The Bratty Heiress

Chapter 8. The Nerd in the house

Really author? We’re talking about him again? I thought we could talk more about me.

Pfft… no, I’m not greedy with the limelight. I just meant that this is my book yeah? So there should be more chapters about me, obviously.

What? Hmmm… okay, I guess could tell you about that time when we just got back from the clinic.


“Luka! Come here, you too Olga!” Daddy dearest was apparently very worried, that he required both of our attendance in his home office.

Luka let me walk before him, my conclusion was either he was checking my ass out, or he was too shy to confront the great Alexei. I’m putting my money on him checking out my ass.

I smirked on the inside, while I let my hips sway just a little more seductively. I thought I heard him groaned from behind me, but then he was beside me moments later and take his seat at one of the empty chairs in front of Dad’s large wooden desk.

“Nikolai had filled me in. The shooter had been taken care of. Roman is taking care of the rest of his team. Now Olga, tell me your assessment on Luka.” Dad demanded as he sipped his coffee or malt. With his trustee black mug, no one would ever know.

“Luka?” I asked back at dad.

Luka is a fine man, handsome with a sexy smirk, tall with lean muscles and smart… yup I like my man smart.

“Seriously dad, I just had one opening session with him…” I rolled my eyes at my mob daddy.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Obviously, I need more…

What? Olga… control yourself woman!

“Obviously she will need more time with me Alexei, I am that irresistible.” He smiled smugly, teasing me, making me squint my eyes at him.

Argh!! This smart ass!

“But, I’m good to go. We got lots to do with the opening of the new Markov’s hotel. I’m sure that it’ll all be Nikolai’s responsibility. Max would probably schedule himself a double shift at the hospital.” Luka explained.

“And we could always schedule the assessment at home, I live here anyway. I could multi-task, I’m sure your beautiful princess can too.”

Oughhh you ass licking, handsome geek!!

“I would prefer to do the assessment at the office. It’ll be less of a distraction, more neutral ground.” I said trying to keep it professional.

“So, your own home is not neutral enough for you? But either way, I’m good. It’ll be a while until you can start using your office again. I’m just going to go and start on the system for the hotel now. You can come and find me whenever you’re ready.” He abruptly got up and leave with a sexy wink. Which made my blood boil with anger. He said goodbye to dad and said that he’ll see him at dinner.

That sexy geek!! I need to slap his ass hard! Wait… hmmm…

Fuck I seriously need to get laid!

That’s it, I need my black book.

“Olga? Did you hear what I just said?” Dad asked, looking a bit amused at me.

“Hmmm? No? I’m sorry dad, I’m thinking about my date for tonight.” I gave him my sweetest smile.

“Oh Olga, you seriously should stop this serial dating thing. I couldn’t even remember the name of the last guy who picked you up.” Dad scolded me.

“Yeah? Me too dad, so don’t feel bad about it! Look, I’m going to take a swim. I need to calm my nerves before my hot date tonight.”


“Hmm?” I turned back facing him.

“You’re a good kid, but you need to review your commitment issue again. I know I’m not the perfect example, but you’re still very young. And… I want grandkids.”

“Ewww, dad! Get a new midlife crisis obsession! I’m happy where I am right now.”

I finally leave him, as he was back to sipping from his black mug. And that was when I saw Luka typing on his laptop while drinking a glass of milk.

He raised his head and looked at me, then very slowly licked off his milk mustache making me groaned at him. He laughed and raised his glass at me, and drink some more.

And that people… is how your local in house nerd teases you! By licking off his milk mustache.

Damn sexy nerd!

I went to my room and decided to change into my skimpiest orange bikini. Then get my towel and parade half-naked, passing through the kitchen then straight to the pool.

I smile widely on the inside when I heard him choke on his milk while I passed him seconds ago.

“Fucking little brat!” He cursed as the milk went into the wrong pipe.

“No peeking on the CCTV Luka! I know you like to watch!” I voiced my words a little louder as I walked to the pool patio.

Many years ago I caught him when he was still a lanky teenager, hacking the CCTV on the pool area.

Ahhh… this is very nice.

The air was warm, the water looks inviting. I quickly put on my lotion then do a cannonball into the pool. My smile was wide as I parted the water, with strong strokes of my arms and powerful kicks of my legs.

I managed to do more than a couple of laps until I decided that it was time for me to go and get ready for my date.

My hot date had been asking me out since last month, but I was playing hard to get and spend an insane amount of time at players with Megan.

And last week I finally managed to break her workaholic streak and made her a new firm believer of the after-hour drink time. I was very proud of her and myself obviously. She was one of my greatest achievements in life.

Okay! Slutty dress checked! Sultry eye shadow checked! Sheer nude baby pink lipgloss checked! Sexy heels checked! To top it off, I decided to let my gorgeous hair down.

Nice Olga! Oh, wait, condoms! No excuses from his side. I quickly grab a few from my drawers, then headed downstairs when I heard the doorbell. Shit! He’s early…

“You are not seriously going out with him in that right? Where’s the other half of it, Olga?” Luka criticized as he opens the front door, looking jealous enough like he was about to burst.

Well then… we have progress.

Wait, but why?!

Mehh… I’m not even going to process that thought.

Now let me tell you about my hot date with this Jordan guy, wait… I think it was George, nope.. maybe Greg, or… ohh fuck it! I gave up. I’ll peek at my black book later.

So, I will fill you in about the disastrous date. Okay… prepare yourself… first, we went to dinner at Barney’s. It was a packed night, and he swears he had ordered our table hours before.

We were eventually seated at the far corner, with the smallest table. I was suspicious that it was a makeshift table, as they try to cater to all the people that were already there. Then our order came out wrong, the desert was even worse. Our table was mistaken with a couple who were celebrating their anniversary, and apparently, he was about to propose to his girl, then I almost choke on the diamond ring.

But wait for it… the hazardous night didn’t end there. As people started their oohs and aahs thinking that my date was going to propose. He did the gentlemanly style, where he got up and defend himself saying that the ring was too freaking small and that he wouldn’t buy the very small diamond ring for his future wife.

I just shook my head and let the event play itself, I wasn’t even trying anymore. There were too many coincidences, this is him sabotaging my date!

I freaking knew it.

And then after a grueling waiting time to settle the bill, his black card was rejected. It’s a freaking black card!

“Hold on…” I told the waiter, while my hot date was getting close to the point where his face would match a red tomato, as he was fueled by anger.

“Luka, you need to undo his card. No Luka, I know this whole night is on you. Just make this happen and let me go home in peace okay? I’m tired already.”

I could hear him growled from the other line then he hangs up. I told the waiter to try it again. Then five minutes later, I decided to go home to Megan’s.

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