The Claiming By Cooper

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 47 (Magdalena)

Caleb and I stayed up talking the whole night. Okay, we may have done more than talk, but we did a lot of talking, too. Unlike Evie and Jaxon, we didn’t run a race together and do nothing but talk for over 24 hours. We’re starting at a bit of a different place.

But I do know one thing. This man is my mate. After spending one night with him, I have a much better understanding of why Evie was willing to leave her home, her family and her pack for Jaxon. Caleb and I may not be 18 yet, but the bond is there and it’s already very strong.

Caleb and I agreed that we like the idea of training together for the contest. Just like Evie and Jaxon are doing. They support each other, being there for each other and it also gives them time to get to know each other. That’s what I want with Caleb. Time. Now, I just have to convince my parents.

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Caleb sneaks out of my bedroom, after sneaking a few more kisses. So, by the time that Evie comes back, I’m showered and ready to face the day. “Okay, I have an idea,” she says by way of greeting.

“Good, because I don’t, other than I have no intention of walking away from Caleb for six months,” I tell her.

“The bond is strong, isn’t it?” Evie asks, smiling.

“Crazy strong. I supported you before, but I totally get it now.”

“I think we need to get mom on our side. If she won’t listen to us, then we won’t get dad on our side. If she does, there’s no way he’ll go against mom. Or at least, he won’t last long.”

“Caleb wants to be there too. He wants mom and dad to know that he’s serious.”

“Is he coming back here, or what’s the plan?”

“I’m meeting him at breakfast,” I tell her.

“We should get Al involved too. I know mom saw it, but I don’t think Al really said anything to either of them.”

“Teagan may be nearly 18, but he’s still got a year to go. It’s not like he can leave the pack, but I’m sure he’d prefer it if he could spend more time with Teagan.”

“Let’s see if he’s willing to sit down with us and Mom. I really think that’s our best option,” Evie says.

We head down to breakfast and Caleb and Jaxon come to sit with us. I see my father eyeing first Jaxon, then narrowing his eyes at Caleb. Evie calls Alejandro over and we talk about our plan to approach our mother after breakfast.

“If my parents were still running our pack, I know it wouldn’t be an issue for you to come stay with us, but Griffin just took over and I don’t think he wants to cause any problems this early in his leadership,” Caleb says.

“I understand that. I had the same feeling about Jordan, although Jordan didn’t care. She supports me and Evie. Who knows, Griffin may too.”

“Let’s see what your mother says first. Going six months without seeing you doesn’t feel like it will be possible,” Caleb says to me, taking my hand under the table.

“I agree,” I say shyly.

“Okay then, we all agree?” Evie asks. “What are we agreeing to?” Teagan asks, and Al makes room for her to sit beside him.

We go over the plan and she looks at Al. “We’re you going to ask me to join?”

He looks a bit sheepish. “Did you want to?” This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“It impacts us too, Al. Unless you’re not as sure about this as I am,” Teagan scolds him.

“I’m positive. I know what I feel,” he tells her.

“Good. I do too.” She turns to the table. “I’m in. And if we need one more, I happen to know that Giovanni told

Harper last night that he’s her mate. He’ s not 18 yet either, but Harper is already trying to figure out how to drop out of the contest since she’s mated to an Alpha heir,” Teagan says.

“When did that happen?” Caleb asks protectively.

Teagan gives him a mischievous smile. “Probably while you were s*ucking face with Magdalena.”

Evie snorts but I know I blush from my toes to my hairline.

“I make no apologies for kissing my mate,” Caleb says, smiling at me. His thumb strokes over the back of my hand.

“I’d be disappointed in you if you did,” Jaxon says, looking at my sister with a look I know well, having seen it on Caleb’s face when he looks at me. “Dad’s leaving, now’s our chance to grab mom,” Evie says.

“Are you ready?” I ask Caleb.

“As I’ll ever be,” he says.

The group of us stand, turning as one and walking toward our mother. When she sees us coming, she stops, her eyebrow raising in a way that makes her royal lineage obvious.

“Mother, we need to talk,” Evie begins.

Our mother gives us a calculating look before turning to Jaxon.

“It looks as though we need some privacy, Alpha Jaxon. Do you know if there is a room that we could use?”

“Yes Luna. Right this way,” he says and guides us to a room off the dining room.

Once we’re all seated inside with the door closed, Evangeline begins. “Mother, you know that Jaxon and I have identified each other as mates.”

She looks between Jaxon and Evie. “Yes.”

“Let’s call us, Exhibit A.”

She turns to Alejandro and Teagan.

“Next, I give you Exhibit B. Alejandro and Teagan who also identify as mates.”

My mother turns to look at them. “Is this true?”

“Yes, even though I’m not yet 17, and Teagan is not yet 18, we can both feel it mother,” Alejandro says.

“And honestly, Luna, I’ve been considering quitting the contest for that reason. Part of me wants to continue, just to see how I do,” she says, making Al smile at her. “But what would be the point? I’m mated to your son, and he will become the next Alpha of your pack. It wouldn’t be fair for me to continue in the contest knowing that.”

I can see that this conversation, more than anything Evie has told her is impacting my mother. Not because it’s my brother, but because Teagan feels strongly enough about their mate bond to quit the contest knowing that he’s still a year away from truly being able to recognize her as his mate.

My mother looks deep in thought. “And finally, I give you Exhibit C,” Evie says, causing my mother to refocus on the conversation. “Maggie and Caleb.”

“You two as well?” my mother says, shocked.

“Yes, I felt it a bit at the race, but I didn’t have time to find Caleb,” I tell her. “I felt it as well. I was hoping to find Maggie on the last day, but you were gone,” Caleb says to my mother but he’ s looking at me.

“But then, yesterday….well, it was impossible not to know that Caleb is mine,” I say and watch a huge smile spread across his face.

“And you are mine,” he says, pulling my hand to his m*outh, kissing it slowly and making me blush brightly again. That only makes him smile more.

My mother huffs, scrubbing her hands over her face.

“Mother, you and Dad need to get on board with the fact that we can feel our mate bonds. Even though we’re not 18, we feel them and feel them strongly. You would never let anything come between you and dad. I won’t let anything or anyone come between me and Jaxon. I’m guessing Al and Maggie feel the same way about their mates. So, either you two recognize that we want and need to spend time with our mates, or this family is going to break apart very quickly,” Evie tells her.

My mother looks around the table at all of us before sighing. “I’ll talk to your father.”

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