack of beer, “What in the world are you doing with all

Dividing into pages now!


“What? You don’t think I’m just going to sit and watch you go through this change without having my favorite snack!” she responds with a wink.

“This isn’t a f*cking movie, Cici, this is my life!” I snicker.

“Well, it should be. It’d make for a great streaming movie!” She grins and both males laugh.

“Life must be very interesting for you with this firecracker as your mate, Spence!” Declan claps my Beta on the shoulder.

“Oh, you have no idea!” Spencer laughs.

“Okay, okay, enough of making fun of Cici,” my friend says dryly, “It’ s time to go watch Luna turn into Super Luna…..”

“Really? Super Luna?” I c*ck a brow at her.

“Hey, I find it kinda hot!” Declan grins as he pulls me towards the door.

“Yeah, until she w**ops up on your a*s, Alpha!” Cici gives Declan a cheesy a*s grin.

“Nothing wrong with that, as long as we can have make up sex afterwards and she allows me to dominate her again.” He brings my hand up to his lips and kisses it.

I gasp, “Declan!”

“Oh nice,” my best friend fist bumps my boyfriend over him dominating me, “I love it when Spence makes me his b*tch in the bedroom.”

I face palm myself, “Why am I even friends with you Cici? You are

way too much sometimes!”

“Because you looove me!” She jumps up and drops a kiss on my cheek before s*ipping ahead of us.

I smirk, “I honestly wonder why and question my sanity some. days.”

When we round the bend that opens up to the field, I notice others are already here. I stop and look up at Declan, questioningly. It was only supposed to be the two of us because I don’t want anybody to get hurt, but now there are ten other people here to witness my change.

“What are they all doing here?”

He shrugs, “They wanted to be here to support you, and I thought it would be a good idea. I’m sorry for not telling you but you would have argued with me.”

“What if I hurt them by accident?”

“We don’t even know what’s going to take place. It may be a boring ordeal where nothing physically happens, or it can be a s*it show. Either way, they all love you and want to be here for you regardless.”

I stare off in the distance where Amelia, my G*mma couple, Storm River’s Beta couple, and Head Warrior with his mate, and Alpha Deke are all standing and chatting with one another. They must sense our approach because they all turn and wave at us.

Rolling my eyes, I continue forward until I’m standing in front of the small group with my hands on my hips, “Is it that hard to follow orders?”

“Maybe next time you should roll out your Luna command,” Deke chuckles, “Not that it would have worked on me.” He pulls me in and squeezes me, Happy birthday, Luna!”

“Thank you…”

They each take turns pulling me into their arms and wishing me a happy birthday. Carter is the last to pull me in, and I just can’t help myself; I start to scream and curl into myself.

“What the f*ck?” The Beta jumps back holding his arms up.

“It’s starting! Oh, my Goddess, the pain!” I drop to the ground and start thrashing. There are gasps all around and everybody, but Declan, is staring in horror.

Declan crosses his arms and smirks, “Stop f*cking with them, Quinn. You’re scaring them.”

“I stop and glare up at him, “Seriously, you are such a party pooper!”

“What?” Multiple voices say at once.

“How did you know?” I ask him as he holds his hand out to help me off the ground.

“Duke ratted you out. Tala didn’t want him to be concerned unlike you with me.” His snide comment makes me chuckle.

“That’s what you all get for not listening to me!” I huff.

“Oh, em gee, you’re such a b*tch!” Cici shoves me, “But seriously, that was awesome acting; I give you a ten!”

They all start laying into me as I stand here and laugh. I notice Declan straighten up and then look at his watch and then at me,

and as soon as our eyes meet, I feel it. Actually, I feel a couple of things, but first and for most, I feel the fated mate bond snap into place at the same time his scent hits me ten-fold.

“Mate!” Both Tala and Duke growl out, but before we can celebrate, there is a warmth that starts in the pit of my stomach.

My hand automatically goes to my stomach, and Declan watches, knowing what it is that I’m feeling. I don’t know how I know this, but I do. The warmth grows slowly, and it almost feels like when I was I was pregnant and Asher would move around in the

beginning, just a little flutter.

The others haven’t noticed; they are too excited about us being mates, but Declan never takes his eyes off me. His own hand mimics mine and is placed over his abs. He nods slightly, like he’s telling me that he can feel it and that it’s going to be okay.

The warmth grows into what I can only describe as a flame, flickering at first, but it doesn’t hurt; it’s like something is trying to come out and whatever it’s in, is stretching. I must gasp or make a sound because the others finally take notice. Neither Declan nor I can look away from each other, and I wonder if this is how it’s supposed to happen.

“Is it starting?” I hear Cici question, but I can’t speak, I can’t even nod my head.

I do hear myself whimper, though, just as the stretching comes to a complete stop. Everything halts, as if on pause, and just like my mother’s notes say, it’s an uncomfortable feeling.

“Uh, how, about we all get back a little bit,” Alpha Deke suggests, “Something big is about to happen and I don’t want to be caught in


I see them all move in my peripheral vision, and I thank the

Goddess that at least one of them had enough sense to move everyone back. Suddenly, like a bubble bursting, whatever it is that built up inside of me, frees itself and I drop to all fours. The same thing happens to my mate. I can’t say it hurts per se, but it definitely doesn’t tickle.

As though we are shifting for the first time, our bones begin to realign themselves. I can hear Declan’s doing the same as mine and I glance over at him. He’s got a curious expression as he returns my stare. I watch as Duke emerges, or at least I think it’s Declan’s wolf. He’s got the same deep shade of black and looks just like Duke, only much bigger!

Gasps go all around as I paw at the ground. When I turn to the group, I am eye-to-eye with Alpha Deke, and he’s a tall guy! Poor Cici looks like a little person and only comes up to maybe the middle of my chest. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Holy s*it, you two are monstrous!” My friend stares up at us in wonder.

“They are gorgeous!” Deke states as a slow grin appears on his face, “D*mn cousin, I won’t be messing with you anymore!”

“The two of you truly do look like royalty. I…” Carter doesn’t get to finish what he’s saying because in this moment a quietness rushes through field and I feel some kind of other bond snapping into place and suddenly, everyone that came to watch the change drops to a knee and bows their head. “I feel it,” Carter states excitedly, “I feel the pull to both of you, the power that you hold as Queen and King!”

“As do I!” Alpha Deke grins, “The legend is real; the two of you now rule over us all!”

“Oh great, just what I really wanted.” I state with an eyeroll and

then gasp just as the others do, “Did I just say that out loud?”

They all stare at me in amazement as they nod, and then they glance at Declan, “This is actually sort of cool.” I gasp again when I see and hear the words come out of his mouth. Well, technically, Duke’s mouth but it’s Declan’s voice.

“Where is Duke, can he talk out loud too?” I ask. Tala is already in my head telling me what I want to know but I want to hear it for myself.

“Yes, I’m here.” Comes a rough and s*xy voice.

“Hello, Duke.” It’s Tala that comes forward to greet her new King.

“My Queen…” Duke bows down to me and Tala and I laugh.

“Uh, can we get up now?” Cici asks with a little irritation in her


When I look over, I see that they are all still on a knee, “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m still learning all of this s*it. Stand…” It’s the only command that pops into my head at the moment, but it releases them, “Well this is going to get old really fast if I have to keep doing this with everybody.” I groan.

Delcan chuckles and nuzzles my cheek with his own, “I think you will get used to it.”

“I don’t mean to break this up, but should we go and let the rest of the pack know what’s going on? I mean I’m sure they all felt what we felt and are probably wondering what is going on.” Spencer, who has been quiet this whole time, finally speaks up.

“I guess you’re right, and then we should probably head over to Storm River and let them all know that their true Luna and Queen has arrived,” Declan grins at me, “but first, I believe we have a

mating and marking to go through before we do anything, don’t you agree?” His brow quirks as he waits for my answer.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Last one to the house has to cook breakfast for a week!” I state and then take off, once again knowing that I’m going win because nobody wants me in the kitchen cooking.

Sorry about only the one chapter, but I had family stuff to attend this weekend, but I did give you a much longer chapter because of it. I hope you enjoyed it! =)

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