The Billionaire’s Desires

Chapter 30 Dreaming

Hillary’s POV

They say when you die, you’ll see a very bright light, a light that would lead you to a better place. They say you have to follow that light and then you’ll get to your final destination in life.

Well, that’s all bullshit!!!

I saw no fucking light, none at all. It was just pitch darkness. The darkness was so weakening and frustrating, I could see a thing, not a damn thing. I walked in the darkness for a very long time, searching for something or someone or anything that could explain how I got here and what the hell I’m doing here. The last thing I remember is driving out of the hotel to go and stop them from burying my Nathan when he is still alive. I was going to expose Ariel,

Yes, that was the plan. I had discovered that she has a stake in all that is happening to him. I just discovered that she is a cunning both that wants to get married a Trent by all means. I had all the evidence I need to prove that she is a fake murderous bitch that has evil plans for both Nathan and I. But how did I deviate from my destination, how did I end up here?


That Bastard!!

That Asshole!

It’s got to be him. He had been trying to stop me from going to that cathedral, he doesn’t want me to chase after Ariel. I think he is hiding something from me, he knows something and he doesn’t want to share it with me. He must have followed me when I left the house and I didn’t know, I have no fucking idea. He drugged me and brought me here, he tied me down here to stop me from carrying out my plans.

No, wait…

My hands and legs aren’t tied. If it were tired, I won’t be able to walk around in this darkness. I don’t feel restrained and I don’t look dead either, or am I dead?

“No, my love. You are not dead.” I heard someone say a few feet away from me. That voice, I would recognize that voice even if I was dead. My heart leaped with joy as I turned to look around me, searching for my desire. A lone tear slipped down my cheeks as I searched frantically for him, but I couldn’t find him. All I could see was darkness, total darkness.

“Nate… is that you?” I asked skeptically, taking slow steps in the direction of the voice that I just heard right now. My heart was beating faster, I don’t know what to expect and I don’t know what is happening here. This is how those horror movies begin, the next thing you see is an angry monster chasing and killing everyone on its part. I am not going to be eaten by an angry, hungry monster. Definitely not today, not ever. It can’t be Nathan, Nathan won’t play with my emotions this way, he is not a heartless monster, if truth be told, I would say that he loves me way more than I love him. He would never do anything to hurt me, never. He promised never to hurt me and I’m sure he is going to keep to his promise, he won’t taunt and toil with me this way. It’s got to be Miguel or that sick bitch Ariel, I don’t care who it is, I ain’t scared of anyone, not Ariel and her thugs and certainly not Miguel. I won’t hide or cower in fear because if them, I’ll face them head-on, I’ll do it for Nathan.

“Who is there?

Show yourself now or I swear I’m going to scream so loud that the cops would come running down here to find out what is happening. I’ve called the cops already and they are on their way here, so you better think twice before you act.

Where the fuck are you, show yourself you asshole!!!

Trust me, this time, it’s going to be different, I’ll fight dirty this time. I won’t sit still and watch you hurt me anymore. I’m a strong woman and I’m a fighter. I’m going to fight you all until I find my Nathan, I won’t let you hurt me anymore. Yes, you heard me, I’ll fight you, I’ll fight you with everything I’ve got, I won’t sit still and let you hurt me, I won’t let you hurt me, I’ll never let you hurt me again… Never!!!” I screamed at the top of my voice, shaking in fear.

All I had were mere words…

Mere words that aren’t true. The truth is that I’m so scared right now. In so terrified that my whole body is shaking terribly. What if my assailant is just taunting me before they finally kill me, how do I defend myself, how do I get away from here when I can’t even see my own fingers let alone seeing where I’m going. I have no idea where I am or how to get the fuck out of here. I don’t know what to do, I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m so exhausted from running around for the past few months, trying to avoid Ariel and her thugs, I’m tired of living my life in fear every fucking day. I want things to go back to how they used to be, I need my Nathan, I need him back.

“I need you, Nate, I can’t take it anymore, it’s too much for me to bear. Why did you leave me all alone, why did you abandon me?

You promised Nate, you fucking promised. You said you would never leave me, you said you loved me. But you left. You fucking left and you never came back, you never came back to me. I don’t know what I’m going to do anymore, my life has no meaning without you, my love. I’m not prepared for all this, I can’t fight them all, I can’t do it alone and I don’t know who to trust anyone. I can’t do this on my own Nate, I can’t do it alone. I need you, Nathan, please don’t leave me, I need you, please come back to me, I need you.” I sobbed hysterically, falling down on the bare floor, curling myself like a ball, crying my heart out. Then I felt a certain warmth surrounding me as a muscular arm went around my waist, holding me so close. Then I heard his voice, his soft voice in my ears as he whispered softly

“I’m right here my love, I ain’t going anywhere.”

I jerked up immediately, standing upright to look at him. He looked so beautiful, so fucking handsome. He was smiling down at me, his eyes so bright and beautiful. I have no idea what is happening here, but we are no longer in that dark place, we are now in our house, the same house that Ariel forced me to abandon. It looks even more beautiful than I remember, everything looks so beautiful so Serene and peaceful. He brought his hand forward, wiping away my tears, pulling me into his arms.

“Where have you been Nate, I’ve been searching for you for so long, why did you leave me?” I sobbed in his arms, sniffing loudly.

“It doesn’t matter where I’ve been, what really matters is that I’m here now and I’m here to show you just how much I love you and how much I’ve missed you.” He muttered softly, pulling me closer. Before I could say another word, he lifted me into his arms, kissing me so passionately that I forgot to press him for answers, I forgot to ask for any explanations, I even forgot to tell him all that Ariel had done. All I did was to respond to his passionate kiss, kissing him with so much urgency of desire.

“I’ve missed you so much, my love. I thought I would never see you again, I thought I….

“SShhhhh…” he muttered softly, hushing my words, stopping me from saying anything more. It’s all over now, my love. I’m right here now, everything is going to be fine.” He told me softly, taking me up the stairs to our room. I’ve spent so many lonely nights in this room alone, I’ve cried my heart out in this room, thinking about him, praying for him to come back to me, but being here with him, right now, it looks more beautiful than ever. All the sadness from before had diminished but all I can see now is peace and joy, surrounding us. He walked to the bed, with me in his arms, placing me gently on the bed.

He climbed on top of me, his lips coming down to mine in an urgent, passionate kiss that had my toes curling. My hands flew to his hair as I ran my hands through his soft, silky, smooth hair. He slipped his tongue between my lips, eliciting a moan out of me, the both of us fighting for dominance, with him winning eventually.

He growled softly, making me whimper as he pulled away, trailing kisses down my jaw, to my neck. I arched my back to get closer to him, offering more of myself to him, and he pulled away, chuckling. “Patience, my love. I’ll satisfy your every desire. I’ll make you come over and over again. I’m here to please you, baby, I’ll always be here to please and satisfy your every desire. Trust me, Hillary, if only for today. Take your mind off the events of the last few days, Just relax my love and let me work my magic on you. I will take my time and explore this perfect body of yours,” he murmured, his head dipping to the swells of my boobs, making me whimper in response. His husky voice only zaps me all over with sweet electricity. “Don’t you fucking stop, I want to hear those sexy moans. Now let me hear them, baby,” he growls the order, his eyes hooded with lust as tings of gold appear in them, making him look like an angel.

My cheeks are flaming red right now, but I just can’t hold in my moans anymore. I have to give in to his desires and obey his orders because he’s in total control of this game, if I want to get my release, I have to do exactly what he says. He is acting a bit different from my Nathan, but what the hell, everything looks so different in this strange place that I find myself. I’ve missed him so much already, I’ll just sit tight and enjoy the ride. He growls out a low rumble from his chest as he nibbled on my skin. A low groan escaped his lips, then he bent his head to take one of my nipples into his mouth. I arched my back forward and cried out when he bit down gently on one hard bud, the sting sending extra heat to my pussy. His other hand played with my other nipple, rolling it slightly. He bucked his hips forward, letting me feel his thick steel rod that he keeps hidden in his pants. “See what you do to me, Hillary. You make me so helpless and weak. You make me lose every last bit of control that I have, I can never control my desires whenever I’m around you. I want you in my life, Hilly, I want you so bad and it fucking drives me crazy. Why can’t you see that I love you so much, why can’t you love me, Hilly?” he asked sadly, making me look up at him in surprise.

“What the hell are you talking about, Nate. You know how much I love you, I was nearly killed for you, I want you back in my arms Nathan, can’t you see that I can’t live without you,?” I asked back softly, leaning up to capture his lips in a fierce kiss.

“I want you, Nate, I’ve missed you so much, and I can’t wait anymore to have you buried deep within my tight walls. Make love to me, Nate.” I pleaded softly.

Don’t tempt me, girl, you might just find yourself with my cock buried so deep in your pussy that you wouldn’t be able to walk for a whole week.” he threatened, making me whimper in anticipation as I squeezed my thighs together, trying to quench the fire burning between my legs. I could feel my juices dripping into my inner thighs as he kissed down my stomach, glancing up at me with his lust-filled eyes that left me panting. He kissed the top of my mound, before settling in between my legs, dragging his tongue from my hole up to my mound. I took a deep breath, watching him go down once more as he held my legs open, burying his tongue between my folds once again. “Ugh… Mmmm… Yeah,” I cried out in pleasure as he flicked his tongue over my clit. I heard his heavy groan as he sucked on it, sending waves of pleasure rippling through my entire body. My head thrashed against the pillow, and my hands struggled against the restraints as he slowly began to move towards my tight hole. He stuck his tongue inside me and my hips bucked up wildly, making him grab a hold on me, holding me still as he continues working his magic on me with his tongue. He pulled away for a bit, gazing up at me intensely, “You taste so fucking sweet. I could eat your pussy all day, nonstop.” His breathless voice came out huskily, making me cream even more. “Please Nate, I can’t wait anymore. I need to have an orgasm, I… I can’t wait any longer,” I pleaded pathetically. “Hmmm… I love it when you beg for it. Don’t cum until I tell you to, I want to explore your sexy body to my satisfaction, I want to take you to the skies and beyond, with sweet pleasure.” He muttered softly as he lined his hard shaft to my entrance, penetrating me gently. He kept going in and out of me, creating a rhythm that was perfect for the both of us, causing me to moan out so loudly, that I couldn’t even recognize my own voice. “Holy fuck!! Yes, Nathan!!” I moaned continuously. He groaned in response, slowly picking up the pace with his dick continuously digging into me. I’m close, so fucking close. I whined softly, wanting nothing more than to cum. As if he read my mind, he added a finger, causing me to clench around him as he slowly began moving his two fingers between us, playing with my clit while his dick kept pounding into me until he hit that spot that had me seeing fucking stars. “Oh yes!!! Yes, Nathan!!! That’s it, right there. Yes!!!” I kept yelling as he increased his pace, moving his hips faster, continuously hitting on my g-spot, causing my legs to tremble as I felt my orgasm building up. My stomach tightened with the intensity of my upcoming orgasm. He raised his head and gazed up at me, and I got lost in his warm gaze. “Cum for me, my love. You can let go now.” He whispers softly, making me whimper as he doubled his pace, jabbing my G-spot nonstop. His head came down once more and he sucked on my clit hard, causing me to scream my lungs out as I exploded. My juices gushed out of me, soaking his dick and the bed below us.

“Leave me, Hillary, don’t try too hard to find me, you could hurt yourself and you could also hurt Gerald and Gemma also. You have to leave this place right now, you can’t let them find you. Save our kids, my love, keep them safe until I find my way back to you.” He muttered softly, leaning down to drop a soft kiss on my lips, pulling back to gaze into my eyes.

“What the hell are you talking about Nate?

You sound like you are about to leave me again. Please, Nate, don’t leave me. I can’t fight them alone, I can’t do it without you, she is a freaking Lunatic, she’ll fucking kill me, she will kill me without a second thought. You can’t go, not again.” I pleaded softly, leaning into his arms, but he was no longer there, I could not see him anymore, I could just hear his voice sounding faint in the distance,

“Oh my poor Hilly, you’re pregnant… I’m so sorry Hills, I shouldn’t have left you all alone to face all this, please forgive me, my friend, I would never leave you again.”

I don’t know how it happened, at first, I was hearing Nathan’s voice, but it soon faded away completely, fading into Avril’s cute soft voice.

“Wake up soon Hills, wake up let us get out of here. I’m not leaving without you, not again. I won’t abandon you again, not while you are pregnant. I’ll take care of you and your baby, you are never alone, my friend.” She added softly, taking my hand in hers.

I know she means well, I know she truly cares about me and it’s not her fault that she had to leave, but I can’t respond to anything she just said, all I have in my mind right now is Nathan, where the fuck did he just disappear to?

We just spent a passionate moment and all of a sudden, he just vanished again, why does he keep doing that, why can’t he just stay with me forever?

Wait a minute, was Nathan even here with me, or is it just a dream. Maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me something I don’t know,


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I think I’m asking the wrong questions here…

Did Avril just say that I’m pregnant?

How on earth did that happen and why didn’t I know about it before now. Nah… It’s got to be a joke, a big fat joke.

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