The CEO’S Orphan Wife

Understanding wife

Having known Maureen, it appears she intentionally did this. She knew I would notice, so she did it to make me anxious. I made my way to the bedroom while my father-in-law and husband carried on their conversation in the study room.

I tried to calm my thoughts. Someday, Maureen, you’ll have your turn.

In the quiet early hours of the morning, Ivan quietly stepped into the room. The gentle hum of water in the bathroom indicated that he was taking a soothing shower. However, I quickly drifted back to sleep, even though I felt him lying beside me on the bed and embracing me, all fresh from the shower.

I shifted towards him and returned the embrace.

“Go to sleep,” I whispered.

His hand gently slid inside my shirt. “Are you going to ignore me?”

I forced one of my eyes to open. “I’m on my period.”

He reasoned, “That’s alright. We can go to the bathroom, so it won’t stain.”

My eyes widened, and he burst into laughter.

“That’s gross! Just wait for a few days. It’ll pass soon. If you can’t wait a few days, don’t worry, tomorrow night, I’ll help you find relief.”

His laughter was so infectious that it shook his body, dispelling my drowsiness. I playfully slapped his arm.

“Get some rest. You’re tired, aren’t you?”

“My wife can be quite grumpy,” he said with a smile.

I wrapped my arms around him tightly. He appeared fatigued, and the night was growing late. There was no doubt he would rise early the next day to attend to the urgent matters at his workplace.

“I love you, Ivan. I love you so much,” I whispered.

He tenderly caressed my arm. I smiled and closed my eyes, drifting back to sleep, momentarily putting Maureen’s actions out of my mind.

Ivan and I woke up and showered together, although I didn’t yield to his advances. While we did share some make-outs, we were unable to linger in the shower, mindful of my in-laws’ presence, eagerly awaiting us at the breakfast table.

“Don’t worry, once we’re done, I’ll take care of you myself,” Ivan said with a playful grin.

We both shared a laugh, which drew the attention of my in-laws already seated at the table.

“What a delightful way for this couple to start the day,” his mother commented.

I smiled, took my seat, and began serving food on my plate. His family fell into a hushed silence, which contrasted with the serious conversation they had been engaged in before we arrived.

As we concluded our meal, my mother-in-law was the first to break the silence.

“What was Maureen up to yesterday at the hospital and the site?” Mom’s expression was stern, her attempt to conceal her anger evident as we sat around the dining table.

Ivan stopped chewing and directed his attention toward me. I took a sip of coffee, and as I set the cup down on the table, I realized that everyone’s gaze was now fixed on me.

I offered a smile before shifting my gaze to my husband, who was studying me intently.

“I saw it on the news,” I admitted. There was no point in denying it. I believed it would be wiser for him to know that I was aware, as it would illustrate the extent of trust I had in him.

He gently clasped my hand. “She was with her dad. I, too, was surprised by their presence; I hadn’t expected them to be there. I only found out yesterday, and I vaguely remembered that her dad had invested in that project.”

My father-in-law massaged his temples. It appeared that he had also forgotten that Ivan had lost some of his memories.

“I’m sorry, son. I’m sorry too, Myla.”

“It’s alright, Dad.”

I will place my trust in Ivan, despite his memory loss, even if his memories favored Maureen as the one he loves. I have confidence that he wouldn’t easily engage in anything that might jeopardize our relationship or the trust of his family.

As we interlocked our fingers, Ivan offered a reassuring squeeze. Though he didn’t speak, I could sense his silent encouragement to place my trust in him, knowing he wouldn’t make choices that could endanger our family.

Today, Ivan didn’t go to their company; he took a brief rest to avoid excessive stress. His elder brother and father are handling things for the time being, while my husband planned to return to work next week.

It’s just the two of us at home all day. Maureen has repeatedly called the landline, causing the maid to shuttle up and down to convey the messages.

Ivan refuses to answer any of the calls. Although I’m becoming irritated and would like him to answer to put an end to Maureen’s behavior, I respect his decision. He’s occupied with reviewing the company’s sales from last month.

“It’s giving me a headache,” he grumbled.

“Your head must be really hurting,” I said as I moved closer to massage his head.

“It feels so good,” he grunted. “How did I get so lucky?”

I let out a light laugh and teasingly squeezed his nose. I blushed, feeling somewhat pleased by his comments.


We had a wonderful weekend. Miraculously, the issue was resolved. The family of the deceased civilian agreed to a settlement, and my father-in-law provided them with sufficient compensation to make amends. We are well aware that no amount can equate to a person’s life, but I believe that it can significantly impact the victim’s family.

Monday arrived before we knew it, and Ivan is returning to work. My mother-in-law reminded him not to push himself too hard and wanted to arrange for a private nurse to accompany him, but Ivan declined.

“Mom, I’m no longer a child.”

“We’re just concerned about your well-being.”

We exchanged smiles.

“Bye, love. Take care on your way.”

I’m also heading out today. I have a meeting with someone regarding the small business venture I’ve entered into.

My boss called last night, but I held off on specifying a definite return date. I’m contemplating the possibility of launching my own business or exploring opportunities with other companies. I haven’t broached this topic with Ivan, and he hasn’t shown any curiosity about it. It seems as though he has overlooked the fact that I have a job.


It was one in the afternoon when my meeting concluded. It felt too early to head home; moreover, I suddenly missed Ivan, so I decided to visit him at his office.

Before heading there, I ordered some takeout food.

Reaching the seventeenth floor, his secretary was visibly surprised to see me. I offered a friendly smile. The last time I had seen her was when she had escorted me out, following her boss’s orders.

“Hi, good afternoon…” I handed her a paper bag.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“For you…”

I couldn’t help but notice that the door to Ivan’s office was slightly ajar, and I could hear both Ivan’s and a woman’s voices.

Approaching cautiously, I peered through the small opening.

“Ivan, please remember me.”

“Didn’t you claim that your heart still holds me, that you love me? You love me deeply. If it weren’t for Myla, we wouldn’t be in this situation. But you made a promise, you assured me that after a year, you’d file for an annulment. You’d bring me back! We never parted ways. We never missed a conversation. Every day, we maintained our connection. Exchanging texts and even engaging in video calls.”

Maureen wept, her desperation evident.

“Don’t you remember? We even had phone sex.”


I was taken aback, utterly shocked. I felt repulsed, and a mix of anger and hurt surged within me.

“We masturbated together!”

I clenched my fists.

“Maureen, please, stop! I’m sorry. But please, stop…” Ivan rubbed his forehead. “I recall our time together. I remember you were my girlfriend, but…”

“But what? Just because you can’t remember, does that make it easy for you to cast me aside? Ivan, please!”

“What happened to our promise of being together until the end? You married her simply to appease your family and avoid their anger. You didn’t want to disappoint your parents, but what about me? I understood your wishes, I understood for a year. I hope you can understand me now too…”

“I married her, Maureen. Please, don’t make this situation harder for me…”

I couldn’t bear to listen any longer. I couldn’t bear to hear their conversation, but I couldn’t simply leave. Ivan might find himself in trouble. His headaches might worsen because of what Maureen was saying. She was pressuring him to remember.

I returned to his secretary’s desk.

“Could you please call Ivan on the line and let him know I’m here?” I smiled warmly. She looked at me with confusion before pushing the button to connect to Ivan’s line.

“Sir, Ma’am Myla is here.”

I heard Ivan’s gasp. I smiled, knowing he cared. He was anxious that I had arrived here and would encounter Maureen in his office.

He cleared his throat. “P-Please… let her c-come in.”

I took a deep breath before stepping into his private office. Maureen was sitting in front of his desk, giving me a hostile look. She appeared determined to stay, even though Ivan was pleading with her to leave.

“Hi, love…”

Ivan smiled and stood up to greet me. My smile widened, a dream I had only dared to imagine-freely hugging and caressing him anywhere.

I couldn’t even set foot on this floor before. I was banned from it.

“What are you doing here?” Although his tone was sweet, there was a hint of concern in his voice.

“I was on my way home when I happened to pass by your favorite restaurant. So, I thought of getting some food for you and bringing it here.”

He kissed my cheek.

“Oh… You have a visitor, I see.” I pretended to be surprised, causing Maureen to roll her eyes.

“Yeah. She came here for the project, but she’s leaving. Thank you, Miss Garlan, for coming.”

“I can’t believe you, Ivan!” The woman gritted her teeth.

I locked eyes with her and said, “You should know your way out, Miss. And, by the way, I’d like to remind you about Ivan’s condition. Your presence and pressuring him might lead to a permanent memory loss.”

Her confidence grew.

“While he can’t remember some parts of his past, and as he values our marriage, I’ll act as his loving wife. And as his wife, I don’t welcome bitches and mistresses. You better leave now, Miss, or I’ll have security escort you out of this building.”

“Maureen…” Ivan pleaded.

“Okay…” With reluctance, Maureen walked out.

When Ivan and I were alone, he apologized to me.

“I’m sorry…”

“Why are you apologizing?”

“Because you found Maureen here.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Was I too early?” It was meant as a joke, but Ivan turned pale. I laughed and hugged him.

“Come on, let’s go eat. Maybe you didn’t have a proper lunch.”

“I had a little, despite signing too many documents.”

“Perfect, I brought your favorite. You’ll get full.”

“Thanks, love.”

“You’re welcome, my husband.”


“I’ll grab a taxi to go home,” I muttered after we had finished eating.

“Don’t you have any other plans? Are you heading home so soon?”

“Yup. Why?”

“Why don’t you stay here for a bit? We can go home together later. I was thinking of taking you with me to where I’m headed. One of my friends called, and we’re meeting up later tonight. I’d like to bring you along.”

“You’ll take me with you?”

“Yes, wouldn’t you like that?”

“I want to!”

I was concerned that if I allowed him to go alone, Maureen might interfere once more. I had to stay one step ahead of that woman, even though she was the one Ivan loved. Now that he had acknowledged my rights as his wife, I should make the most of it.

I settled on the single sofa to the side to avoid distracting Ivan while he worked. I noticed his occasional forehead-rubbing, his lost expression, and the sighs that followed. A hunch began to form within me; perhaps he was pondering what Maureen had disclosed earlier. What if his memories were slowly returning?

What about me?

I cleared my throat. “Would you like some water?”

Ivan turned toward me, his smile warm. “Yes, please.”

I fetched a bottled water from the small fridge next to the cabinet and passed it to him.

“Are you okay?”

“I-I don’t know…” He gazed at me, his expression filled with concern.

It was as if my heart was being squeezed. Please, God. If his memories are returning, please grant me a little more time with him. I want to be with him, even if it’s just for a little while.


I felt tears welling up my eyes, so I averted my gaze and regained my composure.

“Maybe you were just swamped with work. Can’t you postpone some of the paperwork for later?”

He nodded and put his hand on my waist, gently pulling me down to sit on his lap.


He enveloped me from behind, holding me tightly. “I just need some time to recharge.”

I sat in silence and allowed him to embrace me.

“Just give me a moment.” He tightened his hold around me.

The ache in my chest gradually subsided.

“I love you, Ivan.”

He let out a deep sigh and nuzzled his face against my back while his fingers intertwined with mine.


“Yes, love?”

“Uhm, never mind…”

I didn’t press for more. He simply said, “never mind,” but I sensed that there was something he wanted to share, yet he was unsure of how to broach the subject with me. Perhaps he was concerned about the potential pain it might cause me, given his current state of mind.

Even though it hadn’t happened, I was already feeling the ache. Why did it seem to be unfolding so swiftly?

Then I recollected the promise I had made to him after his accident.

“I love you so much, Ivan. I will always be your understanding wife.”

“Thank you, love…”

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