The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 194

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 194

Chapter 44


One minute Emery is on Achilles back, and the next she’s shifting when she sees what’s

happening to Emily. No matter her dislike for the she-wolf, she won’t stand back and

watch that kind of treatment to anyone. Just as she’s in mid-shift, though,*iki

disappears and ends up on the other side of the border with a f8cking collar around her

neck. Me and every other wolf surrounding me growls and charges for the border, only to

be stopped by an invisible wall.

I’ve never known fear as I do right now, not knowing what plans this psychotic witch has

in store for our mate. A thought comes to me, and I use my power to not just go invisible

but somehow, I teleport myself to the other side. Unfortunately, the witch sees my

actions and teleports out of the territory, taking our mate with him.

Enter title…

The moment he’s gone, the invisible wall comes down and our pack attacks the rogues

and whatever Shikari members that are still lingering around. Our parents go straight for

the rogues that are still doing unspeakable things to Emily. I’m not so sure she is still

alive even, but they continue abusing her. Rogues are f*cking disgusting for the most

part and need to be taken out one by one. That will be my mission as soon as we get rid

of the Shikari once and for all.

I tear into one of the f*ckers just as he raises his hand to- wards Spencer, my father-inlaw. I don’t know what his plans were but I’m happy to f8ck them up by tearing his throat

out. Next comes two rogues that dare try to gang up on me just

because I’m bigger than the two of them put together. One bites into my flank and I

shake him off as though he’s a pesky fly. When he goes flying through the air, my father

tears him

in two.

Suddenly, I drop to my knees as what feels like an electri- cal charge shoots through my

body and I feel like I’m being electrocuted. I go to call for help and notice that both

Holden and Asher are in the same boat; something is happening to Emery! This happens

a few more times before it stops and we can finally function. Thankfully, we had warriors

who guarded the three of us while we were down for the count.

The fighting goes on for much longer than I want it to, mainly because I’m anxious to try

and get my mate back. ‘Ledger, Ares, I need you to syphon the magic from as many

witches as you can and capture them. We need to find out how to get Emery back!’ I link


Ares’s head nods my way, and he proceeds in doing just that. I watch as one by one; the

Shikari begin to drop like flies as Ledger takes their magic. I have ten of our warriors shift

back and start tying them up, so they can’t escape. Once Ledger syphons the magic

from eight of the witches, I inform him that it’s enough and he shifts back into his wolf

and con- tinues to fight.

Just like Holden’s vision had showed him, the ground is littered with dead rogues and

Shikari, as well as a few pack members. Bo, Ayden, and Emmett remain behind to clean

up the carnage, while my brothers and our parents head back with the prisoners to try

and get answers right away.

“Who led you all here? What is his name?” I ask one of the witches. We each take a

witch in order to work faster, and


hopefully get answers as fast as we can, only, these a*shole are too tight-lipped, “What

does he want with my mate?”

This question gets a little snicker out of the witch and I grab his hair and yank his head

back, showing him my ca- nines, “What do you find so funny about that question?”

When he doesn’t answer, I open my mouth wide and act as though I’m going to tear out

his throat but he stops me with his words, “He plans on mating her himself! He wants the

power that will come by having her by his side!” The witch spews all of this out in one

breath and I stare down at him in total confusion.

“He can’t mate with her…he’s her uncle!”

The witch’s eyes widen, “W-What? That’s a lie…”

“Oh really?” I link Ledger and have him come into the in- terrogation room that I’m in.

The moment he steps into the room the witch gasps, “This is your leader’s brother. Did

you not hear him refer to my mate as his niece earlier?”

The prisoner shakes his head vigorously, “No, he spoke to you through his mind

because the wall was up.”

“So, you’re telling me that none of you knew that he was coming to get his niece, so he

can have an incestrial relation- ship with her?”

“What!?” Ledger growls, “He can’t be serious!”

“I honestly don’t know anything about that, all I know is that he wants her to be his in

every way possible, so they can lead together.”

“How do we get her back?” I pull on his hair harder.

“You don’t. Everything is warded over there and the collar that she has around her neck

controls her every move. One wrong one and she gets shocked, as you can see.” He

smirks at this and that’s when I realize what it was that was happen- ing to me and my

brothers earlier. The f*cker has it so we feel every time he uses that shocker on her.

“We will worry about that. Where is he located?”

Silence. Apparently, he’s done talking but I’m not, so I let Ghost forward and his claws

extend, “I highly suggest you an- swer the question.” Ghost growls.

“F*ck you, I’m not talking anymore! If I give you those an- swers, then me and my family

are dead!”

“Well, if you don’t then you will be dead and we will hunt down your family and kill them

very slowly.”

“You wouldn’t harm my children, would you?” He looks. scared now, so I keep my game Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

face on.

“I will eat them as an appetizer before I move on to your mate; f*cking try me, a*shole!”

Saliva drips from Ghosts mouth as he waits for the witch to reveal what we want to know.

My wolf is literally holding himself back by a thread. He wants this witch’s head really

bad but I keep telling him to wait.

“P-Promise me you will protect my f-family if I tell you!”

“The only thing that I can promise you is that as soon as we know where we are going

and we get there, your leader


will die. Now, where can we find him, and just for s*its and giggles, what is his name?”

“H-his name is Colin and he inherited the Hastings Family home. As far as I know, that’s

where he was taking her.”

I glance over at Ledger, and he nods, indicating that he knows where it’s at. Turning

back to the witch Ghost asks an- other question, “What kind of wards are around it?”

“I-I don’t know. I’m not a high ranking soldier, so I’m not privileged to that information but

you should know, Colin is the most powerful Shikari that we have. He’s even more powerful than the council, thanks to who his mother is and who his father was.”

“So, his mother is still alive?” Ledger asks, “Is she living in my family home as well?”

I glance at my father-in-law because it’s almost as though he’s pi*sed about this new

revelation. When the witch nods his head to confirm, Ledger slams his fist into the wall.

“So, my father’s w*ore is now living in MY family home? My daughter is being abused in

OUR family home?” he turns to face me, “He needs to die, and since he’s my brother, I

want to be the one to do it.”

“He took our mate Ledge; I think it’s our right.” I argue.

Shaking his head, “No, your job is to save my daughter and get the f*ck out of there.

Leave me to clean up the f*cker who took her.”

“No, we can’t leave you there without back up. We have no idea just how powerful he

truly is.” I scowl. If my father-in- law thinks that we will leave him behind he’s got another



coming, “All we need to do is get the four of us together and we are unstoppable, or

have you forgotten that part?”

“I haven’t forgotten, but I need this, Decker. Please don’t take this from me. I wasn’t able

to protect my baby girl, I need to slay the monster for her. You won’t understand until you

have a little girl of your own.”

Studying him, I can tell how much this is eating him up in- side. I grip his shoulder, “How

about we see how it all goes. I will agree to leaving him for you, but I won’t agree to

leaving you behind. Besides, do you realize what not only my mate would do to us but

both of your mates would do? Yeah, nope, not dealing with Aunt Cici on that one.”

His mouth kicks up in a half grin, “Yeah, I guess I can’t ar- gue with you on that one.”

Thank you so much for reading! =)

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