The Billionaire Contracted Wife


“Wait, what?!” Tiff, Mira, Layla, and Shaina shouted in chorus.

I had finally arrived home to pack my things but I saw them inside my apartment. I already told them the shocking news that they wanted to hear. They all wore a matching look of shock and envy.

“You’re moving in with Cayne Shelton?” Tiff yelled, looking like she was gonna passed out.

“You little bitch,” Shaina said, taking a little pillow from my couch and throw it at me, grinning like a maniac. “You’ve been jumping the bones off with that guy, are you?

I opened my mouth to protest but wasn’t able to when I heard a low chuckle behind all of us.

All five of us snapped around to see Cayne leaning against my door frame. He was looking especially gorgeous as always. Mira took a seat, squeezing her eyes together. Layla’s eyes grew wide and her cheeks turned pink. Tiff was looking like she wanted to do the nastiest things with Cayne.

Sexy or not, I did not approve nor allowed him to storm into my apartment and lounging around like he owned the place.

” How the hell did you get into my apartment?” I snapped at him while walking towards him.

He didn’t answer, he just watched in amusement as I walk closer until I stood right in front of him.

“Well?” I pressed.

“What are you–” I shrieked.

Cayne’s strong hand pulled me forward. I felt a soft, warm pressure on my forehead. It’s his lips.

I heard gasped behind me and knew that my friends were still watching. I also gasped in shock ness. I didn’t care though, I looked up at him still wearing a shock reaction. He smirked at me and backed away. My forehead still burning from where his lips had made contact with my skin.

“Girl, aren’t you gonna introduce him to us? Or not?” Mira asked, staring between Cayne and me.From NôvelDrama.Org.

My senses came back to normal.

“Oh yeah, of course. Cayne, these are my friends Tiff, Mira, Layla, and Shain. And guys, this is Cayne Shelton, my Uhm, my husband.”

“Oooh, girl I knew it!” Tiff squealed like a high school girl, dancing around. I shook my head in embarrassment, peeking at Cayne’s who is staring intently at me.

“Oh my God! Did you too already did the thing?” Layla gasped, turning my attention to her.

“Hey, we didn’t. Stop it. It’s embarrassing you know.” I yelped, my face warmed. Jeez, this is so embarrassing.

“She’s right,” Cayne spoke up, standing beside me and taking my hand. Shit! What is he doing?

“We haven’t screwed each other yet.” He rose our intertwined hands up, and he kissed my hand, looking right at me as he did.

“He is so ducking sexy,” Mira breathed to Shaina and Tiff who were both watching me and Cayne like we were in a movie.

“I assume you’ve packed your things and are ready to leave.” He looked at me for confirmation.

“Uhmm,” I looked at my suitcase. It wasn’t like I will be staying with him forever. I think I will just last for month, maybe. This should be enough for the time being.

“Yeah I’m ready,” I said while grabbing for my suitcase, but Cayne snatched it up before I could. I smiled at him as a sign of thank you and turn my attention towards my friends who were busy looking at us like we were doing a romantic movie.

“Uhm, I’ll be leaving now.” They all nodded and the five of us shared a group hug.

“I’ll invite you over soon if Cayne would give me the permission.” I said to them and we all look at Cayne trying to wait for an answer.

“Of course you can.” He smiled and we also smiled by his answer.

We waved goodbye one more time and I left with Cayne. He was carrying my suitcase down the long corridor like it weighed nothing.

I stared at him. His face, his hair, his lips and those eyes. So beautiful and blue, and it staring right at me. I then came back back to my senses. Shit! I was caught off guard. I blushed and looked down.

Then I though again of his lips on my forehead and in my hands. I suddenly felt a tingling sensation all over my body. Like it’s wanting for more. Fuck!

I took a peeked at him again, unable to help myself. And he was already looking at me with a cocky grin.

“Loving the scene, eh?” He was grinning from ear to ear. I turned my look away and I can feel that my cheeks are getting hot.

“No, I just looked at you hoping that you won’t drop my suitcase,” I fibbed, looking away. He would be so perfect if it weren’t because of his cocky and arrogant attitude.

He laughed. “You’re a terrible liar.”

“I’m not lying.” We had finally stepped outside and a limousine was waiting at a curb.

Oh my God! I still haven’t recovered about the Lykan Hypersport earlier and now, a limousine. I guess I need to get used to this luxury life of him.

Lucas is waiting at us. “I don’t find you looking attractive at all,” I finished, looking straight ahead.

Cayne warmth was suddenly gone and I stop. I looked behind me and saw a few paces of him behind me. I looked at him in surprise, his expression was unfathomable.

“What?” I asked him. Thinking maybe he’d pissed on himself or something else.

“You don’t find me attractive?” he rose one eyebrow, looking like he didn’t believe me.

“Hmm, interesting. You looked pretty damn convincing when we were at your apartment.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “It’s called acting.”

He walked slowly to me until my back was pressed up against the limousine. He turned and handed to his driver Lucas, my suitcase. Then then driver went to put up my suitcase in the trunk, leaving me. Wayne leaned towards me. My heartbeat picked up as I leaned away. I heard a soft click and J realized he had opened the door of the limousine.

“After you,” he said, smirking like he could hear my heart pounding.

I hurriedly climbed inside then scooted in slid all the way to the window, sitting as far away as possible.

“To the mansion, Lucas.” He said yo his driver.

“Yes, sir,” Lucas answered.

As the car drove smoothly, Cayne turn to look at me, one brow raised.

“Why are you sitting so far away?” He asked.

“Because there is no reason for us to be close, it’s just the two of us here so there’s no need to pretend,” I said, rolling my eyes at him

He just chuckled and scooted closer until his thigh was touching mine. The heat from his thigh burn into mine, setting my body aflame. And sadly for me, there was nowhere else to go.

I was contemplating jumping from the window to see myself from this, when suddenly his hand caught my chin and he pulled up to look at him.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked trying to break away. His grip was gentle but firm.

“I think we should practice to kiss,” he whispered, his breathe caressed my skin. I shivered. “We have to make our kissing look as natural as possible.”,

“No, I don’t want to kiss you.” I lied. My entire body was thrilled at the idea of kissing him.

“You said you weren’t attracted to me, right?” He smirked. “If you are not attracted to me this shouldn’t be a big deal.”

My breathing was erratic as his face came closer. His eyes, so vivid and clear that burned into mine. My heart was doing this crazy gymnastics routine as his lips trying to brushed across mine. Without thinking about my action, my eyes automatically close. J was waiting for his lips to touch mine. But instead, I felt his lips softly brushed against the corner of my mouth. I opened my eyes to see his amused smirk.

“I knew you were attracted to me,” pulling me into a hug. My heart was still pounding and my lips were still aching. My cheeks are burning because of embarrassment. Shit! This damn temptation of my body.

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