The Black Alder Series (Books 1-3)

Deaths for Dinner

Adonis Pov

Briana came in like she owned the fucking place, taking her side by Endymion and kissing his cheek.

My brothers, Bella, and I all growled at her.

“How the fuck did you get out of the dungeons?” I demanded. Her eyes turned to me as a smile appeared on her face.

“I’ve been gone from your dungeons for over three months now, asshole. I’ve been in North Carolina this whole time. I guess you have been so preoccupied with your missing mate, you hadn’t realized it.” She taunts.

“That doesn’t answer the fucking question,” Ares growled. I could feel his hatred for her as he spoke.

“Awe, don’t be like that baby, and to answer your question, when you locked me up, I got acquainted with a friendly vampire prisoner named James. I made him think I was in love with him. He told me he had someone working against the triplets and that I would have my revenge for killing my sister, and on that pathetic bitch you call a mate, for stealing you three away from me,” she says, and Bella growls at her.

“Typical slut behavior,” Bella growls, which makes Briana slap her in the face, causing my brothers and me to push forward, but we were still bound by the unseen chains. I saw fear go through her before a fake smile was plastered against her face.

“Anyway, to continue my story, James linked Camilla to get me out of here, which she did easily. Thank you, by the way,” she said, turning to Camilla. Camilla nodded her head at her.

“I knew I would get you back for everything, but since Endymion wanted your stupid mate, I decided to go for your dad’s. It would be stupid to kill your mother, as she would just come back to life, so your dads were my target. I kept my eyes on them. A few of my vampire spies saw your fathers headed to North Carolina to the palace, which, coincidentally, is where I was too.

A few friends I had here kept me hidden as a way of honoring my sister and their king, since they were fated mates. We took your fathers out separately with wolfsbane bullets. Not enough to kill, just sedate. Your grandfather thought it was unexpected. We sedated him just because of how much he resembles Endymion. They could be twins, for all we know. I knew Endymion would want to see him,” she says happily.

She walks in front of Ares and grabs his chin.

“What we had was special. Not only did you sabotage the love I had for you, but your family also killed my sister. So, you know what I’m thinking-a life for a life. Who should it be?” She said it mockingly. She looks at my brothers and me, and we growl at her.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you boys, as I believe Endymion will take care of that for me.” She says this and walks behind our dad and granddad.

“Let’s play a game,” she says sadistically. “We will play a game of duck, duck, goose. Whoever I land on that goose is… She raised a finger and slid it around her throat.

“You stupid bitch,” Ares growls at her. “Why I slept with you, I’ll never know. You can never hold a candle to our Bella,” he growls.

“You’re nothing,” Ash says, and I smirk at her as her eyes widen from the comments. Her expression turns to anger.

“Stupid, hunh, well, let’s see how stupid this is.” She yells and shoves her hand into our granddad’s chest, pulling out his heart.

” NOOOOO” Our dads yell, and they try even harder to get out of their chains. Their Lycans have taken over. My heart bleeds for Granddad. I know our grandmother must have felt it too. Ash is growling. Bella is in tears, and her eyes have never left Ares’s face. Ares’s face is sad, as if he knew what was going to happen. Our grandfather, Roland, is dead. Arabella Pov

I could feel life slip out of my triplet’s grandfather’s hands. I felt incredibly sorry for him and, even more, for Luna Elena. However, everything happens for a reason. At least this is what the moon goddess told me when she visited me when I fainted. I was in her realm. She told me there would be deaths, and I would have to help my mates overcome them. She told me she had always been aware of our situation and to be patient. She told me she would visit my mates, but from the three of them, it looks like she only got to Ares, as he has a knowing look on his face.

I can feel the fury rolling off of everyone around me as they try to break their chains. Endymion just laughs. I can feel the fear rolling from Briana behind me, but I can’t see her face. The growl of power that came from the triplets and their fathers has her wolf cowering in fear. Endymion comes beside me.

“It’s your turn, little wolf,” he says, looking at me. I try to stop the tears coming from me.

“Tap into your power, or the next body you see will be one of your triplets,” he threatened. I look towards my mates. I know he isn’t bluffing, but if I tap into my powers, he will be able to escape. I can’t.

“Don’t do it, Bella,” I heard Ash say through the link.

“But he will kill you,” I told them.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“We know Bella. We are prepared to give up our lives if it means keeping you safe,” Adonis says.

“He won’t kill you because he needs you to escape. You will survive this, Bella. You have to hold it together, but no matter what happens, know that we love you,” Ares says, and I nod. I will try to stay strong.

“I will try, and I love you too. All three of you are my whole reason for living.” I tell them and focus my anger on Endymion.

“I will not help you,” I told him. He walks up behind Adonis. I growled, a warning to step away from him. Endymion smirks instead and draws his hand back. More tears came to my eyes as I realized what was about to happen.

“No, please. Please don’t”. I started to beg and pant. Ares and Ash are struggling even harder. Adonis isn’t even moving. He is staring at me, as if he is taking in my full appearance for the first time, with love.

“You know what I want,” Endymion says, his hand still pulled back.

Royal, we have to do what he needs. We need to save our mate. I tried to plead with Royal.

He is my mate too, Bella, and I’ve already spoken to his wolf. As much as I don’t want this to happen, you need to let it. Remember what the moon goddess says? Things happen for a reason.

Please Royal Please I beg her, but she cuts the link.

“Nothing, hunh,” Endymion says. “Okay, then,” he says again and smashes his hand through Adonis’s chest, ripping out his heart. Adonis’ hazel eyes water as I hear him say “I love you” through the link before he falls dead. I felt his death, and the pain spread from my heart all around my body. I could hear Royal howling in my head at the loss of her mate. Ash and Adonis are at a loss. The breaking of his part of the bond hits Ares, Ash, and me as we feel it snap. Their dads are growling like crazy behind me.

“ADONIS!” I yelled, but Adonis was gone. Endymion moves behind Ash and draws his hand back.

“Round two, you know what I want,” Endymion says. My eyes focus on Ash as a new wave of panic hits me.

“No, please. “Please,” I plead, but Endymion doesn’t want to hear it.

POWERS… NOW, he demands, but Royal won’t let me channel them.

“I love you, my Arabella,” Ash says, and more tears pour from my face. Moon Goddess, please help us. I plead, but I don’t feel anything.

“Times up,” Endymion says, tears out Ash’s heart. He drops down dead.

“NOOOO!” I yelled and slumped over. A new wave of pain spread through me. Ares howls about the loss of his brother. I can feel the bond breaking further with the loss of Ash, and I know Ares spreads it too. Endymion steps behind Ares last. Beads of sweat are pouring from me as I struggle to keep my consciousness. My eyes widen in panic as he moves to strike Ares, but I can’t take it.

“Stop, please,” I pleaded. “I can’t channel them. My wolf won’t let me. Even if you kill our mates. She won’t let you. She will do whatever it takes to prevent you from leaving,” I tried to explain. I’ve lost two of my mates. I can’t lose Ares, either. Royal is standing by, doing nothing, while our mates are killed before our eyes. I look into Endymion’s eyes as I try to plead with him.

“Please. I can’t take it if he dies too. I can’t. I will try to find a way to channel my powers. Just, please. Please spare him,” I pleaded. Endymion seems to ponder what I say before he draws his hands back and smiles. He kneels in front of me and grips my tear-stained face. I feel incredibly weak from the shattered mate bonds.

“If I knew it was your wolf this whole time who held your power, I wouldn’t have blocked her,” he says with an angry look on his face. He kissed my forehead.

“Don’t worry, Beloved. I won’t kill him. You have my word,” he promised. Relief floods through me as I look into his eyes and look back to Ares, only to see Briana standing behind him.

“However, I made no promises to her,” he says, keeping his eyes trained on my face, but my focus isn’t on him. It’s on Briana.

“If I can’t have him, nobody can bitch,” she says. She takes a knife from her pocket and cuts his throat before I can even respond. Ares drops as he leaks blood from his throat, and blood gurgles, gushing out. I can’t speak. I can’t even move. The pain of him dying works his way around my body until, finally, the light fades from his blue eyes, and all is silent. The pain of my completely shattered bond between my mates and me fills my body with much more intense and overwhelming pain. I started to see black spots.

“Ares, I’m so sorry,” I whispered. Royal is whimpering in my head, but I don’t care about her. If she had only let me channel the power, I could have used it to save my mates. Instead, she let all three of our mates die. I don’t want to live anymore. The last thing I think before I pass out is that my mates are now dead, and it’s all my fault.

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