The billionaire’s true love


Part 2

The rest of evening passed by without anymore insults being exchanged between me and Trent, or so I thought. However, even though I tried my best to ignore his eerie presence next to me, it didn’t stop Trent from aggravating me. When I did not talk to him, he began kicking me under the tables, and if it wasn’t for my best friend, I would’ve forgotten about any kind of decorum and would’ve slapped Trent silly.

“What the hell is your problem?” I hissed, glaring at Trent. He had been constantly kicking me under the table and I’d had enough.

“What did I do?” He asked me innocently like I was accusing him of a crime he didn’t commit.

“Stop kicking me,” I ordered, trying my best to keep my voice low. Across from me, I saw Hailey and Theodore sitting, talking like there was no one in the restaurant except them.

“I’m not kicking you. I’m just moving my leg around and your leg is in the way, shady,” he argued.

Before I respond, Theodore stood up looking nervous. Oh boy, he was going to propose now. My heart gave a nervous flutter as a saw Theodore’s face. He was acting like he was about to propose his girlfriend rather than his wife. But at the same time, I couldn’t help but smile at the fact that Theodore loved my best friend so much, he was going to propose like a normal gentleman.

If only the rest of his family members were like him. I thought as I glanced at Trent with disapproval. Why did I get the feeling that Trent was adopted? Was it because of the strange way he acted? Was it because he was more unnerving than any other of Theodore’s family members? I mean, Harry was nice, and so were the other cousins, but Trent was different; there was something strange about him, something that made him different than the others.

I cursed myself when all of a sudden I heard hoots and applause, only to realize I had missed the proposal because I was thinking about Trent. Damn him. But I managed to put a smile on my face, so Hailey wouldn’t know that I had barely paid attention to her proposal. Theodore kissed Hailey and she kissed him back like he was the first and the last guy on Earth. It was strange how she was kissing and married to the man she was initially running from. Fate worked in strange ways. I was happy to know that she was happy with Theodore; people should embrace danger once in a while.

“God, your thoughts are so loud, I bet I can hear them even in the men’s bathroom,” Trent commented, eyeing his cousin with what could only be described as brotherly love.

“Who says I’m thinking?” I snapped.

“Who says you’re not?” He shot back.

“When will this be over, I can’t wait to get away from you,” I seethed.

“And you think getting out of this dinner is going to accomplish that?” Trent enquired.

“Yes,” I answered immediately.

He shook his head. “You are more stupid than I give you credit for,” he replied.

“Do you always do this or is today a special day?” I queried bitterly.

“Do what? And today is a special day, look how happy Theodore and Hailey are,” he said.

“Make people feel like they would rather bang their heads against the wall repeatedly than talk to you,” I clarified.

“No why?” Okay, even I could tell he was feigning ignorance.

“Because that’s how I feel right now…while talking to you,” I answered with a sacchrine smile.

“You know what I think?” He started.

“Oh no, please don’t, I’m sure bad things happen when you think, so please, don’t think,” I muttered, going back to eating my dinner.

He ignored my jibe. “I think, your little brain can’t handle my level of intellect,” he stated arrogantly.

“Your level of intellect rivals that of the monkeys, so yeah you’re right, I can’t handle it,” I snapped.

“Trash talk, very nice. See, just your words are enough to tell me all I need to know about you, and you’re pretty stupid-it is nearly impossible for you to think at a higher level, it’s rather sad,” he muttered.

“You know what, I don’t need to know what you think of me. I know people like you. You people think you are superior than the rest of the human race, and you try your best to degrade and insult people just to satisfy your huge egos…I think there is a disorder for that, I don’t remember the name though,” I replied. I was really trying hard to keep my voice at a decent volume, but Trent was making it bloody difficult.

“Disorder? If you think intelligence is a disorder, then shady, I know you flunked Psychology in high school,” he retorted.

I blushed at his comment. How in the world did he know I flunked Psychology in high school? Was I that obvious? But I was right; an extremely high IQ was a sign that the person was not…well normal. At least, that was what the internet said.

“Stop calling me shady.” I changed the subject. This guy was creepy.

“Stop acting shady and I’ll stop calling you shady,” he responded.

“Why am I wasting my breath on you anyways?” I muttered to myself.

It’s because he’s right, you are stupid.

“So how did you and Hailey become friends?” Trent questioned.

“Can you tell me why you are talking to me if you think I’m so stupid? Shouldn’t you be talking to people with abnormally high level of intellect?” I queried, wishing Jose was here so I could talk to someone other than Trent.

“I like to maintain a balance in my life. If I associate with scientists and scholars then I also take time out to mingle with people like you.” Trent told me.

“People like me?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Yeah, you know, ordinary ones,” he replied.

“Ordinary?! You think I’m ordinary?!” I was fuming. Trent was perfect for those who wanted their self esteems to be buried six feet under.

“No. You are not ordinary, I don’t quite know what you are, yet. That’s why I keep telling you to stop acting shady, that way I’ll be able to get a better read on you,” he said.

“So you’re blaming me for your lousy skills at reading people, fantastic,” I mocked.

“My skills at reading people are better than you think, shady. Like I said, you failed Psychology in high school, and you really did fail,” he argued.

“No I didn’t,” I lied.

“Oh please, you can’t fool me. You blushed like a tomato after I said that, which means you are guilty,” he stated.

“Oh please, it’s hot in here,” I fibbed.

“No it isn’t. When they are guilty, females either blush or change the subject, and mind you, you did both. So yeah, my reading skills are perfect,” he stated confidently.

“You sexist pig! You wouldn’t know how females think even if your precious scholars and scientists searched for eons.” I stood up and stormed into the bathroom. This Trent guy was too much.

“Females blush when they’re guilty, ha, as if! Everybody was different!” I muttered to myself as I pushed the bathroom door open and stormed inside.

“Who the hell does he think he is?! Arrogant animal!” I continued blabbing to myself, totally unaware of the fact that there might be someone other than me in the bathroom.

“Who are you talking about?” Came a soft voice that made my heart threaten to burst free. I yelped and clutched my chest, taken completely off guard.

“Oh, April, hi, what are you doing here?” I asked breathlessly.

She gave me a funny look. “Uhh, using the bathroom,” she said like it should’ve been obvious.

“Right, of course, that’s why you’re here, right.” I really needed to stop talking.

“And you are here because you need to cool off, I presume,” she said.

“What makes you say that?” I asked in an overly chirpy tone. I was making it so obvious!

“Uhh, because it’s obvious,” she replied.

“Right.” I needed to change the subject fast. “So, are you enjoying the party?” I queried.


“Party, dinner, whatever it is, are you having fun?” I looked at my reflection to see if my face was red; usually when I was mad, I resembled an angry strawberry.

April blushed. “Yeah, everybody is really nice,” she said softly.

“And you are blushing because?” I turned on the faucet, sighing in contentment as cold water flowed over my hands and down the drain.

“You know, Psychology says it takes only one fifth of a second to fall in love,” she said.

Oh my God! What is up with people and Psychology today?!

“I didn’t know that.” I told her.

“Well, I thought it was silly, I mean, who can fall in love in one fifth of a second? But, now I think it might be true,” she confessed, blushing deeper.

“The fuck?” I raised my eyebrows, shocked at her words. “Did you fall in love already?”

“Uhh, maybe…I think so…I don’t know,” she answered.

“What do you mean you don’t know?” How could you fall in love so quickly?

“I don’t know how it feels like to be in love,” she explained.

“And who is it that you think you’ve ‘fallen in love with’?” I air quoted the last words.

April murmured something I was unable to catch before lowering her eyes, staring at the floor.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“Harry Benson.” My hand froze on the tap as her words registered. No way. That was not possible.

“You’re kidding,” I whispered.

“No, I’m not,” she responded.

“You just met him,” I pointed out.

“I know, that’s the weird part,” she agreed.

“April, you can’t love Harry…not when you’ve just met him. I mean, this is real life not a Disney movie where a girl falls in love with a prince in less than four seconds and lives happily ever after. Love takes time,” I stated.

April smiled in a way that made me think she was way older than twenty two. “You’re right, Amanda, this is real life, not a Disney movie. But I cannot agree that love takes time. Love happens in a blink of an eye and some realize it while some don’t,” she replied.

“That’s not true,” I argued.

“Really? Hailey is a perfect living, breathing example. She didn’t know she had fallen in love until after she was forced to marry Theodore.” She stepped closer to me, as if getting ready to tell me a secret. “And I think, the same thing is going to happen to you. You will fall in love in the strangest of ways, and you won’t know it until much much later. And by then, you’ll be so deeply in love with that man, you wouldn’t be able to get out no matter how much you want to.”

Her words scared me. Even though, I did not believe her, April’s words shook me deeply. It felt like April could see into the future, predicting the coming events of our lives. However, a part of me couldn’t help but believe her, and that was what scared me the most.

“That’s bullshit. For me, my career is my first and only love. I don’t and never will have time for any man,” I said with conviction.

“That’s what they all say, and they are ones who get sucked in the fastest in the quicksand that is love,” she stated matter of factly.

What was wrong with her? Why was she talking like this? I thought April was sweet and innocent, but right now, she appeared to be older and wiser beyond her years. It was like she knew all about the mysteries of love and how people reacted to it.

“Like I said, falling in love with Harry when you only just met him is impossible.” I was not going to deviate from my words just because April said some weird futuristic shit.

“Nothing is impossible when it comes to love.” I didn’t think she was going to let go of this.

“Does he like you back?” I asked instead, desperate for a change of subject.

“I think he does, but I’m not sure. The males are a strange specie; they think something else, they do something else, it’s weird,” she said.

“Are you somehow related to Trent?” I blurted out.

April frowned. “Why would I be related to Trent?” She asked.

Because you sound exactly like him.

“No reason,” I said instead.

“Right. Well, like I was saying. I think I’m in love because I’m getting these vibes.”

Yup, definitely related to him.

“You mean to say that you are reading Harry?” I tried to make sense of her words.

“Yes. Ingrid says I’m a really good judge of character. I am good at reading people,” April replied.

What is up with these guys reading people?! I mean, can’t they read regular novels and comic books?!All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“You are definitely related to Trent,” I muttered to myself.

“What did you say?” April enquired.

“Nothing,” I lied.

“Okay well, I should get back,” she said, turning to leave.

“Good luck with him,” I said.

“Harry’s a really great guy,” April said before exiting the bathroom.

“I wish I could say same about Trent,” I mumbled, before following her out of the bathroom.

When I arrived back at the table, everyone looked about ready to leave. Theodore and Hailey were talking with a bunch of Theodore’s cousins, while Harry and April were speaking in hushed voices.

“What were you doing in the bathroom?” I jumped at hearing Trent’s voice, I had not heard him come up behind me.

I turned to glare at him. “I was avoiding you,” I retorted.

“Avoiding me is not going to get you anything,” he stated.

“Excuse me? What do you mean by that?” This man was cryptic.

“Exactly what I said,” he replied.

“Whatever, I’ve had enough of you for one day. I’m leaving now.” I turned to walk towards Hailey and Theodore, wanting to say goodbye.

“Wait. You forgot your purse.” Trent held out my purse for me to take.

“Thank you.” Without another word, I strode over to where Hailey and Theodore were standing.

“Hey, I came to tell you I’m leaving, it’s getting late.” I told Hailey.

She hugged me. “All right. Thank you so much for coming, I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said, her eyes shimmering with happiness.

“Sure thing. Bye.” I turned and walked out of the restaurant.

It took me a moment to find a taxi. Once the yellow cab stopped in front of me, I sighed in relief and slid inside. I didn’t realize how much my feet hurt until I was in the confines of the car, my shoulders sagging in relief.

“Where to?” The driver asked, his voice a deep gruff, like he smoked one too many cigarettes a day.

I quickly rattled off my address, and the driver peeled out of the restaurant. I closed my eyes feeling exhausted, eager to hit the bed. My best friend had found her happiness, I just wished she stayed happy forever.

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