The Bride Of The Billionaire

Chapter 37: Raze P.O.V and The start

Chapter 37: Raze P.O.V and The start

"Hello? Please deliver right now the order of Dela Kuma's boutique! Did Terence inform the supply department? Heck!" This is driving me crazy.

I messaged Tyron to assist my new secretary at my clothing company. Luckily, I still have Tyron, he's a persistent and very dedicated at work. He work for almost 6 years and I admired him for being that outstanding secretary as well as being a good buddy.

"Sir? Mt. Chang wants to pull out his investment for no reason!" My secretary, Venise. Secretary of my investment company. I have a four secretary but Tyron was the best, he was flexible.

"Make him regret! He only invest 1M, tell him higher. We can even give him more!" I responded, I'm so pissed.

"Sir please sign this papers!" She continue

"Hand me that! I'll leave after this but still keep on informing me" I signed the papers after the quick readings.

"Sir, a telephone call for you!"

"Who's that?"

"Mr. Ramirez"

"Okay! Connect him to line one." Hayysss!

"Mr. Ramirez? Yes?"

"How's business?"

"That's it? Well, can you taste the progress from here?" I sarcastically say.

"Kind of. Well, I call to ask you about my offer!"

"Ah! Marrying your daughter? Sorry, I'll reject your offer. Guess what, I'm busy right now. Bye!" I end the line after a sigh.

I stretch my body and yawn. I was tired preparing a proposal though there's someone who can do that for me. Darn it!

"Sir, here's your iced coffee!"

"Thanks Venise, please send this papers to finance department. Do t forget to remind me the time too" it's hard to smile. Sometimes I badly want to yet something's stopping me... the past.

I'm tired yet I can't complain too much, dad might hate me 100 times. That man! I play ICEcore's music while chilling at my swiveling chair. The telephone rang again...

"Hello? Oh?"

"Sir Mr. Buelva wants to pull out his investment!" Fuck! Is it because I refuse marrying their daughter?

"Let me handle this! I'll talk to him."

"Sure sir, I'll tell him!"

"Thanks!" Arghh! Chang! Buelva! Felix III, Arcilla! Matteo! Who else want me for their daughters? I see, Tito Andrew. Mr. Davis! Why me? I don't feel like marrying and married is not a joke.

Yeah! I'm still controlled by the past. Stopping myself to he happy as long as I can't forgive myself... I feel like I'm not able to free myself from the chain of past.

I bring my signatured papers, I'm going to leave now. I only drink half of my coffee before throwing it. Sorry dear food fairy! I'm not crazy, I swear.

I'm going to the police station after this, I need new update about who ambushed me few weeks ago. Luckily, a wicked plant live longer and I'm here, still safe... waiting for my missing piece!

A life of a businessman isn't that easy, my left foot was on my grave.

"Sir are you going to leave now?"

"Yeah! Done signing!" I said and hand her the folders.

My employees stand from cubicle and said goodbyes.

"Good bye everyone! Enjoy your meal. Tell me if the foods didn't satisfy you. Work well!" I said. I don't want them to push themselves hard every normal days. Seeing their smile make me happy too.

"Thanks sir" they answer in unison. I know what's more important, that's values than money. Money is like a flower, they may bloom today but may die tomorrow... like a balloon that may go up with the wind yet being kind to anyone and building a relationship with someone is a lifetime bound and connection. They are the true treasure.

I leave C.I.C (Coleman's investment company).

My phone rangs, it's mom.


"Son, how are you?" What they need this time?

"I'm fine mom, why?"

"I see, Sabrina will go back here after 4 days. Just to inform you!" Ah! Darn it. I don't like that girl.

"Mom, she's just a friend to me." I complain.

"I know son but your dad!"

"Yeah! Daddy hates me since then. Don't worry!"

"I love you son!"

"I love you too mom. Tell dad that I refuse about Tito Andrew's offer!"

"Son! I can't, that's not an offer. That's a pact between them two. Sorry if mom can do nothing. There's too much now on your plate and the weight on your shoulder but at least don't forget about your health."

"Mom, don't worry. I've been so strong. Are you expecting me to give up? Hell no!"

"Okay! I'm gonna hung up now. Bye son!"

"Bye mom! I love you, take care!" I said before I end the line. I directly go at the parking area, adjourning the idea of going at the police station.

I know, they call me for updates. I'm that high of myself. While driving I play a music of ICEcore int title 'Drifting' but suddenly he music was paused and replaced by my ringtone when somebody is calling, it's connected to my car.

I look at my screen, it's dad so I answer that incoming call. He will ruin my day? Hell!


"What the hell! Your mom say that you still refuse marrying Sabrina Rex Davis! Are you out of your mind? You dork!"

"Dad? I know you hate me but hitching me up with a random girls won't work!" Why he is forcing me anyway?

"I'm telling you, you'll regret this---" I mute it! I don't want to hear him. His heartbreaking words and once again insert what happened to my older brother Rance Trivian and blame me, then, it'll hit my conscience and massacre my thoughts every night. It's hunting me. It won't allow me to sleep, the memories of the past.

I arrived at Texno, greeted by everyone and who I am not to greet them back? I'm the boss but I need my employees the most, what am I without them? I'm nothing.

I'm here to polish the plan regarding the competition of our new games and the cosplay, that'll happen next few days.

"Sir, good thing that you're here!" Tyron loosen his necktie, he looks exhausted. This man deserves a reward.

"How's the preparation bro?" I ask, playing so cool. Lol!

"We need your approval about the design! Here's the new designs choices!" Then he show me a folder.

"You can take a break, I'll take care of this!" I said and tap his shoulders.

"We have to catch up, anyway, you have a meeting later with the board exactly 1pm. Meeting with Mr. Preaker after that and last is with... Yeah! Mr. Coleman, your dad!" He doubtly say.

"Dad? Business or personal? Can you cancel the last meeting?" I joked

"Eh? As if I can say no to you yet I'm scared, scared for the possible things that he can do to you. Can't you remember a thing?" He's like a brother to me, a best friend and now he's like an adviser.

"Don't worry, I got your back! I realize now that dad's just scaring me. He can't lose another handsome son, right?" I dramatically spoke.

"Well, yeah! But I have no time for a break."

"I'm giving you the time, I'm your boss! You should follow me. Right Tyron?" I'm literally scaring him... Hmmm, no! Kind of convincing him.

"O-okay! What do you want first, coffee?" He ask, hayss! What should I do to this outstanding man?

"Fine, espresso then. I'll to the designer and organizer. Just bring the coffee at the discussion room and when you get at LitDinner please tell chef Jeffrey to prepare early for lunch. I'll eat with you all here today." I commanded then he just nod and leave. I know that he won't take a break. That man!

"Good morning Mr. Coleman!"

"Hi Rushelle, are the things for the games ready? Where's Sam?" I ask and sit at the couch.

"She's with her team sir! Yes sir, the computers were set stable at room 10"

"I see, I choose black, silver and gold color motifs, just make it simple yet pleasingly stylish accordingly."

"Sure sir, I'm going to send now Vera and April to purchase the materials needed. Please excuse me!" I just nod. Holy shit! I don't want to check my office now, I know that the files there were compacted at my lovely table.

I already settle the program yesterday and assigned who's who to do the task yet everyone still looks so busy. I remember that we open the hiring for games designer and animator, we need more creative people who's capable and more suitable to the job yet for now we didn't receive any application. Are they still preparing? They made it so slow.

The day ends like previous days, it's stress free, I mean.. yeah! It lowers my stress since I love my job and my role... Like they've said if you love the things you do, it lowers your stress. I'll testify then

because that's appropriately right.

"If you still refuse, I won't transfer the properties under your name!" I felt sad for dad! I remember our conversation earlier. I guess he's blinded by wealth, he thought he can still use that method to threaten me yet it can't. I can build my own and can create my name... It's just that he is my father and I don't want him to hate me.

He forget being a human. How cruel!



I was awakened by a lovely sound yet a comforting warmth of my baby make me feel sleepy and stopping the urge of waking up!

"Cally!" I call, groping her fur. She's laying at my chest while baby Rain is now stretching her body and Raisins was still sleeping right next to me.

Holy shit! I don't want to prepare yet! I want to seize this moment.

"Alexa! Please turn off the Aircon!" My 3 babies were freezing. I hugged Cally, she loves it, imthey loves it. She's like a baby, a lovely one.

Around 5am I was forced to stand up and do my morning routine. I quickly do an exercise at my gym, have a cup of coffee, read an article then went upstairs for a shower.

"Masha?" I call my butler, she's like a mother to me. I call her Masha, the combination of mother her name, Sharn.

"Hijo, here's the new rack of your business suits." She responded, pushing the rack towards my closet.

"Masha, let me go that! Don't push yourself too hard. Ask the boys to do some hard and heavy loads!" I warned her. I once saw her carrying some heavy things, she's pushing herself too much. On her age, her bones were much fragile, I guess!

"Sus! Stop treating me like a kid. Okay?" She smile. A beautiful smile from a beautiful lady.

"Okay! I'm just a concern citizen." I replied and wink at her.

"Mash? When will the agency can send a new helper again?" I asked while fixing my hair.

"My friend told me that she'll come the day after tomorrow. Are you that excited?"

"Well, I am. I just want to help them, at least here they only have few and easy working hours. I'm my hands, everyone's safe!"

"You're really a grown man now despite of the past. The fire before is now a wildfire, isn't it?" She's smiling infront of me.

"I learn from life Masha and I'm still learning. Let's went downstairs now so we can have our breakfast together!" I incline my arms around her shoulder and we walk downstairs like a mother and son while taking about some things that I thought I couldn't answer. I miss mom.

"When will you open your heart for someone?"

"My heart isn't close Masha. I just quit playing around with girls, I can feel no more thrills on it plus I'm busy with my business."

"The right time is about to come, I feel it hijo" she said like she really knows about it. Maybe a hunch. I'm just so lucky to be surrounded by good people. About girls, the right woman will come. Some girls I know only allure me because of money. That's no good. I need someone more unique.

I feel more blessed after eating with my family, yeah! I consider all of my house workers as my family. I see love with them.

"Dad?" Why he call this early again? He may be start to brag about the arrangement with Tito Andrew's daughter, Sabrina.

"The engagement party is set." That's not a good news!

"I'm in good mood to argue with you dad!" I said formally.

"YOU.ARE.GOING.TO.MARRY.HER!!!" he yell and ended the call. I sigh, that man will scold me again later for sure, but that's better than he'll totally ignore me like I'm not his son. I rush at the garage after checking the time, it's already 7am.

On the way, I received a call...two types of call.

The first was about the business and now.

"Your death is about to come, prepare now your coffin that made out of your money." It's a man's voice, he laugh like a demon yet I'm not scared. Damn for those I threats this days. I received a lot of death threats, a letter with a blood mark, calls, a gift of a body part! Darn it! What they think of? Yet, a special force already start investigating. Sadly, they still can't get at least a single lead. Fuck that!

"Man I wanna see grim reaper! Tell him not to wear black when he'll fetch me." I coldly answer and end the call. That bastard make me laugh.

I received another call, "Yes? Denise?" She was one of my flings, what she need this time?

"Can we hangout?"

"Sorry, I'm busy!"

"Come on, why I always beg for your time?"

"No one's forcing you! I'm on the way! WHAT THE FUCK!" there's a woman on the lane! Shitting hell! She's stupid! Why she's using phone while walking? Luckily, I rushly step on the brake and the horn to warn her. "What's that ice?"

"Nevermind! I'm going to hung up now!" I said and press the red end button. What the heck! She's slamming the door now. She's yelling outside, I can't understand her though.

I open the door vigorously on purpose, she really fright me earlier. I'm not ready for another accident. If I'm not prepared and saw her she may found herself at the hospital. Unconscious!

She's now sitting at her butt like a dope because of the impact as I open the door, I'm pissed.

Conscience: apologize to her!

Fuck! No way!

I grab her hand and pull her up harshly since she seems like not planning to get up!

"What?" I snort, she's wasting my time.

"YOU! YOU ALMOST KILL ME! CAN'T YOU SEE? AND YOU open your door harshly so I smashed down!" She complained while pointing at me. She's crazy! Smashed? This girl annoys me. What's her point?

"Are you Chump?" I coldly chided. It's her fault anyway, she must be blame. She's reckless!

I scold her, she's like a lost kid searching for a mom as she realize that it was her fault.

"I hate you!" She yell and runaway! Tsk! I shook my head! She's weird.

I get in and continue driving out of that fucking highway, she cause a little traffic out there.

I arrived at Texno, everyone's busy at room 10, we use that room for events, at least has a wider space that can accommodate hundreds inside.

I just check the designing team before heading the application room. Whoo, thanks goodness, no one's waiting here yet. I'm going to check the efficiency and quality of the mobile version of the "Team riffle legend", I open my phone and start to play the game. It's an online game, it also test your capability of building your own team and the progress of your stability and can be also a good eye sharpness tester.

A little logic that can make the players obsessed with the theme, hence, I have to check and test something and to know what to improve without reading the reviews.

"Ahem!" NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.


I ignore who's calling. I'm not 'ahem' nor 'hey!' l have a name and I'm the boss! Darn it!

"Hey! You Mr. Ungentleman, I see! You're going to apply here too? In what position? Janitor? Wow! What a nice tux for a janitor!" She catch my attention. Janitor? What if I'll use her as a mop? I can do that! I glare at her.

Heck! She's the girl at the lane earlier, the Chump! Our eyes met, she's really like a kid especially when she do a peace sign and smile widely like she do nothing stupid.

I just ignore her and continue playing. I can't afford losing at my own game!

"Anyway, I'm here to apply as a games designer or animator, how about you? Ahm! Did you see the secretary of the boss?" I'm going to kill this woman. I mean her dream! She's going to apply? Well, I'm not going to accept her!

I sigh, I lose in the game, my team!

I leave her. I ignore her stupid approach.

"Bella can you tell the rude woman inside the application room to transfer at the examination room? I'll give her what she deserves!"

"Sure sir!" She leave.

I check where's Tryon and told him to facilitate the preparation for the event next day plus ai need him ASAP to find a cosplayer for Zarina then I proceed at the examination room. I found her eating chocolate... she's beautiful but she seems out of her mind.

I study her personality thoroughly by looking at her, through her single movements. She's like a delicate delicacy, looks sweet, fine, gentle and lovely, maybe I'll concur if I didn't witness her stupidity earlier.

"Eating is not allowed her!" I said, as expected, she's shocked seeing me for the 3rd time.

She asked me if I'm for the interview without knowing that I'm the boss. This woman is brave enough to apply without knowing much about the company. Tsk! I thought we're pretty famous, why this girl doesn't know who's the boss. Weird! Her expression was pretty priceless as I said that I'm the CEO. Too late to regret, I mean, it's always and always be the reproaches comes at last. A lesson to learn.

Honestly, she's beautiful yet she's like a troublesome. She's kind of funny, she even tried to joke while I'm dead serious. Let me see what she got.

"You're not qualified. Your attitude fails" her requirements are enough but in my company... we don't need someone disrespectful, inconsiderate and someone with gritty manners.

After that she starts to beg, she was so cute in any way and has a different personality yet I have to set aside the mercies.

She's beautiful, she's different, she looks nice, she looks innocent she looks-- argh!! What am I thinking?

She was pulled out by my guards.

"Damn! What's this? Raze! What the hell! HELP! You're fucking ungentleman. I hate you!" She yell. Raze? I never heard someone say my name. It's been a while. I never allow but she yell it? Why that sounds so sweet? Fuck it! I'm in my pretty delusion. Only dad call me by name and I hate it because he call my name full of grudge.

I want to laugh at her expression that made her more cuter!

I follow them, wearing my stern face and put my hands inside my pocket. She's calling for help but guards already put her inside the elevator.

I don't know but I check the monitor, I saw her sitting at the elevator's floor. She made me smile...this girl. Lorence huh! I may find you in no time! I have your personal information.

She already left, she looks sad though. I hope I can do something to gratify and do her a favor.

"You're smiling! I rarely see that!" It's Tyron who's bringing a cup of coffee.

Whooo~ even a swooshy of a fresh ground of coffee hits my nose then, suddenly, I remember her.

Darn it, is she a drug?

"Sir! Here's the proposal from Subisoft Entertainment"

"Thanks! I'll check that later." I replied.

I'm just roaming around, have a small talk with the employees regarding their work and to follow up some things that on the priority list.

I gave my whole time at Texno though I still receive some important calls from my other companies. I'll check them tomorrow or after the event. I can't chop myself but at least just manage my time.

The clothing industry was my fathers business, I'm the CEO, yes! He want me to be hooked by his friends daughter. As always, Sabrina. Darn it! I want to give up holding that business and to free myself from his unreasonable rules yet he might despise me for eternity. Lol!

I was tired and early this morning something pushes me to check the CCTV monitor so I went there after I prepare myself to work.

The agency sent already their helper? Hmm! My heart beats fast as I see the woman standing in front the gate, it was the girl yesterday.

Masha assisted her and they left already riding the golf cart. I call Masha, she wear earpiece most of the time so she'll hear me.

"Masha! Let her stay at the guest room near the quarters" I said, they're talking. I'm still checking the monitor, Masha tour him around. After a while I go out.

"Good morning señorito" Erika and other girls greeted me. I feel some thrills after seeing the woman. She looks anxious and agitated. What's wrong Lorence?

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