The Claiming By Cooper

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 182

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 182

The Claiming by Cooper Book 3

Layan’s Return by Cooper (Jara & Mason)

Chapter 26


It’s been nearly a week, and no one has found Katerina yet, much less claimed her. I take a moment, a very brief moment, to appreciate how good she is at evasion. When the shot rang out that we could enter the territory, the Alphas had all headed to the cave.

Title of the document

I had moved slower than Davis and Quinton. I knew she’d been there, but I wanted to try to catch her scent somewhere else, possibly get to her more quickly. What I realized almost

immediately is that her scent was amazingly absent from the claiming territory. When I’d gotten to the lake, I had caught a scent trail. It was short and led to the lake in one direction and in the other, it just stopped. I looked around before looking up. I walked closer to the tree, lifting my nose and just catching the scent of creme brulee.

I stood under the tree then walked the 20 long steps to where her scent began. She had literally leaped off the damn tree, leaving as small of a scent trail as possible. It was at that moment that I realized, this was going to be harder than I had realized. Jara’s hunt was difficult because she’d left so many scent trails, all of them leading to dead-ends. However, Katerina was leaving us nothing.

I had moved the rest of the way down the edge of the lake, not getting another whiff of her scent until I reached the cliff face. I got down on all fours, sniffing the ground and finding the spot where she had exited the water.

Then I began sniffing the area around the cliff face. When I didn’t find another scent, I knew she had jumped from the top of the cliff into another tree. Now I just have to figure out which one, so I know which direction to go to follow her.

I follow her scent to the top of the cliff and enter the cave. Here, her scent is strong.

“She added to the wall of Lunas.” Davis said, pointing at the wall that the females had started writing on last year. Sure enough, she had signed the wall.

‘A better future for all.’ That’s exactly the kind of thing a Luna would say.

I wait until Quinton and Davis left before searching around the cave. I noticed she left enough firewood for both McKenna and Layan. Another thing a Luna would do. Look after the others around her. I really need to catch this woman. If I hadn’t already been extremely attracted to her, I would still want her, knowing she’ll make one hell of a good Luna.

Now, nearly a week later, my frustration is at its peak. I’ve run into Quinton and Davis over the week, along with the others in the claiming. No one has seen her, the little minx. I’ve hunted her in both my human and wolf forms, but I still can’t find her. I’m beginning to wonder if she’s not part cat, she’s so damn stealthy. Some of her claimants said they tried to climb a tree to find her and ended up falling when the branch they were standing on broke.

Periodically, I catch her scent. Usually it’s on the breeze, but sometimes, like right now, there is no breeze. I lift up my nose and take a deep breath. It’s there, very subtly, but it’s there. Creme brulee.

I’m near the back of the territory by the creek. I look around but down here on the ground, I can’t see much. I walk around the cliff face until I see an area that looks like I can climb up. I may not be able to climb a tree and leap through the branches like she’s obviously doing, but if I can get to the top of the cliff, maybe I can at least spot her.

When I get to the top, I see a watering hole and what looks like a makeshift cup sitting beside it. Suddenly, I’m overwhelmed by her scent. She’s been hiding up here the entire time. I look around, making sure she’s not here, before turning and looking out into the trees.

I don’t immediately see her, but I realize that from here, she’s got a bird’s-eye view of the hunt going on below her. Since this seems to be where she’s been staying, I tuck myself back into the shadows, crouching down to remain hidden. I only have one more night to catch her. If she doesn’t return here tonight, I’ll get up early and head back to the entrance to try and catch her as she races out of the territory.

It’s well into the night before she returns. I’ve been sitting in the same position for a long time and my feet and knees are cramped and tired. However, the moment I hear the soft thud of feet hitting the top of the cliff, all of that falls away and I know I’ve got her.

I quietly turn my head to watch as she sniffs the air before deciding that it’s safe. When she heads over to the watering hole, I sneak up behind her.

“You gave me a good run.”

She yelps, standing quicky and turning toward me.

“Alpha Luke.” Even in the darkness, I can see her eyes are wide.

“Katerina.” I say, taking a step toward her. I see her eyes ping behind me. I’m blocking her path to the trees. There’s nowhere for her, to go.

I shake my head at her. “You’re not getting past me, beautiful. I’ve caught you, fair and square.”

“How? How did you find me?” She asks, almost in a pout.

“I’m an Alpha. Every determined Alpha who knows what he wants. And what I want, is you.”

I watch as her body shivers at my statement. Oh yes, she will make me one hell of a Luna and an amazing mate.

“Do want to know something, Alpha, before you claim what your have rightfully caught?” She asks in a purring voice.

I take another step toward her. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“What’s that?” I ask her, taking the last step and closing the distance between us.

She rests her hand on my chest, looking up at me, her eyes shining in the moonlight.

“I was hoping it would be you.” She says and leans head to the side, giving me access to marking spot.

I lean down, her body tenses, anticipating my canines in her neck. Instead, I lick the area, softening it so it will hurt less. “You’ll be unconscious after this.” I whisper in her ear, my breath blowing across her throat. Her body’s shivering response is everything I’d hoped for.

“I trust you to get me back safely.”

“Count on it. You’re mine now, Katerina. I will always protect you.”

I wrap my arms around her and slowly sink my canines into her neck. At first, she hisses with the pain, then, just before she blacks out, I hear her whisper my name.

I hold her to me a moment longer, milking my venom into her neck before pulling out my canines and lifting my head to the sky, howling my conquest over this incredible woman.

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