The Billionaire’s Pretend Fiancée

Back to life

Roman’s POV

I stared at my mum with my mouth hanging open in shock.

“So I’m dead.” I reiterated, and mum shook her head with a sigh.

“No, honey. You are not dead yet but if you keep staying with us, it is a matter of time before you fully join us here.” She explained.

“So you guys are dead then.” I said.

“You hit the nail right on the head.” Rachel nodded.

“Wait, do you know what happened to me? Was I in a sort of accident or something? Why can’t I remember anything?” I rambled out.

“You were shot by a psychopathic bitch.” Rachel chipped in.

“Language, princess. Language.” Dad chided her.

“What? I may not be alive but if I were to be, I’d punch the bitch in the guts. How dare she do this to my brother?” Rachel spat angrily.

“Don’t listen to her, Roman. You can’t remember anything because that is how the universe works. When you are in this world, you won’t remember anything from that world and vice versa.” Mum explained, and I nodded.

“So what is going to happen to me now? How do I go back to that world? Will I ever be able to go back to that world?” I asked in a jabber.

“You will go back to your world, my dear. Don’t worry about it, you just need to keep moving. You have a lot of people waiting for you to wake up. You can’t let any of them down, plus you also have to punish the wench who did this to you.” Mum uttered.

“Calm down, Julia.” Dad said, glancing through a business magazine on the dining table.

“I really wish I had the ability to take revenge on her by myself. I’d do it without thinking. No one dares to harm my child, and go scot-free.” She gritted out, clenching her hands into fists.

“Then you’d become a demon and your soul will never rest. Do you want that?” Dad lectured.

Mum heaved a deep sigh. “You’re right. I don’t want to become a demon. But I sure hope the universe is on our side, so that the wench will rot in jail forever.”

“The universe is always on the victim’s side, so it definitely is on our side.” Dad reassured her, taking her clenched fist into his hand over the table.

“I hope so, Rocco.” She sighed.

“By the way, baby. Would you like to go on an evening stroll with me?” Mum asked, after some minutes had passed.

“Uh, sure.” I nodded. “I’d like to.”

Soon, we were out of the house and on a stroll to only where the heavens knew.

“You made a good choice with her. I mean, the woman who is after your heart. I hope you both stay together forever. I wish to properly meet her someday, and thank her for thawing my boy’s frozen heart.” Mum chuckled, reaching downward to intertwine our hands.

“She must be a really good person.” I said, to which she nodded in agreement.

“She’s the best. I’m glad your paths crossed.” Mum said before pointing toward a bench that seemed to have magically spawned out of nowhere.

“Let’s sit over there.” She muttered.

I didn’t question the bench because I knew everything in that world was an illusion, and I didn’t want to further confuse myself.

“I’m really proud of you, son. Your Nana did a great job in raising you. You turned out to be such a perfect gentleman.” Mum uttered, after we had both sat down on the bench.

“Thanks, ma.” I replied.

“One more thing before you leave, Roman.” Mum said which made my brows furrow in a frown.

“Am I leaving now?” I asked.

“Yes, you are. You can’t stay here for too long because this is not where you should be.”

“Oh. So I’m in a coma over there right?”

“Exactly.” Mum said. “Back to what I was saying, you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened to me, your father and Rachel because there was absolutely nothing you could have done to stop the accident on that day.”NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

So they had all gotten here due to a car crash.

That explained the gory image of my parents’ bloody bodies that kept floating into my mind.

“I was pregnant with Rachel and you had just clocked three some days ago when the accident happened.” She said, as if reading my mind.

“Oh.” I mumbled, not sure of what else to say.

“You need to go now. Don’t ever come here again until it’s your time, okay? Your parents and your sister are always watching over you, never forget that. I love you, Romano. Till we meet again to part no more.” Mum sobbed, pulling me into a hug.


I exhaled heavily as I flickered my eyes open.

I scanned through my surroundings, and quickly realized that I was laying on a hospital bed.

I squinted as I racked my brain, in a bid to recall how I had gotten to a hospital, but my efforts were futile because my mind was a blank sheet.

I groaned, and instantly a strange but pretty, petite woman whose eyes were as wide as saucers hovered over me.

“Roman! Oh my goodness! You are finally awake, my love!” She shrieked, and hugged me.

I gazed down at her auburn mop of hair as she squirmed against me. “Do I know you?”

“Stop trying to scare me, Roman.” She scoffed but made no attempt to get off me.

“How do you know my name?” I asked, to which she huffed.

“It’s not funny, Roman. Don’t scare me like that.” She said, tightening the hug.

“I don’t know you, woman. Why would I want to scare you?” I croaked harshly.

My throat was very dry, so I couldn’t yell.

She instantly withdrew herself from the hug and looked into my eyes. “Tell me this is a joke.”

“You are not really making any sense here. What is going on? How do you know me?” I asked.

“T-This can’t be happening, Roman. I-I’m Sofie, your Sofie.” She said, smacking her chest harshly as her eyes became misty with tears.

“I don’t know any Sofie.” I confessed, and that seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

For some weird reason, my heart broke when I saw the first teardrop roll down her face.

“Wait, why are you crying?” I inquired, confused.

She only wept harder in response.

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