The Alphas And The Orphan

Chapter 41

Wednesday 17th January

Oliver POV

Watching Star getting ready to use her abilities is hard, on the one hand, it means that I can look at her without hiding it, but on the other, I know she will never be mine, and by the goddess I want her to be.

We spent a lot of time together last year. I tried to ask her out so many times, but she always kept it professional, like she was only there to tutor me.

Apart from one night at the end of last term, we had finished our homework, and I persuaded her to let me buy her a burger. It was our last tutoring session, and I said I wanted to thank her.

When we had gotten to the restaurant, it had been packed with kids from school, including the triplets. Seeing she was uncomfortable going in, we went to the drive-thru instead and sat in the car to eat.

We chatted about our future hopes and dreams, t one point I leaned in to k**s her, our eyes met and I thought I saw the same need in her, but she pushed me away, saying she was saving her first k**s for her mate.

“OLIVER!” s**t Alexei is giving me the stink eye. I bet he saw me starting. I need to get my head in the game. She is my Luna, and my job is to protect her with my life, which I will do not because it’s my duty but because I love her.


Alexei POV

I can’t help but notice the way Olly is looking at Star, and after what was said yesterday, it makes both me and Storm pissed. I shout his name because he has zoned out.

Yesterday’s talk has made me look at the way unmated males look at my girl, and I don’t like it! She is mine and they need to look at something else.

A huge band and a crack sounded to my left, and the air fills with static as I am throw off my feet, I land about ten feet away with a thump, a huge tree branch lands with a crash right f*****g next to me, holy f**k I think my heart just stopped.

Star is shouting my name and running towards me. She skids to a stop, kneeling beside me and grabbing my face. “Holy crap baby, are you ok? Did I hurt you?”

I grab her and flip us so I am cradled between her legs. “f**k baby, you actually made my world tilt. If you want me on my back, all you have to do is ask.”

She punches my shoulder, then wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me in for a k**s. And what a k**s. I think she was trying to eat me. Getting to my feet with her legs still wrapped around me.

I can’t stop myself from sending Olly a smirk, letting him know she wants me, not him. I know it’s juvenile and he can’t really help it, but that’s the way I am made.

Dad chuckles behind me, “f**k star that nearly cut him in half, we would have had Twins then,” a*****e I glare at him and he claps me on the back.

Mum comes and puts her head on my shoulder, “that scared me, baby, I thought you were gonner, Star you ok baby-girl? It could have been the worst honey, it could have been my baby Ashton.” it’s official, my parents are both assholes.

“Ok, enough standing around, fairy-girl. Try again, really. Concentrate, what were you thinking when you attacked the tree?”

She thought for a minute, “I was pissed ‘cause you broke my concentration when you shouted at Olly.” OKAYYYY must remember to not piss off my mate in the future unless I want to be killed by a tree.

“Baby, hold on to that feeling. The night you shifted for the first time you created all kinds of weather, listen to Saffron, and see if you can make it rain,” she nodded and kissed me.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Sorry I nearly killed you, baby. I need everyone to back up, maybe get in the SUV, just in case.” She pecked my lips again before I put her down and we all squeezed into the car.

She walked to the centre of the grounds and jumped on the spot a few times, shaking her arms and legs. I can almost hear her patching herself up.

Goddess, she takes my breath away. She is such a dork. A gasp behind me pulls my eyes away from her a*s. Everyone is looking up. As I follow their gaze, I gulp.

The sky has darkened, and it’s like every cloud in the sky has gathered above her. Her hands are raised, and she spins around slowly, the clouds above her follow suit spinning in the sky above us.

Spots of water hit the windows, only a few at first, but before long sheets of rain hit the car, it was coming down so hard that it shakes the car shakes and the sound is so loud I can barely hear anything else.

Then it stops. The silence is deafening. I look at Star, expecting to see a friend rat, but she is bone dry. Her eyes are glowing. Even from here I can see the Silver swirling in them.

She spins the other way, and the wind picks up, above her she has created a mini tornado, the surrounding grass is completely flattened by the force of the wind, but her hair isn’t moving, it’s like she has a force field around her.

As with the rain, the tornado stops and disappeared, then the sky lightened, and the clouds dissipated. Everyone seems to be frozen as we watch her collapse on the ground.

Ace is the first out of the car and by the time the rest of us manage to get out, he is cradling her in his arm and walking back towards us. “She is ok, just exhausted. Time to head home guys, Olly, Aiden. Can you carry Max and Suzie back, please? We will head back with mum and dad.”

They agree and we get in the car, Star lying across all three of us in the back seat.

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