The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Chapter 112


Friday night I got to Cloverland kind of late due to leaving home late. I felt bad about it, but there wasn’t much I could do. Of course my Chastity wasn’t bothered by it. She was just happy I was there. Unfortunately she fell asleep not long after I had arrived, but with her busy schedule I expected it. I got to hold her so that was all that really mattered to me.

Saturday morning, Valentine’s Day, I let Chastity sleep in. I did take out one of the gifts I got for her. I had Lance, our glass blower make her a dozen glass roses, and each was a different color. He also made a vase for them. I set it all up on her desk with the card I got for her. Once that was done I took a shower than settled on her bed with my laptop to do some work.

As I worked I ran my fingers through her hair. Her hair was always so soft, and I loved it. I also loved the little sighs she made while I was doing it. She had gotten used to me doing this over the months, and I found that no matter the situation, if I started running my fingers through her hair she would relax, and could clear her mind. It was trick I also told Lexi about for when it may be needed.

Thankfully it wasn’t often. Chastity was having less, and less panic attacks. She was also becoming less easily startled. Anger from others didn’t make her tense up, and tremble any more either. My sweet girl was doing exceptionally well in such a short time. I knew that working with Dee-Dee on her self confidence was a struggle though.

Dee-Dee worked with finding the root of the issue, and Chastity had been forced to face more of her past than I think she wanted to, but seeing the results showed that, as awful as it might be facing something terrible at first, it was helping. Chastity may not realize it, but I could see the slow changes in her own confidence little by little. She was more sure of herself, more comfortable with herself, and she

even carried herself with a bit more confidence. I was really proud of her for all of the work she had done on healing herself.

I hated that I wasn’t by her side physically as she healed, and even called Dee-Dee to express how I felt. I knew it was selfish of me to feel that way, but I did. Dee-Dee put in perspective for me though. She told. me that building one’s self esteem, and confidence was a personal journey. Having support through it. was a positive, and necessary thing, but something Chastity had to do herself, her own way, and in her own time. The best thing I could do for her was to continue supporting her, being there for her, and listening when she needed me to. Those things I could do without question or thought.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard Chasity moan, and felt her stretch beside me. With a smile I closed my laptop, and looked into my sweet girl’s beautiful green eyes. They were cloudy from sleep, when I moved her hair out of her face, and she smiled up at me.

“Good morning sweet girl.” I said quietly.

“Good morning. How long have you been awake?” Chastity mumbled.

“Awhile. Did you sleep well?”

“Mmhmm. Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“You needed your rest.”

“Yeah, but…”

“Shhh. You needed rest, and I did some work. I don’t mind. I enjoy just having you beside me, asleep or awake. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Before Chastity could respond! leaned forward, and gave her a quick kiss. She had a thing about morning

breath being, as she called it icky so I knew all I could get away with was a quick kiss. When I pulled back she gave me a sweet, shy smile.

“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Chastity said quietly, “I’m going to go shower, and get dressed. What time are we meeting Robert, and Beth?”

“We’re meeting them at 12:00 at the Deli near the pack house.” I responded as I watched her get out of bed.

As it had been chiller lately she was wearing fuzzy pajama pants, and one of my sweatshirts to sleep in instead of her usual tank top and shorts. One thing I noticed about Chastity is that even as a wolf, she got cold easily. If it was lower than 65° outside she got the chills. I asked Doctor Deb about that, and she assured me that that was normal, especially for Omegas as they tended to be smaller. I did chuckle at Chastity’s pants as they were covered in Marvel Character symbols.

“What?” Chastity asked.

“Where did you get those?” I responded, pointing to her pants.

“These? Oh. There is a comic book like store in town that has a clothing section. I got them last weekend

when I took Jax there.”

“I like them, but they would be better if they were only Captain America.”

“Of course you would say that.”

Chastity giggled then turned toward the bathroom. I knew she saw my gift as soon as she gasped. I quietly watched, as she walked over to the vase, and glass roses. She gently ran the tip of her finger over the edges of a few petals before picking up the card. The card wasn’t much, just mainly said

Happy Valentine’s Day on it, but I had a feeling that wouldn’t matter too much to Chastity. I believed it would be more about the thought than anything.

Chastity turned to me with a huge smile, and tears on her eyes. She crawled on the bed, and wrapped her arms around me, burrowing her head into my chest. I wrapped my arms tight around her, and just held her. Finally she looked up at me, tears leaking down her cheeks, but a huge smile on her face.

“Thank you Rowen. They’re beautiful! Where did you find those?” Chastity asked with a shaky voice.

“I had Lance make them.” I responded with a smile of my own.

“Wow! They really are perfect.”

“Thank you. I got them because you always seem kind of sad when you have to throw away the flowers I buy for you. These you never have to throw away. Lance also said that if one ever breaks to let him know which color it was, and he’ll make a replacement.”

“He did?”

“Yes he did.”

“That was very nice of him.”

“He takes pride in his work.”

“Well he should. It’s very good.”

“I agree.”

“Do….do you know that’s the first card I have received since your mom passed away?”

“It is?”

“Yes. She would get me a card every year for my birthday. I kept them all in the drawer of the old

nightstand in the attic. I guess they’re gone now since Naomi cleaned it out, and got rid of that thing.”

“I don’t think she did.”


“She gave Jax a small stack of cards she found up there. I think he has them in his desk.”

“Hmmm. I’ll have to ask him about them.”


“I’m going to go shower now.”

Chastity grabbed some clothes out of her dresser, and headed into the bathroom. While she was in there I found a safer place for the roses as I was worried Lilac would knock them over. I put them up on the dresser, close to the wall, behind the pictures sitting on it. I chuckled at the collection of pictures Chastity had. She was going to run out of space on her dresser before she knew it.

I looked around her room, and made note of all of the blank wall space. Maybe while I was here I could get more double sided strips, and rehang some on other walls for her. I knew from seeing this that the walls of our home would one day be covered in pictures. I looked forward to that. Our apartment had more than enough wall space for her to hang hundreds of pictures if she wanted.

Even though she hadn’t moved into my apartment yet, and probably wouldn’t until she finished school, I still viewed it as our apartment. When we had discussed her moving into my apartment I had been a little disappointed when she had requested to wait until she finished school, but her reasoning, sadly, made sense. She spent so many years alone, and still lived in a room alone at school, that when she was home for visits she wanted to be surround by people. Colby, and Lexi had made one of Molly and

Jax’s guest rooms theirs until Colby graduated. Obviously Jax, and Molly lived there. Ross, and/or Melissa visited their apartment constantly so she never felt alone at Jax’s. I didn’t always like it, but I understood, and didn’t argue about it. Our time to live in our home would come. I just had to be patient.

I was holding up frames against the wall next to the bed when Chastity came out of the bathroom in a pair of jeans that fit her like a glove, and a dark blue V-neck sweater with a white t-shirt underneath. All of it fit her perfectly, and her curves were shown off nicely. I had to swallow back a groan as I watched her bend over to grab her cowboy boots. Her ass looked perfect in those jeans.

That was another way I could tell her confidence was getting better. She dressed in clothing that hugged her more than hid her now. She still liked her baggy t-shirts, and sweat pants, but when we went out she wore more form fitting outfits. She still hadn’t noticed the stares from other males, but I never missed them. I knew it was only a matter of time before another male approached her, and tried to steal her away.

I smiled because after she put her boots on she went to her dresser, and put on the jewelry I got her for Christmas. Sadly the chain for the necklace I got her last summer broke on her last visit home because it got caught in her hair, and got lost. She had been so upset about it too. It took me 20 minutes to get her to stop crying over the loss. She wouldn’t wear the one I got her for Christmas all of the time because she was worried the stone would come out. She still wore the charm bracelet when we went out, and we always got a new charm for it. What she didn’t know is that I had found her necklace, and the jeweler was in the process of changing the chain to something stronger. She would have it back in a few weeks.

“What are you doing?” Chastity asked from behind me.

“I wanted to rehang these for you.” I answered as I put the picture I was holding back on her dresser.


“Yes. I thought I could do that for you tomorrow while you’re doing school work.”

“Oh. Ok. Thank you.”

“Do you have particular order you would want them in?”

“Not really.”

“Alright. Are you hungry?”

“What time is it?”

“It’s 9:30.”

“Oh good. We still have time to go get breakfast.”

“Well lets go then.”

After Chastity grabbed her ID, purse, and phone, while I grabbed my laptop bag, we left her room. There were a few people in the hallway, but not too many. We walked mostly in silence. After getting our food, we found a table in a quiet corner of the cafeteria.

“So what is today’s meeting about?” Chastity asked as we ate.

“To review the list of volunteers for the mate ball.” I responded.

“You have volunteers already?”

“Yes actually. We had a quite a few of them. It’s been hard to narrow it down, but I managed.”

“How many are going to be here?”

“We’re sending 20. Three for each of the 4 gates into the pack, and 3 extra for back up if needed.”

“How many from Dark Moon will Robert have on the gates?”

“One senior warrior per gate to help identify pack mates, and to check the database as guests arrive.”

“How did you select who got to come?”

“We considered their skills, abilities, and family situation.”

“Not rank, and what do you mean by family situation?”

“Rank doesn’t always mean they are suitable for what is needed. We need people who can work tech well, and quickly. Along with people who are overly observant. We also needed at least one female per gate. As far as family situation goes, the people coming will be here for several days before, and after to check those staying in the pack territory. As well as to get acquainted with the system used for checking IDs and such. We wanted people who did not have pups under the age of 2 at home, or multiple young pups at home so as not to put too much stress on the parent being left home. We don’t want the families of those that volunteer to have to be caused any stress, if we can help it.”

“Well that makes sense, and is good of you, but what if they volunteered partially for the additional pay they would have received for volunteering?”

“Because we have 20 people coming here, their scheduled hours will be left without someone. Those that – don’t come will be filling in for those that did. Giving them the overtime pay they would have received for

coming here.”

“Oh. And they won’t be over worked?”

“No. We made sure that would not happen. No one will be working any double shifts or anything like that. They’ll just have additional shifts.”


“We usually have at least two people rotate every other day with another two people so every shift and

position always has 2 people on it. What’s going to happen is that the day before the 20 scheduled to be here will work. Their counter parts will be off. After that, the person or people filling in for the volunteers will work every day instead of every other day for the time the volunteers are here.”

“Oh. Ok. That makes sense. You really thought this through, in every way, didn’t you?”

“I hope I did. I want to make everyone as happy as I can. No one wants to work that many days in a row, but if they’re willing to do it, I’m not going to turn them down.”

“You’re going to make a great Alpha, Rowen.”

“Thank you sweet girl. I hope I will.”

“You definitely will. You already are.”

I smiled at Chastity than leaned forward to give her a quick kiss. Something about knowing I made her proud of me meant more to me than even when I made my dad proud of me. When I pulled back she was smiling, and blushing. We continued our breakfast in silence for a bit, until an excited female voice squealed.

“CHASTITY!” A short blond girl came running over to Chastity who looked up, and gave a small smile.

“Hi Julie. How are you?” Chastity asked as the female made it to our table.

“I’m good. I was looking for you. I went to your room first, but you weren’t there.” Julie said in a rush.

“Oh. Sorry. What’s up?”

“Can we go shopping today? I really want to go look for my dress for the ball.”

“I’m sorry Julie, but I can’t this weekend. Rowen, and I are spending it together.” Chastity stated as she pointed at me, and smiled.

Julie spun on her heels to face me. Her eyes instantly lit up. She smiled, and blushed as I felt her eyes travel down what she could see of my body. I simply nodded, and went back to eating. If this female was thinking of flirting with me, I was going to make it clear from the start I wasn’t interested.

“Oh. Hi Rowen!” Julie gushed.

“Hello.” I responded curtly.

“So what are you doing today, Rowen?” Julie asked with a small purr.

“Spending the day with my mate.” I stated as I took ahold of Chastity’s hand.

“Oh. Can I join you?”

“No. Sorry. We have plans.” I snapped just as I heard Chastity growl quietly.

“Oh. Well maybe you, and I can do something together tomorrow, while Chastity gets caught up on school work.” Julie offered with a wink.

I was about to respond when Chastity’s hand smacked the table, and she growled. I looked at her to see her eyes glazing with anger.

“Julie, do you make it a point to try to come between mates? Especially those mates of your friends?” Chastity growled, making me bite my lip to keep from smirking.

“I was just offering to keep this sexy male company while you get work done.” Julie said innocently.

“You’re offering to spend time with a mated male under the assumption that one, his mate will be too busy to spend time with him, and two that he would even want to spend time with someone other than his mate? Or are you hoping you can get him to do something with you behind his mate’s back?” Chastity

asked through gritted teeth. RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

“It…it’s not like that.” Julie stammered.

“Ok. So what were you thinking?” Chastity questioned.

“….I just wanted to spend some time with an attractive male, and Rowen is the perfect male to spend time with.” Julie answered.

“Even though he is my mate?” Chastity growled again.

“But is he really? He’s not marked which makes him fair game. Maybe you’re just claiming he is your mate to keep others away.” Julie snapped.

I growled in anger, and was about to speak up. No way was I going to allow anyone to question if Chastity was mine or not. I didn’t get a chance to say anything because Chastity beat me to it.

“WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?” Chastity yelled as she stood up, glaring at Julie.

“How do any of us know you’re not lying?” Julie smirked.

“Why in the hell….you know what? My relationship with MY mate is none of your damn business! You did this same thing with Colby, then again with Jax! Are you really that clueless or do you enjoy testing the bond between mates? Do you get some thrill from seeing if you can tempt a mate away from another? Does it make you feel good to disrespect the mate bond like that? On top of that, you are

doing this to people you call friend. Do you like trying to hurt your friends? I just don’t understand.” Chastity stated angrily.

I had remained in my seat, and just placed my hand on her back. I could feel her trembling. There was a part of me that was smug about her being possessive over me. The rest of me felt bad for Chastity that she was dealing with this from someone she called friend.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Julie huffed.

“Julie, you just asked MY mate to go do something with you tomorrow, just the two of you, knowing he’s here to spend time with me. This is also the first time you have ever met my mate so it’s not like you two were friends prior to us becoming mates so you can’t claim wanting to reconnect with a friend. You are crossing a line you have no business crossing. You asked out someone who has a mate, in front of his mate. You also asked out your friend’s mate! Both of those things are out of line. Not to mention you hitting on him in front of me.” Chastity stated firmly.

“You keep claiming that he’s your mate, but where is the proof of that? There is no mark on either of you, and every time I ask you about it, you won’t answer. That tells me that you are lying, but hogging him for yourself when maybe I am his mate, or any other of the thousands of females out there.” Julie said.







“You are…..I can’t….Do you have any idea how you just made yourself sound? Julie, Jax, and Colby are my

older brothers by the same father, but different mothers. They look like our dad. I look like my mom. Yes, Jax, and I were joking around with each other, and yes he hugged me because he is my brother. We are close. We always have been. Colby, and I aren’t as close as Jax, and I, but he is still my brother. I am going to hug my brother as is my right. You can’t mess around with them because they have mates, and do not want anyone, but their mate! Rowen not being marked does not make him any less MINE!” Chastity growled, and I noticed Lexi, Colby, Norm, and Marcus standing not far from us.

Colby looked pissed, as did Lexi. Norm was shaking his head. Marcus just looked kind of sad. I was just as angry as Chastity, and I really wanted to put this female in her place, but something told me I needed to let Chastity handle this.



“JUST TELL ME!!” Julie yelled.

“Why? Why is it anyone’s business, but our own?” Chastity asked.

“We all have a right to know why you’re hogging a sexy, future Alpha, but refuse to mark him!” Julie demanded.

“No you really don’t. He is my mate so hogging him is my right. Our relationship is our business. Do you go around demanding other mated couples tell you private information about their relationship?” Chastity questioned.

“If you were really my friend you would tell me!” Julie stated.

“Is that what this is all about? Because I keep certain things, that are no one else’s business, private? If you were my friend, you wouldn’t have flirted with my mate. If you were my friend, you wouldn’t have asked him out. If you were Lexi’s friend, you wouldn’t have hit on or asked her mate out. He is MARKED and you still did that! You did things you knew were wrong, and would hurt people, but you didn’t care. What’s worse is you did those things to people you claim to be friends with. Seeing you behave like that, why would I even consider telling you my personal business? You keep proving you’re not a good friend. You keep proving I can’t trust you.” Chastity said, suddenly sounding very sad.

“It’s…. It’s not like that Chastity.” Julie whimpered.

“Then what is it Julie? Why do you keep doing these things to people you claim to be friends with?” Chastity questioned quietly.

“Because I want what you all have!” Julie snapped.

“So the best way to accomplish that is to hit on your friend’s mates, and try to spend alone time with their mates? That makes no sense, Julie.” Lexi finally stepped in with a growl.

“I want to be treated how they treat you so why not? Don’t I deserve that?” Julie questioned angrily.

“Sure, with your own mate. Not with someone else’s!” Lexi snapped.

“If you want that with someone go find your own mate. Leave the mates of others.” Colby stated firmly.

“Have some respect for yourself, and the people you call friends.” Norm said sadly.

“You all make it seem so easy.” Julie snapped.

“Do you think it was easy for any of us?” Chastity squeaked.

“Of course it was.” Julie grumbled.

“No it really wasn’t. Norm, and I are from the same pack, but didn’t meet each other until Lexi introduced us. If it wasn’t for the fact that they’re both friends with Chastity I may have never met him.” Marcus


“Colby is from a different pack. If I hadn’t been friends with Chastity, I probably wouldn’t have met my mate either.” Lexi added.

“Chastity, and Rowen had it easy.” Julie huffed.

“Chastity, and I have had it anything, but easy. Do you think it’s easy to live 4 hours away from my mate, and only get to see her on weekends or breaks? You have no idea what you’re talking about.” I finally stated, glaring at Julie, and Chastity put her arm around my waist, cuddling into my chest.

“Julie, we get that you want to find your own mate, but trying to take the mate of another is wrong on so many levels, and it hurts a lot of people. You have no idea the pain you could be causing a mate if the mate you’re spending time with cheats with you.” Chastity stated quietly.

“But there would be no pain for you. He’s not marked!” Julie growled again.

“The bond between mates begins the minute they connect eyes. It gets stronger every day, with or without the mark. The bond Chastity, and Rowen share is very strong, despite the lack of mark. I am also sure neither of them appreciate you’re attempts at Rowen, or you pushing for answers that really are none of your business. I’m going to ask this nicely, once, and if I have to ask again, it will not end well for you. Leave Rowen alone! Stop trying to tempt him away from Chastity! I will NOT stand for anyone trying to take her mate from her, nor will I stand for anyone hurting my SISTER!” Colby said firmly, stepping into Julie’s personal space, and glaring at her, causing her to shrink back.

“I think at this point it may be best if you, and I only interact for our project, and classes at this point, Julie. I don’t want to do it, but you have really hurt me today, and I just don’t trust you.” Chastity said in a shaky voice causing me to hug her close to me.

“What?” Julie shrieked.

“I can’t be friends with you Julie. I’m sorry. You really hurt me, and I need to make the best decision for me. I wish it didn’t have to be this way, but it does.” Chastity said.

“But….I thought you were going to go dress shopping with me?” Julie whined.

“Lexi, and Norm can go with you, if they want, but I won’t be.” Chastity whispered.

“That’s not fair.” Julie complained, and I felt Chastity tense up again.


“You talk about trust, but you never answered my question about not marking Rowen. If he was your mate you would have marked him already.” Julie snarled.

“MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!” I roared as I was so finished with this conversation.

Julie instantly bowed her head in submission. I glanced around, and noticed everyone in the room was doing the same. I realized that I let my Alpha aura take over. I felt a small, soft hand slip into mine. I instantly pulled my aura back, and calmed down enough to just glare at Julie.

“You have been told that the private details of my relationship with my mate are none of your business, and it will remain that way. If we wanted you or anyone else to know, we would have made it public. You pushing for that information will not get your question answered. Nothing you say is going to change that. The smartest thing you can do at this point is walk away, and stay away. I’ve tolerated you upsetting, and hurting my mate long enough. I have only kept my mouth shut this long because it was clear to me Chastity wanted to handle this herself, but enough is enough. It’s time for you to go.” I stated firmly.

“But Rowen.” Julie whined.

“Are you friends, related to, or close to the Future Alpha of your pack?” I asked.

“No.” Julie asked, crinkling her brow in confusion.

“Do you refer to the Future Alpha of your pack by his first name, dropping his title before addressing him?” I questioned.

“No.” Julie responded.

“So you know that you refer to a Future Alpha as such, correct?” I continued to ask.

“Well yes.” Julie responded still looking confused.

“And you do not show me the same respect, why?” I growled.

“Because I wa…….” Julie started, but stopped as I glared harder at her.

“Too bad! Unless I tell you otherwise, refer to my rank first, before using my name. You are not from my pack, one of my relatives, one of my friends, nor are you my mate. You are also from a pack that is not mine.” I stated firmly.

“But no one else in this group do.” Julie argued.

“Colby, and Lexi are my brother in law, and sister in law, as well as my friends. Norm, and Marcus are my

friends Chastity is my mate! I just met you today, and I do not see you ever being a friend of mine.” I said,

trying not to roll my eyes.


“Jax called you by your name without your title.” Julie huffed

“Jax has been my best friend since we were in diapers. He is also my Beta! Of course he called me by my name!” I stated firmly.

“But….” Julie tried again.

“Enough! Go! I am spending time with my mate, and you are interrupting! If you’re here to eat go do so, another table! Leave us alone!” I stated firmly then wrapped my arms around Chastity again.


Julie looked at all of us before her shoulders dropped, and she walked away. I turned Chastity to me, pulled her into a tight hug, and rubbed her back. She was no longer trembling, and although it took me awhile, I realized she had been trembling with anger. I had never seen her so mad before. Sure she had yelled at me a few times, but this was different, and I was a little worried.

“Are you ok, sweet girl?” I asked quietly than kissed her on the top of the head.

“I’m hurt, and a little angry, but yes I’m ok. I hadn’t been completely sure of her. Now I know.” Chastity admitted.

“Small fry, I don’t think she’s the right person to join us at Moonlight.” Lexi said quietly.

“I agree. So we keep looking?” Chastity stated.

“I think so.” Lexi agreed.

“We’ll let you two get back to your breakfast.” Marcus offered.

“Oh. We’re finished. We’ll see you all later.” Chastity stated as she pulled out of my arms.

We said our goodbyes, and left the cafeteria. Chastity was a bit quiet at first, but then decided she wanted to talk about what had just happened. She was calmer than I expected her to be, but I was also glad that she didn’t seem to be letting the situation with Julie get to her. Since we had time before we met up with Robert, and Beth we decided to go to the comic book store Chastity told me about.

As soon as we walked in the door a huge smile spread across my face. Chastity hadn’t been wrong about the amount of Marvel items they had. I heard Chastity giggle, and I looked at her questioningly.

“You should see your face right now. You look like a pup in a candy store.” Chastity said between her


“I guess I kind of am.” I responded with a chuckle.

“Go look around.”

I nodded, and started to wander to look at every thing. I saw Chastity wondered over to the racks of clothes. I headed off to the models, and figures. For awhile I just stood there staring. There was so much stuff. I was truly impressed. I wasn’t sure if our comic book store or our hobby shop had all of this. Chastity was right, I was like a pup in a candy store. I chuckled to myself, shook my head, and picked up an action figure to look at.

I was looking at a couple of posters hanging up on the wall when I heard Chastity gasp. I quickly turned around, tensed, and scanned the store for any threats to my sweet girl. I finally spied her holding a box in her hands, ! relaxed. She was inspecting the box, and opening the front flaps. I made my way over to her. When I reached her, she showed me what it was.

“It’s a limited edition retro Mickey and Minnie. They’re so cute.” Chastity gushed as she opened the front flaps of the box to show me.

I smiled at her then looked at the box. I didn’t know much about the characters, but they were kind of neat looking. I could tell that Chastity loved them though. I wasn’t going to let her leave the store without them.

“Go ask the cashier to hold them. When we’re done looking around, we’ll get it.” I said, smiling at Chastity..

“Really?” Chastity questioned.

“Of course.” I stated.

“But they’re so expensive.” Chastity argued.

“So. I can definitely afford them, and you want them. We’re getting them.” I said then kissed her temple.

“Thank you Rowen. Thank you so much.” Chastity said excitedly than went over to the cashier, hugging the box.

I chuckled as I made my way over back over to the posters. As I was looking I found a framed photo of the Avengers with all of the actors autographs. I couldn’t leave without it so I grabbed the item number, along with another one I saw, to give the cashier. After that I made my way over to the clothing racks. I chuckled when I saw Chastity pull out a pair of Iron Man pajama pants, and long sleeved t-shirt.

“Captain America is better.” I joked.

“So you get those. I’m getting these.” Chastity playfully sniffed at me.

“You would look better in Captain America.”


I chuckled, and sorted through the pajama rack. I found a pair of Captain American pajama pants, and grabbed them for me. I also found a t-shirt that I didn’t have yet. Chastity some how found a pair of boxers, and threw them in my hands then scurried away. I chuckled than added them to my little pile.

“What is wrong with us?” Chastity eventually asked with a giggle.

“What do you mean?” I questioned.

“We’re both adults, and here we are buying super hero clothes, and cartoon character dolls.” Chastity answered with a giggle.

“Seems like more than just cartoon character dolls. Is that Minnie Mouse pajamas I see?” I joked.

“They’re purple.” Chastity sniffed.

I chuckled as we decided we were done, and headed to the register.

“There’s nothing wrong with either of you. I fully believe that enjoying such characters makes one fun. Some of my best customers are your age or older. Hell, I’m 40 years old, and I own this store. I opened it when I was 19 because I felt that everyone young, or old should still be able to enjoy super heroes, and cartoon characters. I love this place, and I do all I can to cater to the tastes of everyone, young, old, male, and female. You’re never too old to be fun.” The male cashier stated as he started to scan my purchases.

“That’s a long time. This must be a popular store.” Chastity stated.

“It’s had it’s ups, and downs. That’s why I expanded the store, and added the clothes. Not everyone has space or money for models, and such. Not everyone reads comic books, but everyone needs clothes. A lot of people like clothes that show their personality or likes. Is this everything?” The cashier stated after he finished ringing up the pants, t-shirt, and boxers.

“Oh. No. That Mickey and Minnie set, plus these two photographs on the wall over there.” I answered as I handed him the slips I pulled.

“Oh good. I’m so glad these cute little fellows found a home. I got this set completely by accident.” The casher stated as he rang up the set.

“Oh? How did you get them?” Chastity asked as she looked over some stickers, and patches sitting on the


“A female had seen them on the Disney website. Her 14 year old daughter used to love Mickey, and Minnie. She thought her daughter would love them so she ordered them before they sold out. Unfortunately, while her daughter did appreciate them, she told her mom that they just weren’t her thing any more. She felt really bad about the money her mom spent on them. She brought them in a few weeks after Christmas to sell them to me.

“She told me she wanted to use the money to get a locket she knew her mom really loved, but would never buy for herself. She could afford the locket, but preferred to spend the money on her pups. I overpaid the pup for these because she said she wanted to get her mom the locket as a thank you for the thought, and I still love you gift. She left here, and went right across the street to get that locket.

“She brought it back to show me, and I’ll admit, I laughed. It had Minnie’s head etched on one side, and Mickey’s on the other. She said that Mickey, and Minnie was their thing when she was a younger pup. She wanted her mom to have something to represent those years.” The cashier explained.

“Aww. That’s so sweet.” Chastity gushed as she added 2 patches to her small pile of cloths she was buying that she refused to let me pay for.

“It really was.”

“Do you think mom was upset about her selling that set to you?” Chastity asked.

“I don’t.”

“Why is that?” I questioned.

“Let me grab these two for you, and then I’ll answer you.” The cashier answered than walked over to the poster wall.

When he returned I leaned over the counter, and asked him to try to keep Chastity from seeing the

second picture. It was a gift I was going to add to the one I already had for Valentine’s day. He just nodded, kept my picture on top of it, and typed in the code for the gift. He than wrapped it in tissue paper, facedown, quickly while Chastity was looking over the two sets of pajamas she was buying.

“To answer your question young lady, when a pup comes in with something they want to sell, and mom or dad didn’t want them to, I usually get an angry phone call, or visit from them. I never got either from the female’s mom.” The cashier explained.

“Oh ok.” Chastity responded, “Does that happen a lot? The angry parents I mean.”

“Here you go son.” He said as he handed me my bags, and I moved so he could ring up Chastity’s purchases, “Thankfully not any more. I put a system in place for that kind of situation now. Or I usually do. That female was the first exception in many years, and it was only because of what she planned to do with the money.”

“What do you mean?” Chastity asked.

“Now, I hold the item a pup brings in for two weeks before I give them anything for it. I also request their parent’s contact information. Usually an email or phone number. I will send an email or text message to the parent to inform them that I have the item on hold, and how I ended up with it. If a parent comes in angry, I return the item. If they don’t come in, respond, or give me the ok to give the money, I will after 2 weeks.” He explained.

“So why didn’t you do that with the female with that set?” Chastity questioned.

“Like I said, what she planned to do with the money influenced me. This female was thinking of her mom while, most pups, when they come in, are looking for money for video games, electronics, candy, or that kind of thing. Things mom or dad has probably already said no to.”

“Oh. Did you tell her mom about the set?”

“No because I didn’t want to ruin her surprise for her mom.”

“That was very sweet.”

“It really was. Well you’re all set. Please come back any time. I usually have a rotating selection of items, and I keep things well stocked.”

“We will. Thank you.” Chastity said with a big smile, and a wave to the man.

I took hold of her hand, and lead her out of the store. Once our bags were in the trunk, I checked the time. I was shocked to see that it was already 11:45. I hadn’t realized we had been there so long. After grabbing my laptop bag, Chastity, and I made our way to the deli to meet up with Robert, and Beth. They weren’t there yet so we let the host know we were waiting on them, and were seated at a semi- private table near the back.

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