The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 87

Chapter 87


There were times I hated going on trips to other packs. They seemed never ending, but I had to admit that I learned a lot. Watching my father work with other Alphas for the betterment of our pack, as well as other werewolves was inspiring. Before I had gone off to school I had only seen him work within our pack. I had only been to a few of the meetings he had with other packs, at home. I never traveled with him. I felt like I was learning more about my father during these trips. This trip was taking us to one of our oldest alliance, but it was a small pack.

I had requested this trip as they had set up a warrior training program like I wanted to establish. Their pack was a great deal smaller than ours, but their program was very good. I had to hope that they would be willing to discuss their program with me. I wanted their insight on the best way to get this off the ground. I didn’t want to take their program, just model it on a larger scale.

When we arrived at the pack house, the Alpha, his Luna, and who I was guessing was their son, stood waiting for us. Alpha Theo who was the same age as my father, was a tall dark skinned man with graying hair, and dark brown eyes. His Luna, Gloria was also a dark skinned woman with a few streaks of gray, gray eyes, and a very kind, warm smile. I knew their son wasn’t quite 18 yet, and I noticed right away that he looked rather bored to be there.

My father, and I were the only ones on this trip, other than the two warriors we brought on this trip. Dimitri, and Jax had opted to stay home to be there for Braxton, and Ross had a project due at Gamma school. I was unconcerned though. This was a trip for me, mostly.

Dad, and I got out of the car, warriors following behind us, and we greeted the Alpha family with bows, and handshakes.

“Joe, it’s good to see you again.” Alpha Theo said with a smile.

“You as well Theo. Gloria, an honor, as always.” My dad responded.

“Hi there Joe. Rowen you are looking well these days.” Gloria responded with a smile.

“Thank you. Is this your son?” I asked.

“Yes. Trent, this is Alpha Joseph, and his son Future Alpha Rowen, of Moonlight pack.” Alpha Theo stated. “Yeah. What’s up?” Trent grunted.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Future Alpha Trent.” My father bowed, as did I.

“Yup. Can I go now?” Trent questioned looking to his parents.

“No you may not. As the Future Alpha of this pack, these types of meetings will be your responsibility. It’s past time that you learn how to properly handle them.” Theo said firmly.

“Whatever. I have better things to do then sit around talking to a bunch of old people all day.” Trent snapped.

“At this time you do not. Pack matters come before video games.” Theo snapped back.

“Whatever. Lets just get this over with.” Trent huffed as he stomped in the house.

Theo, and Gloria sighed with a shake of their heads. We followed them as we went into the house. I looked around as we moved through the building. Their pack house was much smaller than ours, but still homey. It saddened me to see signs of aging.

“I want to apologize for that Joe. He has decided over the last few years that being Alpha to this pack is just not of interest to him. He has no interest or desire to learn. All he cares about is his video games.” Theo stated with a sigh.

“He is a teenager, and knowing that he has to take on ruling a pack someday can put a lot of pressure on him. Give him some time. He may come around.” My father said gently. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Rowen, did you have the same feelings as a pup?” Gloria questioned.

“Sometime ma’am. There were times that I would rather be running around hanging out with my friends. but I knew that my pack needed me as well so I kept pushing forward.” I responded.

“I never knew you felt that way.” My father looked to me in question.

“It wouldn’t have changed anything so I did what I needed to do to learn. I’m glad I did. There is a lot to learn, and I want to keep our pack strong, and growing.” I responded, smiling at my father.

“I wish Trent felt the same. He really has no interest. I try to teach him, but he just doesn’t seem to care.”

Theo stated.

“Do you have any suggestions, Joe?” Gloria asked hopefully.

“I wish I did beyond keep trying. When does he go off to Alpha school? Does he have a Beta?” My father questioned.

“He does have a Beta, but they are not friends. Our Future Beta is a hard worker, and strives to learn all he can. Trent spends more time teasing him about being a nerd or kiss up than learning. He has also stated he will not be attending Alpha school. He feels he can run a pack just fine without learning anything from. any one.” Theo responded.

“Have you tried having him spend time with other Alphas his age?” I asked.

“We have. He just gives them a hard time. We have had to end a visit or two due to his behavior.” Theo answered.

“We’re at a loss at this point.” Gloria added.

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